need a sweet duo!!!!!!



my brother and i have been playing the game for quite some time now and were looking to duo some toons to 50 again. i was wondering if anyone had some good suggestions and why you would say they were good. we were looking at maybe elec/fire scrappers with the new fire armor buffs but we would be willing to try just about anything out redside or blue. thanks all for the help it is greatly appreciated



Grav/traps troller and any/dev blaster. Location based tactical mayhem. Wormhole + trip mines timebomb, traps, double trops. Mean-ness. Overkill really and not very fast moving, but would be fun and a different play experience from other combos.



My two favourites so far:

Elec/SD Scrapper + Emp/Sonic Defender
DB/Elec Scrapper + Cold/Dark Defender

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



2 Fire/Trap Coruptors. Double FFG, Double seekers to take alpha, debuffs out the wazoo, hold em with PGT, and finish them off in full safety with fiery aoe goodness.



Two Empathy Defenders.
Empathy/Sonic is pretty much king.

Other cool duos I've run and enjoyed:

Fire/Energy Blaster with Dark/Rad Defender
Kin/Elec Defender with FF/Sonic Defender
PeaceBringer with Sonic/Energy Defender (Kheldians love sonic resonance)
Claws/Regen Scrapper with WP/SS Tanker
2 Fire/Rad Controllers



I gotta say, emp/sonic is quite impressive. It gets my vote as the most all around best duo the game has to offer.



Fire/Dark Corruptors... it's a sweet combination. We've been working on a team of them lately; with 4 of us in the mid-20's everything's dead in seconds. We alternate Tar Patch and everyone tosses Rain of Fire and Fireball... that kills everything but bosses up to +2 in seconds. One round of everyone tossing Blaze and the boss is gone as well.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.