What is the nasty arc on villains?




So, before the game goes away (sobs quietly) one thing I never got round to doing was the villain arc that everyone says makes them feel actually horrible and want to wash their skin off.

Trouble is, I can't remember which one it is!

Someone help me out?

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



I haven't played redside SSA1, but Westin Phipps is evil in a downright petty way.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



I think that this arc would be Westin Phipps, in Grandville.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



That would be anything from Westin Phipps, a contact in Grandville, but specifically I think you're referring to "Miss Francine the Freakshow Teacher."

I doubt there's any other story arc in the game that's been intentionally 'failed' so often.



Whoa-hah! Ninja'd again, D!

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



i like westin phipps arc, the first mish is to destroy schoolbooks (ive always hated schoolbooks and how much they cost in college)

the rest of it is kind of meh, its more of a subtle evil, while im more direct like at the end of ssa1 where i attack the conference

most of ssa1 IMO is not that evil, hell you dont even get to kill statesman



There's also the fellow in Cap au Diable, Peter Themari I think his name was? Poor Pyriss..



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i like westin phipps arc, the first mish is to destroy schoolbooks (ive always hated schoolbooks and how much they cost in college)

the rest of it is kind of meh, its more of a subtle evil, while im more direct like at the end of ssa1 where i attack the conference

most of ssa1 IMO is not that evil, hell you dont even get to kill statesman
You do get to kill his daughter



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
You do get to kill his daughter
kind of, i technically never hit her with any of my powers lol, why would my character use a gun if i could just blast her with dark blast or something? lol