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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
    Now that I couldn't do, with no end mod. Going from needing 4-5 bodies to refill endurance to 2-3 is awesome, and imo the base heal amount is already good. What, 2 bodies are enough without any enhancement to refill health bar? It's been a while since I've played my WS.
    and 3 bodies to refill your end completely without having endmod in it.
    playstyle differences.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
    How many slots do you give to Stygian? I've always had either 1 or 2 on my build.
    i go 5 for doctored wounds. gives some nice bonuses
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Athanatosis View Post
    Orbiting Death looks like it has the potential to be awesome. Is this true? I really want it to be. I don't care if I have to wait for it, I just want to know it's something to look forward to. My biggest peeve with PBAoE damage toggles is that the radius is too small but not only does Orbiting Death look 10x cooler than the rest of them, it's got a great large radius.
    Orbiting death becomes truly incredible if you are able to spend the money making it so.

    Do any of the passive or toggle abilities of human form effect dwarf or nova form?
    as others have said simply put no.
    unfortunately this includes the new mutation booster.

    At lower levels, should I use any slots on human powers? Or should they all go to Nova powers and then dwarf powers?
    Depends on if your going human-form only or a hybrid build.

    What is the Kheldian damage cap?
    I wish it were 400, but the damage cap is 300%.

    What are the most important things to remember/keep in mind when playing a WS for the first time? I'm going for Tri-Form for starters. Then I may move on to human/dwarf or maybe even just human somewhere down the line. I know it will take practice and experience to learn how to do it well, and I'm willing to be patient.
    I don't really do tri-form, but from what I have done I highly recommend that you read the bind guides. Learning how to properly bind your Kheldian is important.
  4. good luck and have fun.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Not trying to pick on you debt but just taking your post as an example, what's with this idea that Kheldians are somehow rocket science?

    More complex than like, a Scrapper, Blaster or Tanker, sure.

    I'm just not seeing how playing a Kheld effectively is somehow orders of magnitude more complex and demanding than doing so with any other non-2-dimensional AT (Corrs, Trollers, Defenders, Doms).
    The dynamic of living and dead enemies both playing a role in any given battle adds more strategic thinking to each fight. Khelds are a strategic archetype, changing roles based on team makeup, and build plays a huge role in how adaptave or how specialized you are in any given role.

    IMHO they are more like masterminds on the level of strategic play more than corrs, trollers, defenders, or doms.

    There is a learning curve on all ATs yes. Warshade's learning curve just happens to be a bit steeper than most.

    again anything posted should be prefaced with IMHO :P
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
    *Oh, and Khelds (Warshades in particular) play radically different than any other AT, especially the more static melee AT's like scrappers. And it takes a bit to learn to reign in on them - my tactics and strategies seemed to change with every new power I got. So don't take Debt's comment too badly.
    Never meant it to be insulting. It took me hundreds of hours to learn how to play the at. Hell I'm still learning how to play it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knowmad View Post
    The screenshots are stored as regular jpegs. Just control click on the city of heroes app and choose "Show Package Contents". Then navigate to the screenshots folder:

    right but as a default it strips all game info from the screenshot givin you just a perty picture.
  8. First off what are you building for?
    Are you taking an additional travel power?
    Are you going forms or not?

    The 20s are a rough time for a human only. It gets better.
  9. First off why wont this topic die?
    Warshades are fun yes, great farmers, no.
    There are just as many flavors of warshade farm builds are there are playstyles.

    Originally Posted by Crick_EU View Post
    I just want to say that thinking of farming warshade makes me think of a human only, because of the concept of farming. I have farmed quite a bit on my triform, but I never thought it was easy. In most teams I could have just as well be a human only, just because the team didn`t need all that adapting, it`s a farm after all.
    Humanform works quite well on farms it is true.

    If you`re looking to solo-farm, warshade is just a bad choise. You can do it, but you`lll never feel like 100% because you need to a) tank for the pets b) watch the scatter c) watch for mez. If you`re going to farm in a team, it doesn`t really make any difference what AT you are, consider warshade as more DPS, even though more self reliant than most.. It will not give you that much control considering that the stun aura only affects minions and the rest of your control is either 1) situational like Unchain 2) Knockbacky like Gravimetric Emination 3) Single target like Gravity Well, and Dwarf is that bit slow to defeat mobs when considering farming in its purest form.

    I have had much fun farming with my warshade, it is just not where my triform shines.
    1) i find pets to be fine as agro soakers. why tank them?
    2) unchain essence is not a situational control as much as it is a secondary nuke
    3) Gravimetric emanation can be made to do KNOCKDOWN just by jumping. wow.
    4) Dwarf is pathetic defeat speed. wow. just pathetic.

    But seriously? Can this die?
    The OP of this thread saw a video alien and I did and got all excited. No big deal.
    He asked for a farm build. No big deal. Turns out all he wanted was a general play build. Cool. Is there seriously such a huge "warshades are the next farm toon movement"?
    Build a fire/kin. it does a lot of the same stuff just better.
    fire/kin is a farm build. elec/shield is a farm build.
    Warshades are first and foremost a tf toon.

    Can we please just let this die?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    You're braver than I am... I've solo'd the Posi before (and posted a screenshot), but I would NEVER do it in human form... At level 20, human formers are in "embryo" stage, and are not fully developed... (haha) So, I did it in my tri-form build. You don't want to try to "solo" any TFs on a human-former until at least level 40, in my opinion...

    Yeah well you know my playstyle...
    and my global.
  11. I decided to solo posi with only tier1 insps in humanform.
    5 hours later I had learned a lot more about how the archetype plays at level 20.

    sadly mac screenshot auto disables the UI.
    I cant show a screenie so I guess it never happened.
    *shakes fist at mac*
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post

    With underslotted attacks, nothing dies fast. My best hope is melee-hold plus shadow blast will sometimes kill a minion. Other than that I'm looking at 3 or 4 hits--not attacks, hits. Underslotted attacks means less than 95% accuracy. Typically 75% accuracy, but sometimes as low as 32% depending on the enemy and any debuffs on me.
    Even with fully slotted attacks at BEST gravity well will oneshot a minion, but I find myself two and three shotting even fully slotted against some groups. This is not necessarily an under-slotting issue.

    Bets? I've got a Broadsword/Regen I've been playing for the better part of two years. She is sitting on 43 hp/second base regen, and tops out at 159 with both dull pain and IH going at once. Almost perma dull pain levels of recharge. I am lucky to get more than 1 enemy in my cone (and swipe has a wide cone), and when I die (not if, when) I have an average of 3 click powers available and waiting to be used, including any or all of instant heal, dull pain, reconstruction, eye of the magus, and moment of glory. And the horror stories of my mastermind failures don't bear repeating. If I can't get the basics down (lining up cones and remembering to heal when I'm taking damage) after two years, I'm willing to bet that two more aren't going to help either. =) I do try. I'm just not very good at this game. But I have fun and that's all that matters.
    If you think that scrappers and masterminds are difficult to learn how to play oh boy are you in for some fun.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    The way I approach a spawn is entirely dependent upon how many insps I have. In an ideal world I pop two purples and one orange. I teleport directly into the middle, mire, eclipse, melee-hold, shadow blast, gravitic, shadow bolt until dead, try to click unchain essense, fail as it selects the next enemy instead, use dark extraction to reselect the corpse THEN unchain essence (this happens at least 3 out of 4 times I try to use this power), stygian to stay alive, summon a pet, then spam an endless chain of Shadow Blast, shadow bolt, Gravimetic Snare, shadow bolt, shadow blast, etc.. until no one is left. I focus on the lieuts first and trust the stun aura to handle minions. Stygian at the end to top off. I use the melee hold as often as it is up, preferably on someone less than half-life as it might drop them at that point.

    With low insps, I try to pull with gravimetric snare since at least one of them won't show up if I hit him. If they all react instead of a few, I try to teleport into as many minions as possible to max the effect of my stun and damage auras, and do as much of the "ideal" as I can but I break it up with my self-rez after they put me down. I focus on minions first and use stygian as needed to stay alive. I use the melee hold as often as it is up cycling through lieuts to keep them from attacking.

    with 0/x6 it was basically the same, only I was using stygian after each second kill, I had enough time to mire/eclipse twice per spawn, and I died every second spawn but my self-rez was up often enough that had they dropped me twice per spawn I could have handled it. Not fun. 0/x3 is generally smooth. 0/x4 is doable if I visit the store a lot to buy insps. 0/x5 I actually never bothered to try. 0/x7 and 0/x8 was pretty much insta death. Usually I was dead faster than Mire could finish animating.

    I don't run +1 or +2 solo as that adds at least one or two extra hits to every single god-@##$%^ minion. And I'm not patient enough for that. 3 to 4 hits each is bad enough. Especially since it's only 3 if I wait for the dot to do full damage AND if they're in my aura AND if no one turned my aura off.

    But most of this will be better once I have everything slotted. Like I said, I think I have no defenses at all right now, and resistance with 15% or even 20% defense is massively different from resistance with no defense. Oh, I did just get maneuvers (empty). So, 2.75% defense to all =)

    First off. Eclipse first THEN mire, second off don't pull with an immob.
    sounds like your in the "i'm builiding a epic archetype blues" mode.
    You'll learn how to play 'em eventually.
  14. You dont build a warshade to farm.
    You build a warshade to be a warshade.
    From there farming is no issue.
  15. Not all warshades follow Shadowstar, just like not all peacebringers follow Sunstorm.
  16. Warshades change with age.
    Lowbie level you are a stealth blaster.
    Then you get self-heals and you can scrank a little.
    Then you get eclipse and are a god.
    I dunno.
    Your milage may vary.

    All I know is I managed to solo a posi in all humanform at lvl 15 (with lvl 20 powers of course), but it took around 5 hours and i'd not reccomand anyone try it. God that was a brutal tf.
  17. Doing warshade mishes nets you some story background info also. Check out the wiki on the warshade arcs if you don't mind spoilers. There is like... a war and stuff.
  18. If your willing to sacrifice Veat for Eat.
    Warshades nebulous form stacks with both ninja run and the jump pack.
    Jumpspeed capped flight with flips.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zorn View Post
    After 6th respec with my "triform" build and 3rd respec of my human build, after spending millions and millions of influence to my PB, after spending countless hours playing Mids Online, I would never ever play anything this deeply and with such dedication than my Peacebringer.
    And when I look my current builds I know they will get redone over and over again, until I have found what I am looking for and this will take a lot of time and enormous amount of influence. To your orginal question, are Kheldians really worth it? Hell no, unless you are have something wrong in your brainbox or you are looking for something special

    Warshades to me are the most complex and in some respects complete powersets in the game. I don't have mids so you can imagine the complexity of building a new build. Countless respecs later I have 2 full builds that I believe can handle just about anything the game can dish out.

    The amount of time I spent playing the toon up to 50, getting a decent build, and the amount of influence put into it are stupefying. My warshade wound up becoming my main though after all that time...

    It is the one chr I would never even consider stripping/deleting but there is something wrong in my brainbox.

    Oh and Zorn if your still counting in the millions... wow. nice job.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Square_One View Post

    I'll rephrase then. I don't see how any all-human build will be as fast as a dual or tri for farming.

    Yes, all-human shades are quite viable in all areas of play.

    But in farming, I seriously doubt that if you give up Nova AoE you'll be able to make up for it in human. Heck, with Human/Nova, you can still slot up Unchain Essence and use it all you want. If you do so, you'll only be losing benefits of Orbiting Death (does it still do half the damage as regular PBAoE damage auras?) and Dark Detonation by using Nova.
    Two nukes? Higher survivability?
    Less time spent shifting forms.
    More time spent owning face?
    I dunno. I'm not saying human is best for it, but he never ask for "the best ever warshade build for farming." I'm not a huge farm fan, but when he started asking for a warshade to do CONTENT with. That made me perk up a bit. I believe humanform is looked down on as "gimped" and I'm afraid that that is simply not the case.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Failsight View Post
    Ultimately, PBs and WSs come down to this mighty difference:

    PBs are slow and steady and safe, WSs are messy and chaotic, dominant when they are dominant, and...dead when they are not.
    Thats why I 5 slotted stygian return with oblits and never looked back.
    Death? Whats that? *rez* *nebulous form* *retoggle* *unphase* *eclipse*

    Agro is a race not a right.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rainbow Avenger View Post
    *Huggles AlienOne*

    I leave for a while and all the old warriors disappear? Wait, let me test this...

    *Clears throat* Orbiting Death is the BEST WARSHADE POWER EVER. *Ducks. Peers around.*

    Let's see if that flushes anyone out. Ok, farming. Yes you can farm on a Warshade. My primary hero that I use for occasional farming is my Warshade. He's faster then my Fire Dominator or my Scrapper. He can function on teams set for eight but the sweet spot is five or six. Any more than that and he spends too much time tanking aggro off the pets. Any less and Eclipse doesn't hard cap S/L resist for lack of enough targets. I use human form exclusively. I do NOT currently have perma-Eclipse, Hasten or a purple build.

    Basically you rotate between Eclipse and Mire, use Unchain Essence when it's up, summon pets when you can and keep the mobs in your Inky Aspect. Focus on the lieutenants and let OD and your pets chew up the minions.
    put a fury of the gladiator -res in that sucker... alien learned me that one.
    yeah, human is a viable and fun build in and of itself.
    Triform is not the only form :P
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Drones don't work the way you think they do. Drones never actually cast a debuff power on enemies, so it doesn't matter how they're destroyed. They purposefully run up to enemies and self destruct, and there's an area debuff that occurs once they're destroyed, regardless of what caused them to be destroyed.
    their best usage IMHO is as an alpha.
    drones -> acid mortar -> poison trap -> pewpew/freem
    they agro to drones, then to mortar, then what is left will agro to your stunned tank by the time the team arrives to mop up the debuffed foes.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
    numpad 3 will then automatically change any binds you want. So yes, everything is rebinded. And then when I go back to human by hitting numpad 1, they are rebinded again automatically to whatever I want. It's mainly for switching trays...

    Thinking back on it, maybe I don't use it to change binds nowadays, although I know I did use it at first for that. Since I use "t" for either Mire, it would work the same as "lshift" for either teleport, and I can't think of any other key changes I make.
    That must be one massive bind?!