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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    When the player in question suddenly gets that logout timer over their head in the middle of a TF with no advance warning, and intuition due to knowledge of how they played up to this point indicates that they won't come back. Kick before the timer reaches 0 to make sure they really really are off the team and not leeching in any way.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Sounds reasonable.
  2. It's a FINE time to come back. The things that some SMALL fraction of the player-base are currently dramatized over are things that you would have no familiarity with anyhow, so shouldn't enter into your consideration. It sounds from your questions that Virtue might be the best server to return to as it has the most RP focus and is one of the more populous servers.

    The quantity of changes (good) and additions (great) that have come to the game since your departure are vast and I actually suggest NOT waiting until I15 in order to avoid having most of the player-base focused on the new shiny (to them) stuff while (at least temporarily) forsaking much of the other new shiny (to you) stuff. Welcome back!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    When is it okay to kick?

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    When the player in question suddenly gets that logout timer over their head in the middle of a TF with no advance warning. Kick before the timer reaches 0 to make sure they really really are off the team and not leeching in any way.

    [/ QUOTE ] And when they log back in after having been mapserved, and they are out of the TF?...
  4. I love every scrapper I have played, pretty much and I have taken DM/Inv, MA/SR, Kat/Reg, Fire/WP, DB/SR, and BS/Fire all to lvl 40 or above.
    My current fave project is my lvl 41 Fire/WP. I was surprised at how 'scrappy' it feels. I do feel that /Fire, /Reg and /Shield secondaries match better with high-mitigation primaries (DM/Kat/BS) than with MA or Fire, but that shouldn't be a deal killer if that is your concept.
  5. Welcome to the game! Playing as three brothers should be a blast. I envy you folks being able to come into the game with fresh eyes.
    Any three builds teamed can succeed and even dominate 99% of this game. My advice is to go with concept, or what "sounds fun". Come up with a good team concept, coordinate costumes, and after selecting your powersets come back to the boards before you get past about level 12 and ask for build advice. I find that 1 'support' (not official terms) AT like a controller or defender, plus 2 offensive characters, such as scrapper or blaster makes a brutal trio. Tanks are fine, but really serve more of a tactical purpose in larger teams and if you are mainly going to start out teaming together, then I would avoid tanks to start.

    I think controller, scrapper, blaster trio gives you tremendous versatility and variability in gameplay (but so does defender +2 blasters/2 scrappers). It's really hard to go wrong. Realistically you will get into the character designer and realize that having only one character each is simply NOT going to cut it. There are just too many cool possibilities for characters to design.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Okay, there you guys go, updated spreadsheet with level range limiters in groups of 10. Should be sufficient enough.

    (And also I'm a chick)

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    Out of curiosity, how did you handle critters with multiple sources of resistance and/or toggles (Toggles being notorious for only one critter in a spawn being allowed to use a toggle at once, and then, only for 15 seconds at a time...)

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    Castle, if this is the case, then the Possessed Scientists are either broken or just not obeying the rules. I fought a group of Earth Melee/FF Possessed Scientists in the Portal Corp parking lot yesterday, and despite having 2 level 30 Acc IOs in my attacks, I ended up with less than 9% chance to-hit, apparently due to their overlapping dispersion bubbles.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sure you didn't aggro two overlapping spawns? A group is a spawn, if you got 2 groups, each can have one toggle up.

    [/ QUOTE ] I think what you were actually dealing with was overlapping (or stacked mag) -toHit from multiple Earthquakes (not a toggle).
  7. Chazzmatazz

    Unique build?

    How about Elec/dev?
  8. My one published arc so far:
    Length: Short (1 mission)
    Arc Name: Penny Preston's Science Project
    Arc ID: 14532
    Morality: Hero
    Faction: Custom 1-54
    Difficulty Level: Medium to challenging
    Estimated Time to Play: 15-25min
    Synopsis: Penny Preston's science project gone wrong. Save Paragon Prep from its mutated and cloned student body! 3 bosses, 1 EB, 2 rescues (no escort), 1 glowie.

  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    I think the most interesting slotting I've seen was Werner's -- two acc/dam HOs, a Hecatomb dam/rech and three pieces of Numina if I remember correctly. It had ED-capped heal and damage, and about 90% recharge and 60% acc.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I have:

    53 Nucleolus
    53 Golgi
    Hecatomb dam/rech
    Numina heal/end, heal/rech, heal/end/rech

    38% accuracy
    71% damage
    84% endurance discount
    97% heal
    80% recharge
    12% regeneration
    25 hit points

    For most builds, I'd suggest more damage and accuracy. Cost no object, maybe something like:

    53 Nucleolus x2
    53 Golgi x2
    Hecatomb dam/rech
    Doctored Wounds heal/rech

    76% accuracy
    96% damage
    76% endurance discount
    95% heal
    60% recharge

    [/ QUOTE ]I like both your existing and no limit suggestion versions quite a bit. My char is currently sitting on about +56% acc global (plus the Kismet Unique, as well as being /inv with Invince's +toHit), so the 38% acc would probably be workable but the damage from the second is pretty appealing. Even with lvl 50 HO's the numbers are pretty nice.
  10. Well, my main, a DM/Inv is loving the I13 changes (especially to DM) and was wondering about the various combos people have come up with for slotting Siphon Life, now that the base damage is so substantial that it is finding its way into regular attack chains.
    I currently (lvl 50 slotting) have it set with three IOs from Touch of the Nictus (Acc/heal,heal/rec,and heal) plus the Mako quad (Acc/dam/end/rec), and two Crushing Impact triples (Acc/dam/rec, dam/end/rec).
    This gives me +1.88 health and +9% acc globals which is nice, and the following enhancement values.
    Acc: 66.3%
    Dam: 61%
    Rech: 81.7%
    Heal: 91.8%
    End: 39.7%

    That seems to give me a good amount of mitigation, while capitalizing more on the recently improved damage.

    One option I see is to drop the TotN rec/heal, for a Hecatomb dam/rec (the one Hecatomb I don't have currently in use in Smite), that would change the values to:
    Acc: 66.3%
    Dam: 93.8%
    Rech: 88.5%
    Heal: 68.9%
    End: 39.7%

    That looks pretty sweet. Of course, I lose a +9% acc bonus and Hecatomb rec/dam is about 40 Mil... (edit Q.: Is there a dam/rech HO out there?)

    Any other Siphon Life strategies?
  11. That is simply fantastic. Graver continues to amaze.
  12. Chazzmatazz

    Ebay Heroes

    [ QUOTE ]
    It sure is. And, if they found an account that had been vended like that, I'm sure they'd ban it.

    [/ QUOTE ] Especially with folks like this 'consumer' talking about it in game chat. You'd think they could periodically do an auto-parse of the accumulated chat-logs searching for "eBay" strings appearing and assess them for admissions of being a bought account. Of course they'd need to cross-reference with NCSoft's account team to confirm changes in billing card names and other confirming data. If they took it seriously, anyone admitting in-game that their account was eBay'd could be nailed relatively quickly.
  13. That's a terrific piece!
  14. Nope, do not like it, in its current form.
  15. That is teriffic, Juggertha!! A great pose, communicating terrific attitude! Very nice work man! Mui happy.

    Many thanks and props on your clearly expanding artistic range, even over just the last year (when I first found the fan-art page.)
  16. This was a piece I had done for me last week by the talented Silver Spectre. I threw out a plea for coloring and was most kindly taken up on the request by Thornster, whose colors, I think, really bring the drawing to life.

    Poca in Color

    Fantastic work Thornster and many thanks for your effort!!
  17. Nice! Great style (and excellent value) pieces!
  18. Very impressive. Coloring is terrific. Outstanding work.
  19. Excellent. Great "lurking" vibe to Kersed

    Still early, but really liking the belligerance in Kilontonnage's pose. Looking good.

    Kandy looks very saucy too. Looking forward to the finished works.
  20. Nice piece. I know what you mean about the memory of detail. You might have described the intended mood of the piece. For what it's worth I think it is very clear the two of them are there TOGETHER.
  21. That's fantastic. The character coloring in particular.
    One comment: The background lighting makes the weather look kinda like a rippling weather curtain than 3-d surging weather. Wouldn't know how to fix it or anything myself, just wasn't sure if that was the effect you were going for.
    Great job.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll admit that I LOL'd at the half-frozen woodland critters. Does that make me a bad person?

    Anyway, looks like Specter's proving himself as Art Rookie of the Year rather well =D Awesome character design by the way. Archery/Ice blaster?

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    Poca's lvl 37 on Justice right now. Loving the build. Ice Patch and Shiver give huge mitigation, plus every 40sec,... BU, Aim, Rain of Arrows. Great balanced team/solo char.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    love the blue line face, I think she lost some delicacies in the inking... which is also good, so congrats!

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    That was also by request. The first version was gorgeous, but I felt it was a bit more Scarlett O'Hara than tribal crime-fighter, so suggested broader features, which he implemented VERY well, imo. I think SS clearly has a broad style range, and works well with both male and female forms.

    I have a followup project metamorphosing in my head now.
  24. That is fantastic, man! Very pleased. Thx for accomodating my "tweaks". I realize adding 'a bunch of frickin' woodland animals being mischievous" to a superhero portrait, mid-project isn't exactly a standard request and could have blown the mood of the piece, but I think, with this style choice, it worked great.