More WIP's from CJ




Excellent. Great "lurking" vibe to Kersed

Still early, but really liking the belligerance in Kilontonnage's pose. Looking good.

Kandy looks very saucy too. Looking forward to the finished works.



LOL Love the Kilo! He looks like he's walking around town going, "How you doin?"



LOL Love the Kilo! He looks like he's walking around town going, "How you doin?"

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Hehe funny you should say that, I was born and raised in Brooklyn NY so thats how I sound in RL.



Shout out to Brookline! I was born in Manila, but raised in the Boogie Down! Unfortunately in my sophomore high school year we moved to Long Guyland... so here's a cheer for New Yawk accents!



One of my favorite artists here lives on the same island as me? *faints*

Woot for the WIP's!



Sadly use too... my wife kidnapped me and smuggled me into Canada. I had to enter Witness Relocation, cause I killed an art collector who wouldn't pay!

But I do miss NYC like a *shut yo mouth!*, sorry I was talking about NYC...




*throws Tom Waits CDs



I wish I got in on the Full Body que
But still, Great stuff!



Not the best art in the world, coming from someone who has shown me nothing but their ugly, hateful side.....

"I find it odd that for a bunch of free speechers, They jump at the chance to censor anyone who opposes them!" -Unknown source



Not the best art in the world, coming from someone who has shown me nothing but their ugly, hateful side.....

"I find it odd that for a bunch of free speechers, They jump at the chance to censor anyone who opposes them!" -Unknown source

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Its hard to believe we are the same age Durasgon. This is the third post I have read from you where you are calling attention to the chip on your shoulder. Those posts are in direct competition with the ones you make where you are asking for acceptance on the art forums. You are never, ever going to win anyone to your side with posts like these. Especially towards CJ who is generous enough to do these sketches for free. I generally try to like everyone and if I have negative thoughts I keep them to myself but I am finding it harder and harder to do so with you.

Sorry but CJ can't post and I started this thread so I feel obligated to defend him.



BM, You can defend him if you like, all I'm doing is telling the truth. From the first moment, DJ was hateful and it was he who first drew blood. You state, that you try and keep negative thoughts to yourself, but that's not what CJ did to me, so I'm only responding in kind.

I really do find it odd that for some, the only posts that are allowed are ones that are nothing outside of ego stroking for others.

In the real world, not everyone gets along and people have issues with one another. But everyone has the freedom to express themselves even if it is to state a different viewpoint.



BM, You can defend him if you like, all I'm doing is telling the truth. From the first moment, DJ was hateful and it was he who first drew blood. You state, that you try and keep negative thoughts to yourself, but that's not what CJ did to me, so I'm only responding in kind.

I really do find it odd that for some, the only posts that are allowed are ones that are nothing outside of ego stroking for others.

In the real world, not everyone gets along and people have issues with one another. But everyone has the freedom to express themselves even if it is to state a different viewpoint.

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Yes, but you're the one at fault for not letting it go.



BM, You can defend him if you like, all I'm doing is telling the truth. From the first moment, DJ was hateful and it was he who first drew blood. You state, that you try and keep negative thoughts to yourself, but that's not what CJ did to me, so I'm only responding in kind.

I really do find it odd that for some, the only posts that are allowed are ones that are nothing outside of ego stroking for others.

In the real world, not everyone gets along and people have issues with one another. But everyone has the freedom to express themselves even if it is to state a different viewpoint.

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That line about only allowing ego stroking posts is a load of BS. I see plenty of critiques on peoples work, its not all "Great job", "Awesome work". There is a big difference between a critique of someones work and what you wrote about CJ's work. If you don't like it fine, define why, like the jaw is to big, its not in proportion, whatever. It is clear by your post that your personal feelings towards CJ are involved and thats why you don't like it.

All I am trying to say is you come here with your disagreements with people on the art forums and then cry about not being accepted. Why would you want to be accepted by those you clearly don’t like. Do you do that in the real world also?



Sorry Dursagon, but I'm pretty much on Kilo's side with this. If you keep posting about people being mean to you, you're not going to be accepted by most people. You keep reiterating that, like you want pity.

And awesome work, CJ.



Okay seriously Dursagon, what is your taste? Because you keep doggin' on people like Gill and Jimson. I'm starting to think you just want to start some sort of war because you can't get free art. I've been in this section for about a year and a half now and I don't have that much free art. You have to have patience, give GOOD critiques not BAD critisism, and last of all you actually need to have a fairly unique character that people would find interesting to draw. Not to say that you don't but I do see a lot of the same kind of costumes around in the game. Anywayz, be nice or go away. You're very close to being on my ignored list....and that's a big thing 'cause there aren't any on that atm!!



As always, some really cool drawings from CJ. I love his style!

Also, I'm in agreement that this is not the place to air personal problems, and that genuine critique of artwork is always welcome.

Personally, I love to see thoughtful critique of the really good artists. I often learn something from the critique itself.



Roxstar, I Like Gill's work. I like DaveN, Darkjedi, Alex, Rawr, Guildhelper Artists, and many more that are faved in my DA account.

With Gill the issue was something totally not based on his art. I love his art.

With CJ, it was the fact that I'm just going along and WHAM, Cj attacks without provocation. When I get attacked like that, I hold a grudge. I do not believe in sweeping something like that under the carpet. To me, it's like committing murder and asking a judge to dismiss it because other people like that person and the offender is really not that bad. True, I could have stated that the reason I don't like the work beyond a personal issue is the fact that to me it's a little scratchy and I tend to like works that are smoother and softer like those mentioned above but in the snippy state that I was in at the time, really only wanted to make the post short and simple. Now, Let's also put out there that CJ has also elected to eliminate all ability to have a dialog between us so we can air our differences privately. By doing that, then leaving posts like my first one in this thread is the only way to the message across. If Cj was to open the lines of communication and say sorry for the snappy actions, I would drop it in a heartbeat and move on.

As for Gill, I HAVE dropped that and moved on with that. there is no further issue there.

And with the free art comment, maybe 5 times at the most have I posted in others threads that offered free art. I still have fun looking at the pic of my villian deathchill playing poker. Of those, I had 1 misunderstanding, it was clarified, I said I was sorry for misunderstanding, and moved on.

I never actively sought HARD to get free art. What I HAVE done is tried real hard to get on other peoples Queues so I can PAY for some top quality art. That is the hard part because My schedule sometime conflicts with other artists schedule and when they post their open slots, I miss out. I chalk that up to fate and I go on. Maybe I'll get on someone's queue, maybe not. Time will tell.

In conclusion, Roxstar, I DO appreciate civil arguements like you have presented. I try to reply civilly as well. There's no beef because I fully understand coming to a friends side. We've stated our case and now we can move on.



Okay I didn't read through this thread but you could at LEAST spell my name right.
It's Rowr with an O! O! :P



Okay I didn't read through this thread but you could at LEAST spell my name right.
It's Rowr with an O! O! :P

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Lies!! All LIES!!!