Nature on MM's

Adeon Hawkwood



Ok so here it is i'm starting the official discussion on the new nature affinity for MM's. Share your thoughts, builds, opinion, knowledge, or what ever you want to share, about this new secondary for MM's.

I'll go first.

I started one on test server the other day and i freaking love her!!!!!



If this is on TEST and not beta can you post a power list and some numbers?

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



No numbers but Paragon Wiki has a powers list:

Overall this looks quite a good choice for MMs, particularly when paired with a primary where the pets have good damage resistance (like Demons). Depending on the values MMs should get a lot of mileage out of Wild Bastion since giving your pets an Absorb shield should help with their lower HP.

I'm not sure about Regrowth. Having to aim a cone to heal all your pets sounds like it could be tricky but time will tell there.

One thing we should check is how does Absorb interact with Bodyguard mode? Does the bodyguard damage come off of the Absorb Shield or their actual Hit Points?



I'll mention endurance and recharge with notes. All numbers are from the creation screen as of June 23.

Corrosive Enzymes - Single target -def/-res power (15% each). 10.66 end. 16.00 rch

Regrowth - Cone heal (45 degree arc). 16.9 end, 10.00 rch. Also 3.1 activation

Wild Growth - AOE Resist (11.25) + Regen (100%) for 90 seconds. 19.5 end, 3:45 recharge, so perma-able.

Spore Cloud - AOE toggle (11.25 -tohit, 16.88 -dmg, .75 -regen). .65 end/sec (yikes!)

Livegiving Spores - Another .65 end/sec toggle. The description says it's a location toggle. 20 second recharge. What do it do? Get ready for this: 20,000 ticks of 2 hp over 27:46:00. I'll let someone else do the math. Actually I just did the math, looks like a tick every 5 seconds. Also 1% endurance.

Wild Bastion - Here's that wacky absorption power. It lasts a minute and recharges in 4. So think in terms of perma-PA recharge in order to make this perma. It says 25% absorption to target. Hopefully that's the caster's hp and not the recipient. At least for MMs, I'm sure Tankers and Brutes would disagree. 16.25 end.

Rebirth - rez OR big heal. Nifty. 32.5 end, 3 minute rch.

Entangling Aura - Think Choking Cloud. I don't think it's just similar to CC, I think it is CC, just with freaky plant effects. 1.04 end/sec.

Overgrowth - aoe 7.5 +tohit, 49.5 +dmg (sweet!) "50% strength to endurance cost" (Conserve Power-ish???). The visual effect has to be seen to be believed, I won't even bother trying to describe it. Buff lasts for 1 minute, recharges in 4:15, end cost of 32.5. Would need a bit more than perma-PA recharge to perma this.

So, at first glance, the "what you get" looks pretty cool, everything looks helpful to a MM, imo. But at what cost? Living Spores + Spore Cloud + EA = 2.39 end/sec. Yowza! I mean really. Yowza! Living Spores will give that back though, I think I read it's a net 0 for endurance. Overgrowth would help too, though it's looong road to get there.

My first thought is that this looks like a great secondary for Beasts, not just for obvious thematic reasons. They like to melee and have regen and resists, you do too (if you can make EA work). Living in melee and making a cone heal work sounds interesting, but not unreasonable. We'll see.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



I beleive Synapse said he will be reducing the endurance costs on the toggles.



i wouldnt talk of any numbers stuff until its live because its likely stuff will change

as adeon already mentioned there are several changes planned for nature affinity already



I specifically mentioned the effective date of those numbers. I suppose I should have stated the obvious that they were subject to change.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Hmmmm, processing a theme for a Silent Running/Bruce Dern Robot/nature combo theme.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Looks like a great set for those MM primaries that are known to die anything that's not Bots :P. Just kidding.



Where can I find out about all the upcoming power sets? (and changes?)



Originally Posted by Cyberium_neo View Post
Where can I find out about all the upcoming power sets? (and changes?)
The Beta forums. since you're a VIP you should have access. You can find them at the top level of the forums:



I've taken a Demons/NA up to mid-20's on Beta and so far it's been really fun. Let me say, since someone mentioned whether endurance might be an issue, I've not seen it, yet. Of course, I dropped a Performance Shifter: Chance for +End in Living Spores and Stamina, that's seemed to help tremendously.

The Demons are very sturdy (not that they are squishy normally, of course) but all the heals combined with the +Res is quite nice. I'm definitely rolling one of these again on live once the set it out.

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