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  1. Kindredsun's build is decent, but a few choice are rather lack luster. Sorry, your Death Shroud slotting is completely inadequate. Stamina is over slotted, move some of those to Death Shroud.

    Over all, if you can't afford Purple IOs, it's a fair route to go, except you included PvP and some Purples. A DM/DA build REALLY benefits from Purple sets, just 5 slots though. You should easily work 4 into your build. The difference is in higher resistance and recharge values.
  2. You'll get a better response if you include the data chunk with your build posts.
  3. Desmodos

    OMG I need help!

    Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post
    StJ/Inv brute. Resistance and Defense is so much better than only defense, plus you get a self-heal in invuln.
    Old argument. Repeated monthly in either Scrapper or Brute forums... occasionally dragging in tankers. In the end, the argument is silly. It all hinders on play style and preferences. I personally prefer Scrappers by default and in 90% of teaming options. I acknowledge the differences favor Fire Brutes or Electric brutes in specific AE maps, that holds little weight with me.

    I will offer this tid bit to Voodoo; if you are leaning towards Invulnerable, I find Invincibility to be the most reliable taunt aura. This will making maintaining aggro and Fury much easier. I consider this a slight advantage of Invulnerable Brutes over Invulnerable scrappers (this also factors Brutes inherent HP).
  4. Desmodos

    oh dear

    Originally Posted by lenilya View Post
    Took it to best buy for the lulz, confirmed it was the mobo.

    Woe. Woah is me, dude!
    I hope you get your PC fixed, but from my experience in dealing with Best Buy Geek Squad, those idiots couldn't tell the difference between the power button and left click on your mouse. I wouldn't trust them to clean my PC much less trouble shoot a hardware issue.
  5. Desmodos

    oh dear

    Originally Posted by lenilya View Post
    Looks like I fried my mobo this morning, can't even get my compy to POST. Fans and lights turn on, no beeps. No labor day weekend coh for me

    Frying a mobo takes a bit of effort. You checked to make sure nothing came loose? Have you dusted inside your case recently?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

    Although I'm dyin' to see afterburner....

    You can include me in this camp.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

    Yes, technically you can keep grounded and hover: Don't try it, you always wind up losing it.

    Take AS. It's more ST that elec needs, it's reliable knockdown, and you will like it.

    If you wanna fly, use fly, that's what it's for.

    Although I'm dyin' to see afterburner....
    I get what you are saying. I would also recommend against using hover on Electric Armor unless your characters concept demands it. Mine does and I've accepted the concessions required.

    From the OP, I gathered Superrpgman wanted a Hover/Fly character. It can be done, which was my point. You have to be aware of limitations and concessions, which I think was Mauk2's point.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prime313 View Post
    I assume fly would not be used for fighting, for the most part.

    That being said I have never actually used hover and grounded at the same time. The wording is the same as burn though, and you can't lay down a burn patch if hover is on.
    Servers came back up and I just tested it. KB protection remains in effect while hovering provided you are near the ground. So about 2 feet off the ground, still works. If I tap the space bar once, I pop up about 2-3 feet and I lose the KB protection. Same is true of Fly.
  9. While I'm at it, I do have an Elec/Elec scrapper that uses hover and fly. While Hover/Fly is obviously not the preferred option for Electric Armor, you can address aerial KB issue with a few KB protection IOs. Not the most efficient choice, but workable if you are committed to a flying Electric Armor Scrapper.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prime313 View Post
    Grounded's Imm and KD protection only applies when you are... well... grounded.
    1) Wouldn't fly do the same thing?

    2) I was under the impression that Grounded still worked if you were near the ground? I understand for aerial battles, this would be a minor issue, but if you are hovering near the ground, shouldn't the KB protection/resistance remain in effect?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
    Hover is ok, but it disables most of your knockback resistance from grounded.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    On the subject of DA... What APP/PPP do people like for 'em? Soul for Shadow Meld looks sorta interesting, but on the other hand I wouldn't mind some more AoE.
    Sadly, I believe Blaze Mastery is superior to every other option. Many chose Body Mastery for easier endurance management, but I really don't see the need and you sacrifice damage out put. For thematic reasons, I used to use Darkness Mastery, but I eventually came to believe the thematic choice wasn't worth the decreased damage output.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    It won't get a LOT higher, but it will get it enough higher that it will help.

    Alpha Very Rares ignore ED on 2/3rds of the enhancement value, so you'll get nearly 22% enhancement that ED doesn't touch.
    Basically, it depends on the rest of the set bonuses you targeted.

    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    My resistance without Cardiac:

    54.8% SL
    26.6% E
    50.3% N
    41.0% FC
    28.2% T
    50.0% P

    With Cardiac:

    60.1% SL
    28.8% E
    54.0% N
    44.2% FC
    30.4% T
    57.5% P

    On my DM/DA

    With out Cardiac.
    S/L 50.4%
    F/C 45.3 %
    Psi 60.8 %
    Neg 49.3 %
    Energy/Toxic 26.1 %

    With Cardiac.
    S/L 56.2 %
    F/C 48.8 %
    Psi 66.7 %
    Neg 54 %
    Energy/Toxic 28.5 %
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Icy_J View Post
    Ok, now I have one more question. I've restarted my Spines/DA scrap, but now something concerns me based on what you said.

    Being a Spines scrap, I'll more than likely have Quills running at all times. Does this negate the need for Cloak of Darkness early on? Should I just take Cloak of Fear until I can invest in IOs?
    I think you're mixing up powers. Cloak of Darkness is a stealth/immob. protection power with some defense. No aspect of this power is affected by Quills.

    With out an IO build, Spines/DA will have a very difficult time running Cloak of Fear. I do run Cloak of Fear on my Spines/DA scrapper, but I have a hefty IO build and Cardiac Alpha to manage it. Prior to purchasing IO sets, I would say do not use CoF on a Spines/DA build.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Icy_J View Post
    Thankfully, I like to read. I can understand that the set shines when more toggles are stacked, but if that's the case, would I see any performance increase if I were to, say, take a combination of the 3 "Cloak" powers?
    Not before level 22. With out SO level enhancement, the base resistance values of he basic 3 are too low. This also happens to be a level when we are starved for slots, so you may not have enough slots in the powers to see the effect. I would say from level 22 on, Dark Armor builds start to improve dramatically.
  16. Dark Armor is a bit of a slow starter. While Cloak of Fear and Oppressive Gloom seem like defining powers for the set, sole reliance on them or any one aspect of Dark Armor will not yield the best performance.

    Dark Armor really is a layered set. Individually, none of the powers start too well and none of them end up that spectacular (Obsidian Shield is an arguable exception, but Psi Damage simply isn't common enough to entertain the argument.) Some will state that Dark Regeneration the defining power, it's simply too endurance costly to be spectacular at low levels.

    When all the Dark Armor toggles are combined, the set truly starts to shine. It's easy to over look one toggle was insignificant, but remove it and you quickly notice the difference.
    • Setting the Foundation: Dark Armor basic three are Dark Embrace, Obsidian Shield, and Murky Cloud. Get these early and have them all 4 slotted by level 22. (you could cheat a few slots out of OS. Some do this in their final build, but this depends on your bonuses.) The resistance values achieved by Dark Embrace and Murky Cloud are simply not impressive. ~34% with basic enhancements. Everything builds on these small values, without them, the set quickly crumbles.

      Minion Muncher: Death Shroud seems rather lack luster initially for the amount endurance it costs. DO NOT BE MISLED. Death Shroud is your most endurance efficient toggle and is vital to managing endurance on any Dark Armor build. On full teams or soloing at x8, Death Shroud will consistently out damage any power in your arsenal (except Throw Spines.) Take this power immediately, and slot it up ASAP. Fill it with Endurance reductions initially, but at level 22 you should be treating the same as any attack.

      Pulled from the fire: Dark Regeneration is the most powerful self heal, but at a high cost. You need 2-3 targets to get full benefit and it uses up 1/3 of your end bar. Without IO sets, you want this to be your "OH $#!+ !!" Take this power immediately and slot it immediately. This power will give a much better sense of Dark Armor's potential, but only after you have the basic toggles in order. With the right IO build, it can be uses rather casually about every 10-15 seconds.

      Mez toggles: Outside of IO builds, Cloak of Fear and Oppressive Gloom basically serve the same purpose, so you generally don't need both. While I have always preferred Cloak of Fear, it costs a great deal of endurance and has terrible base accuracy. (who can I harass about this?) On non IO builds, Oppressive Gloom is preferable as it needs no slotting to function fully. I just never liked the wandering affect stunned mobs would get. On IO builds, the preference can shift drastically depending on bonuses sought and the secondary you chose, but things really start to favor Cloak of Fear. Once you have a mez toggle up and running, you really start to understand Dark Armor 's full potential.

      Meh powers...sort of: Cloak of Darkness is marginally useful on a basic build. It offers some defense ~5% fully slotted, but not enough to be significant. It does have stealth, which can be situationally useful, and it offers immobilization protection if you wanted to skip Combat Jumping. On an IO set build that emphasizes defense, CoD because a great spring board, making it a must have power.
      I'm simply not a fan of self rez powers. IMHO, they are situational at best, and easily replaced by an awaken. If you can't think of another power worth taking, it can make for an IO mule, but I never take the power. I can usually find something to take that will help keep me for face planting in the first place.

    If you think this post is long, check out the ridiculously massive guide . It's slightly out of date, but the basics explained there haven't really changed. IMHO, still a great starting point for any Dark Armor scrapper.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    Backfire was telling me about you. Do you keep any of these episodes available for download anywhere? Or is it live only?
    Presently no. This iteration of UnMasked is a newer show and I am still working a few show formatting kinks. I could record the entire 2 hour set, but I don't think that's what folks are asking for. Discussions are done in between music blocks. The recording would include all the music and only about 20-30 mins worth of discussion.

    This has actually been requested a few times now. I'm in discussions with station managers regarding hosting more of a podcast. This has been done for other shows, I just need to work out the show format issues so that I can hand that off to them for hosting.

    TLDR: Currently no, but if there is sufficient interest it can be added in the near future.
  18. Hard to evaluate fully with out the date junk. Download does not work well for me.

    A few oddities jump out just from reading it over. I share ClawsandEffects concerns, but would expand that to mention under slotting of Dark Regeneration. Awful lot of slots in Confront while key powers are looking anemic.

    Is this supposed to be a positional or typed defense build?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post

    Like the graphics, though and the trailer is pretty nifty... Although, as expected, the game play vs the trailer? Not the same. At all.

    There is game play footage available.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AF_Bill View Post
    Although my DM/DA is a brute, I was looking for advice and thought I would come here first.

    I guess my biggest learning curve would be how effective the -to hit is as a primary defense. I normally use /wp and it's just not the same. In fact, I built this brute more like a /wp toon. Of course I plan on taking cardiac, but I still don't know if this build is substainable.

    I mostly solo and I'm looking for a solid all around build. I don't normally fight AVs unless on a team.

    Cost is not an issue.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    The build looks fairly solid. The glaring problem being you have no KB protection.

    Not having a 2nd slot in Stamina is hurting your endurance management. I don't really think you are getting much out of having those heal slots in Siphon Life. If it were my build, I move one of those to Stamina.

    Not sure I get what you are trying to do with Tough. It's over slotted and the bonuses of Aegis don't seem to compliment the rest of your build. Suggestion: swap Aegis for 4 Reactive Armor. This would save you a slot, boost your Energy Defense and allow you to pull all the slots out of Boxing.

    This would free 4 slots, maybe invest in some KB protection, I strongly suggest you build up to +12.
  21. Two things as I review your build.

    1) I recommend attempting your build again with out selecting any Fitness Pool powers. Yes, they are inherent now, so when you do a respect, you no longer need to select. YOU STILL NEED TO SLOT them. Think along the lines of Brawl or Sprint.

    2) When you post a build it is helpful if you include the data chunk. Then you select "Export Short Forum" check the last box that reads "Export Data Chunk as well as Data Link". This ensures whom ever wants to offer assistance, will be able to import the build by their method of preference. You will get more and faster responses this way.

    Regarding your actual build; you selected a Purple set but almost not sets else where. Was there a reason for this? Budgetary concerns?

    There are nearly a dozen different ways to build DM/DA. There are a lot of mistakes on your current build, but it would be helpful to know what kind of budget you are working with, before suggestions could be made.
  22. You'll get faster responses if you post the entire build, not just the link. The link does not work well for everyone.
  23. Desmodos

    So.. fill me in.

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    most of hamidons attacks do -heal and -regen

    -heal doesnt usually have to much affect since that will not affect powers such as dull pain and reconstruction (my dark/stone brutes siphon life still works at full strength even with dozens of stacks of hami attacks), the caveat is it will affect green insp and outside sources of heal

    the -regen is the real killer since regen has 0 resistance to it, however with an ageless destiny that has debuff resistance you can get some resistance to -regen for a bit (not long but might be enough to save your hide)
    Seems there is lots of conflicting experiences. I've been in numerous Hamidon Raids with my DM/DA and repeatedly debuffed to the point where neither Siphon Life nor Dark Regeneration could heal me. On an organized raid, not a HUGE issue, but it is quite noticeable.

    I know several who run these raids on Regeneration characters and don't recall anyone specifically mentioning an immunity to -heal or -regeneration. Regeneration is a great choice for Hamidon raids as they can get +HP and heal up quickly once the effects wear off, but that's a far cry from "solo tanking" Hamidon.
  24. Desmodos

    So.. fill me in.

    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    I haven't fought Hamidon since the 150-person raids, so I have no idea what's involved these days. But Arcanaville said that the Hamidon nucleus puts out about 200 DPS. Some of the builds in the thread you link to are healing an average of 250 hit points per second. I doubt the healing is consistent enough, but maybe, just maybe, Regeneration can solo-tank Hamidon again.
    Hamidon blasts and Mending mito blasts turn regeneration and heals off, so nope, not gonna happen.