771 -
If I'm remembering right, the reason brutes have Energy Aura (or at least the reason they got it as early in the game's history as they did) is to fill the "hole" left be removing their access to Ice Armor. But yes, at the time it apparently did weird things to fury generation because of its slow effects.
Of course, War Mace's stuns theoretically do very similar (possibly worse) "weird things" to fury generation, and that seems to be working out okay. So hopefully we'll see ice powers for brutes eventually. -
I have 45 slots filled on Virtue alone.
All of those characters get played pretty regularly -- a lot more regularly than I get server transfers, anyway. And often they're played with friends on Virtue, not some other server.
Most of them also use powersets, costume items or other features that I kinda had to earn or purchase on my current account and wouldn't have access to on a second. I'm perfectly happy to pay for more server slots, as long as those slots retain access to my Elemental Order costume and my Beam Rifle powerset and my remote /ah command and my DVD-edition-exclusive Cape of the Four Winds and my no-longer-available Celestial pieces and my you-have-to-be-an-incarnate-and-therefore-a-VIP-to-earn-these path auras. I'm less enthusiastic about paying for all that stuff a second time in order to catch certain character slots up to others. -
Well, for one thing, a lot of that stuff is on sale right now. Once their subscription ends, it won't be.
Quote:Well, there's been an issue for a while (basically since Beast Mastery was released, although the problem has shown up across all mastermind primaries) where pets aren't taking commands properly, and are have been charging AVs as soon as they spawn in incarnate trials, no matter how far away they are or what orders they're issued. Passive/Follow? They'll still run clear across the map to get splattered by Siege or Marauder.Worst powersets in the game ? Masterminds, apparently. I don't know what happened in the past month or so, but teams and trials are avoiding them like crazy. And if you do manage to get on a team, it's nothing but complaints. I've even been asked to "just follow along and buff & heal... enjoy the exp and inf... just Please don't pull out the pets". Sad.
I've seen a lot of people who say they refuse to play their MM until that bug is fixed, and others who dismiss their pets at certain points on certain trials until the group is ready to rush in. I haven't heard of anyone flat-out avoiding MMs altogether, though. -
Wouldn't a proper crocodile require an entirely different 4-legged rig than the one currently in the game? One with the legs splayed out to the sides instead of underneath the body, and with the neck attached to the front of the shoulders instead of the top?
It'd be cool, but it sounds like kind of a tall order. -
Some respecs stack, some don't. Personally, I get something like 6 just for creating a character due to various vet rewards and such, so yes, it's quite possible to carry around more than one.
As to those two specifically, I think they add up and you'll have two. The only ones I know for certain don't stack are the "freespecs" given away from time to time when a major change is made to the game that "forces" a large portion of players to re-think their builds (making the Fitness pool inherent, for example). Those, you can only ever have one of. -
Just to try and give this some real thought instead of dismissing the idea out of hand:
Maybe a month of incarnate access could be a repeatable tier 9 reward for premiums? They'd still have to spend that $15 for it then, but not necessarily all at once. Say last month you bought a costume bundle, this month a powerset caught your eye... you've earned a token! Instead of signature summons or enhancement unslotters, try out the incarnate system for a few weeks!
EDIT: Wait, no... VIPs get a token every month; this would basically mean tier 9 VIPs could get two months of incarnate access for the price of one. Subscribe, wait for subscription to expire, spend token on incarnate access, repeat. Oh well. It was a nice thought, anyway. -
Quote:I think a fourth of a cent each seems a little too cheap for what you get... maybe something more along the lines of 25 cents apiece?How about selling a .25 cent 12 hour license in packs of 60 that automatically activate one after the other once purchased?
My vote goes to Stone Armor. It's the only set in the game that makes me regret playing it even when everything is going right. It's just... extraordinarily un-fun. I run slower than the rest of the group walks ("follow the tank" is really annoying when the tank has to keep saying "hey guys, wait up..."), I can't jump, and it's mutually exclusive with almost everything that isn't itself.
Any set that's only fun when paired with another specific set (Kinetics) is a bad set. If that other set requires a whole second player because you can't put the two together on the same character, it's even worse. -
For Tier 9 folks like myself, incarnate content is pretty much the only reason left to keep an active VIP subscription. Inventions? Mine never go away. Masterminds, controllers and EATs? Got 'em. Chat channels? I can use them all. Auction house? Not only do I have access, I have remote access.
I could use that $15 a month to buy all the "free for VIP" stuff like powersets and costumes and SSAs and server transfers, and come out ahead in the end since the purchases would be permanent rather than "renting" Time Manipulation and Dark Control like I do now... start giving incarnates away too, and what's my incentive to remain VIP? -
Waitwaitwait... what's wrong with Claws stalkers? My Claws/Elec stalker just hit level 37 and I've loved every stabbity-death of it. Is this one of those "it's great, just not as great as some other sets" things like how every blast set that isn't Fire is "terrible?"
In my opinion, Spinning Strike alone makes Street Justice a cooler-looking set than Martial Arts.
And to think, I threw I Am Courage Wolf together literally twenty minutes before the second contest started. I actually thought my entry for the first contest (Plank King) was more creative, but after I saw surprisingly-few advice animals there, I picked one for #2 and ran with it. I seized the day BY THE THROAT.
Anyway, thanks very much, Paragon! 'twas a lot of fun!
(But seriously, how I took the gold over the incredibly stiff competition -- especially the brilliant Chemistry Cat that also made it to the finals, I honestly can't figure out.) -
I may be mis-remembering a few details here, but I'm sure I've got the basics right:
At one point in the not-too-distant past, the devs (Castle specifically, I think) were playing with the idea of adding a few more enhancement slots. I want to say it had something to do with complaints that making Fitness inherent meant builds would be "spread too thin."
It was ugly. Game-breaking, so-bad-they-couldn't-even-put-it-on-the-Test-server-because-the-game-actually-didn't-work-anymore ugly. The underlying, undocumented code, created a decade ago by people who left to work for a competing studio and tweaked by other people who also don't work at Paragon anymore, simply won't let them do this. They know because they've tried.
Adding more enhancement slots to the game is basically impossible at this point. It's part of the reason the incarnate system looks like it does. -
Quote:And in Batman & Robin (ugh)... the actor playing Batman didn't even get top billing. Nor did Robin, for that matter. Mr. Freeze did.Wow....Please don't confuse "Star" with the lead actor. Not to switch movies on you, but Bat man begins had tons of stars: All who were 100% better than Christian Bale. And in Dark Knight... well it goes without saying that the joker was the star. Bat Man (CB) was the main character, lead actor, top billed all true... but none of those things, alone, define a "star".
One example.
And another. -
Quote:Rickman's performance was just as important as Willis's. The interaction between their characters was one of the primary things that set Die Hard apart from previous action movies and is one of the reasons it's still held up as the standard today. Two main characters, two integral performances, two stars.No, Bruce Willis was the star. The movie was about him and his travails. Gruber and the rest of the Germans were obstacles.
No, I read it just fine. You're ignoring a whole lot of what I typed because it doesn't support what you want it to. Terminator? Lethal Weapon? Nightmare on Elm Street? Et cetera.
Does it matter? -
Not that I disagree with the original "hey, being able to solo these events every once in a while would be nice" sentiment (because it really would be nice), but...
Quote:Alan Rickman was at least as much the star of the first Die Hard as Bruce Willis was. Limiting "star" to only "single protagonist" doesn't work. Who was the star of the original Terminator? Who's the star of any given Nightmare on Elm Street movie? Who was the star of The Avengers? Pulp Fiction? Lethal Weapon? Se7en? Face/Off? Sleepless in Seattle? Remember, you only get one.Die Hard, 300, Gladiator, I Am Legend, The Book of Eli would disagree with you. I'm counting only the protagonist as the 'star' of the show.
"Hans Gruber, charming international bandit. In the end, he dies hard. He's the title character." -- Barney Stinson -
Quote:Unless we assume those astrals were earned on trials (which, I think, is not unreasonable). If even one of those trials was successful (as the vast majority are), then the character also has at least one piece of thread-based incarnate salvage already in their inventory -- a common even in a worst-case scenario. So we really only needed 40 threads, and can therefore save two of those astrals.To get the 12 shards, simply convert 12 astrals.(in ouroboros via Astral Kristy) The same 12 astrals broken down to threads would leave with only 48 threads - you'd be shy 12.
On top of that, some trial-based badges happen practically automatically (the one for not shutting off the turrets in a BAF, the one for a "dual assault" in a LAM), and others are fairly common even if you can't just assume them (not letting any prisoners escape in a BAF). The first time a character earns one of those, they get a free uncommon salvage piece -- again, thread-based. Even assuming the player isn't saving these for higher tiers and is simply downgrading them to specific commons to get whatever tier they're working on NAO, those uncommons can save us even more converted astrals, and might eliminate the need for threads (or shards, for that matter) altogether, at least for the first few incarnate powers created.
Also, even if we apply this 4-to-1 threads-to-shards ratio we get by comparing their respective "values" when trading in an astral, I don't know of anything in the game that drops 15 shards in your lap just for getting halfway through it -- but I do know of a place that hands out 60 threads. -
Quote:Like the old "Parallel Illusion" SG!It'd be more impressive if he had the names looking the same without numbering them.
The L/I naming trick and that phrase can get you 64 technically-unique names that all read exactly the same.
Plus they were all Illusion controllers purposely designed to look just like Phantom Army. -
Quote:I think that's a problem inherent to the contact-mission setup as a whole, not to the TFs themselves. Aside from a few easy-to-miss speech bubbles inside the missions, all the information is conveyed via talking to the contact. Which only the team leader interacts with. And because they don't want to keep the team waiting while they read, most people skip past it as a courtesy to the rest of the group. Unless you're a roleplayer doing the entire TF in-character with other roleplayers, most of the TF's plot and setup simply aren't made available to most of the team.Honestly, I don't think I could tell you what any of the TFs are about, even though I've done all of them multiple times.
More recently-introduced TFs like the revamped Positron and Penny help that a little with the introduction of the cutscenes that everyone gets to see. Even so, you spend most of the TF running around just doing what you're told by the game, then a cutscene comes up explaining that (*SPOILERS*) the city councilman you just rescued orchestrated a supervillain's escape from prison so she'd destroy Terra Volta and he could build a new, more efficient power plant in its place, but she threw him a curveball by getting her hands on a Council device that threatens the entire city and now she has to be stopped. And suddenly you're like, "oh, so that's what we've been doing for the last three-and-a-half missions." -
The past month was a pilot program, for testing/data-gathering purposes. It's over.
Maybe it'll come back later. Maybe not. -
Quote:You had me until this last part. I like the suggestion of adding a statue of Statesman to the city somewhere, I support the idea of it happening, I hope it eventually ends up making its way into the game. But I don't demand it be implemented, I don't insist it has to happen, and if it doesn't ever come to pass, that doesn't somehow prove anything with regards to some vendetta people assume the current dev team has against Jack Emmert. It's not my place to make those kinds of judgments. Putting the statue in would indeed be, to a point, a demonstration of "no hard feelings" toward Statesman. Not putting it in wouldn't be a demonstration of the opposite. It wouldn't be a demonstration of anything.NOT doing so is just a bad an Emmertism as anything else, and shows that the character wasn't removed for any real, meaningful reason for plot advancement, and was just done for self service and spite. And THAT crap is not cool.
If we never get a Statesman statue, all that "shows" is that the dev team decided to put their time, effort and budget into... whatever it is we end up getting instead. -
I would be so, so down with this idea. Day-one purchase, guaranteed.
I'm already ready already!
Getting positive feedback on it in Pocket D, too.
And now we play the waiting game....