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Quote:Or hopefully, it will be for sale at a much more reasonable price in the market and you can get it if you want it without waiting 2.5 years or spending 210.00 dollars. Winnah!not a jab at you, but one group of people that seem to be ignored in this argument are the VIPs who aren't t9 yet. we pay every month to play, yet there is some stuff that is not available to us because
a) we haven't been playing the game for YEARS
b) haven't spent a bunch of money to "get ahead" so to speak
as I stated earlier, if I wanted any of the t9 stuff, I would have to fork over $210.00 extra dollars or wait another 2.5 years... -
Not that it matters, but I spent a of money getting two separate accounts to tier 9 because I wanted the celestial armor set. I'm all for these being available on the market.
Keep in mind that you don't spend money to get the reward tokens, you are buying points which you use to get stuff. The T9 costumes pieces are just a bonus.
We got them early, we didn't have to spend any additional points to get them so why not let premium and free players buy them? Maybe the money they spend will let them design a new costume set that I will enjoy.
I just don't see how letting others get the pieces reduces my game play value. I'm a VIP because I want to play the whole game, all of it. Even if there were no T9 Costume sets, I would still be a VIP. If you upset about VIP stuff being available and you don't think VIP is worth it, then go premium.
Besides, it's a costume pack for a video game, not live saving cancer treatments. Let's try and keep things in perspective. -
Meh. I can see the logic behind your statement. I still think it would be a nice gesture and a pretty cheap one as well..
That said, I would certainly expect them to give out server transfers.
I am not sure what the limit on the stack is, but it should be enough to transfer an account that had 36 toons or whatever the stack limit is sounds fair. It won't cost them much of anything to do this I wouldn't think. -
I don't work for Paragon Studios, but I think it's pretty unlikely that they would use a fan translation.
One reason is potential liability. They would be responsible and liable for whatever was put up, even something that could be potentially offensive or in violation of the TOS. The only way to avoid that would be to vet the translation which would mean that they would have to have someone on staff that could translate it, which is what they are trying to avoid.
Plus, having to depend on someone for volunteer work is notoriously unreliable. Would they hold up an issue launch because the fan translator was on holiday when they had to have the translation. Typically, corporations do not rely on volunteer work for critical data. (I work for a small non-profit and we use volunteers for everything except key positions. We make it work by recruiting 5 times the help we need to get the 1 person who does show up.If 5 do, we can always find something for them to do.)
In addition, I am pretty certain that translation isn't the only expense. There would be a savings in having to do just one update instead of one for each language. Reduced cost in bug testing the patch and other areas as well I would guess.
Unfortunately, it breaks down like this:
They could invest 10,000 dollars in keeping localisation and make back say 30,000 OR they could invest 10,000 dollars in something that would return 100,000 dollars. Corporations always go with least risk/greatest potential profit.
But I could be wrong and I hope I am. Good luck! -
This is why this is my favorite forum!
After you guys taught me how to market to billions, I get to learn all kinds of interesting things about slotting that I don't have to spend hours testing or searching to find out.
Thanks! -
If I slot it in a Targeted AOE will it have a chance to fire for every target it hits?
If you have enhancement converters, you can switch any ATO's you don't want for Scrapper/Blaster ones (which seem to sell very well.)
Thanks Darth K!
This is my first peacebringer so I resisted the DFB temptation to run the Story arc you get from Sunstorm because I thought "Cool! Aliens!"
Not really. Lord, I have fought a lot of Council. In fact, every arc so far has been Council. Now, I don't mind beating up some Council. Them's Good Eats. But I was surprised that there wasn't at least few SF type escapades.
Still, I'm enjoying the ride and Ms Ann E Versity hit level 25 today so I can't complain too much. -
He'll turn up, the big oaf! Probably having too good a time at some party.
It was fun but sadly short. Maybe next time we can team longer. -
Some of you may remember that last year a new hero, Major Anniversary arrived in Paragon City and discovered that there was more to being a hero than just showing up when the cameras were on and when his agent told him to. He changed his name to Ice In Flames and became a real hero after the celebration was over.
Now his sister has come to Paragon City to find her brother. She had always lived quietly and simply until she was mortally injured in a car accident. Near death, she was contacted by a strange alien being who was named Sorrows Dawn. It told her that it could save her life and give her extraordinary powers if she would consent to a merger between its essence and hers.
She agreed and thus was Ms Ann E. Versity born. She uses her powers to protect the innocent and sample all that the city has to offer. Oh and maybe find her brother. He doesnt call, he doesnt write, his mom is worried sick!
This is just my way of celebrating City of Heroes 8th Anniversary! I will play her all during the celebration so if you see her on the streets, say hello!
I think people might be spending more freely just because there are so many ways to get the enhancements you want/need now.
When the only way to get 'em was either the market or merits you had to be a little tight and bid well and long just to preserve your pile for the next purchase/build.
But now who cares if you spend a little extra inf?
I don't have to worry about whether 3 sets of Thunderstrike at level 30 are going to be available or affordable. I'll buy what I can with inf or maybe the SBE's or trade in some merits or do some AE tickets or even AM. -
Agent White,
Your suggestion about Analyse Weakness --> Shield Breaker was just what my baby peace bringer needed. I only need 3 more to complete my 2 level 30 sets!
Thanks! -
There is such an element of chance that I think it would be difficult to get a hard, fast number. But if someone has...well I'd like to see it as well.
I don't like high prices either but I guarantee you that if they weren't getting money from people the prices would drop.
(sheepishly raises hand)
I am one of the guilty. I have a decent job and this is so little compared to what I spend on wine, women and song that I just buy whatever I think I might need or even want.
Feel free to blame me and others like me. We probably deserve it! -
Oh yeah, Striga! I usually do that before Croatoa. Love Wedding Ring!
I do this kinda thing all the time. I usually do Hallows till level ten, then Midnighter's, saving the lost hunt for the Faultline arc which I get as soon as I can. Doc Delilah starts at 20 so when that arc comes around I do that one. Then off to IP or Talos or maybe Crotoa
I usually fill in with various legacy stuff. Maybe some tips so I can unlock hero merits. Signature Story arcs are also nice to fill in holes.
I can't remember who it is, but there is a nice little arc where you get to fight Dr. Vahz. Fun. -
Quote:I just missed it then. I'm sure in person it would have been obvious....Um... satirical comedy is not lying. Sure, it's not truthful, but lying is usually done with the intent to deceive, which this was not. This was done with the intent to make people laugh.
Like I said I generally take things at face value. I leave intent deciphering on the interwebs to those with the inclination and experience to do so. -
Quote:Because unless I know someone is a liar I generally believe they are telling the truth. YMMV, but that is far more pleasant than thinking that everyone is a liar.How can people possibly believe PleaseRecycle is serious?!?!?!
Besides, I read the Rude Tells thread and some of that stuff makes his story seem plausible.
But if you know it's not true then let me know. I don't like to be fooled but i prefer that than utter cynicism. -
Quote:What server are you playing on?Staff is a terrible set. You can't solo with it and if you team with it all you're doing is leeching. I got kicked off of every team I joined with my staff brute and I couldn't understand why. Finally yesterday XxGokuxX clued me in after kicking me: staff sucks because it doesn't do any damage. It had been staring me in the face the entire time but it took the words of a sage for the last piece to fall into place. At once I leapt from my chair, somersaulted around the room and sat back down, my purpose truly clear for the first time: I had to reroll. But to what? Well, the one thing I'm sure about is that damage is strong. Another thing I learned one time is that fire hurts. I'm still trying to work out how to apply this information but I have a couple good leads.
I want to make sure that I never venture there. It's pretty mean to kick someone who is playing the game and whose "damage output" doesn't some up to snuff.
Switch to another server where you won't get kicked for playing your toon. -
Quote:This might be me. I deal with so many needy and jerky people in real life I'm not sure I could bring myself to deal with any even in the best PvP system in the world.I was mostly referring to folks who don't like being competitive, or who are put off by trash talkers and "ganky" players, stuff like that. Things that nothing strictly mechanical is going to really sway one way or the other.
That said, for those who love it, I hope it gets fixed. My buddy would love it and I know that many on this thread do as well.
It's kinda the same reason I don't like to lead. I have to make decisions and herd cats all day, at night I just don't want to be responsible for anybody but me. Maybe selfish, but very relaxing just to have somebody else do it and just bash bad guys. -
My best friend who I have known since high school got me into the game and he is an avid PvPer. Hes tried many times to get me into to it, insuring me that I will love it. I ve tried it a few times and the best I can say is that not every time was horrible.
My experience is, of course, only proof of my experience, but even my pal who loves it gets frustrated with all the trash talk and invective. About half his PvP SG quit because the other half acted like *****.
I wont repeat exactly what I have heard because the last time I did I got a friendly warning that some words are not appropriate for the forums. Apparently, they are fine for broadcast:
Examples: You used inspires! Thats cheating!, You suck! Running away when youre out numbered 3 to 1. Stay here and let us kill you. You SS/Invul tank beat my (insert AT and Powerset). Youre a hacking **** **** and you probably suck *****. You are totally g** and a h**o
In short, I could get around how totally nerfed my main toons build is in PvP. If I had a desire I could do a dual build and slot him as best I could and probably win occasionally. But why in the world would I bother?
They are some people whose only fun comes from ruining other peoples play. They consider it a legitimate form of play to grief. The harder you make it to do so, the more they enjoy it. If you dont like it, well thats too bad. Its your fault for not getting the joke or not being good enough to stop them. I have occasionally run into this in PvE (This one guy wanted me to race him and wouldnt take no for an answer. Ever), but I almost always run into this whenever I am in a PVP zone. (I usually try to get badges and PvE rewards on dead PvP servers.) When these guys show up and repeatedly kill me even when I explain that Im not a challenge and Im just badging, I log to a different toon and Im usually hit with tells calling me a coward and other colorful phrases.
Yes, I realize it is a PvP zone and I know I am at risk when I go in there, but I cant imagine what they get out of it and I dont really want to.
I am sorry if it seems like I am ripping on PvPers, I dont mean to. I am sure that there are gracious winners and losers out there that have perspective and act in a civilized manner and to those folks, I am sorry there are not enough of you to drown out the jerks. -
Quote:It won't come that way. Every toon can have one freespec. These are different from respecs and vet respecs in that you can claim them anywhere. But only one at a time.Originally Posted by Zhasji;Personally I'm okay with a free respec, just hope that it comes via charcter mail so i can save it with my others waiting to be claimed when needed.
Quote:This.I'm utterly amazed at the whiny sense of entitlement displayed in this thread. Either you subscribed for the time necessary to receive the incentives or you didn't. It's just that simple.
It isn't the end of the world. And if the goodies are later released on the market and you want them, buy them. (Just because I followed the rules of the incentive program and received the incentives at no additional cost doesn't mean I'm going to resent you paying for them at a later date. I'm not that selfish, and I hope the majority of the player base isn't either.)
I would have been subscribed anyway because I like to play the game and have access to all the content. I could easily go FTP having bought many character slots on both accounts, but I enjoy the game and want to support it.
You can put me in the camp that pretty much likes the way the game is going. Yes, I even like the market! I slot all my toons at 30 so the attuned enhancements work great and address the total lack of recipes or crafted enhancements at that level range.