
Screenshot Spotter Feb-17-2010
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  1. Somewhere I have a heavily worn copy of The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, which is chock full of McQuarrie's amazing artwork. Beautiful, iconic stuff from an amazing artist. Star Wars would not have been the same without the incredibly unique visual style he created for it. He will be sorely missed.

  2. Thanks for staying with us, War Witch. I'm sure you'll take it to the next level in a way that makes every other 'the next level' look like the previous level.
  3. Demobot

    NCsoft News Page

    To the best of my knowledge that particular picture of Statesman is really, really old, maybe as old as the game itself. He bulked up since then.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    Clearly the holodeck has malfunctioned yet again and now Kirk and friends must face their deadliest foe: Real Simulated Evil Modern Sherlock.
    Well, at least Sentient Holographic Moriarty will have someone to antagonize.
  5. It's Pixar. It's not "Cars 3". I'm seeing it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
    Just a quick note, TAoE powers with knockback don't work this way. Knockback throws enemies away from the *originator* of the KB effect, not the impact point. If you're standing 60 feet from a spawn and hit them with explosive blast, the ones that go flying will all go the same direction, away from you. The only time you'll cause radial scatter with explosive blast is if you use it on someone in melee range. The only way you'd have a ranged power that throws enemies away from the impact point would be if the knockback were delivered by a summoned pseudopet at the target.

    You are certainly free to skip explosive blast if you like, I just wanted to toss this out there for anyone else who might not be aware of it.
    Interesting. My last experience with Explosive Blast (or KB inducing TAoEs in general besides Energy Torrent, which being a cone, I had assumed worked differently in regards to the direction of the KB) was years ago, so I guess that perception of how its KB worked was unfounded. Learn something new everyday.
  7. Demobot

    Botched ritual.

    I've only run the Red Widow arc twice, but it seemed to me that if you read the responses carefully it's difficult to screw it up.
  8. I went through 250 packs on the beta server and didn't see the Wolf Pet. Glad that was beta...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DrGemini View Post
    We are the black sheep because we are the only AT that functions well when stacked with others of our kind.
    Hahahahaoh wait you're serious.
  10. I've played an Energy/Energy Blaster since I first started back in May of '04, and I've never heard a single complaint about KB from teammates. It's the AoE radial KB that gets the hate, so I recommend skipping Explosive Blast.
  11. Those 5 minute inspirations are good stuff.
  12. I went through 40 packs. They are (un)surprisingly addictive. I have all the costume pieces, tons of reward merits, and something like 76 enhancement boosters.
  13. 1. Ignore blind invites. Team, league, SG, whatever. If they're not interested in telling you what they're inviting you to or why, they probably won't take it personally when you ignore them.

    2. Don't be afraid to join a PuG once in a while. Worst-case scenario, you'll end up with some funny stories.

    3. Willingness to accept advice and a desire to seek out knowledge on your own are the best qualities a new player can have.

    4. If you're leading, lead.

    5. If you're not leading, don't lead.

    6. If you want aggro, be the first one in the fight.

    7. If you screw up, be mature about it.

    8. If other people screw up, be mature about it.

    9. If your fun comes at the expense of other people's fun, you're a dick.

    10. If your fun comes from helping other people have fun, you're awesome.

    11. Never engage a troll. All they want is attention.

    12. If you're not having fun with the game, don't stick around. No one is holding a gun to your head.

    13. Respect is a two way street.

    14. Do what you enjoy.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    This isn't exactly new information, Tech. Little late to get angry about it now.
    Melodrama is his bread and butter.
  15. I loved the book, and this looks just as awesome.
  16. I am the milkman. My milk is delicious. It's fortified with what the world wants. What the world deserves.
  17. I have a good bit of money already (in the neighborhood of 20 billion), but if there's that much profit to be had, I suppose I can be coaxed out of my ennui.
  18. Demobot

    A plea

    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    totally lack of intelligence
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    Issue 22: Death Incarnate still has some time left on VIP Beta.

    Sorry to be the bubble-burster.
    No contrition is required for crushing absurd assumptions.