517 -
Quote:This is quite true. I have very limited time to play at present so I spend none of it on Beta. I do appreciate all of you who test it and tweak it, but it can't be me right now.Not everyone has any experience with the set from beta. While some people are of the "want moar nao" persuasion, it's nice to have a formal response from the devs. Gives good indication it will be out soon, since this communication to the public has been missing for some time.
This does sound like a fun set tho'! -
Sounds like fun! But I need to finish a few other toons before I start another one.
Curse you for eating all my free time! -
BTW, I was astounded when I saw all the negativity in this topic.
I get being bummed about staff fighting but low level stealth and knockback protection procs are some of the most useful items in the game! My only question was why no Unbounded leap.
If you really think these are all trash, send any you have to me, that way I 'll have to buy few less of these from the market that way. -
Quote:I quite agree. I would pay for a more aesthetically pleasing version of the raptor pack. My golden age Air Boy style toon could really use this as the raptor pack just doesn't work for his costume. I wouldn't even mind the detoggle.Oh not arguing the in game ways at all. And thanks I forgot about that one in Grandville. I just hate the raptor pack. I find it way to large and ungainly for my style as a player.
I use the Flying Carpet on some toons where it is appropriate to their origin and background. -
Back when EULAs first started to become THE way software companies chose to offer their products I thought that they were ridiculously restrictive and basically robbed consumers of any rights if anything went wrong or changed in any way. Almost everyone kind of shrugged and said Oh, so?
Now they are almost industry boilerplate, no one reads them before quickly clicking Agree and getting to the game. Clicking Disagree doesnt start a negotiation; it means you dont get to play the game.
When people talk about buying a game or almost anything with intellectual property or possible liability attached to it, they are not buying a physical item, even if they get a CD or a DVD. They are buying a license to use that material, at the discretion of the licensor, in the way the licensor wants, and as long as the licensor wants. Your sole recourse is to stop using it. There is no refund and in most cases, no way to resell the license.
This doesnt mean that I think NCSoft are tyrants or that they use the power of the EULA like a club. In fact, it is in their interest that any change be debated and accepted by the community at large. The appearance that our voice matters is important in getting buy in to any changes they need/want to make even though all the power rests with the licensor. The only power consumers have is to stop playing/paying, thats it. They treat the community with a lot of respect and interact with it even though they legally are free to do just about anything they want.
To change a decision like this, an effective course of action would require organization and discipline, uncommon in any internet community and more important, a commonality of interest. Most issues will fail to rise to that level.
As many posters have said we must be patient. That is wise council and sounds much better than grin and take it. There is no way that this issue would be enough to organize effective action around. Too few people are affected and the larger community does not see it as an issue worth fighting for.
I am not happy about this state of affairs but my unhappiness or the happiness of the French and German players who will undoubtedly be affected will have little weight when set against the aspect of profit.
I wish them all good fortune and hope that as many as are willing, stay. -
I didn't even mess with PvP IO's. All I did with converters was buy up some level 15 rares and convert them into low level procs, mostly stealth.
I had a bunch of level 30 recipes that I got from Fulmens and converted many of them and put them on the market.
I think I might have lost money on it overall but I made an extra 3 billion (I know, nothing like a real marketeer could make) over the last month to keep my liquid reserves at 22 Billion. Besides, someone out there can actually use a Trap of The Hunter Triple at level 30. -
I am sorry that you guys didn't make the billions you wanted but sometimes things trip you up. Think of it as your broker being unavailable or you are in a no cell service area when a big chance to make a pile comes by.
Anyway, it's not like you lost anything, you'll be able to purple out (very casually now) every war shade you own. All you lost was a chance to make a bunch of pretend money that you don't have anything to spend it on anyway. Besides, I'm sure you will all think of some way to more billions to sit on.
I don't understand all the rage and anger over this bug.
I'm not sorry that the market for purples cratered. Maybe non billionaires can get some purple sets now. -
There might not be one.
I understand your pain tho. I didn't even know there was a defeat badge for Blue Coralax until I read about it accidently on wiki.
I would settle for having things like all day jobs, defeats, listed in the columns. I hate having to scan through all those day jobs to find the only one that my level 20 toon needs. -
Quote:This.I don't horde inf per se. Not in the way that some people on here do. I do try to keep 15 or 20 billion on hand at any one time though, so if I decide I want to build something expensive I don't have to spend time making money before I can do it.
If a pull out 2 or 3 billion for a project, I market back up to 20 billion so I don't have to wait so long to equip my 70 or so alts.
Things I have wasted money on (besides builds on toons):
1 Billion for a complete base and component salvage collection.
10 Billion or so building SG bases (I hate waiting for teleporters)
1 Billion to Fulmens for his help new base builder projects
2 or 3 Billion given away in game to people begging for inf or "just cuz" just as a pay back. People have sent me money from time to time because they like a toon's name or costume or just at random, so I like to even the scales. -
Just set a time and date. I've got a blaster with a stealth proc and assemble team that can help.
Someone mentioned Powerset set change tokens, that will probably never happen, but....Origin Change Tokens?
ABSOLUTELY! I would cheerfully buy a couple, even at 800 points so I could fix a few toons who need their origins fixed to match the new concept I developed after they hit level 30 or so.
Alignment switch tokens? I will probably buy a couple for my main badger, but otherwise just work through the arcs. -
A little late, but I want to thank Fulmens for a smooth deal. Thanks a bunch brother!
Yeah I forgot that last time I made a bunch of Endurance Mods, Accuracy and Damage IO's They did sell pretty fast and for a lot more than normal.
Most of the stuff I put out of sets was aimed at Frankenslotters. They love those triples. -
With Double XP coming up I was wondering what strategy the E-Bills use to rake in filthy lucre.
Not asking for specifics, just some general hints.
I'll start with what I do.
First, I'm not a niche worker. I buy ten of something I can craft and switch between everything that looks like I can make at least 5 million per shiny on. If the margin between recipe and crafted is too narrow, I skip it.
Second, I only market with about two or three toons and just get to about 20 billion liquid and and then stop.
That said, I am currently down about 5 billion and would like to top off.
So what I did last time was just fill my enhancment bins up with stuff like various triples, cheap procs, and cheap set pieces that people never seem to get tired of. I don't make a killing on any of it but the volume takes care of it.
So any thing to share? -
Everybody who uses the market a lot has this happen. I've been on both sides of it and it's just part of the game. Kinda like bum calls by the referee in football. Congrats on your windfall.
I always use inf to build bases. I hate waiting to get all the teleports up so I spend, spend, spend until it's ready. I've got 8 SG bases that require care and feeding and only one of those was built on earned prestige. -
Yes! Taking some Vacation days so I can play a lot!
I don't really have a problem with these packs. I have got the full set of costume pieces on two accounts for around 12 packs each account. I'm sorry that some will miss out, but that is their choice or as circumstances dictate.
I really liked what Arcanaville pointed out about those with more money helping subsidize those who couldn't pay as much making the game better for everyone. It certainly makes it more palatable to me when I spend an extra 30 a month for things I want but are not required. Makes me feel less like a chump if I am helping my buddy who really can't afford much more get a better game.
If I was Paragon Studios I would rotate the set out of the packs in 6 months and put a new set to "force" us buy some more packs. Then they could put this in the store. Or maybe they could make the set part of the VIP tier 9 rewards.
I would love it if the pieces that you have to spend AM and EM were added that way. I don't mind the Incarnate trials but I don't like them enough to grind them to get costume pieces, emotes and so forth.
I'm a community activists so I certainly understand the concept of protest, but this just doesn't seem like that big a deal to me.
To all those not buying, I hope you can get the things you want in way that you can live with eventually. -
That'll work. I'll send the money shortly.
I'll take some of that action. I would prefer level 30's. Just let me know and I will get in game and send the cash to @boltcutter. (if that is correct)
The gladius is available at level 1 which of course was the standard issue for Roman legionnaire. It pretty much covers the standard sidearm right up until the 4th century with the introduction of heavy cavalry.
Before I became ebill, Fulmens helped me out. He's a good guy.
He does this from time to time. Send him a PM and let him know if you want to do this. Next he has a few billion to burn, he'll get in touch -
I have been playing for nearly three years and there are still things I haven't done. Things that have been in the game for a while (Never done a Hami or any of the Shadow Shard TFs). I've only done BAF and LAM trials.
When someone broadcasts that they are doing something I haven't done but would like to I send them a tell and let them know I've never done it and leave it to them to decide if they can use me.
If they do, I cheerfully announce my noob status to the whole team and generally ask for advice on the best way to help the league.
If someone announces a Master of.. I don't even bother unless I am totally familiar with the content (really ITF, and Task Force commander TF's are the only ones I would even think about doing a Master of)
As important as experienced leaders are to the trials, it's just as important that players unfamiliar with a TF or Trial ACTIVELY seek aid if they don't know what to do. I will always do that, unless the team is patronizing or rude. I treat others with respect and expect to treated the same way.
Also, if you are planning a badge run (DFB) tell the team and don't assume that everyone will automatically know that it is a badge run. I've accidently ruined a few of those because the leader didn't bother to announce it was a badge run
BTW, I'm MWRuger in game. I'm sure I've teamed with some of you and I am certain that you've helped me get used to new material. Mystic Fortune has teamed with me and helped me a lot. -
And well worth it too! I wish I had been playing then but I wasn't and this was a good way to get 'em!
I would offer a lump sum for this. Send me a PM, I'll make a bid