Dark One

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coin View Post
    What, making them and showing them all in a row, you mean?

    It's only the past couple of seasons that they have started to do it the US way of making it, showing a few then taking a long break.

    You all only have yourselves to blame
    I think he means the absurdly slow production time combined with the absurdly low numbers of episodes. We waited, what?, a year for 5 frickin' mediocre episodes. I mean, come on, 90% of a Doctor Who episode consists of running down a hallway. It can't take THAT long to film or write such scenarios.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Another word: BAD
    Sorry, but I disagree.

    This isn't Shuster, this isn't his children. It's his sister and her kid (iirc) who already got a deal that she agreed to as being the last deal. So long as DC upheld whatever terms were in that deal, then that should be the last of it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    Yes, Stephanie Brown aka the Spoiler did make an appearance in the new episode.
    Given the apparent hatred for Steph over there, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the show was pulled because of her appearance.
  4. I just saw that episode and holy ****, that's depressing as hell.
  5. Dark One


    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Eh, never heard of her before. *shrug*

    Sidebar...that scene where Ollie fought her? Am I crazy or was that the same set that was used in Falling Skies for the bit with the giant space laser cannon?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    The episodes of YJ (Before the Dawn) and GL (Steam Lantern) that were supposed to air are on itunes. Not sure if they're still there, but you can see it there. If you're not a fan of itunes, if you dig hard enough you can probably find it on some stream sites.

    Hoping that next weeks episodes will also show up on iTunes, but have a feeling that these 2 popping up were a fluke.
    Just saw something interesting on Shortpacked! in the comments section...

    Namely, that Steph Brown was in the background scene of YJ as one of the abductees in Saturday's episode. Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but an interesting little tidbit if that's true.
  7. New season of this series started tonight and once again, Jessica Lange is playing a truly repugnant character (not a criticism of her). Interesting that they are using her, the actor that played her son in the first season, and Zach Quinto to play new characters. It looks to be another interesting season, but I have to wonder how it'll stack up against last season (especially since there's no ultra-smexy redhead this time around )

    One thing that did bother me...the changing of the series name to include "Asylum". Means that it messes with DVR settings. Bothers me just like the Young Justice change did. Why they feel the need to do that, I'll never know.
  8. Dark One


    Is that supposed to be Shiva?

    And next week, we get Deadshot...
  9. Dark One


    Originally Posted by Attercap View Post
    It's a Bethesda game. Ever since Daggerfall I wait until the first patch comes out before I buy a Bethesda game... and even then, tread carefully.
    In a sense, you are both right and wrong. Wrong because the game was developed by Arkane Studios and only published by Bethesda. Right because both Arkane and Bethesda are owned by ZeniMax Media.
  10. I've only seen part of one episode, but it was in the Nightosphere(?) where Jake and Finn were waiting in line to see that vampire girl's dad or something. I kept thinking, am I seeing a kid's show where they are standing in the line for the afterlife? And the dad wants the girl to become the next Satan? Because that's what it seemed like to me.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    The wonderful map reveal... showed a Munroe Republic that IMO is ridiculously too large, as are the 'other' republics.
    Why in the hell would Papa stay in the Monroe Republic when they were practically a hairs-breadth from either the Plains Nation or the Georgia one? At the start, I can see it, but come on.

    Miles sent Charlie alone after Danny against trained soldiers, in the cramped confines of a moving train?
    I would hope he'd be thinking, "Please god, let them kill her and remove the albatross from around my neck...".

    I just may have made appropriate (inappropriate?) comments at the time....
    She is surprisingly busty. Never really had cause to see her in such a light.
  12. That Charlie is too ******* stupid to be allowed to live. I'm certain that if Miles let the bint die, he'd raise the collective human IQ average about 5 points. Either that or he should give her a ball of string and tell her to sit in the corner and try not to drool on herself. She also had the perfect opportunity to shoot Insurance Guy with her crossbow, but instead charges him like Leeroy Jenkins.

    And the bit with the militia guy...why did they let him out of the cage to begin with?

    One good thing...Elizabeth Mitchell standing next to a window while wearing a translucent shirt. Rawr...
  13. Pretty crappy that YJ was listed on the guide, so it was recorded for me, but they actually played...I don't remember what it was. It wasn't Young Justice, that's for sure.

    CN must be taking from the SciFi playbook on how-to-program.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Has to be the most violent episode in television history. What a way to start a season.
    Have you seen any of the episodes of Spartacus? Ya...
  15. I'm betting it's only "unkempt" to a very minimum. Just enough to make the girls swoon over a 'bad boy' on the run. Unlike say, a Dr. Hobo unkempt where he keeps dead squirrels in his pockets.

    That's the problem nowadays. They're trying, IMO, for the 'tortured soul who just happens to have rakish good looks and is just dangerous enough that daddy would lower the glasses' rather than going for the truly disfigured 24/7 and they would have to actually get to know him. The original B&B, at least, captured the fact that the Beast was actually beastly looking.
  16. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait till it comes out on DVD. Dish and AMC are in a spat right now and those channels disappeared.
  17. Does Beast actually look...beastly? Or is he just a pretty boy with some slight skin issues and different colored eyes?
  18. Dark One


    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Wait, are you serious?
    There was an black & orange mask stuck on an arrow right in the beginning when Ollie was on the island. It looked pretty much exactly like Slade/Deathstroke's mask.
  19. Dark One


    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    It was ok. I'll keep watching to see how it develops. But I definitely want to find out where he learned the martial arts. Free running and archery would be pretty much mandatory for survival on the island. But hand to hand combat?
    Didn't you notice Deathstroke's mask on the island?
  20. I'll say this...the Collectors that were added to the MP? Stupidly, ridiculously overpowered. Haven't had a successful mission yet against them on Silver. I can't even imagine what they'd be like on Platinum.
  21. Dark One


    Pretty decent so far. Good setup for his sidekick to show up too. Pretty sure that the Queen home is the same castle that was used in Smallville for Luthor's pad.

    If you missed it this time, it appears to be playing again on Friday.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    They need to go back and make Fallout, X-com all turn based, that's how they started and how they were successful, leave the FPS to new games and never mess with the classics.
    Akshully, the guys who made the original Wasteland (spiritual predecessor of the Fallout series) are coming out with Wasteland 2. They had a Kickstarter a few months back and while they were originally shooting for $900k in funding, they ended up with close to $3 million. Anticipated delivery date of the game is October of next year. The game will be a turn-based one to boot.
  23. First time that I've seend it and enjoyed it. Glad that my local CW finally got an HD upgrade.