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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Identity_EU View Post
    well its a rant about the technical issues so i thought this area fits the post just fine?
    You are not currently having a technical issue that your fellow players can help you fix, nor is the technical issue that you're discussing something specific or current.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Identity_EU View Post
    I dont want anything in perticular, im just trying to show how annoyed i am / vent some anger.?
    I dont want compensation for anything, i just think it is a harsh that during these downtimes they give 2 or 3 people costumes codes as a kind of 'were sorry' for the downtime, while the rest of the players dont get anything.
    Okay, so maybe you're just trying to rant...but this isn't the place for it. This forum is for players helping other players with technical issues that they're having. A more appropriate place for this (if there is such a thing) would have been General Discussions, with the majority of other rant threads. And, if you're not expecting people to discuss your post in a way that you may not like, then perhaps you might be better served keeping your anger to yourself.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    Force bubble is useless there actually. What you 'need' to easily success: 6 control archetypes(dom/troller/anything with an aoe mez)
    Put one at each spawn point. Then have all your damage patrol the walkways and destroy the commandos. Watch the backs of the exit points.

    I've succeeded in 4/10 of the BAFs I've done in the escapee phase. I've failed twice after that due to critical buildup of 9CUs.
    You can also substitute high-damage, multiple-AoE characters for characters with control. I have a Fire/Fire/Flame blaster that can cover a door just about by herself...between Hot Feet and Rain of Fire, everything minion coming out that door arrives dead, and the Lts almost too, with a Fireball, and maybe a Flares or two taking care of the rest. I like to have a high damage melee with me on the door I cover, but I could probably do it without help in a pinch with a tray full of reds. This was before she got her +2...I'm sure there are others out there who could do the same.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I have never said these things are too hard. I've said they're not fun. Easy does not equal fun.

    Also: if you have to read outside sources to find out how to succeed an encounter, then it's a badly designed game. Period. I'm really getting tired of people saying that we just need to read the guides. Everything every player should need to know should be right there in the game.

    The other problem I have with it is that we have raid content designed to unlock Incarnate abilities which are designed to make our characters even more powerful... but only inside the raid content. Apparently I missed something in the past year this Incarnate system has been discussed, because I never realized this stuff was only supposed to work within its own gated community.
    Okay, one...you don't have to read guides. Yes, it helps, because it gives you an idea of what to expect going in, but everything you need to figure out what you're doing is given to you in the trials, through objective windows, and messages that flash across your screen. The difference is, if everyone knows generally what to expect -first-, then the chances of a smooth and successful trial are far higher. Either way, whether you read beforehand or not, you're probably going to come out of every trial having learned something. Guides are a way of pooling knowledge of successful strategies, but they're hardly the only way to do these things, and far from definitive. The people telling you to read the guides are the ones too lazy to teach and share the knowledge that they've gained. Give it a week and you'll see far more people who have their strats down pat, their instruction macros made, and are ready and able to lead consistently successful trials without ever having to refer anyone to a guide. There are some out there already. We just haven't reached a critical mass of people who know what they're doing with this yet.

    As for your second point, if no portion of any of these abilities were possible to use outside of these trials, I might give you that, but the only thing that -doesn't- function for the rest of the content a 50 can access is the Incarnate Shifts. The Judgement AoE still works, you can still summon the Lore pets, the Interface proc still goes off, and the Destiny buff still works. A group of people I run with had a blast earlier running through an ITF with some of us having T1s, and watching the mobs melt under a Pyronic blast, or taking on triple ambushes with our procs and buffs, was fun and relaxing after the intensity of the Trials. So, I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you on that one too.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    WOW. So I can just count on having a 0% chance to complete Lamda with any PUG group I join. Perfect. Thanks for the info, at least I know what I am in for.
    Lambda is doable with a PuG. Did a run earlier than would have succeeded if we'd pulled together a minute or two earlier in the final stage.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Yeah, for PuGs BAF is the Trial to run. Lambda is a waste of time by comparison. BAF gives you more rewards more reliably as far as PuGs.
    I've found that it's easier to get iXP from Lambda, but easier to get threads and merits from BAF. Did 5 runs of BAF yesterday, some successful, some not, and finally unlocked Judgement. Did 2 runs of Lambda today, neither successful, but managed to unlock Interface anyways. I'll probably keep running that until I have Destiny unlocked, then switch over to BAF for drops.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    That's the point some people like Gunstar Grey and Darkfaith are missing. This is really major content that almost certainly feeds into all future level 50 content, including the hyped-for-years Coming Storm. If you want to keep doing all the same content you've done for years that is an option. A bad option, but an option.
    What's the point of doing content that you don't enjoy, though? Yes, there's a high chance that pretty much all future level 50 content will be tied to it, but there's another 49 levels of the game to still enjoy, and that they're still adding to, plus all those other level 50 activities that we had before this. Does the Incarnate system and the Trials change your participation and enjoyment of those things? Not at all, or it shouldn't, at least. That makes it optional. If you don't enjoy the Trials...don't do them. And, honestly, if you don't enjoy them, and the future content for this system is more Trials...are you even going to enjoy those? They haven't stopped adding content to the rest of the game. We just got 2 new TFs, in addition to these Trials.

    If you feel that you don't enjoy something, then go do what you enjoy. That's why we're here, isn't it?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warlocc View Post
    It doesn't matter who I pay- other players, devs, or the Cookie Monster. It's the same thing. I'm collecting points/iXP/junk to spend on something.

    Yes, it's better when it's the devs in charge of it, but that doesn't make it different.
    *shrugs* well, if that's the way you feel, don't participate. It's optional. CoH is good like that.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warlocc View Post
    I'm going to single that out. That's the same thing as DKP.

    DKP is points you collect and spend on an item when you have enough.

    Threads, components, iXP is the same thing. Stuff you're collecting to make a shiny at the end.
    No, it's not the same as DKP. DKP is a player-driven and run points system, and is dependent on being in a static group of people who raids together, and while it guarantees you a reward within that raid group when you have enough points to spend, it's dependent on how whoever is running the pool has it set up, and it doesn't apply to any other group you might want to do this with. Threads, components, iXP, fall like rain in these trials, and you can do them with whoever you want, however you want, as many times a day as you want. Your progress is yours alone, is not deferred by any sort of player determination, and isn't dependent on anyone but you and your willingness to do these things. If you really wanted, you could have every slot unlocked and filled with at least a T1 in a couple of days. Days, not weeks, not months.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warlocc View Post
    Back when I played WoW (back when the level cap was still only 60), the focus is all about raiding there. You get with 39 other people and lose for months on end. Sometimes you get a new hat or gloves for your effort, because you've been showing up and losing so often, you earned DKP.

    So, I quit WoW and came here, because here, they don't do that nonsense.

    Now you're saying that's the new goal? That is not a good thing.
    It really isn't like that. Unlike WoW's raid system, every time you do a Trial, you're guarenteed to get something out of it, succeed or fail. Every time you walk away from one of these, you have iXP, threads, components, -progress-. You literally can't walk away from this empty-handed. Having watched my brother play WoW for years, seen him beat his head off the wall several times a week to gain progress on the same raid, not just another run through of it, and walk away with nothing to show for it...only to have it reset every week, losing the progress that the group has made, and talking with him about it afterwards...this is not even remotely close. It's really not. Yes, this is not what we're used to. No, it's not like WoW, nor is it like most other end-game raid systems. And, best of all...it's -optional-. Are these abilities nice, fun to use, useful to have? Yes. Do I need them to do any of the rest of the things I've been doing until now? No. The game doesn't revolve around these abilities, unlike gear-driven games. Not having them doesn't even bar entry into the doing them.
  11. I play to win, but I realize at this point the content is just too new. Don't get me wrong, winning feels wonderful when it happens! To realize that the group of people I'm with pulled together to do something that all of us barely know how to do, and succeeded, is great! However, most people didn't get onto Beta to try this, not even once, and are going into this without even the foggiest clue of what they're doing. As people gain experience, this -will- become easier. As people unlock their T1s, this -will- becoming easier. But, crying because we're not winning every single time at difficult tasks that aren't even 24 hours old yet just seems silly. It'll come. And when it does, it'll feel really, really good to succeed.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dromio View Post
    You might want to check out this thread:


    If your slots are all of a sudden showing as unredeemed I think that's not the global services, it's something else.
    This thread is from a few days ago, and pertains to a different issue. The information given at the time was correct.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
    When global services are down, extra character slots disappear.
    No, when the Store is down, they disappear, as do any that you have available to redeem. This is a different issue.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shortspark View Post
    This can work for some, but if you already had it scaled down, scaling it any more will cause it to become unreadable.

    I can make the chat window wider, but the minimum width has increased. Dunno if this is WAI.
    It has to do with the addition of Leagure and LFG to the top row of the window.
  15. You could change the overall scale of that window using the /windowscale command.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mandy2michael View Post
    After the update for issue 20, I LOST character slots! I even tried deleting an old character to free up a slot and LOST that one as well!
    They're looking into the issue with the character slots.
  17. I think there may be an issue here. I logged in to find I had 7 slots to redeem, but 7 of the extra slots I had unlocked, but unfilled, on my home server are now locked. Redeeming one of those slots hasn't unlocked one of the slots I locked. The store doesn't seem to be down.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    I have a different problem. With no pre issue patch due to the new updater it is going to take me a very long time to get the issue patch since I'm limited to 5 hours of connect time a day on dial-up. That's about 80MB a day. I assume the new updater allows interrupted downloads (it better or I'm SOL).

    At least before I could get the bulk of the patch over a couple of weeks and only have to deal with a 30-40MB patch on release day.

    C'est la vie.
    Yes, the Launcher does allow for interrupted downloads.
  19. Base upkeep used to be calculated by plot, but Issue 13 changed the rent calculations to be based on certain items in the base instead. An article on base rent can be found on ParagonWiki.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Perhaps the NCSoft Downloader can't handle pre-downloads the way the CoH-specific one did? Perhaps the use of the NCSoft Downloader in the first place alleviates the need for such?
    The downloader itself is capable of pre-downloads. They do that for large releases on another NCSoft game that uses the downloader. They may not have the functionality worked out for our game, however, or they may have decided that with the difference in download methods it's not needed. Or, we may see a pre-download, but much later than we would usually expect it. It's hard to tell.
  21. Oh my gosh....Canada's actually getting it on time, for a change! I'm so excited! *squees, skips off to set her DVR so she can watch it over and over*
  22. Darkfaith

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
    Does the new launcher do pre-download?
    The launcher is capable of pre-downloads, I've seen them done for another NCSoft game on the launcher. Not sure if they've worked out that functionality with CoH yet, though.
  23. Darkfaith

    Future of CoX..

    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    well, 2 factors that jump out at me. asian audiences(at least large portions of the korean and chinese userbase do) seem to enjoy pvp a great deal more, so since aion launched in korea as well, was absolutely bautiful and catered more to the tastes of the korean fanbase, id expect the division of the fanbase to skew heavily. also, note that you said had. recently several large pvp centric games launched, had huge launches and then instantly plummeted (conan and warhammer also seemed to suffer this fate) aion has, by the news i have read on kotaku, had several serer merges as the population contracted dramatically. So the question is if pvp can retain a userbase outside of the hardcore pvpers, particularly in a game that a portion of the playerbase anecdotally claims to have come here to avoid it.
    Aion NA/EU has had one round of server merges to concentrate population, but it wouldn't surprise me to find that it still has well over a million subs globally. KAion has 43 servers, and there are separate servers for China and Japan besides. Numbers here have dropped, but the culture is different over there. They view and treat PvP a great deal differently.
  24. Darkfaith

    AT&T data caps

    I'm in an area that has had data caps for years, and it may not affect you as much as you'd think. The connection that my roommate and I share is 125GB cap per month. Neither of us skimp on streaming, Netflix, downloading, or gaming, and the most we've ever used (both upload and download combined) was 97GB, on a month that we both did a 16GB download of another game. It really depends on how many people are sharing the connection, and what their habits are. When we had a third gamer in the house for a while we were running up against the cap, but even then it wasn't too bad. A couple extra dollars a month when we were over, nothing crazy.

    You can get programs that will allow you to monitor your usage. It might be a good idea to find one now, and monitor your usage before the cap goes into effect, so that you know if you need to cut back or not.
  25. For those that prebought the GR expansion digitally, there's the Complete Collection Item Pack, which includes all the items that are in the Complete Collection (Alpha and Omega, the stance emotes, Shadowy Presence). I'm not sure how much it is for EU players, but it can be bought through the NCSoft Store.

    Edit: The NA store still has it, you have to switch to the City of Heroes tab in the store and scroll down to "Additional Booster Packs/New In-Game Items"