1696 -
A few weeks ago, there was a competition to win the new Logitech Mouse on the Coffee Talk video. I know it's probably lost in the whole game going under extravagaza and all that, but was it ever announced who won it?
So, before the game goes away (sobs quietly) one thing I never got round to doing was the villain arc that everyone says makes them feel actually horrible and want to wash their skin off.
Trouble is, I can't remember which one it is!
Someone help me out? -
Yeah, I know, the forums and the game are going, but until they do, i'll do what I love on these forums......discuss the things we love
So, who's seen the new series first episode?
Epic in scale, a very clever intro to a new person......and VERY clever way to further what the Doctor wants to do! -
Over on Defiant was a player called Mighty Saguaro. He was massively loved by a lot of players, unfortunately I don't have any screenies or anything
I'm more gutted that I'll probably never get the Green Stuff badge on my main. No matter how many times I tried, it never seemed to happen
I'm looking forward to it, would be great if they could get the odd cameo from the main stars of the movies and the like! Doubtful, I know, but still
On a related note, the campaign to save it from being cancelled has already started!! -
Quote:Doh!X-Men: The Last Stand WAS X-Men 3, wasn't it? Are you thinking of X-Men: First Class or possibly that Wolverine movie thing? (Aside to producers reading this: this is the sort of mess you create when you create a series and don't number consistently. Just because a "franchise" is an abstract bundle of concepts and IP rights to you doesn't mean your audience views it the same way.)
You're right, I'm thinking of First Class!
my bad, nothing to see here, move along, move along. -
I'd not agree with the X Men Last Stand, I enjoyed that film far more than X Men 3
And I'd strongly disagree with the Matrix Revolutions as I love that trilogy , but I know I'm in a minority for that. -
Seriosuly, why are people getting so wound up over this?
Regardless of the logistics of it, whether they should be together or not, it's all irelevant. They'll date/be a couple for a while and break up.
See, on this one, DC can't win. People complain about them "rebooting" but not enough changing, so they change something and people complain about it. We all know Supes will end up with Lois eventually, even in this new continuity/universe, but not many people end up with their first love and that's end of it. That would just be rehashing the past 20 years or so.
I'm looking forward to seeing how they play this. -
Man, why do they keep doing this? Catwoman?? Vibe?? Stargirl??
well, at least it has the Martian Manhunter in it, he's always been in the JL -
Just spotted this via Twitter
Very sad, but it looks like he had a good long life with a lot of fun in there. Best of all, there's plenty of stars in heaven for him to count -
The gag reel from the movie seems to be doing the rounds as well, it's currently here but I dunno how long it will stay.
Looks like they all had a laugh doing it, I love Banners bit right at the end -
Quote:Seriously though, will anyone actually care??Have they explained how they're going to work that huge Sentai battle into the Power Rangers mythos? How multiple Ranger teams comprised of the same people can exist at the same time? Hell, isn't Tommy like 12 of them all on his own?
Anyone who has ever watched any version of the Power Rangers as a kid, didn't a little part of you inside just explode at that scene?
My boys are 8 and 5 and love the Rangers. I showed them that and my 5 yr old jumped up and down squealing and my 8 yr old just was stunned into silence. I had to fight it down myself not to giggle like a 10 yr old
I don't care about the mythos, the continuity, etc, I just want to see a massive mother-fudging epic battle!
Hopefully for the US version they will get a lot of the original actors back for it as well -
That is incredible!
And Coca-Cola should totally sponsor him! -
Quote:You mean.....a Wagon Train to the stars?I have this awesome idea that Joss could lift from a comic book and turn into a series.
It's kind of like cowboys in space...
Cos I think that's been done already
Lets be honest, Joss Whedon is rarely anything other than exceptional! Even the worst episodes of Buffy and Angel far surpass the vast majority of TV out there!
I'm stoked and can't wait to see what he comes up with -
Yeah, I thought about 28 Days Later as well, but some people argue about if it's a Zombie film or not
I think this feels too soon as it's another British comedy zombie movie, is all. Compared to the HUGE amount of zombie films to come from other countries, I think us brits are allowed one more.
Besides, this one looks excellent and with a different concept to it as well -
I was talking at work about classic movie quotes and we got on to the concept of a movie quote that just HAS to be finished.....ones that if you don't say the final line...you feel....wrong!! And like you have let down your geek credibilty!
Lines such as...
Monty Python.
"Excuse me. Are you the Judean People's Front? " (*)
or Mystery Men
"It must have been hard for you, Tony, the way times and styles have changed... hearing the people say that disco is dead..."
(You know you want to say it, you can't help yourself....it's like an itch, scratching at your mind, tormenting you until it's said out loud.....)
or Young Frankenstein
"I'm a rather brilliant surgeon. Perhaps I can help you with that hump"
Does anyone else have any classics?
*NOT a good one to be asked when you work in a kids toy shop! -
Excellent find!!
I watched the Bolt race live, was incredible to see him power forward like that......clearly he popped an Inspiration....not sure if that breaches Olympic rules or not though
And on that vid, loving that comparison with kids races! I know it's not exactly a fair comparison, but it's interesting to see it nonetheless.
On a secondary note, it appears someone threw a bottle on to the track on the 100m finals!
Luckily it had no impact, but imagine if it had caused a false start! The uproar that would have come from it! I hope they caught the pillock who did it! -
Yup, new companion comes in the Xmas Special. The first 5 eps are about the Ponds and how they go (not really a spoiler, it's been announced for ages now)
The xmas special introduces the new girl....this one
With the rest of the season being in the new year.
This leaves enough of a gap to lead in to the big anniversary next year.
And what's the bets that it's not really the last we'll see of the Ponds? -
From what I've read on numerous sites, it's every Dalek design.......ever!
Loving this video that the BBC made!!
Basically, a Commodore 64 enthusiast took his precious machine to a school to show it to kids aged about 8-15.....with mixed results
Made me VERY nostalgic, especially when it wouldn't load properly! LOL
Also made me feel very old......seriously......30 years???? Where did it go!
Well worth a look and I don't think it breaks the "no talking about other games!!" rule on these forums? :P
Also......C64?.......way better than the Spectrum