Are we the black sheep?
You're damn right the MMs are the black sheep, because we're the king kong kamehameha badasses. We're the ones Scrappers aspire to be, Brutes whine to their mom's about, and tanks say "yeah, they're the redside version of me!", even though they know we're not.
For iTrials, the basics I follow are this:
1. Take your time. I'm not good at speeding with an MM, but I could solo a crate/container with +1 level shift. Push to the thing you want to kill, killing the enemies along the way, then kill it. Even if you only get one, there's 8 people on your team. You'll more than make up for it against the AVs.
2. Everything needs to avoid the patches. Keep an eye open, and use you're GoTo/Passive, then defensive. Keep pets out of patches.
3. This is league content. Yes, with 3 level shifts I can engage An AV on my own and usually wait for the team to follow. However this is stuff that requires multiple teams. Leverage the buffs to keep your pets alive against these killer enemies.
4. An extension of 3. Keep pets close. In iTrials, your pets are even level while in supremacy range. This is a huge boost, that will often be the difference in keeping them alive.
5. Know what powers your pets have, and what upgrade gives which powers. In TPN it's Grave Knights with two upgrades, and Zombies with none for Necromicus. That's completely single target. I set them to Passive and pick their targets, and it won't be my pets that take out a camera or civilian.
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
Masterminds in general have a hard time with higher level, fast moving content. That's anything, not just Trials. I have had to dismiss my bots in order to follow a team on a large map where they're just hitting the objectives.
I don't have a lot of advice for TPN as I haven't played it much. Maybe don't upgrade the bots fully, as most of the AoE is in the final upgrade. Use the "attack my target command" and if the bots have mostly single target attacks then the bots shouldn't damage civilians much. However I haven't tried this, so take it with a grain of salt.
The other thing to consider is just playing as a buffer and leaving the bots out of it. Put them on passive or spam "def follow", and just try to buf and support the dangerous parts of the Trial. It's maybe not how you envision playing, but part of the idea of these Trials are that they give you have different situations to adapt to, so I feel out of the box thinking is required here.
Just my 2 cents.
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
Itrials are getting a bit better for MMs. In MoM Trial, they made it so pets are not hurt by the purple patch on the ground.
If you've done Apex, you should know how awful that final fight is for MMs. Not only there are ambushes everywhere, if your pets run through the patch, they die almost instantly.
I think the dev do know that MMs are at disadvantage in a lot of high-end stages. They've increased tier 1 and tier 2 to match Master's level.
You are not the only one that feels MMs are worse as the content gets harder. When you include all the crazy set bonuses, pets don't get nearly as much because the most you can give them is two sets of pet uniques (and now one from ATO for aoe defense). And I disagree that the key to success is Bodyguard mode. I HATE Bodyguard mode. I never understand the concept behind it. I am a summoner and not a freaking Tanker that wants to draw aggro to myself. Being a summoner-type, the last thing I want is to draw aggro to myself. I know Bodyguard mode works sometimes but I really dislike the design behind it. Call me crazy. I rather babysit the pets than trying to draw aggro to myself and let my pets choose and chase their targets.
And then you have one or two MM set combos like Robot/Trap with taunt that can solo AVs/GM because of bodyguard mode and everyone thinks MM is superior. Sadly, I don't play Robot, Thug and Demon. I only play Ninja, Necro and Merc and my experience of them are never "superior". They require a lot of babysitting. Ninja dies too quick. Necro lacks aoe damage and dies quick too. And Merc just doesn't do enough damage.
At some point, the dev needs to decide if Mastermind's base-line performance is based on Robot and Thug. If so, they've got a lot of balancing to do. :P
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I HATE Bodyguard mode. I never understand the concept behind it. I am a summoner and not a freaking Tanker that wants to draw aggro to myself. Being a summoner-type, the last thing I want is to draw aggro to myself. I know Bodyguard mode works sometimes but I really dislike the design behind it. Call me crazy. I rather babysit the pets than trying to draw aggro to myself and let my pets choose and chase their targets.
I suppose that's one of my biggest bugbears. Being a Forcefield MM, my only real self-defense comes from my bubbles. My defense, when buffed by pets and self-buffed, comes to around 40%, which is great for the majority of content but in the Incarnate trials proves inadequate and weak where hit rolls are in the 50% range, and bosses seem to never miss. PFF is the only real defense I have which works, but naturally this disables Supremacy and leaves my pets open to some serious damage as well as restricting my own output.
I love being a damage dealer, and in a lot of content I can do just that. Sit back, let my pets go crazy on the attack (yes attack, not defense) and be happy in the knowledge that I'm making a decent contribution to the team effort.
Unfortunately, in some of the trials I'm limited to, as someone already mentioned, being a buffer. As a Forcefield MM, this is extremely limiting especially now that all bubbles are AoE (they were originally single-target for those unaware). So it basically means I cast bubbles, and do nothing but follow the leader for the majority of the mission.
The trial where you have to sway the public opinion is of particular note because it teleports you out of the building pretty quickly. This doesn't give a mastermind much time to switch her pets into passive mode (or indeed ANY mode), which can lead to some frustrating results and profuse apologies to the team. That's before I mention the dangers of being outside Bodyguard mode when a horde of screaming civilians start throwing molotov cocktails at you!
Right now I'm trying my best to get my defense as high as possible (possibly by taking the alpha slot defense mod for the occasion) so that I'm less of a liability in such teams. When it comes to boss fights, there's little more powerful than a raging Mastermind, but when it comes to delicacy, it's like using a missile to crack a nut.
The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)
While I think that good points have been raised here and there are certainly particular aspects of some of the Incarnate Trials (the tpn civilians and the lambda sabotage runs come to mind), there are also encounters in the Incarnate trials that favor Masterminds. The most obvious is the prisoner's phase of the BAF which is made absolutely trivial with enough Masterminds, but the final phase of the MoM trial with its need for rapid dps can also be leveraged easily for an MM since it's not so different from how you would take out an AV or GM solo.
Also, since the henchmens' level is dependent on your own, an MM is at an especially severe disadvantage without level shifts. However, once shifted, I've found my MM is a powerful contributor on trials. I do have to occasionally dismiss and resummon pets for certain phases, but I adapt.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
The other thing to consider is just playing as a buffer and leaving the bots out of it. Put them on passive or spam "def follow", and just try to buf and support the dangerous parts of the Trial. It's maybe not how you envision playing, but part of the idea of these Trials are that they give you have different situations to adapt to, so I feel out of the box thinking is required here.
Of course, I tend to avoid TPN when I can anyway, just because my computer lags at the best of times and TPN is never the best of times for limited graphics.

Or you could join all Mastermind runs like the ones I did today. We obliterated stuff in the incarnate trials better than any other group I've been on. We completed 2 Mos and 1 normal Keyes.
We are the black sheep because we are the only AT that functions well when stacked with others of our kind.
@ Dr Gemini
�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.� |
Yes. I am serious.
I am not saying that we are the only AT that can do this. I am saying that Masterminds are the best at it.
@ Dr Gemini
�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.� |
'Best' is relative of course and you might have a case there, but as far as 'only AT that functions well with others of our kind', well, the Repeat Offenders might want to have a word with you. Also Tanker Tuesdays and any number of others, but the Repeat Offender all-defender teams in particular would be a strong contender for 'functions well'.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
What makes MMs particularly more 'decimating' with more of its kind is that their secondary is full of the same kind of buffs and debuffs that Defenders have (in addition to have some controls and the buffs and controls the pets have). Then you apply that to over 70 pets who are now running around with capped stats. So, you have 8 capped defenders v. 80 capped critters. I think I know who wins in the damage department.
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I definitely understand how you feel, but Bodyguard mode does provide protection from the enemies which will eventually aggro you. Try as you might to avoid damage, ultimately everyone gets shot at one way or the other, be it area effect or a loner come to take you on. Masterminds have very low HP and virtually no defense, save for that they get from a handful of secondaries or their pets powers. In missions, particularly the trials, not using any defensive stance can be suicide.
I lived without it for almost a year before I realized it existed. The AT is slightly more fun when you've got to focus on keeping your MM self out of the line of fire. ..... except the part about having nearly 0 hp.
What makes MMs particularly more 'decimating' with more of its kind is that their secondary is full of the same kind of buffs and debuffs that Defenders have (in addition to have some controls and the buffs and controls the pets have). Then you apply that to over 70 pets who are now running around with capped stats. So, you have 8 capped defenders v. 80 capped critters. I think I know who wins in the damage department.
We were able to run an MO Lambda with no trouble whatsoever. The only time Marauder's HP didn't go down was the 60 seconds or so he had Unstoppable running. The mass of pets kept extra mobs at bay. And, our bodyguard mode made his Nova Fist tickle. That, and we had a great variety of incarnate abilities.
@ Dr Gemini
�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.� |
The first is how pets are generally 1-shot by anything that remotely resembles a tougher target. The second is how, with a large majority of the maps, pets can effectively get "lost" and separated from the mastermind. The third thing, of course, is that some missions actively discourage the use of any pets, such as one where you're trying to say the public opinion. Having pets out, in the latter case, usually means civilians eating a hailstorm of bullets. It's quite difficult to play effectively (or indeed do much of anything) without our pets and aside from in a standard fight where we will continue to shine, the incarnate content seems to put masterminds up against the wall. If you guys have any tips for running masterminds in these types of conditions, by all means let's hear them. But it does seem that masterminds are less than ideal for the sort of missions that incarnates find themselves in. |
The only time I ever feel useless with my MM is when the mission is a speed run. Except on a sLAM, when the warehouse phase comes up i just kill enemies to get the group some XP instead of going around the map looking for crates. Those get killed quickly enough anyway.
Masterminds struggle with two kinds of content far worse than any other AT: content where you are forced to ignore groups of enemies during a fight (which messes with the already... unimpressive Pet AI and frequently gets your pets killed), and content where heavy Area damage is a constant. Unfortunately the trials are loaded with both of these content types and there's not much you can do but grin and bear it.
@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30)) Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.
Masterminds struggle with two kinds of content far worse than any other AT: content where you are forced to ignore groups of enemies during a fight (which messes with the already... unimpressive Pet AI and frequently gets your pets killed), and content where heavy Area damage is a constant. Unfortunately the trials are loaded with both of these content types and there's not much you can do but grin and bear it.
1. Masterminds are not forced to ignore enemies. A good mastermind can use those pets to run interference and clean out those enemies while the rest of the team focuses on the objectives. In fact, if you have enough masterminds, content like Lambda Sector Trial which constantly spits out new mobs... the pets clean out those mobs faster than they can come at you.
2. The trials with heavy area damage are balanced now such that most of that damage doesn't even hit your pets. This is true for Keyes and MoM where your pets are generally unaffected by environmental damage.
Actually, Masterminds should be highly sought for teams because of those two things.
@ Dr Gemini
�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.� |
In their own element, masterminds are powerful. No, scratch that, they're an army unto themselves. But lately, especially with the majority of endgame content, it seems there has been a large shift to make them as useless as possible. Hear me out.
I was running some of the incarnate trials on my mastermind and discovered several things of note. The first is how pets are generally 1-shot by anything that remotely resembles a tougher target. The second is how, with a large majority of the maps, pets can effectively get "lost" and separated from the mastermind. The third thing, of course, is that some missions actively discourage the use of any pets, such as one where you're trying to say the public opinion. Having pets out, in the latter case, usually means civilians eating a hailstorm of bullets.
It's quite difficult to play effectively (or indeed do much of anything) without our pets and aside from in a standard fight where we will continue to shine, the incarnate content seems to put masterminds up against the wall.
If you guys have any tips for running masterminds in these types of conditions, by all means let's hear them. But it does seem that masterminds are less than ideal for the sort of missions that incarnates find themselves in.
The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)