Double XP Profits
My experience in the past is that people don't do a lot of set IO buying during double xp weekend, but IO out their newly 50 characters after mostly. So you usually see a spike for the week or two following on a lot of stuff.
On the other hand, people buy generic IOs for whatever price they can RIGHT NAO, so they can slot them and get back to double XPing. I know it's not a massive market per sale, but the % of profit can be huge. It's a good thing for low-level marketeers or don't-usually-market types, stock up on generics leading up to DXP and then sell them nearly as fast as you can stock the market with them.
But as for set IOs afterwards... it's hard to predict what might be a really really good profit, but all the stuff that normally sells well can spike.
Actually -- with the sudden drop in LotG +recharges from the influx of merits from super packs, I'd think buying up a bunch of those and then selling them after DXP might be profitable. Because everyone slots those as much as possible, right?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Yeah I forgot that last time I made a bunch of Endurance Mods, Accuracy and Damage IO's They did sell pretty fast and for a lot more than normal.
Most of the stuff I put out of sets was aimed at Frankenslotters. They love those triples.
With Double XP coming up I was wondering what strategy the E-Bills use to rake in filthy lucre.
Not asking for specifics, just some general hints.
I'll start with what I do.
First, I'm not a niche worker. I buy ten of something I can craft and switch between everything that looks like I can make at least 5 million per shiny on. If the margin between recipe and crafted is too narrow, I skip it.
Second, I only market with about two or three toons and just get to about 20 billion liquid and and then stop.
That said, I am currently down about 5 billion and would like to top off.
So what I did last time was just fill my enhancment bins up with stuff like various triples, cheap procs, and cheap set pieces that people never seem to get tired of. I don't make a killing on any of it but the volume takes care of it.
So any thing to share?