Come Undone

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  1. Mostly repeating here, but /regen is very easy on end, for controllers I think best on end would be elec/kin, and elec/psi for doms, most MMs are pretty good since your pets do most of the fighting, although for a few of the primaries the pets need end management. My elec/fire blaster is good on end, I'd imagine /elec, /dark and /mental would also be good. Just need to slot some end reduction and be willing to use the end recovery built into your secondary.
  2. Assuming reactive was fixed to work at all (been on lowbies lately), then yes it'll work with pets.
  3. Neither + nor -recharge work on pets anylonger, that includes from procs. As for what alpha to use, depends on your build I'd imagine, and don't have a bots/ff so I'll leave that up to someone else.
  4. Web grenade (and variants) crush, electric fence (controller and dom versions), stone prision, and impale (both thorn and spine versions) are the only immobilizes, to my knowlege, that have -fly. Most do not. There are some temp powers that have -fly, might want to look into them (or eventualy go earth epic pool for stone prision)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post

    Now I'm wishing for paper control, paper assault, and paper shields. Been a while since I've seen RoD.
  6. Suggestions go here. While the basic idea doesn't seem terrible, it'd need to be fleshed out alot more before I could say whether I'd really like to see it. Although I do agree on the point that MMs could use more primaries.
  7. 8 MMs, 1 of each primary, doubling up on thugs and either demons or bots (leaning demons myself). 1 dark, 1 therm, 1 sonic, 1 posion, 1 traps, 1 storm and either 2 times or a time and a pain. Everyone grabs leadership, mix ancillery/patron pools to taste.
  8. Nope, facebook is lying. Unless I suppose you're supposed to be able to buy titan weapons on the test server, who's store is down, but beta's store is up and doesn't have titan weapons available.
  9. Come Undone

    Lore pets

    I'm of the opposite opinion. I pull out lore pets when stuff needs to die now, or I in some cases when I need something sturdy to tank for me, which for the people I have using them isn't all the time. If they got signifigantly nerfed to be made perma, I'd probably use them even less. Granted, in a few cases, I could see it being useful, but if anything, make it a seperate branch, don't go nerfing everyone's pets just so you can have your MM that's not.
  10. What I think they should try is make the crit portion scale based on target rank. Have AS work as is for underlings, minions and lieutenents. For bosses, double the strength of the crit (leaving base alone). For EBs double it again (so the crit is 4x as strong as on a lieut). For AVs and GMs double it again (8x base crit damage). Would certainly make it much more worthwhile on hard targets, but given typical AV/GM health values shouldn't be too strong.
  11. Ill can be OP with certain secondaries and lots of set bonuses, but in other cases it's no stronger than other control sets (and in some very rare cases like BaF, it's even weaker than other control sets).
    I think the main reason it hasn't been ported to doms was some odd concept thing, aparently they just didn't think it fit with villians. Weather that has or will change, not sure.
  12. My tank has gotten 1 common, 2 uncommons, 1 VR, and dozens of rares. My MM has gotten many commons, 2 rares, and the rest uncommons (not counting all the threads before recent change to drop system), my blaster has gotten 1 rare, 1 VR, rest uncommons with maybe 2 commons thrown in. This doesn't seem like a truely random spread to me, more like a wieghted system with a bit of randomness thrown in. I think that in the end, there is a random roll, but *something* is changing the chance you have for rolling each component.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Timegod View Post
    Well, for the record, I hear about IOs and the like all the time, but I literally just returned to game, the only thing I have done with IOs is the tutorial "how to make an IO", thinks like "frankenslot" are greek to me. I know I will get the hang of it, my future toons will no doubt be easier once I get a handle on everything I need to know.

    As for the 6 misses. The sheer rage I felt at the time has robbed me of the mob type, it was a mission I got in the zone I came out in. Talos I think it is called. I am using lvl 20++ DOs for my ACC. When I first entered the mission, the first group made me lose my mind, so I left, went and bought some DOs to up the lvl of my enhancements for ACC and came back. I was just doing std stuff +0/x1 I think it is called. That particular mob was a +1, but still....

    Anyway, it was just a rant, thanks for the math on IOs, I'll put that away fro future reference. I simply have no resources, I scraped everything I had together to get those DOs, so now I am working on getting 3k AE tickets together for when I hit lvl 22. That should buy me 40 SOs.

    I will get past this lvl with my sanity intact. Logging in now to get through this. Wish me luck.
    For IOs there are common IOs which only enhance 1 aspect of a power, making them like normal enhancements that you never outlevel. Then there are set IOs, most of which enhance 2, 3 or even 4 aspects of a power. If you use multiple IOs from the same set you get set bonuses, which are extra enhancements applied to your character, ranging from defense, +hp, minor resist, +damage, or global accuracy bonuses. Franken-slotting is mixing set IOs to maximise the enhancement values while mostly ignoring possible set bonuses.

    As for you missing 6 times in a row, I'm in agreement that it must've been CoT ghosts, don't think anything else could floor your to-hit like that at that level. My recomendation would be to aut-complete the mission (not sure how long you've been gone and forget when auto-complete was added, but you open the contact windown and you can select "complete this mission") Then avoid CoT for the imediate future. If forced to do another CoT mission you can only auto-complete every 3 days, so watch out.
  14. Mag 2, 8 seconds acording to mids. Matches up with in game experience as well.
  15. My suggestions coming from a ninja/posion

    Alkaloid: Either decrese base end cost/increase heal by ~20% each, or keep the end and heal % where they are, but make it a TAoE heal with same range and 15 foot splash

    Envenom/Weaken: Either make them chain powers (or some other AoE, just think chain would be a little diffrent) or increase the debuff values a bit and make them partialy (45-70%) unresistable, so that posion would at least be better than anything else for AVs/GMs.

    Neurotoxic Breath: I like it, although it'd be nice if it had slightly increased duration (say 25 seconds) and/or extra minor debuffs (10% def/to-hit/damage debuff, all unenhanceable) this would be especialy nice if you keep envenom/weaken single target.

    Elixer of Life: Fine the way it is, especialy now that vomiting doesn't detoggle armors.

    Antidote: Fine the way it is, although simple wish-list type request, it'd be nice if targets you hit with antidote were granted some sort of debuff proc for it's duration. Something like the interface procs where it's fairly low powered and only stacks once or twice per target hit, but adds a little something to debuffing power. As for the debuff I'd recomend a -rech/slow/-special/-heal(or-regen) combo.

    Paralytic Posion: Fine the way it is. If you want to add a few bells and whistles I wouldn't object, but no changes really needed.

    Posion Trap: Worst. Power. EVER. It'd be hard to make this any worse (maybe if it buffs enimies or set you on fire?) so anything you want to do with it would be fine. Seldom's pullsing sleep trap sounds kinda cool, as does changing it to the traps version, but then I might have to actualy fit it into my build.

    Noxious Gas: Ok if you have melee pets, though I can see why MMs with ranged pets might not like it. . Maybe increase the duration a bit (60-90 seconds?) make the debuffs enhanceable, and maybe add a little def/resist to the pet it's on so they stay alive for it's full duration easier (The def can be explained as it's hard to target them with the posion cloud obscuring them, can't think of justification for resist though)
  16. Don't think so but not sure, and yes, the def/resist auras from pet IOs help the lore pets, assuming they're close enough
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    The way you wrote up this question is somewhat confusing. I'm guessing that you are asking if the IOs that provide a pet buff like the Sovereign Right +10% Resistance to Pets proc works for Controllers? Is that it?

    The answer, if that is the question, is: Yes, the Sovereign Right +10% Resistance to Pets, the Expediant Reinforcement +10% Resistance to pets, Edict of the Master 5% Defense Bonus for Pets and the Call to Arms +5% Defense bonus for Pets all work on Controller Pets (except Phantom Army, who is unbuffable and invulnerable).

    Those procs are especially nice for Controllers with a secondary that can hit their pets with Resistance or Defense Shields.

    I use both the Sovereign Right and the Expediant Reinforcement +10% Resistance bonus on my Animate Stone for my Earth/Rad and Earth/Storm to add 20% extra Resistance to an already high resistance pet -- it makes Rocky almost unkillable. You can see that they are working because the little resistance Icons float around them. (I think there is another way to verify it, but I don't recall off hand and I can't get in game to check.)

    When you say "pet damage IO bonus," do you mean the Soulbound Allegence Chance for Build Up proc? Yes, that one works, too. If you watch the pet window, you can see the build up icon show up (especially for Phantom Army or Fire Imps, since there are three of them).

    I use the Soulbound in most of my several sevel 50 Illusion controllers in Phantom Army.
    Bolded bits confuse me somewhat. Or is PA able to self buff, but not able to recive outside buffs? My PA has some pet auras to help out phantasm, bunch of recharge, and some acc/dam, but if they can use build up I might have to figure out a way to get that in there.
  18. No, it won't negate the GM's regen, though it might help enough to allow you to out damage the GM's regen.

    I forget how much GM's resist debuffs by, and not sure if interface debuffs are resistable by AVs/GMs, so it might debuff the GM's regen anywhere from 9% to 60%, neither extreme is enough to eleminate thier regeneration, but as I said before, it might be enough so that you can out damage thier regen.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BuMmR View Post
    I dont see any point in playing MM if 95% of your damage you cant even use.
    Didn't say that situation looked fun, or acceptable, just that you're not totaly useless even without pets.
  20. Well, it looks like your traps still work, so there's that...but yeah, that looks like it would suck.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by streetlight View Post
    The only people I ever see whining about PVP are pre-i13 PVPers who took the changes personally. They whine a lot, though. They keep people from joining PVP and keep people from coming back to it. Someone says they want to check out PVP, all they get is "PVP sucks! The devs ruined it with i13 and nobody ever PVPs! Don't even bother...". The community carries a lot of blame for the low populations.

    I13 hit in December of 2008. I'm sorry, but beta test info from then is long outdated. Since then, a lot has happened that could get PVP rebalanced, especially along build design and powerset development/proliferation. However, no useful volume of PVP data has come in with those changes. With the whining crowd undermining every effort, there won't be new data.

    Some of the developers are gone, too. If you want the current team to devote their efforts to PVP, then help provide good useful current data. Get people interested. PVP more. Organize a little. Get numbers in place that show what does and doesn't work. The PVP community needs a lot more than "I want my i12 back!!" if they want change. I12 isn't coming back. It's dead. Almost 8 issues dead.

    Like I said, the whining hasn't gotten anywhere and isn't likely to ever get anywhere. Maybe it's time to try something different? What's the goal and what's the best way to achieve it? If the goal is an end to PVP, then whining will keep you on track. If the goal is a better, more populated PVP component, then whining is not the way to go. I say numbers and community support are the way to go. If you have any other ideas, I'd love to hear 'em.
    Replying to the bolded part. I'm not a major PvPer, and never did any more than casual PvPing, and I have to agree that the i13 changes were incredibly bad. They (all the changes collectivly) weren't a slap to the face of PvP, they were a shotgun blast. PvP is dead, what you've experenced since is the headless reanimated skeleton of what it once was. And again, I'm saying this as a casual PvPer, one who took scrappers, blasters, controllers and MMs into PvP zones before the changes, and scrappers, tanks, blasters, MMs, controllers and even a stalker into the zones since. And although I only have 8 fights to go by since the changes, I have to say I think all the ATs (that have gotten into fights) are worse off for PvP, and much worse off for trying to take on the zone spawns.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elimist View Post
    And pajama bottoms don't count as pants.
    Ok fine, then I frequently have pants on while playing on Triumph.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Comfort View Post
    I don't like the idea of judgement because it's boring.

    I don't care if everyone gets a super nuke or whatever, but that's the problem, it's JUST a nuke. I liked the idea of enhancements building on my existing character, forcing new decisions about what powers I take and how to enhance them, something I was sort of (but not entirely) locked into. That was the alpha slot.

    Everything I've read about judgement is just about 'you get boom'. No big decision there.

    Well, the "you get a big boom" is a very big part, but there are still choices to be made. Do you want the boom to be PBAoE, Chain, TAoE, or a cone? How many targets do you want the boom to hit? What type of damage do you want the boom to do (though sadly this is tied in with attack vector)? Do you want special effects for anything that survives the boom? If so, do you want -dam, -end, -rech or (I forgot what fire has aside from a DoT, but whatever that is)? If you want to RP the power, that's yet another thing to factor into your choice.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elimist View Post
    A: C: Still met your 3 hour deadline of playing time (but lets face it, you're probably going to stay up till 2am with the bacon that fell of your pizza 2 hours ago buried in the crotch of your... oh wait, this is triumph, no pants)
    Hey, I almost always have pants on even while playing on Triumph and my staying up till 2-3am never has anything to do with crotch bacon.

    I think the people who had a problem with the "less exp per task" thing-
    A) cared nothing for logic or reason
    B)Insisted that they only do 1 (or two, or whatever) number of tasks, no matter how quickly those tasks got done (so 1 task that takes 3 hours would be fine, but 2 tasks done in an hour would be out of the question), and absolutely refused to even consider street sweeping between tasks.
  25. Come Undone

    Blaster survival

    Originally Posted by Dragon_King View Post
    And as a rule if your standing toe to toe with your foes your going to be face down a lot...

    Speed kills... standing still kills you.
    Going to have to disagree with the bolded part, especialy with /fire. All the attacks except ring of fire are melee range in /fire, and all but RoF and fire sword are AE, so getting in the middle of things and burning everything to the ground can be rather helpful.

    As has been mentioned, blasters tend to be rather squishy, but do amazing damage. It'll help to wait till someone else attacks first when on a team, since the first moments of combat per spawn or "alpha strike" tend to be the most painful. Hit and run also might be helpful, especialy at lower levels.
    Also, even though it can be annoying, don't worry too much about dying in this game. It has the least sevear penalty of any game I've ever seen, with debt amounting to little more than a speed bump.