WS and pvp?




Ive been lvling up my WS he is only lvl 22, and i know I still have some lvling with him and what not but was kind wondering how they perform in pvp.

Time Flawed-Grav/Eng-50
Malicious Despot-Crab Spider-50



I don't mean to be rude or blunt, but Warshades are the absolute worst AT for PvP. Their powers completely rely on other targets being in melée range, and unless you're fiteklubbing a MM, you'll never be able to maximize (or even come close) their damage and survivability potential.

However, they are a total blast to play in PvE. (as I've learned recently, just got my own WS to 43 last night).



No I did not take any affence, thats why I come to the forums to ask my questions. I really like my WS and yea he is a blast in pve and so was just wondering about pvp. So thanks for responding

Time Flawed-Grav/Eng-50
Malicious Despot-Crab Spider-50



Nova form does really well in zone PvP. It's IMO the best and only option. That being said, Warshades don't really have much to enhance Nova form with.

The human Buff powers are only situational in the Zones - they need bodies to hit. You can basically only find big lower level spawns to Eclipse off of in Warburg, so you have to find players quickly. If you do while the buff is up - well let's say I don't think I've ever been killed with capped resistance while protecting myself with the dual cannons of Nova Bolt and Blast. Without it, you've got to be able to use the fast flight to your advantage. And even then, messing with actual pvp toons is not going to get you many kills at all.

Dwarf is okay, the slowness is debilitating, however. Attacks themselves aren't that bad.

(The above coming from a purpled shade's experience. PvPing was a LOT easier for him before the last change, where I could quickly Grav Em a MM's pets or throw out a quick animating hold that also does some nice damage. MM's have always been the easiest, thanks to the TP Foe power we get, plus Grav Em and buffs from enemies. Stalkers and Squishies in general were easier before, so long as you got the jump on the stalk.)

Now for a PB, who can actually enhance Nova with self +buff like Build Up and +HP powers, and with a self poppable tier nine, they do a lot better.




Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.



Square_One brings up a good point; Peacebringers are actually a pretty good PvP AT. You can go all-human, and be a combination between a Rad Blaster and a Regen Scrapper, albeit less survivability than a Regen Scrapper and less damage than a Rad Blaster. Still, you'll be competitive.

Or you can go tri-form (which I suggest) and spend most of your time in Nova. You'll drop out of Nova and into human and Dwarf to use the heals, and then go back into Nova and have super range and very high damage. Procs are king in PvP, and since PB's attacks do -defense, you can slot a lot of procs in their attacks (Shield Breaker, Lady Grey, Achilles). Really, PB's are a pretty good PvP AT overall. A well built PB can be a lot better than any Regen Scrapper in PvP.

But you might only be interested in playing a Warshade.



No I do plan on lvling up a PB aswell but I want my WS to get to 50 first. Like I said I was just wondering

Time Flawed-Grav/Eng-50
Malicious Despot-Crab Spider-50



I know a WS that rocked several people at once in pvp

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
I know a WS that rocked several people at once in pvp

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



I did retarded things in 8v8s against bad people with my Warshade pre-I13 (TP around in Dwarf randomly taunting Blasters; find someone without CM or mez protection and hit them with Gravitic Emanation; so on and so on), but that was then. Among the 14 ATs available, Warshades are hands down the worst for PvP.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
PC, that sign language chick is hot!LOL



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
I did retarded things in 8v8s against bad people with my Warshade pre-I13 (TP around in Dwarf randomly taunting Blasters; find someone without CM or mez protection and hit them with Gravitic Emanation; so on and so on), but that was then. Among the 14 ATs available, Warshades are hands down the worst for PvP.
I don't know, I hear dominators do pretty bad in PvP too.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
I don't know, I hear dominators do pretty bad in PvP too.
Ever PvP'd, like ever? Doms are right in the top tier with Blasters and Corruptors. In other words, they're VERY good.



I do PvP on occasion, mostly in the zones. Then again my main PvP characters are Madam Enigma (claw/sr scrapper) and the pre-reroll Poison Bloom (ninja/poison mastermind). What I don't do is mire myself in the pvp forum. When I took my warshade into sirens call though, I did all right. Those battles in there are perfect for a tri-form warshade.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Doms do well because they have 6 second mezzes, very high ranged damage, high PvP global resists, and PPP's that will grant either Hibernate or Personal Forcefield, both useful for PvP. Even before i15, they were competitive.

Warshades can do -okay- in lower zones like Bloody Bay or Siren's Call, but they still aren't very good. Nova form is always going to do good damage, so there's that.



I guess part of my view is... that I don't build for "I can win every fight" in pvp. Rather I build a char that's good for PvE, and then take it into PvP. If I can win about as often as I lose, I deem it good for pvp.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
Dwarf is okay, the slowness is debilitating, however. Attacks themselves aren't that bad.

(The above coming from a purpled shade's experience. PvPing was a LOT easier for him before the last change, where I could quickly Grav Em a MM's pets or throw out a quick animating hold that also does some nice damage. MM's have always been the easiest, thanks to the TP Foe power we get, plus Grav Em and buffs from enemies

My zombies would like a word with you. (Though I have no idea how that would work now, pretty sure our "for fun" runs were pre-I13. Sheesh, been that long... must be, you weren't purpled before.)

Have to agree you'll mostly be using Nova. Dwarf's nice in the bit of mez protection (and buffing) - but if you have to get away, thanks to what PVP travel suppression does to TP, you won't be getting away. (Then again - mez protection post-I13... yeah.)

Did have a WS vs WS match with a friend of mine, though. Me, triform, him, human-only. Stay at range, he couldn't touch me. Drop to human (both shadow cloaked, etc.) and it was a question of whose stun took hold first. It was an... odd fight, with very little recharging being done.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

My zombies would like a word with you. (Though I have no idea how that would work now, pretty sure our "for fun" runs were pre-I13. Sheesh, been that long... must be, you weren't purpled before.)

Have to agree you'll mostly be using Nova. Dwarf's nice in the bit of mez protection (and buffing) - but if you have to get away, thanks to what PVP travel suppression does to TP, you won't be getting away. (Then again - mez protection post-I13... yeah.)

Did have a WS vs WS match with a friend of mine, though. Me, triform, him, human-only. Stay at range, he couldn't touch me. Drop to human (both shadow cloaked, etc.) and it was a question of whose stun took hold first. It was an... odd fight, with very little recharging being done.
Well, you were one of the best MM's I'd gone up against, so take that for what it's worth.



Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
Well, you were one of the best MM's I'd gone up against, so take that for what it's worth.
Oh geez. >.>

That and /poison's so single-target focused... at least I could keep some sort of offense (or offensive debuffs) going. A buff set would, I'd think, be worse off if separated from the "boys" by TP Foe. I don't think I'd want to try it if I were, say, /thermal.

Not sure how that fight would play out with the current rules, either. Part of my advantage was the pseudo-hold from Neurotoxic Breath as well as my actual hold (think I had it at that point with that character,) but their duration in post-I13 PVP I couldn't say. (That character's currently just in the mid-upper 30s, too - been busy on other servers.)

Actually, that does illustrate one of the issues with saying "How does X do in PVP," or "How does X do vs Y?" Unlike - say - Aion, where you can pretty well say "A Ranger will do pretty well vs X, but look out for Y" with the only variable being gear (frigging runspeed...) you *can't* really give more than real generalities about most ATs here. For instance, yes, MMs in bodyguard mode are more vulnerable to AOE attacks (the pets getting both their share of the master's damage and a dose of their own, wiping them out faster,) but "separating them from the pets" will give different results by the secondary. My /poison could still hold off someone long enough for the pets to come in thanks to holds and debuffs, where a /thermal isn't going to do much but heal and (later) debuff some, a /FF at least has defense to get through and a bit of offense, etc. They'll all be different experiences.



Now another thing that would make a keld better vs anyone with a hold... The fact you can use Dwarf form as a breakfree. Nice change from a PvE perspective. Stopped all those deaths from "Tp in dwarf>mire>human>held>dead". From a PvP perspective though, not as nice for those relying on holds.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
Now another thing that would make a keld better vs anyone with a hold... The fact you can use Dwarf form as a breakfree. Nice change from a PvE perspective. Stopped all those deaths from "Tp in dwarf>mire>human>held>dead". From a PvP perspective though, not as nice for those relying on holds.
Don't forget, though, there is no "breakfree" in PVP. There's no hold protection, just resistance - so, yes, dwarf will lessen the time you're held (and with the toggle changes, you won't detoggle from dwarf,) but you *will* still be held.

One of those fun i13 changes.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Don't forget, though, there is no "breakfree" in PVP. There's no hold protection, just resistance - so, yes, dwarf will lessen the time you're held (and with the toggle changes, you won't detoggle from dwarf,) but you *will* still be held.

One of those fun i13 changes.
Huh, haven't found anyone in a PvP zone in so long, didn't notice that.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History