Bronze Knight

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  1. Bronze Knight

    Nature on MM's

    If this is on TEST and not beta can you post a power list and some numbers?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
    No, it is only the 40ft/50ft SINGLE target blasts that are being boosted to 80ft.

    ... So

    Grumble mumble darn KB is always knocking stuff too far out of range.
  3. You know Sam most of the time I agree with you but here is where we differ. I see the IO crafting system as limited but not in the sense of the word that your using.

    The IO system is limited by the rules of the game which is in turn limited by the rules of the game engine. It is rather easy to memorize all these rules and keep them in mind when building an IO build, Mids makes this even easier. I like the IO system because I can learn everything their is to know about it and understand it at it's basic level (I.E. The Math).

    What your asking for is to be able to mix SO's to get ACC/DAM or DAM/STUN in whatever combination you want right? Well HO's do some of that already but why don't you just use the IO's that you want to get the effects that you want and ignore the sets their from? Ignore set bonus's, if you don't want to deal with them don't. Then the only limits are what sets the power takes and if their are enough IO's available to slot it how you want it.

    I would not expect any changes to the crafting system in COH though its too well liked and would be a major PITA to change.
  4. Will Energy Torrent in the MM APP Field Mastery be buffed up to 80ft from its current 40ft?

    Please say yes. Oh dear God please say yes.
  5. Nothing else is popping out at me. If your happy with it I'd say go for it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
    Spirit Shark is the ST KB attack (which I took) - School of Sharks is the Cone Immob attack.

    I also saw that the Rule of 5 is broken:
    7x 2.5% Recovery
    6x 9% Accuracy
    Your right but I stand by my statement that the ainamation is too long and I suggest a singel target attack chain of nothing but Longfang/channlegun.

    Yeah I know the Rule of 5 is broken but theres no other set that i need in those powers. those sets are either giving me +regen or +recharge.
  7. You don't want Spirit Shark. It sucks for immobilization and its cast time is long way to long and it's range is to short, by the time you finish casting it the mobs will have already spread out. Also insted of chaseing after +HP set bonuses I whould get more +recharge and make Dull Pain... I mean "Serum" perma. I also see little point in taking the pets if there not going to be perma as well, but that's mostly personal preference.

    This is my build the goal was more of less the same as yours but I was going for a bit more survivability.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  8. Wow, the ears even shake when he scratches his head. This is one beautifully animated wolf.

    More like this please.
  9. Bronze Knight

    Trap procs?

    This is my Bot/FF build... It's a bit extreme but it may give you a few ideas.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  10. Bronze Knight

    Trap procs?

    Procktrops were nerfed if you still have 6 damage procs in your caltrops they should still work but when you respec most (all but 2 i think) will be unslotted and you wont be able to put them back in.

    Posion trap is the same deal. Put a full set of Lockdown in there and call it good.

    EDIT: Forgot that the damage procs in Posion trap was changed to not work at all but the damage procs in caltrops DO work. If you have any doubt turn on your chat loging do a mission and then search your charlog for the procs name.
  11. Looking at that banner it looks like players will finally have access to Malstorms pistols.

  12. We need to come up with the rest of the Journalist powers. All I can think of is "Pencil Pusher" for a T3 blast.

    In other news...

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snarkhunter View Post
    The first thing that comes to mind is the login security thing they recently you have your cookies enabled on your home computer? If they are being cleared, that might cause the problem you are experiencing....especially if your ISP is one of those "random number generators" meant to stop tracking.

    This would be the case but I can take my laptop to collage and log in fine there then take that exact same computer home and not be able to log in. Whatever the problem is it's a networking issue of some kind.

    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    I've found posting through a proxy is a problem.
    I think so as well, but I have no say in this matter This is something my ISP is doing not me. There should be some kind of provision for that I would think.

    Brain-in-a-jar was the only thing missing for the great King Helsingard from conquering paragon city!


    Now I just have to get Titan melee and I can start playing him.

    I'm sure some one will report me. Even so long live Atomic Robo!
  15. My ping is around 1,500 on a good day on average its around 2,000. So by the time I see the flashy text it's already happening.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
    Gunslinger IS awesome but I'd love to see some Halloween themed costume bits since they're launching the Halloween content this week.

    Are there any pics of that set floating around?
  17. Posting this here instead of making a new thread.

    Yes its over the soft cap but not enough over it IMO I would like it to be 50 in Melee Rangeed and AOE. For the iTrials. I just don't know what else I can do to achieve that.

    Also my MA is only level 30 and I still don't know what attacks I should keep and what attacks are completely superfluousness.

    Feedback would be rocking awesome.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  18. I can not log into these fourms from my home network. When I sign into the forums it takes me to the redirect page and then back to the forum home but username and password fields are blank. I am positive that it's my ISP and some of the forum settings. My ISP has a proxy built into it it's some where in Texas and I'm in VA. This is the only reason I can come up with for not being able to log in. Before the forums went down for freedom I was able to log in and post just fine. And I know you all miss my witty quips and deeply insietefull wisdom.

    To elaborate further I have 3 computers: a desktop, iPod and a Laptop. I can log into the forums at collage just fine on both the laptop and the iPod but as soon as I get home I am loged out when I refresh the page. I have tried to use the contact us forum at the bottom of the home page to no avail. I sent a message a week ago and have received no response. I just don't know what else to do at this point.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
    So I either have to:

    1) Give up more of my privacy to Facebook than I want to

    2) Violate Facebook's ToS


    3) Do without

    And that's for just the first account. I have two, so I'd need two seperate accounts for the two codes.

    I'll stick with #3, then. I don't care how many choose #2 and get away with it, it's still something NC Soft shouldn't be pushing people to do.

    Thanks for at least telling me I'll never be getting it, now I can stop waiting for it to show up in the store.

    You can create mutable email accounts with Gmail (preferably at the local library on the library computer). Fill in some fake info on facebook get your code then delete the account.

    Rinse and repeat as necessary
  20. Nothing about that sword is "small"
  21. But what about the missing Beam Rifels that are missing! There way more important than random crashing!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    We're still diffusing Nemesis bombs. Frankly, the mission's gonna end a LOT differently if we diffuse instead of defuse....

    Next they will have us deflowering debutants!

    No one is going to get that XD.
  23. I see nothing wrong with that.... but don't mine me and my dislexa.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post

    Also Might as well make a server for people with bad Grammar, I been Harass a couple of times on the Forums and in game for not having perfect Grammar, I just ignore it, you can't phase me you no.

    because I can't type or spell well because of my learning disability and other disability doesn't give you a right too be a Grammar Nazi.

    I too been harass ingame for my terabad spell and gramar. Was promptly told that dislexa was not excuse. And that you can spell dyslexa phonetically.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    For TFs and the like, we prefer the 5 minutes of chatting being 5 minutes of planning prior to about a minute of dominating the field.

    Teammate death is my failure, which is not the same thing as fault.

    It might not be my fault...but it is still my failure.

    That's my point, you find preplanning fun. However there are a lot of people that enjoy charging headlong into the TF with no plan simply for the challenge of it. Simply to see if their build can cover not only their own failures, but every one else's as well.