Why not unlock everything for us?
I said this in a thread a few days back, my views on how the game should have ended.
Someone, cant recall his name now, put forth some good counter arguments..the one I most can agree with being that unlocking everything would really though the game into chaos and totally ruin characters IF it got saved. Or even simply to 'know' what you earned.
Granted, I was saying unlock the ENTIRE store, Ios, costumes etc etc..and I can see how everyone having access to 'free purples/attuned sets /etc etc would be bad.
But..like you say..people have toons WITH purchased powersets and IOs, and now cant use them. Not to mention how awful it is that you have NO way at all the play those new sets. (Other than beta, but I don't think that is a very good argument for them not unlocking stuff).
I agree with you..unlock all the powersets and ATs for everyone, make everyone a psudo VIP. Does it really matter? 3 months of everything. If the game is saved, super. Knock the free and preem players back to whatever they were before, lock those powersets and ats they did not have access to. I see that as a good incentive to buy said sets.
Seeing as they are running this time without any profit..they do not lose any, by letting people play stuff the devs were paid to design.
They did... on beta. You can buy pretty much everything on beta for free.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Wasn't it mentioned before that by NOT giving us everthing that is a good sign the game may be saved because there is hope the devs can still slowly release it as per their orignal plans?
But yeah . . . the game is doomed so just give it all already.
Short version, and I don't remember verbatim, but in the Q&A a week or so back, Zwillinger said they wouldn't because it would completely mess up the game economy. Which is kind of encouraging, I think - it implies there's still something left to lose.
I'm not sure about the Incarnate Content, but Beta server is open to all, VIP or not. You can also buy anything in the store for free; costumes, powers, IOs, etc.
Short version, and I don't remember verbatim, but in the Q&A a week or so back, Zwillinger said they wouldn't because it would completely mess up the game economy.
Maybe I'm too tired...
Are you referring to power sets, Incarnate content, all that good stuff?
Either way, I guess I'm not interested in the Beta server, just because of having no experience with it. |
Well, ok then - if you don't want what you posted.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Yes, pretty much everything - in fact, Incarnate astrals and emp merits can be bought for 1 inf each.
Well, ok then - if you don't want what you posted. |
I mean, let us pay for it, or give us access to it. Don't cut off our access completely.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Yes, pretty much everything - in fact, Incarnate astrals and emp merits can be bought for 1 inf each.
Well, ok then - if you don't want what you posted. |
If it was..WHY would everyone ever leave Beta? Oh, you can get free everything there! Sweet, screw this Live server stuff, I am staying here. Doesn't seem very realistic. Not too mention people wanting to team with friends, as well as just playing new sets in pug teams etc.
What's that you say..take your friends to Beta? Yeah..good luck. I tried asking 4 friends to come there..so far...none have. Naturally people might have better luck with their friends, but given how empty Betta has been..not likely.
And again..people should not HAVE to go to Beta. It is hardly a big effort, but it is still annoying, especially in situations like the OP talks about. He WANTS to play StJ! He can't buy it. Due to the fact you cant buy anything, cause I am sure at least a few people would totally buy new sets etc, just to try them out on Live.
All comes back to..they are NOT making any money at all for there 3 months. (new money that is, discounting people who paid for a lot of time, and are getting shafted) Does it really hurt anyone at all to unlock a few powersets for everyone on Live?
The answer to most of your questions is in this thread.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

It's good to know, and I might look into it. But I still don't think going on to Beta should be required for accessing this content.
I mean, let us pay for it, or give us access to it. Don't cut off our access completely. |
Zwillinger isn't going to unlock everything because, as he stated, it would damage the game's economy and create a massive mess. If the game is saved, there'll be a lot to clean up. It'd also be a lot of work on their part, if they even have access to the tools to do so, to go through the market and flag only certain items as free.
Beta, however, is the exact solution you're asking for. It has all the things you said you want, with none of the problems listed above. It even has new stuff we won't see on the live servers. So bury whatever problem you have with Beta, hop over there, and gorge yourself on free content.
Zwillinger isn't going to unlock everything because, as he stated, it would damage the game's economy and create a massive mess. If the game is saved, there'll be a lot to clean up. It'd also be a lot of work on their part, if they even have access to the tools to do so, to go through the market and flag only certain items as free.
Ok, I did.
I will rephrase the question to those who apparently can't understand.
Does it hurt anyone to unlock some things Live? Only non stupid reasons count. Better?
I see your comment about Zwill saying unlocking things would make a massive mess and ruin the economy. Considering you told me to reread the thread..perhaps you should? I am saying..unlock some powersets. You know..powers? Which have nothing to do with the in game economy..since..you cant sell them at WW, so there's no player to player economic effects. As for the store/game economy....um..missing the fact it WONT work? You can't buy anything, nothing is sold.
A bit hazy here..but if nothing is being bought or sold..is there in fact..an economy??
Again..unlock the power sets for players. All players. WHY not? If they get a 50 with a set/at they dont get normally...and the game ends..WHY does it matter? WHo is it hurting? Seriously?? If the game gets saved..and that person is now unqualified for said Set..Lock it again. They could complain, but they got it free. AT worst, it would encourage them to buy the set. Oh damn, that is so awful for the game economy huh?
Or are you seriously so greedy about sharing a set YOU (and I did too) paid money for, with other players who would get it for nothing?
If you need to unlock your VIP status and if there are boxed (retail) versions of the game that you have never bought and applied codes for, then order one of those through Amazon or Ebay. (But MAKE SURE you have ordered a NEW copy that's never been opened! Used codes are useless!)
Then when the box gets to your home, just open it up, get the code, go to your account page at NCSoft and apply that code to re-activate VIP.
That's what I did. Worked a treat. And was cheap too. ($6.75 for my copy of Going Rogue Complete edition)

If you need to unlock your VIP status and if there are boxed (retail) versions of the game that you have never bought and applied codes for, then order one of those through Amazon or Ebay. (But MAKE SURE you have ordered a NEW copy that's never been opened! Used codes are useless!)
Then when the box gets to your home, just open it up, get the code, go to your account page at NCSoft and apply that code to re-activate VIP. That's what I did. Worked a treat. And was cheap too. ($6.75 for my copy of Going Rogue Complete edition) |
Ok, I did.
I will rephrase the question to those who apparently can't understand. Does it hurt anyone to unlock some things Live? Only non stupid reasons count. Better? I see your comment about Zwill saying unlocking things would make a massive mess and ruin the economy. Considering you told me to reread the thread..perhaps you should? I am saying..unlock some powersets. You know..powers? Which have nothing to do with the in game economy..since..you cant sell them at WW, so there's no player to player economic effects. As for the store/game economy....um..missing the fact it WONT work? You can't buy anything, nothing is sold. A bit hazy here..but if nothing is being bought or sold..is there in fact..an economy?? Again..unlock the power sets for players. All players. WHY not? If they get a 50 with a set/at they dont get normally...and the game ends..WHY does it matter? WHo is it hurting? Seriously?? If the game gets saved..and that person is now unqualified for said Set..Lock it again. They could complain, but they got it free. AT worst, it would encourage them to buy the set. Oh damn, that is so awful for the game economy huh? Or are you seriously so greedy about sharing a set YOU (and I did too) paid money for, with other players who would get it for nothing? |
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

If the game gets saved..and that person is now unqualified for said Set..Lock it again. |
If we could just snap our fingers and make that so? Sure.
However, I doubt they have any code that would do such a thing (unlock a powerset and then lock it again because the game was saved).
They did what they could, without the potential of screwing up the game's future, if it is saved (and, yes, it is a possibility)... They opened up full beta for everyone, not just VIPs.
I totally understand the frustration and disappointment over NCSoft shutting off all ability to gain points and buy more things. It's nuts. 3 months to go, but locked in points.
We'll see though... NCSoft has said they have special plans for VIPs... so, who knows what that might be. Some points for everyone, maybe (complete guess on my part).
We'll see what happens. It's been a whirlwind over there.
Think about it. Paragon Studios was working their butts off on this great game, looking to push out I24 soon and working hard on all the things to come in future issues still... And... surprise!! You're all fired, the game's done, see ya, bye!
Then, they still managed to get Beta opened for all (and fixed the beta server, as it had a problem). They're not allowed to do any developing, so no code or anything can be worked on in order to facilitate a single new feature (no special ending or anything new).
Then they've been attempting discussions with NCSoft, which we were told were going on.
And they've all been filing their papers, getting their resumes ready and out there, and looking for employment.
It's been two weeks. Currently, we're all waiting to see if NCSoft will sell the IP and allow the game to continue... whether or not Paragon Studios can be brought back together and continue... What NCSoft's further plans are for the subscribers and whatever else they have planned.
Everyone is in the dark and no one is going to do anything extreme right now (and there's very little anyone from Paragon Studios can do, really).
Yes, it's all ridiculous and sucks, but keep a little perspective on what aspects to complain about. There's hope that the game and Paragon Studios can be saved. That takes priority over giving us powersets that we haven't tried yet on the live servers, simply because we don't want to bother playing with them on beta.
Those are just my opinions about it all anyway.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Ah. I see. Well in that case - get your VIP status and then check it out on Beta is the only solution I know of at the present time. Sorry about that.
![]() |
Just in case that wasn't clear.

and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I wish they'd flip the VIP switch.
All my husband ever played was masterminds but his account expired and since billing is gone, he can't renew to play those masterminds either.
So much unresolved RP...
Can a non-VIP account access masterminds in beta?
This isn't a suggestion, and although I doubt I'm the first to bring it up, I want to say what's on my mind.
I know some people are mad they spent money on stuff they'll hardly have time to use, but some of us are mad that we CAN'T spend our money to get the stuff we want to try out before the end. Now that they've made it so we can't buy any thing, what's the harm in letting us access the stuff we don't have?
As an example, my brother had paid to play for a few years. Even paid for a bit after it went free to play. Now, he can't play his Beam Rifle/Time Control corruptor. Time Control is free to VIPs, but he wasn't VIP when the store got closed, so he can't access that character. Can't buy the set, can't resub for two months. What kind of crap is that?
I used the last of my store points on Staff Melee and Water Blast. I can't get anything else. I wanted to play Titan Weapons and Street Justice, and now I never can. And that's just two examples. What about loyal players who were taking a break? They can't access Incarnate content, Inventions, power sets, possibly entire ATs, and probably a bunch of other stuff I can't think of.
It's just so frustrating. I understand if the game needs to be shut down. It sucks, but that's that. But now some of use can't even access the whole game, just because of our account status at the time they decided to pull the plug. That's what really makes me mad.