New copy needed?




Seems a basic question, but here it is anyway. My gf just got a new computer (much better than mine) and has said I can play CoH on it (in limited amounts, lol). Do I need to buy a second copy or can I just download a client from the website via my current account and play it as I would at home?



Just download the client.

You are paying for an account, not a piece of software.



Just download the client on her computer. No need to buy a new version.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
Seems a basic question, but here it is anyway. My gf just got a new computer (much better than mine) and has said I can play CoH on it (in limited amounts, lol). Do I need to buy a second copy or can I just download a client from the website via my current account and play it as I would at home?
Do you really want to download 3Gb of stuff though?

Copy the client onto a USB from your machine, copy it onto your GFs machine in a suitable location and then make a shortcut to the CoHUpdater.exe file on your desktop. When it starts it will ask where you want to install to, say the same folder as you've already copied it and it should work.

Only potential onion in the ointment might be UAC and permissions when you try this. There are certain locations which should allow you to avoid that (but I always get confused by it and just switch off UAC for the install and then switch it back on after).



Like Carnifax said except don't make a shortcut on your desktop. Place the actual cohupdater on your desktop. After the game is installed you can delete the updater from the desktop because there will be a new one in the game folder.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Copy the client onto a USB from your machine, copy it onto your GFs machine in a suitable location and then make a shortcut to the CoHUpdater.exe file on your desktop. When it starts it will ask where you want to install to, say the same folder as you've already copied it and it should work.
I have tried this trick and it works. It saves download time, bandwidth and patching time. It is also a good trick to use when your own copy gets corrupted somehow, and if you have a backup of the CoH directory saved, you can restore with the back up and just patch it.
Before you copy, exit out of the game so that any open files are closed properly.



I'll also echo the flashdrive approach.

BillZBubba has a guide on the topic - I've referred to it several times for a
number of PC's over the years, and it's definitely the fastest way to get a
new client installed on another PC.

His guide is here.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.