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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post

    The Crow (1994)
    The Crow City of Angels (1996)

    There are other Crow films but they were direct to dvd release.
    Actually one of them, Crow: Stairway to Heaven, is pretty much a cut down, cut rate, heavily editted version of the first film as it was a pilot for the Crow series. So there's no reason to watch that one.
  2. Hmm speaking of staff fighting.

    Well...Staves aren't exactly known for large variation.

    They're essentially a length of stick for hitting people with.

    Now admittedly this is where you can do a lot purely with textures, After all a carefully sanded and polished stave (oo err? possible) would have different textures to a big hitting stick picked up off the ground. Sure you can have a fancy metal hitting stick but...a hitting stick is a hitting stick...

    Of course judging from what was seen of the leaked animations the Staff fighting could double up as Spear fighting, which honestly does open quite a bit of options, though that style of fighting with a spear is inherently Eastern and even then it's more fantasy than actual battlefield use but hey, this is comic books we're talking about.

    European spear fighting consisted of pretty much just planting your feet into the ground, jabbing the guy that was coming at you on horseback with the hope you startled the horse sending the rider flying or killed the horse (both result with a guy on the ground flat on his back/face, which usually resulted in everybody stomping the guy to death) or killed the guy riding it.

    However, as mentioned, 'standing there and jabbing' doesn't make for a very good powerset...hell that's one possible animation compared to Eastern (I believe it's the Shaolin monks who use a more free form spear style which stuff seen in Dynasty Warriors is based on but I'm kind of foggy on that) style.

    Sorry kind of rambled there.

    TLDR version: A hitting stick is a hitting stick, there's only so many ways you can make a hitting stick...but hitting stick + Spear = lots of variety.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by darkhawk10 View Post
    I do think that there is a problem with this trial. I ran it twice last night and when our League started fighting the random spawn GM's we had the Crystal Titan spawn in both trials. This was the second GM we had to fight. Unfortunately it was using the special damage from the trial it is from so no one had protection from his attacks. I swear it would one shot the entire team with his attacks. This was not fun at all! I think they need to tweak the Crystal Titan on this Trial or remove him from being able to spawn.
    That DEFINITELY sounds like a bug right there, suggest bringing it up in one of the bug forums or PMing Zwill/Avatea to let them know.
  4. Personally.

    Would have included the 'additional weapons pack' in with Titan Weapons at release and then introduced an additional 4 weapons later down the line for purchasing.

    Now I am willing to agree with Bosstone, the models themselves (with exception the Steel bar in a boulder weapon) are quire a bit more detailed than most of the weapons we've gotten for free before, I think only the Romulus Augustus/Nictus Broadsword option is a rival in being very ornate.

    Keep in mind that most of the 'ornate' designs were included in paid for packs. The weapons from the Martial Arts pack and the Valkyrie blade are more fancy than most of the unlockable ingame ones.

    Still Titan weapons does come with a fairly puny amont of models at its base so rather than pulling models away and then releasing them as a paid for pack, just include the models in the first place, then in a month or so, crank out a weapons pack.

    I am disappointed at the lack of a Vanguard and Rularuu option for Titan weapons though.
  5. I say simple double the points cost.

    So the sets in the super booster pack are only available to VIP subscribers and they're 800 points. If a person subscribed, buys the points to buy the costumes then unsubscribes you've still gotten around $20 out of them and thats if they only buy 1 of the costume sets, considering there's 2 sets, that's 1600 points they'd have to spend.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    I like the "immediate purchase availability for VIPs, frees/preems can only get them in Packs" idea even better, but I'm not holding my breath for that one.
    That's definitely an idea I can get behind as well.
  7. Dr_MechanoEU

    Comic Relief

    Originally Posted by Abe_Froman View Post
    Or maybe like this?

    Yush that would be exactly what I meant!
  8. Dr_MechanoEU

    Comic Relief

    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    I had to google that. Never seen it before.

    I was thinking more weird magic/jigsaw disease than battle damage.
    Heh 2000AD got there first damnit

    Yes Jigsaw Disease is considered one of the WORST ways to go in Judge Dredd.

    Oh and for another suggestion, instead of a head, how about one massive eyeball.

    Something like this but attached to a body:
  9. Dr_MechanoEU

    Comic Relief

    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    Joke accessories have their place, and we could definitely do with more. Brain in a jar? Like the Clockwork King? That'd be awesome. I suggest watching a couple of hours of the old Roadrunner cartoons for inspiration from ACME.
    *coughs* thoust does know that the Brain in a Jar piece was already released as part of the Halloween pack (was for a limited time only).

    It was the one piece that I've been wanting since I first started playing this game, infact my first post on the old EU forums was asking for a Brain in a Jar head piece.

    David and his art team made me immensely happy the day it was released.
  10. Dr_MechanoEU

    Comic Relief

    Well...someones going to say it, so might as well get it out the way...

    Giant Fish weapons (possible Carp) for Broadsword and Katana with a Swordfish for Titan weapons.


    You knew it was going to happen...

    On a more serious (in a joke costume piece thread? How obtuse!), take the Brain Tank design, remove the bowl and instead put a kitten infront of tiny lever controls (or failing that, a keyboard). Call it the Catmando head piece.

    This kind of thing would be great for a 'and now for something completely different...' type pack where it's not really a theme or a set but just full of weird individual costume pieces.
  11. Yeah most of this could have been solved with a name change.

    Calling it Gunslinger was...yeah...that was a bad idea.

    Calling it something like "Wild West Saloon" would have probably been better.

    Or as mentioned better yet create two Wild West packs a "Gunslinger" one and a "Saloon" one, I'd have bought both.
  12. I will point out that if you want an Abstract Game, I'd recommend The Path, it's about as close as your going to get to an 'arthouse' type genre game.

    As for the complaints against MSG4, well...put it this way, there's actually more hours of cutscene footage than there is in gameplay from what I've been told although I imagine it's about equal.

    There's 8 hours worth of cutscenes and about the same in gameplay, meaning 50% of the time, you're watching a cutscene of some sort. That is the point where you go "if you wanted to make a TV series/Movie...just go and make a damn TV series/movie".

    Games are there to be played, if the person wanted to watch something passively they'd have picked up a movie/tv boxset.

    Now don't get me wrong, Cutscenes done well, absolutely fine, they explain what they need to, don't detract from the action and generally tell a story. However I think ever since the first Half-life (which showed that cutscenes don't need to take you 'out of the game' since everything was done with the ingame engine) the need for cutscenes has been getting less and less.

    I know that approach works for a game like Half-Life 1 and 2 which aren't amazingly story heavy like say...a JRPG but Jesus, 8 hours of cutscenes?
  13. Ah thanks guys. Well glad he's left to go into another job and not left by being 'released', wouldn't wish that on anyone.
  14. Hate to be 'that guy' but where is this confirmed?

    Curious to see a link or a quote if I may.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Ah finally with those costume outfits I can get a little bit closer to a character I've been trying to recreate in CoH for a long time.

  16. The 'Super Boosters' basically nolonger exist apart from as a 'sale item'.

    Now you have to buy the costume and the power (ninja run, being able to switch body type at Cosmetic surgeons etc.) seperately. The costumes are listed under the Costume>Costume Bundles tab.

    This means that to actually purchase what was once in a Super Booster ends up costing you usually twice as much as you would have paid previously.

    It's why a lot of people, once hearing about freedom, basically went out and bought all the super boosters they were missing since it was a lot cheaper to do it that way.
  17. Wow Gec..have to say...honestly can't disagree with anything you said there, well thought out, well explained...damn.

    So yeah...erm...what Gec said..
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
    Okay, so keep the largest-boost enhancements available in-game as purchasable rewards while removing the costume parts into their traditional a-la-carte and bundles. Correct, Dr_MechanoEU?
    That would be correct.

    It really would strip away the largest complaint that people have with the Superpack idea. Nobody is saying we shouldn't pay for those costume pieces, heck even at an increased rate (say double the normal points cost of a costume piece) would be fine.
  19. Sorry but don't see the point in a seperate thread for this when Zwillinger is already looking at and taking feedback in the other thread.

    There are plenty of suggestions on how to improve the Superpacks in the UNofficial super pack thread as it is. It's kind of pointless to create two seperate threads for it.

    Still, while we're here. Remove exclusive costume pieces, keep exclusive ATIO sets.

    That will cut 95% of the complaints against the Superpack.
  20. I see this as going one of two ways.

    Either people take to the TPN as they have done the BAF and Lambda, in which case there will be quite a lot of recipes knocking about and thus the price won't be astronomical.


    Players ditch the TPN like they've did the Anti-matter and the Underground thus leaving anyone with Dual Pistols simply hoping to complete a TPN then farm BAF and Lambda to unlock the slots since the recipe will have a price so astronomically high that most of the time it will be sold not on the market but on the forums for prices over the 2 billion inf cap.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    - the highest-tier pros don't ever want to risk their brand at all-- they make too much selling the card numbers on exchanges to risk any really overt issues. They work through third parties, spam briefly from accounts they're being paid to powerlevel, bot-spam on free accounts, or pay commissions to 3rd parties-- pretending not to know that these parties aren't just using free accounts to spam.
    Actually the highest Tier pros operate pretty much like a normal company, the one big one (which doesn't bother with city of heroes since it's not profitable in the long term) employs large swathes of people to do the gold farming and don't spam about their services ingame, they actually rely on word of mouth and reputation for being safe, secure and fast.

    Yes it's a weird idea but it operates as a pretty much a normal company operates, without the selling credit card info.

    However...it is the ONLY RMT company I know that operates like this, primarily because it is also the largest RMT company, every other one is as dodgy as all hell and not worth the time of day to even consider.

    The Fly-by-night ones will spam ingame and flog off credit card info but the bigger ones will actually want you to return as a customer, though TonyV mentions why they're still risky.

    City of Heroes is pretty much the target of the Fly-by-night RMTers.


    Because unlike virtually every other MMO in existence, making money in this game is ridiculously easy, the big guns of the RMT world (the one legit and the many dodgy) think in long term profit and there is very little long term profit for RMT in CoH.

    Edit: Edited my post because it really seemed like I was going 'yeah RMT is fine!' which I'm totally not, RMT is not fine.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Boba Fett is... A fad. I don't get what people see in him. He had like a 10-second scene in... What was it, Empire Strikes back? Return of the Jedi? He had almost no screen time, I don't think he said anything and someone decapitated him. Or do I remember wrong? I know he became an inexplicable "expanded universe" favourite, but I've never had any interest in the Star Wars expanded universe, so making all the clones be clones of him was just... A "huh?" moment. Not awesome, not terrible, just "Oh, OK. So that's who these guys are. I guess." I don't remember him doing anything awesome or being awesome. He had a jet pack, but that's about it. Well, and a helmet that the Silencer from Crusader ripped off, and ironically, Crusader: No Regret's Silencer is a much more respectable character, I'd say
    Boba Fett I can explain and yes it is purely down to the Expanded Universe stuff, especially the Bounty Hunters stories (I think it was called Stories form the Cantina...that may be something else entirely, not a huge star wars fan).

    Basically Boba Fett, in the Expanded Universe, is a Bounty Hunter with an honor code, much like Leon from the film of the same name (he will kill or capture anyone but doesn't go after women or children etc.).

    However my prefered bounty hunter was always IG-88 (the assassin robot you see in that line up), while he only appears in that one scene in the Empire Strikes back, the Expanded universe turned him into a complete badass, sure he had no moral code and the guy was a complete villain in every sense but damn was the guy awesome.
  23. Quote:
    Now, when I say "redeeming qualities," I'm not talking about aspects of the villain that make him less evil or less a villain. In fact, far from it. I don't mean "Oh, he kills people, but it's OK because they're mostly bad people." so much as "Oh, he kills people but DAMN he looks hot in tight leather pants!" or "Sure, he's an evil demon who steals souls but he has a really cool, really big sword."
    Not bagging on you Sam but to me those two reason are really, REALLY shallow reasons to 'respect' a villain.

    Personally I respect a villain who is often the hero in their own mind, they're doing it because they believe it's right. However that isn't to say I don't like villains that have "really cool swords", there's a vast difference between like and respect, much as there is a difference between respect and love.

    For example I absolutely love the main villain from 5th Element, I enjoy the actors preformance (who was hamming it up and obviously throwing himself into the role) but I also respect him because, well, he's the head of a multi-million dollar weapons company, you don't get to the stage by being stupid. He was funny when he needed to be and sadistic when he needed to be.
  24. Yup agreed, he's fair and balanced reviews on MMOs, infact probably one of the fairest I've seen.

    They're very indepth and look at all the things people should look into in an MMO, definitely recommend watching the video series.
  25. Dr_MechanoEU

    How much?!

    Ok was thinking of rebuying one of my favorite boardgames, I still have it but a lot of the miniatures are missing and some of the furniture. This would be Heroquest. Now thankfully it was vastly more popular in the EU than it was in the US so the prices aren't as high but for an in decent condition set, you're looking at least £50.

    A mint condition sets you back £125!

    Looking at the US prices just...damn...a mint set can set you back a serious chunk of change, in the $200+ price range.

    I'm now very jealous of a friend who managed to grab a near mint condition (everything was there but the box was slightly worn) Advanced Heroquest box from a Charity shop for £1 and it sells online for £200+.

    It also surprised me, doing some research, that the US didn't get many of the expansions for it and when they did, they were in limited number.

    Kellars Keep, Return of Witchking were available but Wizards of Morcar*, Against the Ogre Horde and the Adventure design kit were released only in the EU, while the two duo (designed for two players) adventure packs (Elf and Barbarian) were only released in the US. This means that the expansions (I have Kellars Keep, Return of the Witchking and Wizards of Morcar) are also fairly expansive to buy.

    *Morcar was the name of the DM in the EU version of Heroquest, he was called the rather crappy name of Zargon in the US edition...why they changed this I have no idea.

    Anyone else been surprised by something from their childhood fetching this much cash (especially in non-mint condition) second hand?