Introducing Ms Ann E. Versity!
I had the pleasure of teaming with you last night. That's right... but sadly, I have not seen your brother. CHEERS!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
He'll turn up, the big oaf! Probably having too good a time at some party.
It was fun but sadly short. Maybe next time we can team longer.
This is cool. Cheers.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Thanks Darth K!
This is my first peacebringer so I resisted the DFB temptation to run the Story arc you get from Sunstorm because I thought "Cool! Aliens!"
Not really. Lord, I have fought a lot of Council. In fact, every arc so far has been Council. Now, I don't mind beating up some Council. Them's Good Eats. But I was surprised that there wasn't at least few SF type escapades.
Still, I'm enjoying the ride and Ms Ann E Versity hit level 25 today so I can't complain too much.
Some of you may remember that last year a new hero, Major Anniversary arrived in Paragon City and discovered that there was more to being a hero than just showing up when the cameras were on and when his agent told him to. He changed his name to Ice In Flames and became a real hero after the celebration was over.
Now his sister has come to Paragon City to find her brother. She had always lived quietly and simply until she was mortally injured in a car accident. Near death, she was contacted by a strange alien being who was named Sorrows Dawn. It told her that it could save her life and give her extraordinary powers if she would consent to a merger between its essence and hers.
She agreed and thus was Ms Ann E. Versity born. She uses her powers to protect the innocent and sample all that the city has to offer. Oh and maybe find her brother. He doesnt call, he doesnt write, his mom is worried sick!
This is just my way of celebrating City of Heroes 8th Anniversary! I will play her all during the celebration so if you see her on the streets, say hello!