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  1. 11. If you even think that is has the remotest of possiblity that someone could take any kind of offense at it, don't post it. That applies to all ethnic groups, genders and unicorns.

    12. Type using your fingers; toes, foreheads and "other" appendeges will NOT be tolerated.

    13. Do not describe or post pictures of your latest adventures in Fiber, just trust me on that one.
  2. CockAroach

    Just for fun

    My favorite bind is Sarah Tonein's "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", when I can get the timing down right.

    i "say Picture yourself in a boat on a river,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy2.txt"
    i "say With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy3.txt"
    i "say Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy4.txt"
    i "say A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy5.txt"
    i "say Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy6.txt"
    i "say Towering over your head.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy7.txt"
    i "say Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy8.txt"
    i "say And she's gone.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy9.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy10.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy11.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy12.txt"
    i "say Ah... Ah...$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy13.txt"
    i "say Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy14.txt"
    i "say Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy15.txt"
    i "say Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy16.txt"
    i "say That grow so incredibly high.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy17.txt"
    i "say Newspaper taxis appear on the shore,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy18.txt"
    i "say Waiting to take you away.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy19.txt"
    i "say Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy20.txt"
    i "say And you're gone.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy21.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy22.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy23.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy24.txt"
    i "say Ah... Ah...$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy25.txt"
    i "say Picture yourself on a train in a station,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy26.txt"
    i "say With plasticine porters with looking glass ties.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy27.txt"
    i "say Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy28.txt"
    i "say The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy29.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy30.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy31.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy32.txt"
    i "say Ah... Ah...$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy1.txt"
  3. Guardian
    1. Cockaroach, 4ft tall inv/ss tank. One of my first characters that I rolled, and my very first 50, seldom played since I moved to...


    2. Grimala Stormdragon, Ill/storm controler, seldom played

    3. Lady Putrecent, Dark/Dark Defender, the one I'll play whenever I see a call go out for a GM team.

    4. Chest O'Booty, Kat/Regen Scrapper, first toon I learned to chain bind songs on, seldom played.

    5. Sarah Tonin, Mind/Kin controler, use her for tf's and bumming around AP on.

    6. BallBearing, Kin/Elec defender, transfered from Freedom, tf's and AP bum.

    7. Gavel Gal, Shield/Mace tank, has field crafter, use her to build IO's for sg, and to walk the wall in Cim.

    8. Gorgona, Stone/Dark tank, Granite tank, for tfs.

    9. Impala, spines/Fire scrapper, seldom played

    10. La Fe D'absinthe Emp/Rad defender, field crafter, earned field crafter waiting for teams, also has the most badges of all my chars.


    11. Bot Queen, Robots/FF mastermind, probably the only char I have that will be switching sides with GR, depending on how sg's are done.
  4. CockAroach

    Sarah Sings

    If anyone knows of a free ftp server to load these too, I wouldn't hesitate to upload the whole batch of songs pre built.
  5. CockAroach

    Sarah Sings

    Just for the new folks that are directed here, you cut each line and save it as it's own file. You would do this outside of the game.

    example: i "say Picture yourself in a boat on a river,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy2.txt"

    you cut that and paste it into a plain txt file. Save it as lucy1.txt in a subdirectory on your c: drive named lucyindasky, repeat as nessasary.

    Once done, in game, you enter /bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy1.txt to load the bind, then all you have to do is hit the "i" key to play the file. Each keypress will execute the bind and then load the next one.

    It can be time consuming but the results are usualy worth it.
  6. One of the First if not the first characters I made.

    The spelling come from a George Carlin quote about how he liked guys who said Cockaroach.

    It's the same as my global handle in game.
  7. Even on the chars that I have redeamed this on, I don't summon it outside of just AP bumming.
  8. Totaly wacked, not gonna try to do anything with em for a bit, see if they clear up
  9. CockAroach

    Sarah Sings

    If I still had it in the same format, I would.
  10. CockAroach

    Sarah Sings

    Just a post to show how I get Sarah Tonein to Sing...

    i "say Picture yourself in a boat on a river,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy2.txt"
    i "say With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy3.txt"
    i "say Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy4.txt"
    i "say A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy5.txt"
    i "say Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy6.txt"
    i "say Towering over your head.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy7.txt"
    i "say Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy8.txt"
    i "say And she's gone.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy9.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy10.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy11.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy12.txt"
    i "say Ah... Ah...$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy13.txt"
    i "say Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy14.txt"
    i "say Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy15.txt"
    i "say Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy16.txt"
    i "say That grow so incredibly high.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy17.txt"
    i "say Newspaper taxis appear on the shore,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy18.txt"
    i "say Waiting to take you away.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy19.txt"
    i "say Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy20.txt"
    i "say And you're gone.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy21.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy22.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy23.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy24.txt"
    i "say Ah... Ah...$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy25.txt"
    i "say Picture yourself on a train in a station,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy26.txt"
    i "say With plasticine porters with looking glass ties.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy27.txt"
    i "say Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy28.txt"
    i "say The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy29.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy30.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy31.txt"
    i "say Lucy in the sky with diamonds,$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy32.txt"
    i "say Ah... Ah...$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\lucyindasky\lucy1.txt"

    Cut, paste and save.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    A team of us ran a master Baracuda SF yesterday. We failed it but finished it. After exiting the last mission we *all* mapserved. Everyone on the team did.

    Once we all logged back in the * had passed to someone else and he went to see Baracuda to finish it.

    Nobody got merits.
    Just had a team of 8 on Justice server complete the Kahn TF, everyone mapserved the moment the last AV died. Soon as we all re-logged on, mission was over but no one got merits or badge.
  12. Well, that's better then nothing, Thanks!
  13. Any idea what happened to Mantid and his Animated emote guide? The link I have is no longer working and can't find the page anymore.
  14. Advice for the college bound (from my own experience and life)

    1. College is not high school. In high school, I'm sure, you were one of the smart kids. One of those that would easily complete assignments and not have to study too hard to get good grades. Now you are in college and think "oh this will be a snap!", well Bubba, take a good look around. See all those bright faced young folks? They also were the smart kids. You will have to work hard to make decent grades, you won't be able to skirt by, and you can't afford to skip classes.

    2. Even if you don't have employment, in college you have a job. Your job is to make grades. Treat it like one. Go to every class, find out as much as you can about the classes you take and apply yourself as fully as you can to that. The class might just be one hour long a day, but you need to treat it as a JOB. Average about 2-4 hours of outside study per hour of classwork MINIMUM. You are paying them to educate you Do Not shortchange yourself by not letting them.

    3. Complete assignments. Forgeting homework was fine once in a while in high school. It is unforgivable in college. If you have been givin a task, you need to complete it. If you are falling behind, talk to your professors. They don't want to see you fail, but they don't want to help someone that they don't know.

    4. The front row. SIT IN THE FRONT ROW. You'll be seen by the prof. Answer questions, ask questions, participate. Show an eagerness to learn. If it feels like you are brown-nosing, GOOD, your not there to make friends, you are there to LEARN.

    5. Write down why you are there, put it on your desk where you can see it. LOOK AT IT DAILY. Are you there to get drunk every night? Are you there to catch interesting diseases? Or are you there to be a Freaking Rocket Scientist? Daily reminders will keep you on track.

    6. You don't have as much free time as you think you do.

    7. Avoid hookers with walkie talkies.

    8. Smoking is a wonderful way to relax, but it hurts to caugh up lung tissue.


    9. If givin the choice between a morning class or an afternoon class, always go for the afternoon class. You'll have more opportunitys to eat a healthy breakfast and get your brain working, rather then running to an 8:00 class after waking up at 7:45.
  15. Still plenty busy, still plenty of old school folks on.
  16. For natural pack:
    more weapon models in general
    clown nose (add to face1 options)
    bonus power: grapel hook, essentialy teleport with but with the added bonus of staying where you land until you move/regrapel, make it unenhanceable (so not unbalanced) and less than 100ft range.

    animal faces/monterous faces
    Turtle shells
    squirel/skunk tail (same tail just bushy and colorable)
    power: self rez (them mutants tend to come back to life an awefull lot in the comics)
  17. It's all about context for some words. Even the Bible says "..and the [short term word for male rooster] crowed three times". Pretty sure you could say "He snatched that pussycat and stuffed it in a box." in a Disney movie, but you sure would get some giggles.
  18. wow, 2 nova form kledians! Good Catch!
  19. 2 free for everyone 8D
    tied into vet reward Retroactively 8D
    up to 36 per server!! 8D
    more avaliable for purchase... 8D

  20. IF you replace the numpad1-4 with just the regular #1, YES you will screw something up. The default power keybinds are set for 1-10, there is a quick way to fix them if something gets messed up, but it resets all your keybinds.

    /bind_load_file C:/weaken/weaken1.txt

    ok, lets explain what this is doing, see if we can make this clear. This is the slash command that will load the text file "weaken1.txt"
    what "weaken1.txt" says is-
    numpad1 "powexec_name Nimble slash$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken2.txt"

    So the string you type doesn't bind anything to anything. It's the file that it loads that does the binding to the numpad1 key.

    So, if you want to change the key that the weaken combo would use, what you would do is, in each of the .txt files that you make, just replace the "numpad1, 2, etc" with the key of your choice.
    Best practice though would be to check the default keybindings before you start doing this for the first time. Nothing quite like messing up the whole interface trying to cut corners.
  21. Was talking to my stalker buddy last night and he asked,
    "What about us?"


    numpad1 "powexec_name Sweeping Strike$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken2.txt"
    numpad1 "powexec_name Power Slice$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken3.txt"
    numpad1 "powexec_name One Thousand Cuts$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken1.txt"

    numpad2 "powexec_name Build up$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower2.txt"
    numpad2 "powexec_name Assassin's Blades$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower3.txt"
    numpad2 "powexec_name Placate$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower1.txt"

    Attack Vitals
    numpad3 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals2.txt"
    numpad3 "powexec_name Nimble Slash$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals3.txt"
    numpad3 "powexec_name Vengeful Slice$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals1.txt"

    numpad4 "powexec_name Build up$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep2.txt"
    numpad4 "powexec_name Assassin's Blades$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep3.txt"
    numpad4 "powexec_name Ablating strike$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep1.txt"


    (Stalker combos are a LOT different then the others) If you see any errors in the order here, let me know, I pulled the combo order off ParagonWiki.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    New to this stuff (though I get the basics). Are you able to post your build and your success with it? The build I was looking at is identicle to Daolong's in this thread:

    Which has me getting nimble slash pretty late (32) and skipping feint. But otherwise, I am very happy with it. But since I am newly returned to the game (played at release for a couple months, so for all intents and purposes I am a newb) I could be snagging something that isnt as good as it sounds.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just posted this as a favor for a friend who was wondering if I could bind the combo's to a single button. From practice on test, using a bumped scrapper, looks like they work (had to tweek the attack vitals a bit, edited the first post for scrappers)