201 -
Quote:Get a Widow. Those things, especially IO'd completely, are among the most powerful toons in this game in PvE. A night widow can pump out some very very nasty DPS and its defenses will make other defense based characters cry. THey can come out from Hide, do a burst of dmg and still not worry much about anything, since they avoid most things who take a swing at it. Also, Night Widow vs Carnies is just too easy. High Psy defense, high Psy resist, Clockwork King is not even a challenge for them.Hello all Cox players, my first level 50 was, UnNown, a SS/WP brute...I have him IO'd out with a total of 12 sets in him. I'm looking for another villain to roll, but i cant find a power set i like...I want one that has the devastating damage as he does but I don't wanna make another melee toon. What other villain power set comes close to this.
Thanks for all your answers and suggetsions.
Go Widow, Fort or Night Widow. Night Widow is a solid choice for a start, but a well built Fort is nothing to snuff either. I made my widow with both builds and they are well equipped. Widows, so easy to play, a cave man can do it. -
Quote:I have sent you the money via email, in-game, @War1980. The emails were sent in 3 installments, for a total of 2.75 billion. I am waiting for the merchandise. :-)This amazing new enhancement can be yours for the small price of 2.75 billion influence. Send inquiries to @war1980. For full details see:
Happy holidays.
Thanks a lot. -
Quote:Hah, you want to pair a stoner on task of LR with the towers? Really? Be real, LR buffed by the towers, will take down a stoner really fast, unless that stoner is healed, buffed or assisted in one way or the other. Sad stoner with no kin will be rapidly chased down by LR and made minced meat. My Ice tanker has done STF and tanked him fine. You show me a Stoner tanking LR with towers on with no help at all, not even insps, and show it on video or it did not happen. Bring it.Ah. Hm...pair Stone Tanker vs Your Ice Tanker, no inspirations.
Meet Lord Recluse, tower-buffed.
And then you'll see.
Ice is a very very strong set (I have one and I love it).
But it's not the strongest set and neither is the second strongest.
Not by a long shot.
Just saying that the OP didn't ask for a very strong tanker, he asked for the second best tanker.
And playing smart and playing well, you know that playing well is not limited to Ice tankers, right?
Matter of fact, you have a stoner you want to put up vs my Ice/ ? -
I have 3 IO'd Ice tankers, Ice/DM, Ice/SS, and an old Ice/Em. I would pair those up vs any stone tanker any day. They are self reliant, great recharge, great defense numbers, and now, thanks to i19, i can get tough AND aid self on those Ice tankers. Since it is defense set, u can pull Aid self when needed and the chances are great you will not be interrupted, if things go bad, you got a heal or hibernate.
I have an IO'd Elec/SS tanker as well. Great numbers and his resists are great for just about any dmg type, except toxic (if I am not mistaken). He has tough, a solid heal, and phase. Very hard to kill as well.
An IO'd fire/fire tanker who had problems with malta before i19 due to end drains. His heal recharges in 11-12 seconds. Resists are awesome except vs psy, but since his is accoladed and packed with IO HP bonuses and thanks to his fast heal and phase, it is very very hard to kill as well.
Build right, play right, be smart. You can now make just about any tanker very very tough to kill. -
Quote:As the title says, what would you all say is the most underused and underated pvp charecter?
From my experience, in other words, from what I have seen in Freedom, in arena, in Pocket D, and specifically for duels, I will give my vote to earth/energy dominator. I think the lack of them in arena, or hanging around in pocket D looking for duels, just the absence of them when I am there makes me feel they are being underused and perhaps underrated.
Another toon, for dueling 1 vs 1, which I have rarely seen (although I see them often for team arena) is illusion/emp. I have seen in pocket D a certain illusion/emp character who had made his build for dueling, he was thrashing psy/em blasters, doms, corruptors (even thermals), and I thought, since then, it is underrated or underused for duels, and yet, it can be effective. Never again have I seen in Freedom an Ill/emp for duels. -
Quote:The 3 I would pick from are Fire/ , Dark Melee/, and Martial Arts/. Fire/, IMO, has the highest dmg of all primaries for Scrappers, especially since GFS is absolutely lethal, and hits like a titan when it crits. The DoT of Fire dmg especially with the already high dmg numbers, is a great tool for killing WP tanks or brutes. Dark Melee/ also has some sick dmg (although long animations) with the Shadow Maul + flurry, combination, and a quick recharging heal, and a fear (a good tool if you know how to time it right). Martial Arts/ also has some very nasty damg and Eagle's claw + Flurry combo is also very nasty. Because most powerset combos you will encounter in FiteClub, outside of regen, rely on Aid Self, I would go with Fire first or Dark Melee second (MG is also DoT and you can spam that over and over to counter Aid self, but Shadow Maul+flurry is also DoT (sort of) and it could help to disrupt Aid Self.I know that /regen is considered the best pvp secondary across the board for scrappers, but I was wondering what is the best primary for scrappers who do lolfightclub (against mostly other melee based opponents)?
I've typically heard that fire/ is best for burst damage but I've seen some claws/ scrappers do some amazing things with enough influence invested. -
Quote:Ok, so it seems you want it a lot more for zones than for arena. If you do happen to do a lot more arena, then some tweaks would go in your build. I am not LOL'ing Fight Club stuff, but if that's what you want to do then further tweaks would be in order, IMO. In fight club PvP rules, my Ice/Dark tanker has not lost a single fight in standard times. When sudden death is included, things can change quickly, so he has lost some, few, but still.He's already 44 as I've had him for quite some time. Secondary IS Dark. I'm not looking to kill so much. I simply like the survivability. Though I KNOW it's not the MOST resistant to death. Especially when coupled with PvP's downfalls. My play-style is a bit more....eccentric I suppose. I try builds that both abilities compliment maybe one aspect of a set.
PvP has always been zone. Never tried the Arena. Though I'm not opposed to trying it even with this toon. I have an Ice/SS and did well with him. But was meant for a more damaging build. I favor what seems it WONT do well. I'm not let down if the build fails horribly. And I enjoy going against the fray.
......Just thought about giving up Hasten for Tough/Weave. But I LOVE Hasten to get my heals up. Perhaps Fighting would benefit the build more? Thoughts?
I've just realized the endurance cost of EA vs. Consumption. And that DC returns more end. Downfall being its recharge.
......Not AS interested in the Energy Epic as I've read some patch notes/numbers. But not disregarding it.
So, what I would give is some advice on power selection for your toon, based on my experiences with it:
Definitely Fitness, everything in Ice Armor except Chilling embrace or icicles. Super speed is a must in zone PvP, so Hasten + SS. Combat jump, at least, to add to your defense and your mobility, up to you to include SJ. Tough and Weave, yes, take it to increase your defense, it does make a difference, earth Epic for fossilize and quicksand. From dark melee, the heal, shadow maul. In PvP, the combo of Shadow Maul + Flurry, is a big hitter, but the root times are looong, so your choice if you want to use that. Go for as much global accuracy as possible as well as defense bonuses, then recharge, then HPs.
I hope that helps. -
Quote:What is your secondary? I think I might be able to contribute at least two cents to making an Ice tanker for PvP. I will start with my one cent, I think they do a lot better in zones than in arena. In arena, you will hold your ground against other defense based toons, but vs resist based toons, I would not play an Ice/ unless it was Ice/Dark. When fighting Cold/dark blast toons, I would prefer fighting them with my Ice/Dark as well. Their lack of Aim, and your heal plus your defense, go quite a ways to help you out. Even, vs Elec/thermal's , I would prefer Ice/dark your defense, to hit debuff, and your heal, your fast recharging energy absortion, can give you solid survival tools.Have played, and enjoyed, my Ice Tank since its introduction. I recently re-opened my account and am looking to make some new changes. Most specifically the new (to me) Epic Pools. I'm considering "Energy Mastery" as it has 2 play-style appealing abilities to me. Focused Acc and Physical Protection. I wanted to know if it was possible to rely on Physical Protection's recovery in place of Stamina when slotted? This could give me the opportunity to delve into the Fighting pool for Tough/Weave.
I'm assuming it wont be on account of all the toggles in the build. IF NOT, I may still be interested in taking it and, perhaps, dropping EA. Thoughts?
As of now I have Aid Self rather than the Fighting Pool. In the past I found it more beneficial, to me of course, to have a 600hp+ "on-the-fly" heal. Which I figured could mitigate more damage than Tough/Weave with a successful use. Thoughts?
MUCH Appreciated!
If you change your mind about what kind of primary you would want for a general pvp tanker, I would go electric armor. Elec/SS/Earth would sure give Psy/Em blasters a really hard time in arena; trust me. He's my favorite tanker for PvP.
Having said that, I would also like to know what do you intend to use that toon for, what kind of PvP you want to do, etc. Last, but not least, are you sure you want to make a tanker for PvP? If you are looking to go out there and kill, you might as well go as Psy/ blaster or Stalker (and get some practice AND advice from other good stalkers). That goes for arena and zone. -
Quote:What you really need to make a better use of fallout is communication. As soon as you are in a PuG, it would help to communicate and get an agreement of what happens in case someone faceplants. Its no gimmick, its a tool, a powerful one to use. Just like other powers in /Rad, they are tools. Like it was said above, comes into play a lot more in PuGs than in established teams.They also highlight the drawback of fallout... it's a gimmick. Unless you spend most of your time on teams that are themed specifically to make use of fallout it will rarely be useful.
Repeat Offenders, in times when we are running teams with toons from any/all SGs, we check to see if we have Veng or Fallout before someone is rezz'd. And RO teams are mostly buffing/debuffing machines, yet we still have faceplants. We check to see if we have those tools available and we use them. No gimmick, just playing the game and thinking about what we have at our disposal. -
Quote:What Rad does in addition to what you said, among other things, is FALLOUT. This is the best single power/nuke for debuffing and killing in game, all in one power. No other power does as much as Fallout does in one single hit. Fallout debuffes soooo much and it is also a nuke in it's own right as far as damage. Cold has no power like Fallout. No other debuff set has what Fallout offers in one single hit.I've got 3 Colds and several Rads I don't play so much anymore. Both are great sets but in thier own ways. While both debuff and buff, they do so in different ways making them rather hard to compare. Bottom line for me, the only thing Rad does that Cold cannot is heal, lower To-Hit and +rech. The first, I could care less about. The second is replaced by shields and the third...well you got me there.
I play Cold because it's a diverse and very potent powerset when played in the right hands.
Theres always something to do and it does it well. I can say no evil about Rad but honestly, if you fail playing a Rad, theres more at question than which powerset has bigger nuts.
I would say the easy answer for what Cold or TA do not have over Rad is FALLOUT. Faithful Fans of Fallout for Repeat Offenders makes a strong case for it. -
Quote:With a well timed TK + snipe+flares, repeat as soon as the suppression is over, I would also place the mind/fire ahead in a duel vs earth/engy.I'm not focusing on duels otherwise my list would be different lol. Anyways alot of good doms (in general as in don't have to be earth/nrg) can beat down elec/therms cuz dominations up enough where they can bring way more greens. And the cold can make ur 12 sec stun last 5 and make it never up much. And i put my money on a good mind/fire than a earth/nrg /nrg makes it crap even if it can make ur stun last a bit longer lol.
Quote:That's exactly my point. No tank, no powerset, can tank LR in STF without help, buffs or insps management. What you said of 'only needed PB fortitude and AB is an inmense deal. Your Stone/Stone, like my Stone/Stone, can not tank LR without help either. LR can make quick work out of any Stone/ tanker unless that tanks gets help like I said above.My Stone/Stone Tank has solo tanked him and an army of his spawned bosses before, but that was a while ago.
I also just recently was on a Master of the Statesman Taskforce where our tank was an SOed Invuln/Super Strength. All he needed was a powerboosted Fortitude and Adrenaline Boost and he could stand there all day spamming Taunt. His defense and resistance to smashing and lethal damage were only slightly more than what I am getting in my build (Differences are 8% and 18% respectively) and I have 350ish more Hit Points than he did. His regeneration was significantly higher than mine; however, I don't exactly know how much 600% more regeneration will affect the situation. I also am unsure how to calculate the impact Siphon Life will have. -
Don't take stamina just for thermals. Stamina won't save you from getting zapped by elec/thermal. If the OP had reached about 4.0 recovery w/out stamina, there is no need to take stamina at all.
Quote:But still playing to win or playing not-to-die and draw?Elec blast can eventually sap anything (Regen or otherwise) if they are dumb enough to keep getting blasted with it for an extended period of time while spamming attacks and don't bring blues. Most builds that leverage the end drain are elec/therms or elec/kins though, which no amount of slotting on a regen is going to overcome that.
The nice part about end sappers? Usually their damage is pretty low so the way they beat you is when you are dumb enough to stand there and try to take it. (Which to be fair is the mentality of a lot of Regens)
Play smart, play evasive and you'll do just fine. -
For Trick Arrow in zone, or if you wanted to use one as a 'ruptor in arena, I would go Mind/TA/Hibernoob, or Grav/TA/Hibernoob
Fixed to reflect my take on this. That hold buys you enough time, if you have been following them, to land that nasty attack, which is just lethal for squishies.
Quote:That same blaster which you use to kill pretty much any other melee toon, I would like to try that blaster on my melee toon; he's not regen. I agree 110 percent with what Murdock said. i13 was a big deserved buff for melee in PvP.No, not for zone. for duels, sure they're harder to kill but they certainly didn't get a buff with i13. regen aside, i've been able to kill pretty much any other melee character with ease on my blaster. duel's they aren't *that* good and zone/arena its all about taunt. I left regen out since i haven't been able to kill a decent regen that knows what he/she is doing with said blaster, i usually bust out the therm corr for regen's. But my point is that I can't think of any point where i would rather be on a melee than ranged.
This is not a call out or challenge to show off. This is perhaps to show, in practice, how blasters vs other melee, IMO, do not have that much of an advantage if they want to play for the win and not for the draw. -
Quote:You are still vulnerable to elec/ attacks. It does not have to be an elec/thermal. I have seen Elec/Rad corrs beat down /regens scrappers in duels mainly due to the end drain.I finally messed around with my Fire/Regen build (after what I spec'ed it into for i13) and current build hits >4.00 EPS recovery with only QR.
To put that in perspective, a Regen with QR and Stamina both 3 slotted and both end accolades recovers 3.85 EPS.
Outside of getting chain sapped by Mu I've yet to run into any real problems.
To the OP, how much regen do you have in your current build, and what are your global rech times, and how much HP do you plan on your build?