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  1. GhostFang


    So seeing as we are now getting weapon customization..... does this lead to MM pet customization????? If so what will you make your guys' look like.
  2. GhostFang


    I only have CoV
  3. GhostFang


    I was wondering if you guys could help me with my costume.
    I do not have GvE Pack and am only a 6 month vet.

    This Is what i would like him to look like.

    He is a native american.
  4. GhostFang


    Hi I was wondering if there was a VG ou there that used the New WoD setting? And if so what server.
  5. i wanna know what eiichiro thinks.....cus hes hella good in paint
  6. lol that is birthday is June 21st
  7. thx.....what do the rest of you think?
  8. This is the version of fateweaver that i did in MS paint. It is by far my best work in paint. Constructive critisism is welcome!

    PS: I Put her on a yellow background so everything else stands out more.
  9. [censored]. That is awesome!!! PLEASE TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!!! PAINT MASTER!
  10. I tried to make Hextic in paint again. I like this one way more than the first one i made in paint. SO HERE IT IS.
  11. Wow just wow that is fantastic!!!
  12. GhostFang

    An MSPaint WIP

    ok lol.....i was thinkin....there is no way lol
  13. GhostFang

    An MSPaint WIP

    how the hell did you do those power effetcts....i dont have a blending tool in my MS paint so [censored] how to those colors blend??!?!?
  14. ya the fire particles and the ice particles are all spray can on the smallest setting
  15. lol....i do but im just not that good at making bodies in PS im better with graphics such as explosions and such.
  16. ya i liked the blast effects, wasnt too happy with the body tho.
  17. I redid my Hextic that i had made in MS paint into a way better photoshop version. I like to call it HEXTIC RELOADED.
  18. Well i made THIS in MS paint so be nice and tell me what you think.
  19. GhostFang

    Fair Game

    lol thats hialrious...i love le stroud
  20. umm the color choice in general is actually very good but the picture is very choppy in my opinion and there are white spots but it looks good overal
  21. "Wow"exclaimed the guard as the 8'4" "man" walked through the Zig front gates. Demetri "Wolfeyes" Wulfgang was his name. He was a behemoth of a man. Standing above eight feet tall. But that was not his oddest feature. The thing that usually got to people was his wolf-like face and and fur covering his whole upper torso and arms.

    "Take him to cell 417" called the guard. Ahh cell 417. Wolfeyes had heard of this cell from people on the outside, the freeworld. Cell 417 is where they keep high risk inmates. It is where the bars are 10" in diameter and there are no windows. A rock with a half inch pad on top is the only thing that separates the inmate from the stone on the bed.

    "Ill be out of here in no time" he said to the guard.

    "You'll regret keeping me hear"

    "Thats what they all say"muttered the guard under his breath.

    Wolfeyes had no need for weapons in this prison. He was a weapon. His nails are like razors and are a strong as steel. But that was not what he missed the most. Having been given a shot upon entering he was no longer able to access his hellfire. The trait he had inhereted from his White Wolf demon.

    "Whats your name?" muttered the man from the cell to the left of him.

    Wolfeyes was silent.

    "Whats the matter cat got your tongue?"

    "I dont talk to filth as low as you" he growled with a rasp that sounded as if a wolf was protecting its meal.

    "Ahhh, we've got ourselves a boy who thinks hes a

    "Supervillian" eh? Well thats where youve got it all wrong. You dont run this cell block. I run this cell block."

    Wolfeyes chuckled at the ignorance of the supposed "Cell Block Leader".

    "LUNCH TIME!" The gates to the cells sprung open and the people began to file out of their cells. The man that had been talking to Wolfeyes came into cell 417.

    "What do you want?"

    "I just came to see who was talking like a badass, but damn you are one ugly [censored]."

    Wolfeyes stood off of his bead and rose to his full height. He was more than two of the short man that had come into his cell.

    Wolfeyes grabbed the man by the throat with his dishlike hands. The man began to gulp for air. He got out a scream before completely passing out.

    The guards ran in and took Wolfeyes left arm. He swung his entire body and hit the first guard with a thud to the side of the head that reverberated throughout the prison walls. Five more guards walked up and hit him in the back of the head with a club knocking him out cold.