No -Fly on Midnight Grasp or Soul Tentacles?

Come Undone



I thought that all Immobilize powers had -Fly on them. Or is Web Grenade the only one?

Either way, it's a rhetorical question. I'm posing this as a request. I am now painfully aware that MG does not have -Fly like I would have expected it to.

I just quit after my third death vs a Longbow Warden who had Illusion and Force Field. So it was me against a buffed army of decoys with me debuffed by psionics to boot. Being a DA brute, my knockback resist from Acrobatics was pitiful, so I was getting tossed around all over the place by energy torrent coming at me from 3 directions. And of course since this was the first Widow mission, hospital = prison cell, so no insps on the way back.

After the second death I thought I'd be clever and pop a Break Free that had dropped earlier, maybe that would help vs the KB. Then I can take him! Right? Wrong. The minute I approached him I then found out the Warden could FLY, too?? Ack. I didn't notice him hovering before, what with all the decoys and rapid fire energy blasts filling the screen.

I might have stood a chance solo if I could have grounded him. Logically, you would think that tentacles that rise up from the netherworld would have that side effect. No?

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Family Matters - 82136



Web grenade (and variants) crush, electric fence (controller and dom versions), stone prision, and impale (both thorn and spine versions) are the only immobilizes, to my knowlege, that have -fly. Most do not. There are some temp powers that have -fly, might want to look into them (or eventualy go earth epic pool for stone prision)

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I deal with.



As noted, not all immobs have -Fly, only very specific ones do, and some of the ones that do used to only be able to target grounded foes so it didnt help much for them until recently.

If you want -Fly, you can invest into the Flying Pool and get Air Superiority. That power has -fly and is available to everyone. It also is the best single target attack available in a power pool.

As for your knockback isues, Acrobatics is enhanceable for knockback. This increases the strenght of the knockback protection. It's not much (only 2 of the 9 prot is enhanceable) but 3 SOs can take the power from -9 KB prot to -10.9. It MIGHT help to at least toss one SO there.



I'd actualy forgotten about acrobatics. Personaly though I'd recomend just putting one (or more) of the knockback protection IOs in the build. 1 in either super jump or combat jumping, along with having acrobatics would give you mag 13 protection, which should be enough for most of the game.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I deal with.



Originally Posted by StarkRavingMad2 View Post
I might have stood a chance solo if I could have grounded him. Logically, you would think that tentacles that rise up from the netherworld would have that side effect. No?
You'd think they would have -KB too, but at least some of the tentacle-based immobilizes don't.

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