4927 -
You'll always be the Doyenne of Digits to me.
If you ever decide to give Lord of the Rings Online or RIFT a go, look me up. And I will be there on Beta as Johanna Sinclair. I'll be filming til the connection's lost.
Cheers from the Duchess of Directing!
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Hey, with the game ending, there may be places on this list that folks haven't had the chance to see. Screenshot possibilities and whatnot abound.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Quote:I gave up a long time ago. But I feel gypped that I never got cupcakes.If the forums suddenly turned into a place full of magical ponies and cupcakes, I'd actually be sad, because it meant that there was no diversity of ideas, but it'd also mean that some of the more passionate players such as yourself might have given up.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
I'm going through all five simultaneously.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Demorecording. End of line.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
I regret not whaling on Black Pebble with a nerf bat at every Pummit I ever saw him at, for him not telling me he was even more a demorecording fanatic than I am.
In all seriousness, I regret that apparently my enthusiasm level made Matt Miller more than a little uncomfortable - to the point that the not-sure-if-serious 'stalker' jokes started going around. And I regret not having the savvy to try and behave in a slightly less-me-but-more-publicly-acceptable fashion when it came to fangirling over the game.
I regret that it took the closure of the game before Black Pebble was finally able to address my longstanding frustration and concern about the lack of advertising for COH.
My biggest regret, though, is that despite five years of trying, I never made a video that was good enough for Paragon Studios.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Quote:He'll also probably make his in-game character so unlikable that I'd never be able to write about him. Her. It. Whatever the hell he ends up creating.If Matt Miller makes another MMO.....
I'm pretty sure his in-game character will have hair.
Quote:It's kind of a given that any game with an extensive costume selection is going to have "tart-o-rama" possibilities.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
1. Please include demorecording, or something that facilitates machinima. Of course, that may incite Matt to NOT include it, in the hopes that I will not be part of his playerbase...
2. Please keep the game's lore consistent. Make sure there's a lore bible from the outset - something not unlike the Paragon Wiki would probably be good.
That's pretty much it.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Also, the sub that you blow up as part of Nocturne's arc is an in-game model so you can place that as necessary.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Quote:Oh Gods, where do I even begin...Music is one of them funny things that is universal yet everyone is so picky about it. Sometimes you'll find a great new track and play it while playing a game and it sort of becomes asscoeated with that activity. You find yourself thinking of the game when the track comes on in the car or when you hear a snippet of it in public.
At least that's how it is for me. How about you?
There was a red name that was asking Samuraiko to make a video to the tune of The Funeral by Band of Horses. Its a great track by a band I'd never heard of and I fell in love with it right away. It was a great way to channel away some of the feelings of loss on COH that I honestly wasn't even aware I had, or how deep they ran.
Point is that this thread is an excuse to link to music that makes you think of the City and what you have accomplished there. And if you feel like it tell us why.
I'll start with Ellie Goulding - In My City, which is another song that begs for a COH video. And I don't even think I have to numerate why this reminds me of COH. I'll do it any way though. I have a character that was a flyer. She was my only real flying character and I always made sure that she was at the fly speed cap (back before it was automatic) Im my mind she was capable of hypersonic speeds and space fligt. So many times when I was running a team late at night I was 1/2 asleep already I would be moving to the next mission and I'd zone out thinking of the acent into space and how weightless it would feel to move that fast and have the capability to move at that speed. Then I'd wake up and realize I'm running into the blue walls at the edge of the zone and am a mile from the mission again, and sheepishly tell the team that I was "OMW".
Darn it this is what I'm going to miss the most, these fits of imagination that run across my gaming experience so often in this game.
Well I'm done wasting your time with my terrible reminiscence writing. What music do you think goes hand in hand with this game?
Poets of the Fall's "Locking Up the Sun" was the theme song of our Justice-based supergroup, the Star Patrol.
(And the only song I can immediately remember that a redname wanted me to make a video for was Viridian's request for a video to Swedish House Mafia's "Save the World Tonight".)
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Quote:Actually A_F was asserting that Arcanaville was doing the artificial landscaping, not She of the Emoticons. At least that's how it read.What fascinates me here is, A_F, one of the people who claims to be on the side of common sense, is still accusing GG of not only astroturfing, but getting paid to do so. That G_G is still here arguing, contradicts that. There is nothing left to astroturf, and no studio left to employ anyone for doing so. If A_F were just tossing the fanboy/girl title around, that would at least make more sense.
But it sounds like there's much more of a personal grudge in this case.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled flame war.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Quote:Being paid to browse the web and post positive feedback or dismiss negative coverage about your employer and/or his products.Quote:A quick websearch showed up this Wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Quote:Colour me ignorant, but what the hell does 'astroturf' mean in that context?Just how much were you paid to astroturf ? I mean it's not like the scoring system did much of anything about custom critters in AE (Looks at all the s/l and fire characters that were made)
(My only frame of reference is it being an actual object that's used on a football field to artificially make it green, uniform, and playable-on.)
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
These are awesome.
I wonder which zone would have the Kia dealership...
(I wish we'd had these on our Elantra... we had the license plate RPG FAN.)
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
*pauses to wonder where she falls on the Fanboy/Zealot and Dev-A**-Licker scales*
Hmmm. More fanboy than zealot, I think. Not sure on the other, though.
Right now, I still enjoy playing COH, I have my files backed up, and I'll be on when they shut off the servers. And I'll cry when they shut down.
But if the game ever comes back, I'll be here.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Quote:Highly condensed areas of population and acres of emptiness...Heh. I'm sure that's temporary until a better title can be found. The original was actually Phoenix City (for obvious metaphorical reasons), I think, but a lot of folks, myself included, just didn't like the sound of it.
Unchanging weather...
Planes flying overhead every 10 minutes...
Roads where no one pays attention to anyone ELSE on the road...
Laughable notions of public transportation...
Yep, it's Arizona.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Hippo birdie two ewe! If you lived near Seattle I'd give you brownies.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Hubby, roommate, and fellow SG member are all vets. Military jokes abound in our group.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Wrong side of the country for me, but if you're ever up Seattle way, I'd be cool for hanging out.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
You should have started making these long ago, man.
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
And I'm always skeptical of anyone who feels the need to include their name in the thread title.
Sorry, I'll try not to do it in future.