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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Clear Mind and other single-target powers that provide status protection were NOT made into AoEs.

    Increase Density from Kinetics only provides the resistance buff as an AoE. The anti-mez portion is still single-target only.
    ....Yes, well, um...
  2. I know I'm necroing here, but this was an amusing thread to re-read now that CM and the like have been changed to be AoE, and (as far as I know) did not receive extra long recharges or bigger endurance costs.

    Plus maybe this thread will break up the "omg the game is ending!" threads a little bit
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    Ah. I see. Well in that case - get your VIP status and then check it out on Beta is the only solution I know of at the present time. Sorry about that.
    It's cool. I'll probably only have time to really play the two sets I had points for, anyway.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    If you need to unlock your VIP status and if there are boxed (retail) versions of the game that you have never bought and applied codes for, then order one of those through Amazon or Ebay. (But MAKE SURE you have ordered a NEW copy that's never been opened! Used codes are useless!)

    Then when the box gets to your home, just open it up, get the code, go to your account page at NCSoft and apply that code to re-activate VIP.

    That's what I did. Worked a treat. And was cheap too. ($6.75 for my copy of Going Rogue Complete edition)
    Good info, but still won't work on power sets that need to be paid for.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Zwillinger isn't going to unlock everything because, as he stated, it would damage the game's economy and create a massive mess. If the game is saved, there'll be a lot to clean up. It'd also be a lot of work on their part, if they even have access to the tools to do so, to go through the market and flag only certain items as free.
    Well, that's definitely a valid point, but it hinges on the game not being shut down. What are the odds of that? I haven't heard any thing that says there's even a 1% chance of survival. I didn't even realize any one was considering it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Yes, pretty much everything - in fact, Incarnate astrals and emp merits can be bought for 1 inf each.

    Well, ok then - if you don't want what you posted.
    It's good to know, and I might look into it. But I still don't think going on to Beta should be required for accessing this content.

    I mean, let us pay for it, or give us access to it. Don't cut off our access completely.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
    Short version, and I don't remember verbatim, but in the Q&A a week or so back, Zwillinger said they wouldn't because it would completely mess up the game economy.
    Wait, I'm confused. Are people taking "give us everything" to mean all IOs and stuff like that? I mean just access to content, not free levels and powers and stuff. I don't see that messing up the game economy?

    Maybe I'm too tired...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    They did... on beta. You can buy pretty much everything on beta for free.
    Are you referring to power sets, Incarnate content, all that good stuff?

    Either way, I guess I'm not interested in the Beta server, just because of having no experience with it.
  9. This isn't a suggestion, and although I doubt I'm the first to bring it up, I want to say what's on my mind.

    I know some people are mad they spent money on stuff they'll hardly have time to use, but some of us are mad that we CAN'T spend our money to get the stuff we want to try out before the end. Now that they've made it so we can't buy any thing, what's the harm in letting us access the stuff we don't have?

    As an example, my brother had paid to play for a few years. Even paid for a bit after it went free to play. Now, he can't play his Beam Rifle/Time Control corruptor. Time Control is free to VIPs, but he wasn't VIP when the store got closed, so he can't access that character. Can't buy the set, can't resub for two months. What kind of crap is that?

    I used the last of my store points on Staff Melee and Water Blast. I can't get anything else. I wanted to play Titan Weapons and Street Justice, and now I never can. And that's just two examples. What about loyal players who were taking a break? They can't access Incarnate content, Inventions, power sets, possibly entire ATs, and probably a bunch of other stuff I can't think of.

    It's just so frustrating. I understand if the game needs to be shut down. It sucks, but that's that. But now some of use can't even access the whole game, just because of our account status at the time they decided to pull the plug. That's what really makes me mad.
  10. Well, that makes sense. I still think it's annoying how it doesn't really explain that, but at least I got it so what ever.
  11. I must be missing some thing. I thought VIP players could use all of their characters, but all of mine except the ones I paid to unlock while I wasn't subscribed are locked.

    What's the issue? If I unlock them will it use up one of my unlocks that I paid for?

    EDIT: Never mind, I took the chance and just unlocked some. Apparently it's just making me choose which ones to unlock since I have more than 12? Although it looks like I still have enough spaces available, due to veteran rewards and such, to have all of my characters unlocked...

    Either the way this works is really dumb or I'm totally missing some thing.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    There's already missions in the game like this involving Syndicate, Destroyers, and Legacy Chain (although in the latter case, the Legacy Chain aren't weaker, you're just much much stronger).
    Which one is the Lagacy Chain mission? It sounds interesting.
  13. I have a double bind on my Warshade. One button selects the nearest enemy corpse, the other activates Unchain Essence. But I have no idea what the text I put in was. :/
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post

    There are plenty of tools we can use to get global names. Why not use the notes feature to Star people you like. You'll see the star and know it's a buddy. If ya really need his global after that the notes feature also tells you what it is.
    I already do this, but when the seven other people on my team are all friends from global channels it's hard to keep track of who is who. I don't want to keep referring to them by their character name or having to check globals all the time.
  15. Obviously it would be optional. I'm in a couple of global channels and there's quite a number of people I play with often. But I hardly ever know who's actually on the team with me because most people's character names don't give away their global, and it's too annoying to check their globals and memorize who's who. It would be a lot easier to communicate, at least.

    So, I would love an option for the game to display every one's global names instead of their character names.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    At that point, they're not really all that temporary, are they?
    They're not really temporary now since you can easily get them off of the Market.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post

    The FX in this game appear to have been designed as if the initiating character is the only thing on the screen. This is so far from wrong it would take the light from wrong 2.3 years to reach it. FX need to be designed as if there are fifty characters on the screen all blazing away, because that's usually the case. As it currently stands, once there's more than 10 characters (counting mobs) on screen and fighting the game quickly turns into a Michael Bay movie where you can't see anything but FX.
    This post makes me wish they hadn't killed the rep system.

    The worst thing to me is the Destiny bubbles. Mostly because 90% of the time I see them are on the Leagues, so a lot of the time they're covering 24 heroes. It makes my screen nothing more than a giant mass of bubbles. Yeah, they look cool, but I enjoy being able to see the REST of the game too.
  18. Do you get a pop-up message when your tickets are full? That would solve the problem of not realizing you're at 9999, too. They have it for recipes, inspirations, salvage and enhancements already any way. Why not add it for tickets?
  19. I would go one step beyond this suggestion and fire (out of a cannon. into the sun) who ever implemented this bologna in the first place. Nothing in this game has made me more depressed than spending time on a trial, killing every thing I can and helping my team out as much as possible, just for the game to tell me I didn't do good enough. It's like the game is saying "Remember all that stuff you did? Well we decided you're a leech. Enjoy your crappy reward."

    Honestly, I wouldn't even care if the 10 threads was a possible reward, as long as it was just random. But for it to be what I get when the game says my actions didn't count is a slap in the face and should not be allowed.
  20. I would much rather run the risk of an occasional leecher getting a good reward than have to worry about meeting the game's criteria for "participating" in order to get a good reward.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    it makes me really wonder what the point of Blaster crashing nukes is if these things are better.
    It's for those lucky bastards who manage to dodge your first nuke, obviously!

    Also, you can view power stats for [Nothing] in the game. It's an incarnate ability that doesn't do any thing to up to 20 targets! Or 16, I forget.
  22. Clebstein

    Annoying Players

    This is a different kind of annoying, but I hate the people who color their large bubbles in such a way that it's basically impossible to see through. Like dark purple sonic dispersion. I also hate all of the people on the team (including myself) who don't say "Hey dork change your bubble color so I can see who I'm shooting!"
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
    How long did the download take Clebstein. Can you post the times and average kbps?
    It STILL isn't done. And now I have to download Issue 19 before I can play, too!

  24. I know, right?! It's like, well yeah now I have stamina at level 2 so I can keep sprint and ninja run going and spam fireball like a mad man. WHY AM I RUNNING OUT OF ENDURANCE?!