MMOART: Devin and Trinkit




I received my hard copy this weekend, and I've decided to share the digital copy with everyone here since I'm happy with it.

Here is the drawing of Devin Flint and his girl Audrey Sweeny, otherwise known as Trinkit.

Devin and Trinkit from MMOART

This piece, I believe, was done by Nakiesha Kindred.

thanks guys at MMOART for the good work!

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome



pretty good



Nice! I love the pose.



Very Nice Bubble! I really like it.



Oh that's NICE!

And... Lush did that? Wow.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Now to pool up enough money for a colored one!

**without the wife killing me**

My only comment on the picture is that Trinkit was supposed to be touching Devin's face... and I requested a Trench on Devin...

I remember this, but that doesn't mean it WAS in my description. My mind doesn't always work well.

Overall I'm pleased with the art!

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome



Nice piece. I know what you mean about the memory of detail. You might have described the intended mood of the piece. For what it's worth I think it is very clear the two of them are there TOGETHER.



Now... if those two would just stop beating around the bush and get with the togetherness!

but that doesn't have much pertaining to this game.

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome



ooo nice one



Congrats on the awesome piece of art. Very beautiful.



That is awesome! I love the composition.

Awesome stuff,

"Scumball in the side pocket." - 8 Baller



cool stuff.



Now... if those two would just stop beating around the bush and get with the togetherness!

but that doesn't have much pertaining to this game.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Together"? What does that mean?



I received my hard copy this weekend, and I've decided to share the digital copy with everyone here since I'm happy with it.

Here is the drawing of Devin Flint and his girl Audrey Sweeny, otherwise known as Trinkit.

Devin and Trinkit from MMOART

This piece, I believe, was done by Nakiesha Kindred.

thanks guys at MMOART for the good work!

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry I missed this earlier. The art is by me, but my wife Nakiesha (Lush), handles most of the client correspondence so I can see why you thought that lol. I'm glad you're happy with how this turned out, despite the differing pose descriptions.



Just wanted to say thanks again Gill!

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome



I'm liking this piece! It's so different from the usual super-pose.