Shade/Dwarf TP Questions




First question:
Is it possible to bind the *release* of a mouse button? (EG, I want to have middle button DOWN be "give me the TP target" and have middle button RELEASED be "teleport there")

2nd question,
If not the first option, is it possible to have a bind switch depending on form? EG, to have the middle button bound to the TP power switch which power depending on which form?

All the best,

@Flux Faraday



No to the first one (without third party macro use)

Yes to the 2nd one, use /bindloadfile or w/e everytime you press x button for form switching, that sets the bind for TPing if your in dwarf, and then have it bind something new to set it back when you transform back.



Originally Posted by d00000000d View Post
First question:
Is it possible to bind the *release* of a mouse button? (EG, I want to have middle button DOWN be "give me the TP target" and have middle button RELEASED be "teleport there")
Not in the way you describe. However, you can still accomplish the same effect by using this:

/bind "lalt+mbutton" "powexecname Shadow Step"

With that, you need only hold the left alt key, point to a location, and click the middle mouse button to execute the teleport. Personally, I use Lbutton because the middle mouse can be a little imprecise for my tastes. But whatever.

*edit* It won't give you the reticle but the effect is more or less what you're asking for.

2nd question,
If not the first option, is it possible to have a bind switch depending on form? EG, to have the middle button bound to the TP power switch which power depending on which form?
There are two methods of accomplishing this. One requires you to load bind files on form changes as described above (which other people have done well at explaining already). This is more or less the recommended method.

The other, less recommended, method changes the way by which you execute the above bind, that is, you would change the actual command to "powexecslot 0" and have Shadow Step in slot 0 on your human tray and Black Dwarf Step in slot 0 on your dwarf tray (which would become your primary tray on form change). This also happens to be the way I do it (sort of, I have a lot of tray swapping for my forms and don't use bind files, so it's not exact to what I have--close enough anyway, though).

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



I believe I just use one bind for both forms.

bind lshift "powexecname Shadow Step$$powexecname Black Dwarf Step" or something like that.

It takes a few tries for it to get working, but then it's good.

At least I think...I set it up and then after it worked a few times I assume it's still working.

Another option is to use binds to set up binds. For instance, my numpad 3 key is my Dwarf key (numpad 1 is human, 2 is nova) and it sets up the rest of my binds. Something like:

bind numpad3 "bind lshift "powexecname Black Dwarf Step"$$bind t "powexecname Black Dwarf Mire"$$....and on and on

I think that still works.



Personally I like that /bind Lshift "powexec_name shadow step$$powexec_name black dwarf step" example. The elegance of it is that if your not in the right form it simply wont work and will move to the next command, or if your in the right form it will be unable to execute the wrong one. I believe I used a bind like that on my triformer, but its been a while since I've done forms. I stick mostly human and ignore the whole issue

Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
bind numpad3 "bind lshift "powexecname Black Dwarf Step"$$bind t "powexecname Black Dwarf Mire"$$....and on and on

I think that still works.
Do you rebind everything when you hit numpad3?

I know about bindloadfile usage and loading binds in binds, but i'm not quite sure what your talking about here.

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.



Originally Posted by Debtlover View Post
Do you rebind everything when you hit numpad3?

I know about bindloadfile usage and loading binds in binds, but i'm not quite sure what your talking about here.
numpad 3 will then automatically change any binds you want. So yes, everything is rebinded. And then when I go back to human by hitting numpad 1, they are rebinded again automatically to whatever I want. It's mainly for switching trays...

Thinking back on it, maybe I don't use it to change binds nowadays, although I know I did use it at first for that. Since I use "t" for either Mire, it would work the same as "lshift" for either teleport, and I can't think of any other key changes I make.



Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
numpad 3 will then automatically change any binds you want. So yes, everything is rebinded. And then when I go back to human by hitting numpad 1, they are rebinded again automatically to whatever I want. It's mainly for switching trays...

Thinking back on it, maybe I don't use it to change binds nowadays, although I know I did use it at first for that. Since I use "t" for either Mire, it would work the same as "lshift" for either teleport, and I can't think of any other key changes I make.
That must be one massive bind?!

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.