2861 -
Quote:^^this sums up my feelings on the whole thing !There's no reason why men shouldn't have clock belts; there's no reason why females shouldn't have the baron boots.
I loved the barbarian pack but was rather annoyed that all the parts that I really wanted seemed to be male only . -
letting the name Hekate go back into the name pool
My imaginary friend , Dragonberry <3 uses The Murmurs rendition of sid and marty krofts H.R Puffnstuff theme song as her theme song
http://www.jango.com/music/The+Murmurs?l=0 -
someone else posted about ending up with the same name as someone when they both seemingly tried to reserve the same name at the same time .
I might bring Sadie Hawkins to this ...i'll just have to figure out which man i'll wrassle till he cries un'ca and agrees to bring me .
slipped in and grabbed
Tyrannosaurus rex
Nostradamus -
Quote:pretty much what Lothic said , im very happy with my purchases and im fine with paying the "have it nao !! " prices annnd when stuff comes down in price or someone gets it on sale im going to smile and be happy for them .It's actually fairly obvious that Paragon has set their prices (for these costume slots in particular) to be just about as high as anyone could reasonably tolerate and I think it's pretty much guaranteed that they'll come down at "some" point. Will that point be tomorrow or six months from now is anyone's guess.
But even if they do lower these to like half the current price or less at some point I won't really be all that upset about it. As of this very second I'm enjoying having characters with 10 costumes and if someone else gets to do that in a few months for half the price I did then more power to them!
I've enjoyed playing this game pretty much constantly for 7.5 years now. I can't imagine a better bargain for my entertainment dollar than this game has been. If I effectively just gave the Devs a $25 "tip" for a job well done then I think I can live with that. -
I made , Doctor Melnitz as a homage to ghostbusters . so if you see a beam rifle weilding redhead in a jumpsuit do not be alarmed she is a trained professional !!
I think I got some good grabs , sadly I had more name ideas then I actually had character slots .
Locomotive Breath
Steam Engine
Red riding hood
Spring heeled jack
yankee doodle dandy
Punchin judy
Royal Jester
Beautiful Violence
Fist Fight
Paranormal Activity
Joe Schmoe (for a friend)
theres still quite a few good names on exalted , i've been name snooping and compiling lists for friends -
Quote:this above works for me , i'll be staying a subscriber and I don't fault anyone for going preem or freem but for me a subscription works out fine .No one can "win" this argument, because it's unwinnable. If you want to stay a subscriber (and I do) then stay a subscriber; if you don't, well, then don't. For me, the benefits to being a VIP subscriber as stated in everything I've read thus far far outweigh the benefits (not paying $15/month) to dropping to Premium. If you don't feel the same way, then don't subscribe. It's a pretty simple solution.
((nice story , looking forward to more ))
Xan likes seeing his own Text wall :P
anyhoo i've met a few people and found some rp so far , so my experiance has been good .
I do rather like that it seems to have sparked alot of folks to try their hand at writing who might not have otherwise ...and it seems to have cut down on the amount of pamcake threads . -
welcome to Virtue my main is a perpetually third tier hero / sidekick so im glad to see the club expand a bit , good lucck in your search for a sg .
me too :P
more power to them as its not hurting my game experiance and from reading their rules it looks like they don't want you to have a name or look anywhere close to the original .
I mean its not my cup of tea but im not gonna wangst over it
Quote:These guys just go to the Justice League Roster to come up with an idea for their toons.
The Hall of Virtue, their members MUST be based on DC/Justice League characters, their site even tells their members how to go about not getting caught or nerfed for their flagrant copywrite infringements. I don't know, I've reported them to the devs twice over the last several months but to no avail, so I sent them an email letting them know that if they did not do something to address an entire SG ripping off the rules, then I was going to take it to my fellow players on the CoH forums and let them decide if they will stand for this.
for more, be sure to check their website at:
http://www.freewebs.com/justicecorpsofparagon/ -
usually im fiddling in the costume creator and a look catches my eye , then its a hunt for a name to fit the look and finally powers .
usually i'll write a simple bio and fill in pieces as I meet and interact with other players .
everything is always a work in progress ! -
I think you have this one in the bag mate , im still rooting on you though
((hey Grae sorry it took so long to get to reading this one but it looks pretty tight , always a blast to get to team with infinity soldier (it means I can slack off ) ))
((glad to see you're getting in on this too Gold Rush , im looking forward to when all the different stories start meshing and meeting up ))
((I always love the looks and backstory you give your creations and yay screenshot !))
((geez Im away from the forums for a few days and everyones posting story stuff , nice work and i'll be intrested to see how he gets involved with ERA ))