Cold defender vs. Radiation Emission defender
buffs are naturally better than debuffs on three counts; they are active prior to any attacks, they are active even through mez, and they aren't effected by the purple patch.
although when debuffs are active both sets are equal in most situations. As the enemy con goes higher though debuffs start to slack some compare to buffs in strength, but not by a lot.
You are, of course, aware that your statement there was not a categorical truth, correct? There are debuffs that have some of those same advantages. [Surveilance], for instance doesn't alert mobs, so is similar to applying a buff to a teammate. Also, what does mez have to do with it? There are many debuffs that are on click powers, and so won't be "turned off" by the player being mezzed.
You are, of course, aware that your statement there was not a categorical truth, correct? There are debuffs that have some of those same advantages. [Surveilance], for instance doesn't alert mobs, so is similar to applying a buff to a teammate. Also, what does mez have to do with it? There are many debuffs that are on click powers, and so won't be "turned off" by the player being mezzed.
buffs are naturally better than debuffs on three counts; they are active prior to any attacks, they are active even through mez, and they aren't effected by the purple patch.
although when debuffs are active both sets are equal in most situations. As the enemy con goes higher though debuffs start to slack some compare to buffs in strength, but not by a lot. |
Both cold and rad have some powers that just defy comparison: accelerated metabolism, choking cloud, EM Pulse, sleet, and heat loss. I would include arctic fog for the protection to slows, too.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
buffs are naturally better than debuffs on three counts; they are active prior to any attacks, they are active even through mez, and they aren't effected by the purple patch.
although when debuffs are active both sets are equal in most situations. As the enemy con goes higher though debuffs start to slack some compare to buffs in strength, but not by a lot. |
Fallout. If you have someone willing to be Fallout bait, nothing a Defender can do will kill as fast as Radiation Emission. Aim + Soul Drain/Power Build Up + Vengeance (if you have it) + Fallout = one-shotted mob. Dedicated Fallout bait is rather hard to find, but it's awesome when someone volunteers. And strangely, both times I did it, they said they had more fun being blown up repeatedly than by actually playing.
Fallout beside, I've played lots of Rad, but little Cold, so I'm not going to comment much of Cold's strengths and weaknesses.
Rad is very strong solo and in teams. It plays pretty much the same in both situations (ignoring heavy-support based builds) except solo the rez and nuke are worthless. With some good anchor and mob management, you can keep the whole mob debuffed into mush. I haven't looked at my Defender's real numbers since I resubbed, so I don't remember my precise debuff values, but I do recall my Radiation Infection lowers To-Hit by about 50%. 45% drops them to the to-hit floor of 5%, so that's a little wiggle room to make up for any mob resists, higher cons, and AVs. Not a ton, mind you, but it helps. And I'm pretty sure I'm not at the ED cap for it either, though I'm really close if I'm not. And regardless, Rad's debuffs help immensely, so long as you're not going for +4s. And if you are, then you might as well ditch both the Rad and the Cold for an Emp and FF if you're that worried about debuff resistance.
Rad also can heal, something Cold needs to go into the medicine pool for. Stopping lots of damage is fine, but some will get through. And when it does, Rad just pops Radiant Aura on occasion to patch it up. Cold can't without Aid Self. Rad also boosts endurance recovery, damage, recharge, mez resistance, and more through Accelerate Metabolism from as early as level 2. Cold is much more buffy, with resistance, defense, stealth, +MaxHP, and more, including Heat Loss which pretty much lets you pretend your endurance bar doesn't exist. Rad also has a rez, for those moments when someone screws up (and someone will), and also EM Pulse, which is probably the best hold power in the game. Yeah, sure, it has that recovery crash, but its more accurate than a Controller's mass hold, does substantial sapping, and drops some pretty hefty debuffs. Between LR and EM Pulse (and careful end management), Rad can floor the regeneration of pretty much anything. Cold has -regen too, but I don't know how strong it is.
In PvP, if you're interested in that, Rad wins hands down. Buffs get DRed into crud under the current ruleset, so Cold's buffs suffer. And if you're solo PvP, which most is and most are built for (from my experience), those buffs are useless. Going by that, Cold has six usable PvP powers, four of which are actually feasible to use. If the enemy has any kind of mez, Snowstorm is useless because, without any substantial defense buffs or to-hit debuffs, it'll get shut off straight away (though if they don't have any, it's quite nice). Sleet is useless because aiming a locational AoE against super speed/super jump opponents on the constant move is near impossible and, once you miss, they have a very obvious spot to avoid. And all serious melee PvPers will have at least one ranged attack to use if you drop it at your feet (not to mention Taunt/Confront to keep you from shooting back). Infrigidate, Benumb, and Heat Loss are probably quite effective, but I don't know the recharge times. If they're long recharges, then that's not going to be so hot.
Rad has seven powers it can actually use in PvP, even on teams. Of those, five are feasible. EM Pulse's crash is too much of a liability, as is its recharge, and Choking Cloud ticks too slowly and just hogs endurance. Rad is able to safely employ its debuffs since Rad Infection provides -to hit, which makes landing mezzes to shut it off much more difficult. AM provides endurance and, most importantly, recharge and damage boosts. Radiant Aura can be used to self-heal, which is very important in a PvP scenario. Rad has more endurance issues in PvP since it needs to maintain two toggle debuffs, but those two debuffs are dang effective at protecting the Defender and making the opponent easier to kill.
Sleet is useless because aiming a locational AoE against super speed/super jump opponents on the constant move is near impossible and, once you miss, they have a very obvious spot to avoid. And all serious melee PvPers will have at least one ranged attack to use if you drop it at your feet (not to mention Taunt/Confront to keep you from shooting back). Infrigidate, Benumb, and Heat Loss are probably quite effective, but I don't know the recharge times. If they're long recharges, then that's not going to be so hot.
Couldn't a PVPer just speed run/jump out of the range of the Rad toggles and run right back at you? Their range is really not that big (70ft). No out-ranging Infrigidate/Benumb/Heat Loss though.
In PvP, if you're interested in that, Rad wins hands down. Buffs get DRed into crud under the current ruleset, so Cold's buffs suffer.
This bears some further examination. If you are a squishy AT, +def and +res buffs are likely to be pretty worthless because of DR on the def and the presence of near-cap resists on most squishies with an epic shield.
However, a melee can take full advantage of these buffs.
Then there's frostworks. While some squishies will have near-cap +hp builds for pvp, many won't and adding a few hundred hp to them makes a big difference in survivability. Most melees won't be near their cap and also benefit from a huge chunk of extra hp.
Infrigidate, Benumb, and Heat Loss are probably quite effective, but I don't know the recharge times. If they're long recharges, then that's not going to be so hot. |
Sleet is... situational. That is, you have to look out for opportunities to make use of it and exploit them, as opposed to targetted debuffs you can fire off whenever you please. I wouldn't say that makes it worthless.
Snowstorm has its use, for -fly. With temp fly being standard issue, there's always some clown in the air you'd rather have on the ground.
Couldn't a PVPer just speed run/jump out of the range of the Rad toggles and run right back at you? Their range is really not that big (70ft). No out-ranging Infrigidate/Benumb/Heat Loss though.
But yes, theoretically it could be done. However, they're better off eating a yellow or two and smacking you with a mez. And something along those lines is what usually happens... at least to me.
Looking at it from a zone pvp perspective...
This bears some further examination. If you are a squishy AT, +def and +res buffs are likely to be pretty worthless because of DR on the def and the presence of near-cap resists on most squishies with an epic shield. However, a melee can take full advantage of these buffs. Then there's frostworks. While some squishies will have near-cap +hp builds for pvp, many won't and adding a few hundred hp to them makes a big difference in survivability. Most melees won't be near their cap and also benefit from a huge chunk of extra hp. |

Defenders, Corruptors, Masterminds, and Controllers inherently benefit less from all buffs in PvP. They have a lower cap or higher DR curve or some other silly mechanic. Probably the best for buffing, besides melee without the effect you're buffing up, would be the non-buffing squishies.
Frostworks... not so sure how it works in PvP. Is +HP affected by DR? My Rad/Sonic's PvP build and my BS/SR's AV solo build don't lose HP in PvP zones, but they aren't capped either, so I can't say. Is it reduced by other +HP buffs being on? If you buff a non-capped perma-DP Tank with Frostworks, will the benefit be reduced? Someone with a high level Cold would have to look into that.
Infrigidate has a fairly short recharge. Benumb and heat loss are pretty long. If you are the unlucky soul to get all three of them landed on you, well, enjoy staring at the tiny dots on your power tray from all the -recharge. Not too many sets outside of SR have enough def debuff resist to avoid getting their defense crippled by all the -def. Sleet is... situational. That is, you have to look out for opportunities to make use of it and exploit them, as opposed to targetted debuffs you can fire off whenever you please. I wouldn't say that makes it worthless. Snowstorm has its use, for -fly. With temp fly being standard issue, there's always some clown in the air you'd rather have on the ground. |
I can tell you from experience that sleet and freezing rain are not impossible to hit with. There are a few tricks you can use like watching for your opponent to begin an animation, or using a mez immediately followed by FR/sleet. As for the recharge times, those are a big pain for cold. They HAVE to have a serious amount of recharge bonuses in order to get benumb and heat loss out when they're needed.
Ok, long recharges on those two, which from what I've heard are super awesomesauce skills. Yeah, being hit by all three would probably suck if you don't have some built-in recharge debuff resistance, but the fact they aren't up often makes them a little un-ideal. Unless you're doing PvP where you start each fight fully recharged and don't need to worry about being attacked by a new person while your powers are on cooldown, they'd probably rock. But really, faster recharging powers are generally "better" in PvP, mostly because they're available more often. EM Pulse, for example, SUCKS to get hit by, but the recharge is so long that, even without the crash, I'd never take it over anything else I have for PvP.
As for landing Sleet and etc, you two must be a heck of a lot better than the people I've seen using locational AoEs. I don't know how many Shield Charges, Lightning Rods, Fire Storms, Sleets, and so forth I've seen miss by huge margins against a mobile target.
Oh, and almost forgot, even SR is lacking in defense debuff resistance in PvP. My aforementioned Scrapper? Only 72% instead of 95%. He got dropped to 23% by a Sonic/Rad Corruptor. I'd hate to see what a defense-debuffing Defender could do. But, Rad Em, Cold Dom, Rad Blast... if they're not in Elude (or a clone), you can pretty much screw 'em over on defense.
Defense sets will DR off the cold shields like crazy. A character with PvE softcap has about 33% defense in PvP. I once got bubbled by a FF Defender in a zone when I was messing around on my soft-capped BS/SR Scrapper. I got an additional 1%ish defense.
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Frostworks... not so sure how it works in PvP. Is +HP affected by DR? My Rad/Sonic's PvP build and my BS/SR's AV solo build don't lose HP in PvP zones, but they aren't capped either, so I can't say. Is it reduced by other +HP buffs being on? If you buff a non-capped perma-DP Tank with Frostworks, will the benefit be reduced? Someone with a high level Cold would have to look into that. |
Unless you're doing PvP where you start each fight fully recharged and don't need to worry about being attacked by a new person while your powers are on cooldown, they'd probably rock. But really, faster recharging powers are generally "better" in PvP, mostly because they're available more often. |
On the topic of DR, I'm 90% sure that further buffs over the DR soft cap will act as a buffer against debuffs. I'm not positive though. It depends on if the math goes:
Buff - debuff = total(DR-ed)
or if it's:
Buff(DR-ed) - debuff(DR-ed) = total
Couldn't a PVPer just speed run/jump out of the range of the Rad toggles and run right back at you? Their range is really not that big (70ft). No out-ranging Infrigidate/Benumb/Heat Loss though.
Ok, long recharges on those two, which from what I've heard are super awesomesauce skills. Yeah, being hit by all three would probably suck if you don't have some built-in recharge debuff resistance, but the fact they aren't up often makes them a little un-ideal.
As for landing Sleet and etc, you two must be a heck of a lot better than the people I've seen using locational AoEs. I don't know how many Shield Charges, Lightning Rods, Fire Storms, Sleets, and so forth I've seen miss by huge margins against a mobile target. |
As for sleet/freezing rain, I'm not going to act like I can hit every time with it (heck, the last arena match I was in I missed more often than I hit) but with some strategy it's possible to do it with reasonable reliability. It's especially easy in any sort of fight with more than two people as it's not hard to catch people who are focusing on someone else.
I've got 3 Colds and several Rads I don't play so much anymore. Both are great sets but in thier own ways. While both debuff and buff, they do so in different ways making them rather hard to compare. Bottom line for me, the only thing Rad does that Cold cannot is heal, lower To-Hit and +rech. The first, I could care less about. The second is replaced by shields and the third...well you got me there.
I play Cold because it's a diverse and very potent powerset when played in the right hands.
Theres always something to do and it does it well. I can say no evil about Rad but honestly, if you fail playing a Rad, theres more at question than which powerset has bigger nuts.
I have a 50 Ill/Rad Troller and a 40 Cold/Sonic Fender and outta the 2, I think I'd prefer Cold Dom, the Resistance Debuffs alone win the argument, for me.
On my Troller, the maximum -Res I can attain is -44.5%, -22.5% without the Achiles Heel Proc.
On the Cold I'll be throwin' down -80% with the -Res Proc, -60% without and all these numbers are AoEs, chuck in Sonic Attacks' debuffs and I can get that to (from memory) -160% ST -Res, but thats off topic.
This is with IOs, of course.
The -Regen numbers are the same between the sets but Cold's is a little harder to make Perma, has a recharge time of 120 compared to Rad's nice 90 seconds.
Heat Loss is pure, pure win, also. I can run into a mob, hit Heat Loss and Nuke without my toggles droppin' (most of the time )
I think that if you're goin' to make a Rad ora Cold toon the question you have to ask yourself is "How much do I like buffin' peoples?" I thats the decidin' factor for some people. A cold that doesn't buff is a FailCold.
Sadly, sleet is bugged in the same way that freezing rain is so that it only lasts 15seconds if the target doesn't flee from the area.
No idea why as it should last 30 seconds from the time of the last tic which afaik is how it works if they flee from the area it was dropped, but if they stay in one spot the debuffs expire after 15 seconds.
Whether this bug will ever be fixed? who knows, but it is crappy cause most things can't get out from under it so it usually only lasts 15 seconds. Not that them getting away is any more ideal to make the debuff actually work in the manner it is supposed to.
I've got 3 Colds and several Rads I don't play so much anymore. Both are great sets but in thier own ways. While both debuff and buff, they do so in different ways making them rather hard to compare. Bottom line for me, the only thing Rad does that Cold cannot is heal, lower To-Hit and +rech. The first, I could care less about. The second is replaced by shields and the third...well you got me there.
I play Cold because it's a diverse and very potent powerset when played in the right hands. Theres always something to do and it does it well. I can say no evil about Rad but honestly, if you fail playing a Rad, theres more at question than which powerset has bigger nuts. |
I would say the easy answer for what Cold or TA do not have over Rad is FALLOUT. Faithful Fans of Fallout for Repeat Offenders makes a strong case for it.
Repeat Offenders forever !
Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.
Fallout comes into play a lot more on PuG teams rather than established teams.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
They also highlight the drawback of fallout... it's a gimmick. Unless you spend most of your time on teams that are themed specifically to make use of fallout it will rarely be useful.
Repeat Offenders, in times when we are running teams with toons from any/all SGs, we check to see if we have Veng or Fallout before someone is rezz'd. And RO teams are mostly buffing/debuffing machines, yet we still have faceplants. We check to see if we have those tools available and we use them. No gimmick, just playing the game and thinking about what we have at our disposal.
Repeat Offenders forever !
Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.
This is was touched on in another thread discussing buffs and debuffs. My personal opinion is that they are equally powerful yet very different power sets. I have a level 50 radiation emission defender and will someday soon despite altitis have a Cold defender at level 50. I do have an Ice/Cold corruptor but that's barking up a horse of a different color.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.