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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
    Rotten Tomatoes' assessment (81%) begs to differ. As for the box office, it grossed over $47M worldwide, which on a budget of $60M is what Hollywood calls a "disappointment" these days while waiting for the DVD revenues to kick in. For a real flop, check out the earnings ratio for the critically reviled Jonah Hex, another summer comic book movie: less than $11M on a $47M budget, with little prospect of secondary revenues.
    I stand corrected re: the critical response. I must have been looking at other critics at that time (or more likely other movies). I do consider myself to be squarely in the bullseye of the target market for the film and having loved all of the director's previous work (esp with Simon Pegg) was actually surprised at my reaction to SP vs. W. I actually don't even have a problem with Michael Cera.

    "Nothing desirable/sympathetic" is something of a blanket (over)statement. It misses entirely what distinguishes Scott and Ramona from all the cutesy rom-com couples out there: They're flawed in ways that are recognizably ordinary instead of unconvincingly wacky.
    Gonna have to disagree here. I think they were really trying to characterize them as a personal version of cutesy that unfortunately bypasses mass audience-accessible versions of "quirky" and leaps straight into alienatingly annoying.

    What they have in common is that they are both in need of some growing up, which they do. That kind of pairing doesn't make for a traditional romantic comedy - in some respects, it's as jaundiced about Young Lurv as 500 Days of Summer - but neither do video game-inspired post-Matrix martial arts fights.
    I hated "500 Days" as well and I don't really see how they (Scott and Ramona) grew in any meaningful sense. Scott's choice of Ramona over Knives reinforces this (the director admitted that he hadn't decided who he would end up with during the filming. Aparently the books have him going with Knives). Some of the visual tricks in the film were brilliant. As mentioned the inline skates melting the snow was a terrific projection of Scott's inner fantasy outlook into the scene. I think that more such (subtle) efforts would have served the movie well.

    My chief problem, after watching the movie again on DVD, is the pace of their romance. While the graphic novel series could play out over a year of ups, downs, and general meanderings in a hipster relationship, the movie version had to convey that in about a week yet couldn't turn it into a whirlwind love affair. That left the overall narrative unbalanced, with the fight plot driving the movie. Come to think of it, dramatic compression was likewise a problem with the Watchmen movie, another comic book adaptation that didn't perform at the box office at the level that fan enthusiasm forecast.

    And yes, Michael Cera is a better whiner than a fighter, but by and large, his performance in the lead was solid.
    I do think the movie could have done much better were it more conventional in its plot structure and pacing, while still serving to indulge the visceral and thematic vision of the director. This is one of the rare times when I think the guiding hand of (gasp) studio execs could have uplifted the film from its cult destiny.
  2. Ok, I finally got around to watching this on DVD last night. I can fully understand why this movie flopped at the box office and with (most) critics. It's NOT because they didn't get the inside gamer references and nerd-lore. It's NOT because of the over-the-top action scenes being out of place in a meet-cute romantic comedy.

    The movie failed for two basic reasons, the main two characters, Scott and Ramona. There is nothing desirable/sympathetic about either of these two twain wrecks. To connect with audiences, a romantic comedy needs at least one of the two protagonists to be marginally likable, in order to achieve a level of emotional investment by the audience sufficient for them to give a #$&@ about the outcome. That emotional investment in the characters by the audience is the single most important ingredient in establishing a romantic dynamic. Both Scott and Ramona are thoughtless jerks. The "happy" ending (which blows the chance for story-level redemption by having Scott emotionally curbstomp the only sympathetic character in the film) is a stab in the face to anyone with an actual sense of romanticism (or adult behavior). Of COURSE this movie failed. What were they thinking?

    It looked cool though.
  3. I think we will get a bunch more nostalgia 70s/80s IPs that producers mistakenly think there is a contemporary market for (see Land of the Lost and A-Team). Should see Magnum PI (maybe with The Rock), maybe Rockford Files and I think Hart to Hart or Remmington Steel are possibilities too.. Buck Rogers seems possible as well (though that IP is a bit more old school of course). That's not to say that they couldn't be entertaining or even good, but I do think Hollywood is so risk-averse right now that anything that isn't a big IP (or at least recognizable) has nary a chance of being made/distributed.
  4. I actually do look forward to Snyder's Superman reboot. If we can get a Superman/Darkseid city-smashing epic, I'll be happy. I never felt like Supes was particularly suited to character study and should be a showcase for over-the top action set-pieces. I think the Wachowskis would do a good job with it too.

    Now where is my Tarantino Wolverine reboot?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I'm no raving Snyder fan-grrl or anything of the like, but even if Snyder is currently "stuck" or "stunted" as a director I still think he's many levels above Bay at this point in the "at least I'm still willing to see another movie that he makes" category. I've pretty much given up any hope for Bay at this point. *shrugs*
    Believe me, I'm right there with you. Snyder makes great eye candy and Bay (to me) doesn't even do that. Remember, even Bay has it in him to at least HELP make a decent film (though The Rock heavily relied on Connery, Cage and Ed Harris to give it any sense of life. I also consider The Island a guilty pleasure.) Snyder gets me into the theater at least two more times with zero evolution, before he shifts to being a "see it on DVD director" for me. I have to be socially cornered in order to watch a Bay film
  6. I semi-agree with JeNeSaisQuoi. While I will definitely see this in the theater, based on genre/style alone (I do like me some eye-candy), Snyder does seem a little stuck, kind of like John Woo over the last 18 years. Whether "stuck" becomes "stunted" (like Woo, the Wachowskis, Bay, Tim Burton and to a lesser extent Tarantino) remains to be seen. He is of course, still something of a fledgling director and has plenty of time to move beyond style to substance. The choice of chewier source material could likely be all that he needs to take it to the next level (see Guillermo del Toro).
  7. Reading the guides and City of Data, it would appear that Stone Melee is truly a single target set, with Tremor doing approximately 40% of the DPA of basically every other PBAoE with a significant damage component in a melee. And this is our tier 9? Am I reading this wrong? Kinda makes me want to re-roll my (now lvl 29) SM/SR as SS/SR. Any chance of getting the new powers guys to re-evaluate this travesty?
  8. I wish you the best in all things Castle. You are basically the best developer I have had the pleasure of encountering in a game community. I look forward to checking out the next game you become involved in. Please continue to rule.
  9. Woohoo! Graduated last night! I know I've actually been in-game a bit the last several weeks, but nursing school is now officially a done-deal. I still need to pass my state boards for the RN license, but I'm not worried about that. Well, I'm worried enough to study my *** off to pass them, but not not worried about being ABLE to pass them.

    Look to see me working a night-shift ("New grads work nights. Get used to it.", seemed to be the senior motto.) in a Denver/Boulder area hospital/rehab facility (hopefully the Denver V.A.) soon. I acquired some mad blood-drawing skills in my senior practicum (finished on an 8/8 "one-stick" streak.) I was determined not to be one of "those nurses" who can't find a freakin' vein.

    I should be able to make the Sisterhood events more regularly than in recent months.

  10. My 13 hero 50's on my main server have all opened the slot and 7 have slotted it at least to the opening level. The Ramiel arc takes about 15 minutes to complete (mission drop vs Honoree mish if non-soloist). One or maybe two ITF/LGTF/KTH and its slotted. Easy peasy. Extra powah. I don't have any concept of the chars in which it would be exclusive to incarnate evolution, not that I have ever felt compelled to gimp a character for RP sake.
  11. I clearly need to hit the test boards (or at least the Alpha Slot thread). lol. Looks like the Alpha slot changes the design landscape quite a bit.
  12. Really, nothing? 71 views. No chime-ins? C'mon, scrapper board!
  13. Chazzmatazz

    New copy needed?

    Seems a basic question, but here it is anyway. My gf just got a new computer (much better than mine) and has said I can play CoH on it (in limited amounts, lol). Do I need to buy a second copy or can I just download a client from the website via my current account and play it as I would at home?
  14. In the tradition of this classic thread on a multi aspect power that got changed from an outlier to a bread and butter power, I'd like to revisit Cobra-Strike.

    I liked this power before the changes and love it now. My slotting goal is to maximize damage, stun and recharge while attaining decent (50%+) acc and end reduction.

    My slotting for my IO'd 50 MA/SR (who previously had it 5 slotted with Absolute Amazement) is currently.

    Mako Quad
    Peroxisome HO (dam/mez)
    Abs. Amazement Stun, Stun/rech/acc
    Crushing Impact dam/end/rech
    Gladiator Strike dam/end/rech

    acc 45%
    dam 91%
    rech 85.7%
    stun 96.9%
    end 61%

    I know I could get better numbers. The Abs Amazement Stun could be swapped with Stun/end or Stun/rec (to ED cap rech). A couple more dam% could come from higher than 50 HOs.

    What combo's do you folks have for the new high damage Cobra Strike?
  15. I love having sonic (blast or buff/debuff) on my teams BEING USED, regardless of the AT of the user. It makes me sad though when some defenders and corrs are reluctant to use Howl because of agro concerns. Sonic Blast comes with its own safety net in Siren's Song. The heal Sandman (I think) proc in that makes for a handy spot heal on agro'd large groups. Siren's Song is really almost unfair (especially in soloing). I love getting Disruption Field on my scrappers. Stuff just melts. Particularly brutal with PBAoE scrapper (e.g. Spines/Fire) and tank builds.
  16. Nice work everyone at PERC in pulling this off, despite the technical difficulties that arose. You did some quick problem solving and I hope we'll get some of the screenshots from the finalists at some point. That would be most cool.
  17. My test updater won't even connect. Not looking good.
  18. Thanks Gel! I was lucky to have chosen to compete in the womens competition as there were about 3 times as many men. Turn-out suffered due to the MSR going on at the same time. I will represent Liberty (and the Sisterhood!) proudly. Will do some work on the bio to tighten it up, and get the tone just right.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
    Some of these are obvious throw-away matches.

    4 Jason Bourne vs 13 Beatrix Kiddo
    2 James Bond vs 15 Clarice Starling

    should be

    4 Jason Bourne vs 2 James Bond
    13 Beatrix Kiddo vs Clarice Starling
    That's not how ranking tourney brackets work.
  20. Since I (global name Yeti Gone Bad) didn't say it in SHF and LB channels in-game, before un-installing CoH this am, I'll say it here. Catch you later everyone! I am returning for the final semester in an RN program and I cannot succeed if I succumb to the lure of CoH's most outstanding server as often as I do when my account is active.

    When next I return, it should be as Nurse Yeti! Pretty excited about that. Evidence to show that it's never too late (<--"old" dude, 43) to re-invent yourself.

    Take it easy Liberty. I might be back for Thanksgiving. Go go CoH! Keep the dream alive!

    @Yeti Gone Bad
    Scrappers: Priss Teen (DM/Inv) , 2 Sweet (MA/SR), Lil' Sizzler (FM/WP), Yuki the Afflicted (KA/DA), Gabby Ginsu (DB/SR), Who's Your Bonedaddy (DM/SD)
    Defenders: Luis the Abducted (Rad/Son), Jojo Harmony (DM/Son), Velmaveeta (Emp/Psi), Roy Battery (Kin/Rad), People's Glory (Kin/DarkBl), Volume-11 (Son/Son), Dodge This (Emp/DP)
    Blasters: My Cold Dead Hands (AR/Ice), Pocahostess (Arch/Ice), Calliente (FB/Ice), Minty (RadBl/En), Texas Hold Up (DP/Ice), Sound as a Pound (Son/En)
    Tank: Jimmy Shelter (SD/WM)
    Controllers: Hella Hippie (Earth/Rad), Cool Logic (Ice/FF), Stupid Cupid (Mind/TA), Gravitrix Blue (Grav/Rad), Dirt Claude (Earth/Storm)
    PB: Prime of Life
    Red side ATs: Suzi the Pest (Reformed Night Widow/Fort), She's Got Crab Legs (Crab), Yeti Gone Bad (DarkBl/Cold corr), Amok Priss (DM/Inv Brute), Uprisen (DP/Pain corr)
  21. Same here. two ghosted transfers. Liberty.
  22. Grav/traps troller and any/dev blaster. Location based tactical mayhem. Wormhole + trip mines timebomb, traps, double trops. Mean-ness. Overkill really and not very fast moving, but would be fun and a different play experience from other combos.