
Ms. Exalted 2011
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  1. Personally I've glanced at a few of Golden Girl's comics and I find them pretty interesting. I've seen some of Night Hornet's work in the art forums and think it's pretty great, other than that the only fan comic I've been reading lately is Square Woot's webcomic pages which are really great and funny coming out with 2 pages a week.
  2. And for those who weren't there. Mr. Paragon was Deathsman from Champion, and Ms. Paragon was Azazael
  3. because a lot of times those spammers come from hacked or stolen accounts.
  4. Bubbawheat

    Is "Gratz" dead?

    Personally, I don't say it all that often. I have a tiny pirate as part of a superteam that speaks only in pirate, so I have half a dozen gratz binds set up for her, but other than that I typically only say it when I mean it, and that's usually only above level 30s. I definitely say it anytime someone hits 50, and not only that but I do the long drawn out instead of just a short "Gratz".
  5. I think many people are still put off by the fact that you have to post within a 5 minute window to win, so why bother even trying? There has been at least a minor attempt to adjust, but at this point I feel it's pretty much a lost cause. Even if they changed it to a random person instead of the last person, no one who would join that version is even looking here anymore.
  6. Bubbawheat

    More Echoes

    If they weren't completely erased or overwritten, it would be great to have more than just the Galaxy City echo. I would love to see what the old Rikti Crash Site and the original Faultline looked like back in the day. Anyone else?
  7. The next set is the Fire & Ice Tier 9 VIP costume sets coming early next year, and after that they will be adding a new VIP tier 9 set every three months and they will only be available for 6 months. So there will only ever be 2 Tier 9 sets up at any time.
  8. On the seventh day of CoX-mas, my true love gave to me

    7 Forces Tasking
    6 trolls a raving
    5 Freedom Phalanx Costumes
    4 Posi battle drones
    3 of Numina's spellbooks
    2 Manticore Arrows
    And a Statesman's mask
  9. Max, a German Shepherd puppy with superpowers, wanders away from his mother one day, and accidentally finds his way past the guards in Atlas Park into the Hollows.As he sniffs around some trash cans, a Gardvord approaches and offers him a handful of green powder, saying "You pretty dog. You want 'Dyne?"

    Max's motto was that everything was food, even if some foods tasted bad or made you throw up. So of couse he ate the whole thing and trotted off towards Grendel's Gulch. In GrendelĀ“s Gulch he met a man named Talshak the Mystic. Max wagged his tail and danced happily around Talshak, hoping for another treat.

    Unfortunately Talshak did his best to try and ignore him, and suddenly Max started to feel strange as if something he ate didn't agree with him.

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  10. Max, a German Shepherd puppy with superpowers, wanders away from his mother one day, and accidentally finds his way past the guards in Atlas Park into the Hollows.As he sniffs around some trash cans, a Gardvord approaches and offers him a handful of green powder, saying "You pretty dog. You want 'Dyne?" Max's motto was that everything was food, even if some foods tasted bad or made you throw up.

    So of couse he ate the whole thing and trotted off towards Grendel's Gulch.

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

    I still think rewarding the final post is a bad choice, but at least the total number of posts has been toned down.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Corruption_King View Post
    So, the copy tool is still down and it's the day before the contest. What are the plans for the contest at the moment? Will you be holding individual server finals or putting back the contest until the copy tool is up or do we have to remake our toons or something?
    You should have gotten an e-mail. They're doing one-on-one finals. PM or /tell @Arkyaeon (think that's spelled correctly) or anyone in PERC (excluding me, I'm just another finalist) for more details.
  12. Bubbawheat

    Comic Relief

    Absolutely love having completely random, comedy style costume pieces. I know tons of people that have a large number of parody and silly characters and I enjoy making them too. Yes please.
  13. On the fourth day of CoX-mas, my true love gave to me

    4 Posi battle drones
    3 of Numina's spellbooks
    2 Manticore Arrows
    And a Statesman's mask
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
    I blame the nice people who nominated my arcs. Thanks much for the play-through and the kind words!
    Well, you do still have two more arcs in this thread they haven't played yet.
  15. Simple enough, time once again for the 12 days of (Co)X-mas. Copy the list and add the next day. If you post the 12th day, pick a new theme for the next set of 12. Let's keep this going at least until Christmas!

    Round 1!

    theme: Freedom Phalanx

    On the first day of CoX-mas, my true love gave to me:

    1 Statesman's mask

    Interesting sidenote, when filling in the topic, my web browser remembered the thread title from last year and auto-filled it for me.
  16. Sounds kinda like Projectionist's CoH Advent calendar a couple year's back. Interesting idea.
  17. Also, while I think she's a great arc writer, I find it odd that two weeks in a row arcs were chosen from the same author who already has 2 Dev Choice arcs, one of them from this thread.
  18. Quick tally because I like to do these kind of things, listed mostly in the order they were posted, left in the format which they were posted.

    yellow = played
    red = DC'd

    #60197 "Becky's Revenge" by @New Age Ronin
    Fear and Loathing on Striga #350522 by @FredrikSvanberg
    Against the Wickerwork Khan #346904 by @Clave Dark 5
    Drakule vs. the Werewolf Bikers from Hell #340316 by @LaserJesus
    Golden Age Secret of the Paragon Society #344596 by @Wrong Number

    Talos Vice #338380 by @PW
    A Hero in Need... is a Friend Indeed! #375018 by @Wrong Number
    Vernon von Grun's Extraordinary Extradimensional Excursions
    The Time Bandits - Arc 39008 - by IantheM1
    Arc #444732 - Fresh off the Flier
    The Invasion of the Bikini-Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space! #61013 @Aliana Blue
    Teen Phalanx Forever! #67335 @PW
    One Million Eyes #71933 @minimalist
    Celebrity Kidnapping #1388 @PW
    In Poor Taste #259920 @Wrong Number
    The Next War on Drugs #245042 @anachrodragon
    The Heart of a Gemstone (ID 504716)
    #384776: Made to Wave the Flag
    #260284: A Warrior's Journey: The Flower Knight Task Force
    #29262: Hopeless

    #6017: Mercytown
    #8925: Forget the Rose, Send me the Thorns
    #318983: Ignition of the Machine
    #118690: Sibling Rivalry by @Sister Flame
    #2260: The Burning of Hearts by @TheDeepBlue
    #5073: The Bravuran Jobs by @GlaziusF
    #298290: Papers and Paychecks by @PW
    #380417: The Star-Dwellers by @K'aji
    #87333 The Internet Is For PWN! by @VoiceOfIsaac
    #58363 Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force by @Cavatina
    Grim and the Green Arc ID:61156 Heroic by @Quinch
    #379488 "Storming Citadel" by @MrCaptainMan
    #25295 "The Extadine Lab" by @Vanden
    # 175660 "The Heart of Talos: a warriors task force" by @Djinniman
    # 89438 "Facing the darkness" by @Leandro
    # 60280 "Dr Dave and the Copper Legion" by @TheHedoren
    Bricked Electronics #2180 by @GlaziusF
    Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black (ID#161629)
    Missing Arc#41922
    Big Daddy's Dilemma Arc#333680
    #144447 "Gladiators of Venus
    Madness + Murder = Bedlam! (arc# 259194) by @Swelter.
    @dragon-hawke : arc 221617 - Unification of Villainy
    @twiztid dragon : arc 217401 - Creature Feature Cruise of Terror
    Arc 137005 : An Introduction to Mission Architect : The Heroic Badge Collection
    Arc 206108 : An Introduction to Mission Architect : The Villainous Badge Collection
    Arc 448313 : An Introduction to Mission Architect : The Rogue Badge Collection
    Arc 448387 : An Introduction to Mission Architect : The Vigilante Badge Collection
    #1396 "Grim Riddles" @Mantid
    Arc 149433 The fall of Mender Moebius : Part 1 : The Beginning of the End
    Arc 331466 The fall of Mender Moebius : Part 2 : Arachnos Park
    Arc 324392 The fall of MEnder Moebius : Part 3 : The Abductions
    Arc 263911 The fall of Mender Moebius : Part 4 : Penultimatum
    Arc 263823 The fall of Mender Moebius : Part 5 : The End of the Beginning
    arc #487283, Crafter's Cafe
    #452144 "The Murders in the RWZ Morgue" by @FredrikSvanberg
    #322373 "Dead Fellas" by @Sand Sultan
    Dhahabu Kingdom and the Indelible Curse of Hate: #367872
    Dhahabu Kingdom and the Unfathomable Nightmare of Sand: #453511
    The Consequences of War #227331 @Dalghryn
    The Echo #1688 @MrCaptainMan
    Outbroken #379017 @Aehaed
    Task Force Mutternacht #349522 @twelfth
    The Christmas We Get #356477 @Venture
    Unfair Trade #373846 @Lazarus
    #25622 "Teh Freakshow Artz Klub" by @Geveo
    #26811 "Love is in the Error" by @Witch Engine
    Suppression 374481 @Gypsy Rose
    A Very Special Episode 457506 @Wrong Number
    #517859 "Crime is Art and Art is Crime" by @TwoFlower
  19. Actually, they both missed a week. Once missed an episode the Sunday before Thanksgiving. I'm not sure why, I don't have any network/cable TV, I watch everything online. Grimm is also on its 5th episode airing tomorrow, or is it today? I read that it was moving away from Friday to a better day, but forget which one.
  20. Only a few days left, be sure to get your votes in this weekend if you haven't yet!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    What's the fewest powers you could have on a character at level 50 and still enjoy playing.
    I think this is what you're actually trying to say, though I don't have an answer for you myself.
  22. Sadly, Smokey the Minotaur never quite took off. "Only moooooo can prevent forest fires!"

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.