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  1. It may be there policy to give NCSoft credits but I didn't pay for an NCSoft game, I paid for CoH. I'll happily take them to small claims court if they want to try to pull that on me.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
    That is.. pretty ridiculous..

    And ya, there is a LOT of CoH hate going on over there. It got to the point where I filtered out the Zone chat because all they were doing was spewing anti-CoX propaganda (along with a lot of male genitalia jokes, poking fun of how you'd pronounce that acronym), and I didn't want to read that ****.
    Every time I've played I've filtered out zone chat. That's one of the problems with a single server is everyone is there which means more idiots, and they always like to make everyone hear them talk. It's much easier to build a community with several small servers than one huge one.

    Since it was set up, I've just kept a tab open with zone chat shut off and the CoX channel on. So far, seems to be several good CO/CoH vets in there who are very helpful in answering questions and trying to teach the newcomers about CO.

    Speaking of teaming, though, one thing I have noticed after doing a half dozen or so alerts and the final mission of the Nighthawk "event", is no one says a thing to anyone else. Not even in response. I've jumped into a couple of DFBs where no one says anything until someone else does, then they tend to loosen up, but never any pug on CoH where everyone ignores everyone.
  3. I couldn't make the afternoon rally, but I was in Atlas Park (no number) about 9:30 AM PST. There were already 3 other full instances at the time.

  4. I have less problem with enemies refilling when you die than I have with enemies refilling when you lose aggro. There is no hit and run if you come up against a tough enemy (and the game goes so far as to hit you in the face with that with most super-villain fights by locking you in a room with them).
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    If this place comes to an end... I might be saying, "I miss CoH an' I mis Arcana...".


    I'll be saying that, too. Whenever I'm bored and not finding anything interesting on the boards to read I'll go stalk her posts.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    Defensive skills slotted and picking up a heal. Since you are lifetime you can go freeform, I suggest doing that and picking up something like Invulnerable and buffing it up.
    All my characters are freeform, and they all pick up a defensive passive at the earliest opportunity. The only one I had little trouble with was my character with regen.

    And, yeah, after playing a half dozen of my dozen characters it became painfully clear to me I need to work a heal into all my builds. Luckily I apparently have about 6 respecs and an extra free in all of them.

    The only one of those fights that left me still not seeing any way to beat it, though (apparently I played ALOT over the weekend, more than I realized), was running the Whiteout comic series and facing an alien super villain who summons about 4 or 5 villains, and you're locked in a room with them, while all they all spam charge-up attacks. I either block and die slow, or try to attack and die fast.
  7. Dang, I think you may actually have me beat for number of characters....
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    Um, I'm getting out of the way of the satellite cannon, and blocking when a symbol appears (which still knocks off about 1/4 to 1/3 of my health), and then dying immediately when I mistime a block and get held or knocked back (because he's still hitting me while I'm trying to escape the hold or standing up) Meanwhile, I have to hit him with my strongest attack charged to max to take off even a tiny sliver of health, and if I stop to charge I get nailed, so I just have to whittle him down with my weak attack.

    Eventually, the only way I could beat him was to fight him until I was down to about 1/4 health (knocking off a few pixels of his health bar), run far enough away that the game would consider me out of combat so I could heal, then run back and knock off a few more pixels of health, repeat until I finally won. Took at least a half-hour.

    At one point I got fed up and tried to leave to find someone to team with, but it wouldn't let me out of the mission, so I just had to grit my teeth, said "This is going to suck", and went back to whittling him down a pixel at a time. And it did, indeed, suck.

    If that's what the tutorial boss — a boss supposedly designed for brand-new players who know nothing about the game — is like, I hate to think what the real bosses are like.

    All the while I had to listen to that terrible voice-acting. (It was cheesy, but it was cheesy in a way that was trying to be cheesy, and that grates on my nerves. The whole game feels like a parody of comic books rather than an homage to them like CoH does)

    Sounds like what I went through. I've run that tutorial dozens of times between beta and when I'd last played and you had to run it, and always had a tough but doable fight. This last weekend I ran it for the first time in a couple years (since I hadn't played for a couple years and wanted to refamiliarize myself with the gameplay) and couldn't believe how much they'd pumped him up. I died multiple times.
  9. Doctor_Gemini

    False Hope

    I don't see this "false hope" you're going on about. I think we're all savvy enough to know that there is little chance that 3 months from now the game will not be over. However, there are some people here with the skills, ability, or contacts to try. I doubt that anyone is unaware that it's a longshot, but despite that it's one I'd be trying for, too, if I had any skills to do so.
  10. I have a lifetime sub to CO bought during beta that I've still not gotten its value in playtime from yet. Tried playing CO over my weekend (I tried to play CoH but it was just too depressing) and found that it's even worse than it used to be. You can pretty much mow down small groups of bad guys, but then you hit the Super Villain in the mission arc and get stomped into the ground. Actually, he does more than stomp you into the ground but I can't say it in a family friendly forum. At least that's what it feels like when you realize there is no possibility whatsoever of winning the fight.

    Maybe CoH spoiled me, since in all my years here I only ever once ran into something that one of my characters could not solo even with Shivans and chiclets. I guess maybe I'll finally watch some of the DVDs I keep buying and haven't watched yet.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PunkRolex View Post
    Not to be insensitive, but I can't imagine that a bunch of Korean businessmen would give even the smallest crap about what a minor American celebrity of any sort has to say about anything.

    Likewise, I know from other contacts in my personal life that anyone who has an income level that is far above what most people would consider to be average is bombarded constantly with solicitations for donations.

    This just does not seem to be a productive avenue no matter how I look at it. I want the game to continue as well, but pestering famous or semi-famous people about it isn't going to make anything better.
    You're probably right, but it can't make anything worse, either.
  12. I started playing in early 2005, and although there was much about this game that I loved there was much that made it, for me, unfun. After 6 months I quit altogether. 2 years later memories of the things I liked so much made me try the game again. By this time many things had evolved with you as lead designer. I found everything I had loved either still here or made even better. All the things that ruined the game for me back in '05 were gone.

    Since then, it's only gotten better and better. It has been almost like you all were making a game for me, and no other game, especially no other MMO, has even come close. In fact, playing this game has ruined me for any other MMO. You've lead the only game I've ever played for years, and the only game I will miss when it's gone.
  13. Add your something awful to the list anyway, Zwill, don't just tease us with it!
  14. For the same reasons others here have said, I won't be buying another NCSoft published game. If this game were losing money, then I'd still be angry but I'd understand it. The fact is I spent several hundred dollars this last year to support my favorite game, only to find out that the parent company couldn't care less about the financial health of the game, they'll shut it down even when it makes money.

    NCSoft betrayed my trust, and I am very angry about that, but more importantly they proved that they neither care about the health of the game nor their paying customers when it comes to their decisions. It would be stupid for me to ever give them money again.
  15. Doctor_Gemini

    Caption this!

    Congratulations Bob! You're the winner of Survivor: Breakroom!
  16. "Snake Plissken... I've heard of you..."

    "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

    "Did you speak the exact words?"

    "I haven't lost my temper in forty years, but pilgrim you caused a lot of trouble this morning, might have got somebody killed... and somebody oughta belt you in the mouth. But I won't, I won't...."
  17. My earliest comics (before I started buying back issues) were dated 1970, so I'd have been 7. Don't have any memory of what I first read. The first comic book memory I have is in 1971 or '72, reading a Batman 100-page Super Spectacular. I think it had a reprint of the introduction of the 1950's Batmobile, which is still the coolest Batmobile ever designed.
  18. Looks like I won't be making these meets for quite awhile longer. I'm hoping I can adjust my sleep schedule a bit so I can be functional to join you all, but at least for the next couple months I'll still be out.

    I've been missing it, I really enjoy teaming with you all.
  19. Thanks for including my arc, Welcome to M.A.G.I., however, it is for levels 1-10. The last mission is level 5, but if you start the first one right out of the character creator, you'll be 5th level by the time you start the last one, or at worst after defeating the first mob in it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post

    Ur Wrong!

    Brut = Cake not Pie!
  21. I'm a west coaster, too, but I work nights. How much earlier would be possible for you to attend, BF? Maybe we can find a good medium for everyone's schedules.
  22. Doctor_Gemini

    Is it justified?

    Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
    I fail to see why 'we' would be entitled to anything like this. "So little free for VIPs"? We've gotten 'free' stuff by the tons since Freedom. There was no slow down in content release for subscribers compared to before Freedom. If anything there's more now then in the past couple of years. All the extra pay for stuff has been on top of that. And we're already getting a discount in the form of the monthly points.
    I think what he's trying to say is that VIPs don't get much free that is not free to everyone, VIP or no. It doesn't seem like there has been a great deal only VIPs get free, until you count what your free points get you. I know I'm not feeling slighted, but I think many people forget to count their points among the free to VIP content.
  23. I'm not going to make it again this Sunday. We need to be meeting earlier! (I'm sure I'm the only one thinking that, alas)
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    Moral of the story: soloists need lots of people to subscribe to the game in order for it to be profitable enough to survive. Even if you hate teaming, you should go out and join an iTrial once in a while when a league needs members to make it happen. You'll be doing the game a service, and also speed up your incarnate process by a factor of 10.
    You're right, I'll just go do that next time I play....

    ...oh, wait, I've tried to do that since the trials first began, but, they aren't being run at 2 AM. If the devs match your attitude, then there should be a discounted subscription for those that play between midnight and 6 AM as they want to make sure we are not allowed to make any significant incarnate progress.

    ...or, they could make the DA content have a progression rate closer to 1/4 to 1/8 of trial progression instead of its current 1/20th.

    Another issue I have with the DA content is the timer. I can't play on a daily basis. I can play, at best, twice a week. That makes my progression towards my goals of gaining incarnate powers and gaining the auras and costumes that have been stupidly locked behind incarnate rewards virtually nil. I realize some form of throttling has to be in place, but, the devs need to find a way that does not penalize casual players.

    So, currently, DA is not a solo path to incarnate rewards. It is just something to do when I feel like playing a 50. It's a fine supplement to trials, but does little for those who can't/won/t run them.
  25. What destroys every other MMO for me, and was more pronounced in the laser swords game, is the open world missions. In CoH, I'm told I'm the only one who can take care of this problem and I never get there and find 10 other super-heroes obviously already dealing with the problem. In other games, even if I can manage to salvage some small feeling of immersion by trying to ignore other players while simultaneously competing with them for goals, that immersion is completely shattered when I have to wait in line for a particular spawn.

    The sad thing is, the laser sword game is one that (at least in the areas I got to before I quit playing), could have allowed the player to maintain immersion while having other player characters running around the same mission areas. If they hadn't written those missions, as every other MMO also does, as if it were a single player game. The opening areas for each class worked very well with other players running around them, even if they were apparently doing the same thing you were. They lost that once you left those places.

    The only thing in CoH that breaks immersion for me is the way the devs chose to implement the auction house and the AE. Both could have been done using more super-hero appropriate themes.

    The other major thing that causes me to get quickly bored with other MMOs is the wide range of powers available in CoH. In other games, there is not a huge difference between various paths and skills a class can take. That may not be true at the highest levels of the game, but, the lack of any noticeable difference has kept me from getting to those levels. In CoH, I can have a number of characters with the same Primary powerset play completely differently from each other if they have different Secondaries. That's not true of all powersets, but it does seem true, at least to me, of the majority of them. That effectively gives CoH 10 or 20 times the number of classes that any other game has.