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  1. I can remember when costume codes like this were given out for free in competitions...

    Heck that's how I got my two Carnie costumes and my Coralax costume.

    No sodding way I'd have paid the asking price for this. Really quite sad to see Paragon Studios charging ridiculous amounts for what was once given away free.
  2. Pope hat, want Pope hat, ooh whats that over there, oh look out, it's the pope hat.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    It takes a man's man to be able to fish with a spear. Don't know if most modern timey folks could do it.
    Nah we just use grenades instead.
  4. Well Sam, that's just it...we DO have degrees of villainy now.

    The Power path starts out Rogue and slowly tails more and more into just outright viscious villainy by the end of it, it's clear you're not a good person or even a guy with ethics. The very end of the arc, you're pretty much a bonfide villain. Sure you're ultimate goal isn't to kill everyone on the planet inadvertantly (like the Crusader arcs are), so you're not axe-crazy sonofagun, you're more...well, as you put it, self interested well beyond what most people would be.
  5. Hmm...still consider it less villainous than your standard Crusader arc. Sure it's a villainous thing to do but...eh...don't quite get the vibe off of it, it's still pretty much just self serving, villainous would be to have them attack the lab just to cause chaos to steal something from the base then blow up the lab anyway because...well, you're a villain, that's what you do.

    I know that's a pretty narrow interuptation of villain but...well..suck it, all I'm saying.
  6. Hmm Power arc still has you helping people, purely for your own ends but you're still helping people...infact you kind of HAVE to look like a good guy otherwise your new found popularity among the massess would dwindle. So I'd definitely say Power is Rogue, it's self interested evil at most (which is what a Rogue is, willing to help, for a price and usually has to stick to a limited code of ethics).

    Towards the end it tails into the villainous path though...so I will give that.

    Crusader is flat out villainous though, thats axe-crazy level of villainy.

    Warden is pretty heroic but a grey area as Responsibility so..vigilante for both personally, since they both do what needs to get done, reluctantly, even if it means losing some innocent lives, they'll get the 'bad guy' they're after.
  7. I will say that the taskforces you've seen, namely anything except Positron 1 and 2, was designed under the old vision of how a taskforce was meant to be run...as in you were suppose to run it over the period of several days with the same group and not all in one hit.

    It was a stupid design choice, very stupid, the player base has always run them all in one hit and its only once the man who made that stupid design choice left have they started to provide shorter, more fun, taskforces. So don't judge taskforces purely on the hero ones (Synapse, Citadel and Dr Q are the freaking WORST taskforces in the entire game and you'll find few players who disagree). At around level 35 they do tend to pick up with the Katie Hannon Taskforce (short but challenging) and the Imperious Taskforce (the most popular of all the taskforces).

    I still think my crowning achievement is completing a Dr Q taskforce in under 5 hours (before Incarnates came along) and thats a taskforce that can regularly take an 8 hour session of player to complete.

    There are global chat channels. What server are you on? If you're on Union I recommend joining Union Chat and Sals badgehunters. On Virtue I used Virtue LFG Beta and Virtue Taskforce 2010 channels but that's exclusively for taskforcing.

    I'm sure people from other servers can recommend a good chatty channel for you to join and walk you through it step by step.

    Glad you're enjoying the game, always nice to hear how new people view the game.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
    I think a good chunk of the original story arcs blueside need at least a revamp.

    Ubelmann the Unknown I remember being especially boring outside of the souvenir at the end.
    One thing I'd like to see is Ubelmann the Unknown and all the originally 5th Column focused arcs to be switched BACK to being 5th Column.

    Ubelmann just doesn't work right with Council as the main enemy.
  9. I'm now tempted to get Friggin Taser to play my one and only AE arc just to see what he thinks of it...but considering it was made when the AE came out, it's probably borked by now, may have even deleted it (sadface).
  10. Well there was a reason why the Boxing set was the last 'complete set' that was available with Vet rewards, people kicked up enough of a fuss having to wait that long just to get a pair of boxing gloves.

    From what I can gather the devs collectively decided that it wasn't worth the hastle to deal with the baying for their blood if they released another costume set as a vet reward. Notice that up until now the only other costume piece past that were the non-customisable Arachnos pre-order helmets.

    Also keep in mind that the Tier 9 system was designed around getting all your tokens up front, as in, you pay for a year subscription and get 12 tokens upfront which is enough to usually move up 2 tiers. This is meant to encourage subscribing for long periods of time.

    However, there's a problem they discovered just before they went live with the Paragon Market. They couldn't make the system give you all your tokens upfront, meaning that not only was the idea of making the Celestial set on a 'rotation' entirely redundant (since people couldn't just subscribe for longer and get more tokens) since if it rotated once every 3 months with 4 other tier 9 rewards (which I think was their plan, to have a rotating system of subsciber VIP rewards), it's not giving people long enough to earn the tokens in a reasonable time frame.
  11. My namesake is actually more your classical, 'rule the world with SCIENCE!' kind of guy. However he's content to simply run his highly illegal genetic engineering company out of the isles. He has the means to produce a large number of super powered beings under his control effectively.

    He has quick growth cloning vats that can and are programmed to make the 'products' they produce loyal to the company, their owner and then themselves. He can alter they very fabric of a human being itself to utilize any power that is caused by mutation (he can't mimic powers of a purely magical nature) or have his team of R&D mad scientists work on something.

    Heck one of them actually HAS worked on a miniature Black Hole gun which has been officially declared not to be used within several thousand light years of earth incase it goes out of control and becomes a fully fledged Black Hole.

    He has his own portal technology (explaining how he can leap from the Union server to the Virtue server with 'dimensional scaling' in effect), he could find an army of himself, have all his alternate selves work together and make an attempt to rule the multiverse and bring it to scientific order under his unflinching manaical grasp.

    There's just a couple of things stopping him.

    First while his cloning tech is nigh perfect, it's incredibly expensive to run and as such is used only for high profile 'orders' (usually from lonely but very rich businessmen OR from super villains with the wealth available to pay for a 'made to order' super powered, supremely loyal bodyguard).

    His mad science tech...well...it's mad science, he doesn't like being conventional, he recently threatened a group of heroes with a hand cranked, enviromentally friendly death ray....which took about half an hour of winding before it could get upto speed for a single shot.

    He is also easily distracted, like most mad scientists, he'll work on something and probably ditch it halfway though the build or turn it into something else.

    Before he made big money selling loyal super powered bodyguard to the rich and infamous, his primary income was the Walkie-Talkie toaster, for toast (and other bread based products) on the go!

    Lastly...no bugger wants to work with him, heroes hate him and so do villains, he has a habit of being completely unreliable to work with when planning big villainous schemes, not to mention he's screwed over the three biggest RP villain groups on Union because he wanted to 'teach them a lesson on being complacent'.

    So he does have the capacity to turn into a multiverse conquering villain, it's just he doesn't really want to...or couldn't focus long enough to actually achieve it.

    Hell a cybernetically enhanced Shivan (the original green gooey kind, not the new kind) in a tie is the vice president of his company. The dude is THAT insane.
  12. I quite like that Rory simply has nothing left to fear since, when you look at it, the main big fears he should have, he's already lived through.


    He lost his child this season and just the last episode he lost his wife, he's lived through losing both the things he holds dear to him, so what left is there for a man to fear who has lived over 2,000 years ontop of the stuff above. So he has no faith in God, he has no faith in the Doctor (especially after last episode), he only has faith in one thing, himself.

    Wow Rory is all kind of awesome.
  13. That's another point.

    Dead Snow and Outpost, those zombies are flat out near unkillable...they're less Zombies and more 'vengeful spirits which cannot be stopped'. I swear in both those movies it shows them taking bullet after bullet, even directly to the head and they keep on walking.

    Heck, even an explosion failed to kill the 'zombies' in Dead Snow IIRC.

    Now modern actual Zombies, you've got a lot to choose from, the Infected of L4D or Dead Island or from Zombie mode of the Call of Duty series for a slightly closer to actual zombified Nazis rather than the vengeful spirits of Outpost or Dead Snow. The rage virus infected of 28 Days/Weeks later.

    There's just so many variations on both Zombies and Vampires, which do you choose to pit against which?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Nowhere is this made more evident than when both arcs tell the player to go learn about trainers, when you must have trained at least four times to get the arc. The hell?
    You know I never even noticed that...I suppose nipping to the trainer is just a normal thing you do when you're a vet...but...yeah that is kind of silly. I'll give you that point certainly.

    The hero arc, so far, is enjoyable. Unlike Venture (who I personally find is a bit up himself when it comes to these things), I've got a larger tolerance for such things (heck the guy hates the D-Mac story arc...I mean..come on!) but the villain one...ouch.

    To be fair I'd have to play it for myself in order to see how bad it is before passing judgement, it's not fair for me to do so otherwise.
  15. Now normally these kind of things are reserved for complaining about a bad film or film that just missed the mark.

    This time it's different, this time I watched a movie I expected to be 'meh' about at most, the usual brainless schlock affair that Dwayne Johnson stars in but...

    ...I actually really enjoyed the movie, a lot more than I thought I would. The setup and the storyline is perhaps one of the oldest there is, the quest for revenge but it was surprisingly well told. It wasn't the action schlock I thought it was going to be, infact the one fight scene in the movie is remarkably short and remarkably brutal, the violence is never really glorified.

    So hats off to you Tony and Joe Gayton, your script rose well above what I expected and congradulations to you too George Tillman Jr, the movie was very well directed.

    Much like my other surprise hit of last year (Splinter), it stems from the fact that every single character in it is human, they're not stereotypes but quite broad characters that have a backstory usually just hinted at rather than spelled out.

    Watching this after watching Fast and Furious 5, which IS enjoyable but brainless, Faster took me by surprise.

    Now it didn't get a theatrical release over here in the UK, which is kind of a shame, I know its probably not the kind of film most 'Rock' fans would go and see but it's definitely one of his better movies, if not one of his best.

    So, I fully recommend it. While this type of story has been slightly better told in Man on Fire (one of my top 10 films of all time) it is still damn fine film none the less.
  16. Yeah rather than pure combat abilities you've got to look at the bigger picture.

    Lets say there is JUST Zombies and Vampires left. Vampires never drink dead blood (that's the realm of Ghouls who are eaters of the dead) and most mythos says it either can't sustain them or it actually kills them to drink it.

    Basically the vampires probably would survive in the long run IF there was an alternate viable food source left which hadn't been zombie munched (like cattle) then the vampires could wait for all the zombies to dry out, however they would need to have sustainable food source to do this.

    Second of all...how does the Zombie virus work, is it a mutated form of Kuru? mutated form of Rabies? An alien virus? Just plain Holy wrath of God kind of deal? There's a lot of ways a Zombie apocalypse can occur.

    Are we looking at individuals being mutated further by the virus (say..one that explodes and vomits blinding stuff, one that is lighting fast and can leap from building to building, climb walls, one that can send cars flying with a single punch and soak up fire from a heavy machine gun for a good 10-20 seconds before dropping) or are we looking at the standard 'walkers' pure and simple without any further problem.

    If its the former, the Vampires are in for a tough time, while no one type can match them in every aspect, one can usually match them in certain aspects...and the biggest, from what I've seen of vampire movies (only Dracula from Blade 3 would be an even match for a Tank), would probably cause havoc in a group of vampires. In that enviroment, the horde isn't the problem, they're a distraction it's the other things they're going to need to look out for.
  17. I distinctly remember during the height of the Rikti Comm officer farms seeing someone trying to charge for a run on Union....

    ...and being laughed at by everyone else in Atlas park, including other farm teams who carried on mentioning they had free spots still available.

    Heck one farmer I've joined actually had a rotation system for the group, once you hit level 22, you are asked to leave so another lowbie could join the group which seemed fair enough to me.
  18. I broke down the four storylines into their negative traits, since none of them are heroic in the traditional sense.

    PPD Responsibility: Blind (You're blind to the corruption around you but are trying to help the people you meet, this is a fairly heroic path, you're the one good cop in a department of corrupt ones).

    PPD Power: Selfish (You're not evil persay, you're just looking out for you, in some parts of the Power arc you are actually helping people as well, this is your Rogue path, out for personal gain but will usually have a base system of ethics).

    Resistance Warden: Naive (You thoroughly think that you can change the world for the better but you have not planned beyond simply toppling Tyrant and you're willing to follow someone just as bad as Tyrant who actually cares very little for people of Praetoria, merely striking against Tyrant for bloody minded revenge, this is a heroic path nonetheless since you, as a character, are still trying to help people).

    Resistance Crusader: Destructive (This is your axe crazy, let the world burn Joker path, there is no even mild heroic emphasis in this arc, this is where Calvin Scott fits in, while his motivation is different to the Joker, he's still willing to destroy the world over a lost loved one).

    As GG mentioned, neither the Resistance NOR the PPD are heroic, like, at all. Praetoria was pretty much an 'evil vs evil' type setup, one the evil of Anarchy and Destruction, the other the evil of oppressive Dictatorship and Tyrannical rule.

    I believe it was mentioned that they Loyalist path was added much later than the Resistance path, the intention originally was that everyone was Resistance, which explains the vast difference between Warden (the 'heroic' path) and Crusader (the 'villainous' path) and why the Loyalist arcs, atleast for the most part, remain inbetween those two, one selfish, the other blind.

    It's a great shame the themes of Going Rogue weren't really expanded on and instead the devs got lazy and used Tyrant et al as bog standard muwahahaha bad guys.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    See, I got a few laughs out of the DBZ movie. Was it great? Not even close. But I don't have the attachment factor with DBZ itself. I've seen lots worse movies than that one. Blade Runner, Highlander 2, District 9, to name a few.
    Blade Runner is a bad movie?

    Well I suppose the theatrical release WAS bloody terrible but the directors cut is an awesome film, I demand you hand over your geek card forwith!

    (Or I could just accept that not everybody likes the same things I do but demanding Geek cards is more fun).
  20. Actually, I differ with Spoony quite widely. You see he said the Tekken live action movie was ok but baulked at the King of Fighters movie.

    Now Spoony is a fan of KoF but not of Tekken, I'm the other way around but even I could see that both the live action Tekken and the live action KoF movies are utter....utter dross.

    To be honest they lack the one redeeming thing that the Van Damme Street Fighter has...Raul Julia chewing the scenery and hamming it up massively, he was obviously enjoying the role for all it was worth, which takes the movie from just 'bad' to 'enjoyably bad'
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    If I were a thug in Gotham I would be doing my best to move to Central City. The Flash Rogues aren't quite so bloodthirsty there.

    I miss the days when bad guys mostly wanted money ....
    Isn't there a quote from a guy robbing a bank when someone else why they're doing it in Metropolis and he responds that because if Superman catches you atleast he's a nice guy about it and will recommend the reform program while handing you over to the police (if you just rob the bank without murdering anyone atleast) unlike those gits in Gotham who will beat the crap out of you first and leave you strung up for who knows how long for the cops to find.
  22. Killing Crew I THINK became Freakshow and Fear Factor become the Carnival of Shadows...though I'm certainly not 100% on that.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    As to the question: I *shiver* thinking about working for any of them.

    But, this is the opening of an episode I would watch and really enjoy:
    (Reminds me in flavor of the Babylon 5 ep that followed the maintenance staff rather than the usual characters during major doings around the station.)
    I can totally see the end of the episode of me (aka the thuggish Goon) and the Chinese Guy being beaten the crap out of by Batman and ending up in Prison, sitting across the table from each other playing chess.

    "So how does the horse move again?"

    "Like an L...and it's a Knight..."



    "Well I'm playing the black side, you could say mine are Dark Knights..."

    "That's terrible you know that?"

    "Yeah...yeah I know...your move.."

    Pans out to show the rest of the Prison before fading to black.
  24. Heh now I'm just seeing a Henchperson switching the clue card from something the Riddler thinks is really smart to something REALLY obvious but in completely the wrong direction.

    Mind you if the Riddler caught you, he would probably beat you to death or put you in some elborate deathtrap because damn you do not just go messing with someones MO like that!
  25. Well from what we can fathom the following. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you...

    Your basic guide to being a career criminal in Gotham and NOT dying!
    1) If you can, work for yourself, this means that while yes, you're limited to small scale stuff it means you tend to avoid Batmans notice unless you're really unlucky (or disobey rule 2). If you do want to have a career with prospects of moving up the ladder and stable paycheck, try to work for the mob.

    2) Don't kill people, threaten if you have to but avoid outright murder. This cheeses off Batman more than anything else. Use non-lethal means to subdue your chosen target such as a stun gun. Always remember to politely ask if the target has a Pacemaker before using the stun gun, you don't want an accidental death on your hands.

    If you're working for mob then you're probably not going to have an option to not kill someone, even if they're a member of another family. Sadly this WILL attract the attention of Batman...which leads to the following...

    3) Accept that, as a career, you're going to encounter Batman atleast once. If you do encounter Batman the make sure to do the following. Give the hell up when he comes at you, drop your stun gun, hold your hands up and willing give up, it'll save him punching you face and you losing some teeth.

    If you're working for the mob...just don't try to stop his fist with your face but atleast have a go at at taking him on...you WILL lose that fight but try to go down with some dignity.