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Lovely read, glad your daughters are maturing and learning a lot , even better that it is through CoX!
Quote:Keeping your pets on passive for almost the entire duration? Well your doing something wrong there.If there's a reason to complain about masterminds in iTrials, only TPN comes to mind. Having to keep pets in passive mode for almost the entire duration of the trial (because you never know when you'll be warped out and your pets will automatically start shooting civvies) is crippling, even at +3.
Who'd have thought that with all our potent incarnate abilities, a molotov cocktail is still more deadly than facing off against the IDF?
Your inside more than you are outside, and when outside passive, and run behind buildings to avoid aggro.
There's a warning to tell you your being teleported, one click and problem solved. -
Quote:My build has 218.8% global recharge, so recently I swapped over to musc, and it works pretty nicely I must say. Only reason I thought about swapping was two DM/Fire farmers I know clear a cave in the same time as me.5 hours 42 min on a ss/fire brute is way too long. Are you built for recharge? Do you have spiritual alpha, reactive radial interface, and ageless destiny? Are you using Mu or Pyre epic pool for the added AOE? Are you continually spamming your AOEs as your attack chain?
Quote:Sure we can race, add > @Cagney. <Happy to race you, I have raced several ss/fire and made believers out of them. Regarding xp it scales up when the lowbe levels. This is why I ran it from 1-20.
The total time it takes my elect/sheild to level a 1-50 is 3 hours 42 minutes. I did one run at 3 hours 19 minutes before the rez nerf. Anyway the best I have been able to do on the SS/Fire is 5 hours 42 minutes. So maybe i am doing something wrong? I am stacking rage so possibly i should not? But with rage not being stacked then the buff is less than the buff from claws so claws would be more effective which is what hero stats showed in my runs.
And I personally only one stack rage, was a hard habit to break but it certainly paid off. Your time is very nice, but how you can do it in that speed and ss/fire in almost 6 hours I'm a bit clueless about. -
I think putting them in bodyguard mode solves the issue.
Quote:Broken or not, Ion for me is the best by far.From what I have heard Ion is broken and hits the same target multiple times causing way more damage then it should.
Hits up to 40 targets, and on the patrol cave I do (511104) often enough there is an excess of 40 enemies, so its a good aggro tool.
Hit ion, start killing, eventually the others hit by ion that have walked off, run back for some more butt-whoopin. -
I think in essence it doesn't heal him , the dps lowers and as the lower his health the more his regen, hosping = less dps.
It has been bugging out though, had it on for like 10 minutes earlier thinking yeahh lovely bug im not complaining, till I was told that it was ineffective which proved to be correct, have to detoggle and wait for it to recharge again.
Quote:And how many times were you stacking rage?Farming is simply about xp per min. As such there are three components involved:
1 - How fast you kill mobs.
2 - How fast you can reset the mission.
3 - How much def and resistance you need to survive mobs with out slowing down.
The only way to know for sure which farming toon is best is to run with Hero stats installed. Which I have done of my main farming toons.
While any toon can farm to be the best you are really limited to Brutes and Scrappers. Blasters, Corruptors, Controlers, Dominations and so on all can farm and once you have them IOed and build they all perform descently. Four builds though in by experience excel. All of these builds have full tier 4 incarnate powers and are min maxed specifically for farming.
I ran two complete maps (SL/City map) and (Reds Fire City Map) with each to get a good settled xp rate. In each run I clocked the XP on a single lowbe (level 1 to 20) with Hero stats running. All missions were run at 54x8 with the map set for LTs only (Bosses slow the xp for any build by 100K per hour). All builds are macroed so that I always have 4 red inspirations running. Other inspirations are combined into reds when I move around.
The results were surprising.
Electric/Shield Scrapper: 500K XP per hour
Claws/Fire Brute: 275K XP per hour
Staff/Fire Brute: 250K XP per hour
SS/Fire Brute: 225K per hour
I was really surprised that Claws clearly beat SS until I looks at two items:
1 - how often the rage crash slowed things down.
2 - Claws with follow up stacks twice giving a nice constant damage buff.
In reality though none of the brutes could hold a candle to the electric / shield scrapper. Having lightning rod and shield charge up every 23 seconds or so makes it a goddess of destruction. LR+SC+FB and stuff is simply dead and you jump to the next group. By the time you get there LR has recharged or Tunderstrike is up. For the city map Shield Electric can clear it in 18 minutes compared to the brutes which took 22-23 minutes on the same map.
Also, id be happy to race any of those mentioned above in a cave farm, seeing as they're all above SS/fire, you shouldn't have anything to worry about -
Won't be long till there are sMAG trials, skipping Tyrant. Ran 6 yesterday to unlock it, only 1 succeeded. Got to the point where I was quitting at Tyrant and joining a new one.
Hybrid is out now so you can get a taunt aura. I'm happy to race again.
1-50? I hear a wager is in order.. -
Quote:I've always felt like multiple half-caves keeping the density per time higher would be more beneficial than whole caves. But I'm pretty sure I said that earlier as well.
Whilst I have never tested it, I am inclined to agree. with 511104 there are a matter of two to three major points where its just enemy density, improving XP over time. But the fact of the matter is XP over time with your suggestion would included restarting the mission, I must test. -
Mouse on a mouse, its like incest. Ugh.
[EDIT] Cag, wtf. -
I await saturday
We can PL each other a 1-50 , I fancy a new toon.
As for 'my terms' I'm not here to get into another debate, but you asked me for a race, a cave. And we raced. I need say no more but as you have explained your point of view come Saturday we can prove it. -
I done it in 39mins.
THB done it in 1 hour 52mins. -
Just when I thought Bruce Willis couldn't get any more bald, im proven wrong.
IF it did infact affect CoH, which is rather unlikely, I can only see it being banned for those under the legal age to gamble. If i got the gist of it on that link that is.