517 -
Crap. Completely forgot that this is my Girlfriend's Birthday. If I get on it will be stolen moments and nothing like enough time to do anything.
So Happy birthday to Liberty, COH and you my friend. I will punch some bad/good guys for you when I can get on.
Mea culpa. -
I did it with a level 15 praetorian. And yes, it was just to see what a pain in the *** it was, But I was also trying to hit the inf cape as well so that added more restrictions.
Cool! My villian Dark Peter (based on Black Peter) will be happy to satisfy his thirst for Meyhem with you.
I buy them when the recipe is unavailable and the I/O is. If I level and want to slot a toon, I want to do it and get back to punching bad guys.
If you got 16 billion why should you care if you overpay by 10 million inf?
Answer: You don't.
It's the circle of Inf. Some of you pay me and I pay some of you. -
If you are going to do random rolls, convert the merits to alignment merits. You do spend 20 million per roll but you get 5 random rolls for 50 merits, essentially half price.
Working the market and crafting I/O's is far more reliable, so I would suggest stockpiling them and using them to buy specifc things for future toons.
Like say a stealth proc you can slot at level 12. Quite handy. -
As matter of fact, the only toon she has it on, that she like it on is a fire blaster.
Her only other is a homage to Fathom and she has almost dumped it every respec she has done. But since she is a defender, she feels she needs every advantage to solo. -
No, You aren't alone.
Of course, we won't mention hasten except to say that I don't know a single player that likes the glowy pom-poms of death. A vital power that destroys every natural, willpower, stealthy concept? Check! (It's bad enough that my sister refuses to take hasten. I won't go that far.)
I play solo, a lot, (mainly because of when I have time to get on) and even solo there are many effects that if I could just dial them down would add to my enjoyment immensly.
I avoid Malta whenever I can. Not because of Sappers or gunslingers but because all I get to see is smoke and orange brackets.
Also, the very nice but ridiculous looking ice blast hold powers, and the earth ones too. There should be some better way to present this on hover/flying targets. It looks silly for some baddie to floating in the sky like a giant ice cube. Also, with Defiance, it looks damn peculiar for a floating lump of rock to be spewing bullets, flames, ice, whatever. Just saying. -
I didn't realize it was available until a week ago and I had already taken all the screen shots and I didn't want to redo all of them.
I still have to do the Pocket D party shots so he will have it then. -
I would love to do some of the incarnate trials and taskforces but I have done exactly 0 on my incarnate/ Consequently I know very little about what needs to be done or what strategies need to be used.
I don't want to slow the team/leagues down, so if I can research what to do and best strategies to use, I will be there.
Also, do you plan on any events for lower levels/villian side? I have lots of alts and just a few villians that could use a workout. I have been playing Major Anniversary exclusively and could use a change. -
This a link to a thread I created on the Liberty forum to celebrate the 7th Anniversary. I thought maybe some people might get a kick out it. Just a little fun:
Remember, I party so you don't have to! -
The Major is really getting tired.
All the partying and hero-ing is catching up with him. Still he managed to Hit 30! He has only 4 levels to go to hit his goal of one level for every day of the celebration. He has been looking for a resort or a vacation spot to recover from all his heroic deeds (and late nights)
In the meantime, trying to relax he took an excursion train to a quaint resort call Croatoa. He heard about the beaches and the hot college girls. When he got there…Monsters, Ghosts, Witches, Fey were overrunning the whole town! What could he do?. He had to help out but luckily he did get a chance to work on his tan.
After dealing with the horrors of Croatoa, he really needed to get away. So he booked a gambling cruise to the Rouge Islands. He was little sketchy about why so many people looked at him like he was crazy, but he figured it out when he got there. People were downright unfriendly. Still, the trip had some good moments.
Obelisk at the Giza Casino.
Pretty cool fountain!
Shooting some craps.
Watching them roll...
Turns out they don't like winners here.
Johnny Sonata "invited" me to leave and not come back.
So I decided to see the sights:
This sign lied. There was no fun. This place was a dump.
Ahoy! Looking for Pirate Gold!
A beach with no monsters! YES!!!!
A quick radio interview for all my fans
Compensating much? Lord Recluse must be wee!
I thought about putting the moves on Ghost Widow. But I decided that I didn't want to be murdered.
All in all not a bad place to visit but who would want to live there? Next is wrap party at Pocket D on the 31st! Pics to follow! -
The Major’s party agenda has been pretty full so he has had barely any time for bashing badguys. That, however, did not stop him from reaching Level 25!:
"I visited Faultline and stopped an arachnos scheme to control the future through the past or was it the past through the future? (time travel gives me a headache) Then I went to Striga Island cuz I thought I would able to catch some rays. Nope just Thugs, thugs and more thugs! Those Council guys really need to take a chill pill. Very uptight!
He also took a ski trip! See Pics Below:
A good ski run but now it's time to warm up!
Hanging out by the fire and people watching
There was the cute snow bunny that the Major really took a shine to. Too bad it didn't work out:
"Just chillin'. waiting to do a ski Run.
OMG! She's Hawt!!!
What's the best approach? I wonder...hmm..
I'll try the direct approach!
She Slapped ME! Ouch!
Rejected and devastated!
Oh well, there's always the Club to try and pick up an escourt for the evening! I mean a date!" -
Busy Week for the Major.
There was a dance party on top of the Atlas globe that spilled over to the roof of city hall (The mayor was not amused). Police came along and busted it up because there was no permit.
Tried to give Statesman a birthday party at In Front. There was cake with a big 7 on it, punch, pie and some tacos whose shells were made out of Doritios. There was even a swag bag (A DVD of the Major fighting crime on the west coast)! But Statesman didnt show. He sent a note saying something about invasion or crime or wasnt the right time to celebrate, the gist being that he is a big party pooper. Oh well, I am sure that the In Front steak house is insured against damage and that they will open again soon.
Got rushed by some fraternity in Steel Canyon. With a name like Midnighters Club you know these guys know how to party all night long! Turns out that its just a bunch of mages with a (admittedly cool) clubhouse. A little disappointing until an impromptu meeting in council chamber turning into a full blown rave! Hey, they may be villains, but blood widows know how to get down and bring the funk. Montague showed up, temporarily stopped time, and sent us all packing.
Oh yeah, hit level 12 and fought some ugly zombies that puked on him, yet more gangbangers, some Lost and some Rikiti. -
King’s Row turned out to be kind of a hole, tenements, factories and sleazy bars. The bar part was OK, but the rest…ehh.. The coolest thing he saw there was the big huge coin with a cop dude standing around it, guarding it 24/7/365.
Then he got this guy begging him to stop a gang war and destroy some drug labs. The Major hates all this small stuff because you can never get coverage dealing with gangs, there’s just too many of them for it to be big news.
Now it is true that the Major does enjoy his better living through chemistry as his hedonistic lifestyle help fuels his powers, but street drugs? Too risky, no quality control. You never know what they cut the drugs with, just that they always get cut. No problem smashing those into little bits of frozen, burning metal and plastic.
Then some cop wanted to see him about The Circle of Thorns getting out hand in Perez park. Thin the herd a little, he says. The Major thought Perez Park looked pretty cool when he saw it until he realized that it was full of gangbangers, weirdoes and monsters. He probably would have been fine except that he attacked 10 at once. They started cutting and shooting some green energy crap and that stuff hurt. He took down six and injured the rest before he had to use his medical teleporter Sadly for the circle, they had no such devices and the Major went back and kicked some gluteius maximus.
Suddenly, he was Level 7! He celebrated by having a fondue/weenie roast using the flame pits at City Hall. He also passed out Major Celebration Pins to the citizens and smiling his great big, toothy grin dipped half burned weenies into the steaming fondue pot. -
Thanks! I love SF and fantasy books set in and around bars. I suspect the Major will be hitting a few others along the way.
I wish they had the moonbase zone or something like that then I could have kept the title correct but since I couldn't I changed it to fit the context.
Darn it! Just realized if I placed the bar in Galaxy City it would kinda work.
*fixed -
Thanks for the kind words!
I am usually pretty slow at leveling as well (alt-itis) but it will be fun to try. No power leveling, just gonna run missions and do TF's if one turns up. However far he gets, it will still be fun to try.
I'll try to keep updating this thread with his exploits and progress. -
Well, the Major made level 6 by dealing some punishment out to thugs in Atlas Park. He also took down a Dyne lab a few Council bases. All that crime busting made him thirsty so he swung by Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grill in Galaxy City and had a few cold ones. While he was there, he tried to get one of the patrons to explain this whole 7 year thing. They just kind of snickered and before he could follow up, a wet t-shirt contest got started and he got distracted.
After that he thought about going to Hollows and laying a smackdown on the Trolls but when he found out that it pretty deserted and that some the babes who needed rescuing were actually shills for the skulls he decided to give it pass.
Besides, all those green skinned trolls really clash with his red cape thus ruining any photo ops.
He tried to find something at Architect Entertainment but none of the stories were about him so he knew it wouldn't be any fun.
So off to King's Row! -
Major Anniversary, AKA Jim "Da Dude" Chambers, had spent much of his twenties being a celebrity-hero in Hollywood, charming the paparazzi and the ladies. But then the Major heard about a huge celebration back east in Paragon City, some kind of seven year celebration. His agent thought it would be a great idea to get in some “real” hero work to boost his sagging ratings.
When he arrived he discovered that working the streets was very different from the scripted fights he was used to. Real people were getting hurt, worse he was actually getting hit!
He decided that he would be a real hero and make this an Anniversary to remember! Nightly parties celebrating whatever it was he was here to celebrate, dancing with Carnival of Shadows ladies in Pocket D, TP’ing Fort Trident, trying to crash the Freedom Phalanx poker game and hitting on Nocturne and Ghost Widow and Lady Liberty.
If he has to do a little crime fighting to mug for the camera then so be it. Besides, sometime’s hotties need rescuing too.
Where can a bro' get a drink around here?
This is my way of doing a personal celebration on the streets of the Liberty Server.
My plan is to play Major Anniversary during the celebration and get him one level at least a day. Once the celebration is over, I will retire him until next year (he will get a new chest emblem)
So if you see him on the streets, say hi. Remember he parties so you don't have to! -
The presitge power slide is only available in City of Heroes Collector's DVD. I tracked down a copy about a year ago for 35 bucks.
It can be found but you have to get one where the code has not been activated. (The first one I got had already been used and I had to return it) -
My only suggestion is that whatever we do be something that everyone can attend/participate in, not just 50's.
My idea would be to have a whole slate of events spread through the month with different volunteers organizing different events. We don't want one person dealing with everything, cuz then they won't get to have as much fun.
C.O.P Raids
1-20 as a teams in Pretoria.
Supergroup/Team contest in Co-Op zone. Put together your bested themed team or SG and let the denizens of Pocket D judge the results. (think FF and/or Avengers)
Ski Races (if we can convince the devs to turn the chalet on)
CC in a CO-OP zone.
Task force Marathon (not co-op I know but a few events that are faction specific won't ruin the overall idea)
Best Character Bio/Origin/Background - everyone interested would submit their toon's background using the restrictions of the character editor. A small group reads them, nominates say their favorite 3 or 4 and then have costume contest to clinch the deal.
Roman themed kill most Imperious TF
I can help with some things and will be glad to donate some prizes/inf as needed. -
Are you sure it isn't a power of some kind?
I'm guess that you are, but i have have powers that leave a trailing effect. when my shield/DM scrapper flies I turn off his "underworld" shield beacuse the streaming makes it harder to see. -
Be sure you factor into your two types of Buyers, buyers like me. I always bid at least 259 for common salavage with no bidders and 1159 for uncommon salavage with no bidders.
I do this specifcally to buy up the cheap stuff for more than vendor offers just so that people who bother holding salvage I need make more than if they vended.
I appreciate someone making sure that when I need a kinetic weapon or a mathamatic proof I can find one.
I have no idea what effect this would have if everyone did it and frankly don't care. I am only responsible for my actions. It seems right to me so that's what I do.
I tried Fulmen's experiment at buffering salvage and I found it took too much time away from bopping bad guys in the nose and decided to just reward people who list when I can. -
This is indeed well done. I am currently between jobs and have little income but if I could find 50$ to help the people of Japan I would think that just about anyone could.
All players who can should help, not to mention anyone with a heart. -
Congratulations on your sucessful bid! Also I am glad that the owner got a better price that I was offering. Well done to all.