One button combo's for DB Scrappers and Brutes




Since this was requested...
(edit *this Is for Brutes)
weaken combo
numpad1 "powexec_name Nimble slash$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken2.txt"
numpad1 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken3.txt"
numpad1 "powexec_name Typhoon's Edge$$bind_load_file C:/weaken/weaken1.txt"

Empower Combo
numpad2 "powexec_name Nimble Slash$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower2.txt"
numpad2 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower3.txt"
numpad2 "powexec_name Blinding Feint$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower1.txt"

Attack Vitals combo
numpad3 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals2.txt"
numpad3 "powexec_name Sweeping STrike$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals3.txt"
numpad3 "powexec_name Vengeful Slice$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals1.txt"
(Just reverse sweeping strike and vengeful for scrappers Tested 12-6)
Sweep combo
numpad4 "powexec_name One Thousand Cuts$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep2.txt"
numpad4 "powexec_name Power Slice$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep3.txt"
numpad4 "powexec_name Typhoon's Edge$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep1.txt"

copy paste and save into the corresponding file names for one button db combos.

*EDIT* Fixed typo preventing bind from working right, just tested, worked.



have you tested these?

wouldn't it execute the first one and then during that circle the 2nd but them move to circle the 3rd before the 1st has a chance to finish, skipping the middle power?

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



Nice I will have to try that out once i aquire all of the combos!



Each one should be an indivdual button press. It's a chain bind that just loads the next power into the same key.



This is super-duper. For us keybind noobs, can you also explain how to enter this so it actually works? Do I need to create a text file? Where do I put it?

Imagine I have never seen a computer before, then explain how to make these work. I will then worship your presence at every opportunity.



Ok, gotta give some explanation on how these will work.

You can't just cut and paste into the coh menu and expect anything other than error messages then anger to the cockaroach. You are going to have to do some stuff outside the game first to get these to work right, but if you do, no more having to play hunt the orange circle, as long as you hit, the combo is programed. You don't even need a fancy keyboard to do it, just a little time.

First just copy the text as you see to a notepad .txt file. Then off your root c: drive click and make 4 folders named weaken, empower, vitals and sweep.

Copy each string of the chain into it's own .txt file; example:
numpad1 "powexec_name Nimble slash$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken2.txt" should be saved as a single .txt file named weaken1.txt
numpad1 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken3.txt" should be saved as a single .txt file named weaken2.txt
numpad1 "powexec_name Typhoon's Edge$$bind_load_file C:/weaken/weaken1.txt" should be saved as a single .txt file named weaken3.txt

So in your weaken folder you should have 3 .txt files weaken1-3.
Next, load up coh, go into your db character (these binds are for scrappers and brutes specificaly, if requested I'll make one for stalkers as well) and in your chat bar type:
/bind_load_file C:/weaken/weaken1.txt
If everything is done right what you have done is make your numpad1 key your "weaken combo" key. Now test it out, each time to hit the key the next part of the combo should load. One combo now on one key.




I had an idea for this during closed beta. Mine was a bit different though. Instead of using numpad keys, my idea was to use CTRL+W, E, A, or S to bind mouse1 to the first attack in the combo. Once you click, it binds it to the second attack, then the third, and finally unbinds it or sets it to default (never devoted the time to figuring it out though).


Also on Steam



were ya looking for something like that Badstorm?



Stupid question....
Doesn't the whole thing fall apart if an attack misses?
If I'm reading it right, it executes an attack, then loads the next bind file, and waits for you to press the same button again. But now that one of the attacks in the chain is broken the combo is broken, but the button stays on the next attack.

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



were ya looking for something like that Badstorm?

[/ QUOTE ]

Perfect. I want to have your babies.



Not a stupid question at all, and yes it does, but the bind cycles fast (3 lines). I have some chain binds that are over 40-50 lines. It won't keep you from attacking if you miss, it'll just load the next attack in the sequence (it's not perfect, just easier to run the combos).



Cool, good to know! Thanks for the work!

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



were ya looking for something like that Badstorm?

[/ QUOTE ]

Perfect. I want to have your babies.

[/ QUOTE ]

You'll have to talk to Mrs. Roach about that, she doesn't like to share.



may I suggest another set? (For when you miss)
numpad7 "bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken1.txt"
numpad8 "bind_load_file c:/empower/empower1.txt"
numpad9 "bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals1.xt"
numpad0 "bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep1.txt"

It would reset the combo. This may not be practical... (because if youre working fast, you've already cued up attack #2 before you can tell if #1 hit...), but maybe it's worth a try?

(please check syntax, I may be goofy)

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



That looks like it would work, nice idea!

Personaly, I find the attacks cycle fast enough to just finish through but if you need to reset the combo's that looks like it'll do it!



New to this stuff (though I get the basics). Are you able to post your build and your success with it? The build I was looking at is identicle to Daolong's in this thread:

Which has me getting nimble slash pretty late (32) and skipping feint. But otherwise, I am very happy with it. But since I am newly returned to the game (played at release for a couple months, so for all intents and purposes I am a newb) I could be snagging something that isnt as good as it sounds.



may I suggest another set? (For when you miss)
numpad7 "bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken1.txt"
numpad8 "bind_load_file c:/empower/empower1.txt"
numpad9 "bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals1.xt"
numpad0 "bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep1.txt"

It would reset the combo. This may not be practical... (because if youre working fast, you've already cued up attack #2 before you can tell if #1 hit...), but maybe it's worth a try?

(please check syntax, I may be goofy)

[/ QUOTE ]

New to binding. What text file would you put these in (or what name would you make the text file)



may I suggest another set? (For when you miss)
numpad7 "bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken1.txt"
numpad8 "bind_load_file c:/empower/empower1.txt"
numpad9 "bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals1.xt"
numpad0 "bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep1.txt"

It would reset the combo. This may not be practical... (because if youre working fast, you've already cued up attack #2 before you can tell if #1 hit...), but maybe it's worth a try?

(please check syntax, I may be goofy)

[/ QUOTE ]

New to binding. What text file would you put these in (or what name would you make the text file)

[/ QUOTE ]

Those you would just bind in-game, no text file needed.



New to this stuff (though I get the basics). Are you able to post your build and your success with it? The build I was looking at is identicle to Daolong's in this thread:

Which has me getting nimble slash pretty late (32) and skipping feint. But otherwise, I am very happy with it. But since I am newly returned to the game (played at release for a couple months, so for all intents and purposes I am a newb) I could be snagging something that isnt as good as it sounds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just posted this as a favor for a friend who was wondering if I could bind the combo's to a single button. From practice on test, using a bumped scrapper, looks like they work (had to tweek the attack vitals a bit, edited the first post for scrappers)



New to this stuff (though I get the basics). Are you able to post your build and your success with it? The build I was looking at is identicle to Daolong's in this thread:

Which has me getting nimble slash pretty late (32) and skipping feint. But otherwise, I am very happy with it. But since I am newly returned to the game (played at release for a couple months, so for all intents and purposes I am a newb) I could be snagging something that isnt as good as it sounds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just posted this as a favor for a friend who was wondering if I could bind the combo's to a single button. From practice on test, using a bumped scrapper, looks like they work (had to tweek the attack vitals a bit, edited the first post for scrappers)

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah ok. Thanks for both responses =)



Stupid question....
Doesn't the whole thing fall apart if an attack misses?
If I'm reading it right, it executes an attack, then loads the next bind file, and waits for you to press the same button again. But now that one of the attacks in the chain is broken the combo is broken, but the button stays on the next attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not a stupid question. I made the binds from scratch, last week. my solution (this works on a mouse w at least 5 buttons) to reset the attack chain

add to binds.txt (or whatever you call it)

BUTTON5 "tell $name, Combos ReSet$$bind_load_file C:\binds\reset.txt


numpad1 "powexec_name Nimble slash$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken2.txt"
numpad2 "powexec_name Nimble Slash$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower2.txt"
numpad3 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals2.txt"
numpad4 "powexec_name One Thousand Cuts$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep2.txt"

I added the tell so I know it actually loaded. Happy hunting



Awesome!!! Thanks for posting this... you guys rock.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Was talking to my stalker buddy last night and he asked,
"What about us?"


numpad1 "powexec_name Sweeping Strike$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken2.txt"
numpad1 "powexec_name Power Slice$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken3.txt"
numpad1 "powexec_name One Thousand Cuts$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken1.txt"

numpad2 "powexec_name Build up$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower2.txt"
numpad2 "powexec_name Assassin's Blades$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower3.txt"
numpad2 "powexec_name Placate$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower1.txt"

Attack Vitals
numpad3 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals2.txt"
numpad3 "powexec_name Nimble Slash$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals3.txt"
numpad3 "powexec_name Vengeful Slice$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals1.txt"

numpad4 "powexec_name Build up$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep2.txt"
numpad4 "powexec_name Assassin's Blades$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep3.txt"
numpad4 "powexec_name Ablating strike$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep1.txt"


(Stalker combos are a LOT different then the others) If you see any errors in the order here, let me know, I pulled the combo order off ParagonWiki.



(Stalker combos are a LOT different then the others) If you see any errors in the order here, let me know, I pulled the combo order off ParagonWiki.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only thing different that I did was assign the powers to tray slots and called them from there (that way I can reuse the code in other binds....been a programmer WAY too long)



Paragonwiki has the combo listed wrong for Stalker - Attack Vitals. It starts with Power Slice. (Although I think I read somewhere that back in I11 beta it used to start with Ablating and was changed.)

Gerbils are for wimps. Real men use badgers.