143 -
Quote:That was my point actually. :/I think you guys ought to stop trying to figure out if the Israelis were right or wrong in this case (and so avoid a modsmack) and just use that as an example that not all questions of morality are always obvious and clearcut. Which was actually the point of the thread.
Quote:I think it'd be accurate if you just left off the "annoying, pretentious, overthinking" partI have been chided for using the word "postmodern" as a sort of shorthand for "annoying, pretentious, overthinking, way-too-cool-for-school and incapable of accepting as valid any simple and optimistic premise without claiming to have found a grimy, disreputable social-comment subtext which those of us who prefer to see it as simple and optimistic must simply be too stupid to have detected." They tell me that's not really what that means.
I apologize for this error of compression. -
Quote:True, but in this example neither are my people.The lives of your people are always worth more then the lives of other people when those other people are causing direct harm. In a fight buildings such as churches, schools, and hospitals are only protected targets as long as they aren't being used as offensive platforms.
Quote:How many died in Israel, how many in Lebanon?I can think of a few.
Seems the media bashed Israel a couple of years ago because They fired back at people lobbing missiles at them from Lebanon. Unfortunately, those people lobbing missiles were hiding among the "innocent" citizens and near schools. It became a choice between two evils. Which was worse, allowing people to continue to lob missiles across the border killing Israelis, or take out the ones firing the missiles, and possibly innocent civilians in the process (called collateral damage).
If all human lives are equal, then math is the answer.
It is likely. -
Quote:AndThe Praetorian Boy Scouts: Merit Badges are just as important in this group as they are in our worlds version. However the Merit Badges themselves are a weeeee bit different. Bomb Construction merit badge, the Hand to Hand Combat Specialist merit badge and Torture and Interrogation Techniques merit badges are just a few examples. The Boy Scouts in Praetoria are definitely Loyalist based. So be a good little drone and sign your kids up today!
Quote:Praetorian Brownies: The arch-enemies of the Boy Scouts these little munchkins of mayhem are feared throughout the realm. They all look like sweet, innocent little girls but the hand grenades and bayonets (which they call their boyonets) hanging from their merit badge sashes arent for show. Despite being so fiercely against the Boy Scouts the Brownies are NOT, in fact, in league with the Resistance they just think boys are icky. An interesting bit of slang terminology: when Praetorian Boy Scouts launch an assault against the girls they refer to it as Baking Brownies.
Quote:Praetorian Rotary Club: Actually, the resemblance of this organization to the one in Primal Earth is in name only. In Praetoria the Rotary Club isnt really a cohesive collective so much as a group of individuals with a common bond. This is the name given to all Resistance members captured and currently receiving treatment in Tyrants torture chambers. They are named the Rotary Club in honor of a particularly gruesome apparatus called The Rotor-Rooter. Trust me, you dont want to know.
Quote:Praetorian Book Club: In the Loyalist Book Club the members will raid homes, libraries and warehouses and hold the inhabitants at gun point while they search for banned materials. At the end of a successful hunt they will cast the books into a huge bonfire, toast marshmallows and sing heart-felt choruses of Kumbaya.
Quote:Praetorian Chess Club: On the surface this club is identical to ones you may find here in Primal Earth. The only real difference is that the winner of high-level tournaments inevitably disappears as the Loyalists recruit them into their Advanced Strategy and Combat Tactics Division. -
Woohoo! Thanks. I forgot about tags, I was trying to use the sig picture thingy.
*grumbles* Every time I try to add the loyalist badge to my sig it fails.
I'm with you Marcian.
Peace through power! -
Enemies not attacking until attacked (like the praetorian clockwork) is new to this game. normally if something can attack you, it will (unless it cons gray of course).
Quote:You're not the only one. I tend to like everything redside more than blue. I like 5 out of 5 ATs redside, but only 2 out of 5 blue (a person can only have so many blasters and scrappers.)Blueside = Dumb! Oh look, I got a mission I am in P.I., what they want me to go to F'ng Perez Park? Le Sigh...ok thats done, oh crap now I gotta go back to P.I. talk to the contact. Ok Mr. Contact, now what? Boomtown? Boomtown?!?! This goes on and on and on...
Redside: Equals sexytime all the time!
Not to mention, I like Redside Classes more then Blue(though I still enjoy Controllers quite a bit). Yes, These days if you have everything, you can Pocket D Port, Oro Port, Base Port, Mission Port, to said places. Still damn annoying Im more of a marathon runner then actual game player on Blueside. I do not like Radio Missions, I was never a fan of Paper missions, I find them handy "IF" I run out of a contact, but for most part I enjoy the story arcs.
I like the dark, grim, & apocalyptic look of Redside in some of the zones, while other zones are very industrial looking, with darker side to em, I enjoy that.
What Blueside mostly players dont seem to understand is, why folks like me exist, to them it baffles there mind, how could anyone prefer Redside over blueside, ZOMG! Since they do not like it, that must mean no one else must like it.
JJ -
The OPs general idea could work for dominators. Doms could use another AoE heavy set and have the tools to leverage slower acting, secondariless DoT attacks.
Quote:The CoV content is generally easier to take if your villain is a mercenary (lucky for me most of mine are). For more villainous stuff do: Doc Buzzsaw (you get to collect body parts, mostly from living people), Crimson Revenant (a hero hunter), Psimon Omega (you get a void rifle to use on a warshade), Johnny Sonata (that arc ends...well), Phipps (its pure evil), Von Grun (silly villainy, but villainy nonetheless).If villains are going to be the distinguishing feature, you'd be better served by not having most of the content be "Invade this other villain group's hideout and beat up their leader and 'steal' the same treasure you'd be 'saving' as a hero".
Oh, and wandering citizens shouldn't smart-mouth me ("My, you're looking villainous tonight") as they walk by. Or at least let me hit 'em with my axe when they get sassy
I've only played up to 20 in CoV so far so maybe there's awesome villainous content ahead. If so, it shouldn't take 20 levels to start reaching it. -
Maybe the questions are weighted?
Also, wasnt the point of that that he was even more powerful in the future than in the present and you kicked his future ***?
Just for reference, I just got my a/ta to 35 today and have enjoyed it thoroughly this far. I always deleted my ta/a defenders in the teens (and archery blasters for that matter...).
Give it a go, get to acid arrow at least, and see how you like.
edit: I agree with Techbot_Alpha in regards to snap arrow. Get it, love it. -
Welcome aboard. If you try out Virtue, look me up!
*declares himself king of CoX*
Hm...actually I think I'll abdicate. Title is up for grabs. -
Quote:I considered this, but she's always going "So who do we kill next?" So I put both powergaming and the social aspects on the backburner and am mostly just emphasizing the flipping out and killing (she chose to make a claws/wp bruteWell, the reaction should be the same:
"It's about bloody time!"
Oh, and a little advice to male gamers wanting their women to play. In my experience, most women don't start out as "powergamers". Emphasize the fun, social, and story aspects instead of the min-maxing killfest, and her interest will likely grow. Emasculating you with her purpled out Warshade will come in due time.)
I just got my fiancee to play with me this weekend after two years of her refusing to touch the game. She's enjoying it too
Clearly he should have referenced http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Kronos