Trap procs?

Bronze Knight



Hey all. I know this question has been asked before, but my searches mostly yielded contradictory answers, possible because of changes that were made ingame. Was wondering what the current word is on damage procs in powers like Caltrops and Acid Mortar. Do they still work? Do they have a crazy long cooldown? Right now my Caltrops and Acid are slotted to help boost my +Def, but if I can gain some significant damage from a few cheap damage procs, it may be worth it to sacrifice some defense.

My other question revolves around two Pet IOs. Namely the Soulbound Allegience that gives a chance for Build Up, and the one that gives a resistance boost to all pets. I'm bots/traps, and with my heavy defense build, I pretty much have little to no reason to slot Soulbound since it just doesn't work very well. I have the +Def IO for pets in my protector bots. I was dedicating two slots on my drones; one for the Build Up and one for the Resistance boost, but that would ruin their current set, which is currently providing me an extra 3% defense. (I believe it's close to that; don't have the build in front of me.) Think that would be a reasonable trade out? I've heard the Build Up IO is best on the low tier pets, since they generate exponentially more attacks.



Procktrops were nerfed if you still have 6 damage procs in your caltrops they should still work but when you respec most (all but 2 i think) will be unslotted and you wont be able to put them back in.

Posion trap is the same deal. Put a full set of Lockdown in there and call it good.

EDIT: Forgot that the damage procs in Posion trap was changed to not work at all but the damage procs in caltrops DO work. If you have any doubt turn on your chat loging do a mission and then search your charlog for the procs name.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



My caltrops are slotted for recharge bonuses(Posi's) You could proc it out if you want to, but I would rather have the global recharge. There is no wrong way.

Acid mortar, I have 2 recharge IOs, the Archiles proc, Apoc Proc, Lockdown Proc and a Shield breaker. With two mortars out permanantly, its proctacular.

As for the defence stuff, it is your call. I brought mine up to 36% and am letting the prot bubble bring me up to the cap. In case the bubbles are coming a little slow, I am a small purple away from softcap to all positions and types.

That leaves me to focus on other priorities.

The soulbound proc I have in assbot for the superior aoe's.



This is my Bot/FF build... It's a bit extreme but it may give you a few ideas.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Procktrops were nerfed if you still have 6 damage procs in your caltrops they should still work but when you respec more (all but 2 i think) will be unslotted and you wont be able to put them back in.

Posion trap is the same deal. Put a full set of Lockdown in there and call it good.

EDIT: Forgot that the damage procs in Poison Trap was changed to not work at all but the damage procs in caltrops DO work. If you have any doubt turn on your chat loging do a mission and then search your chatlog for the procs name.
I have 5 Unbreakable Constraints in my PT, and the proc from that set seems to work every now and again. The Lockdown proc is great in there. More often than not, I hold entire groups including bosses with that proc in PT.

However, procs in trip mine don't seem to work and I also heard somewhere that procs in seekers don't work either. I have a set of Armageddon in there and the proc has never fired once. I made a post about it in the Market/IO forum asking people to help me confirm it, but people there either only care about bragging how much fake money they have/have given away or no one has a /traps or /devices toon that is willing to help test some kinda simple.



Originally Posted by SimonSayz View Post
I have 5 Unbreakable Constraints in my PT, and the proc from that set seems to work every now and again. The Lockdown proc is great in there. More often than not, I hold entire groups including bosses with that proc in PT.

However, procs in trip mine don't seem to work and I also heard somewhere that procs in seekers don't work either. I have a set of Armageddon in there and the proc has never fired once. I made a post about it in the Market/IO forum asking people to help me confirm it, but people there either only care about bragging how much fake money they have/have given away or no one has a /traps or /devices toon that is willing to help test some kinda simple.
I'm reasonably sure my Devastation in Seeker isn't working. Which is a bit of a pain. It does work in Acid and the Lockdown works in PGT.

With regards to Trip Mine I've no idea I'm afraid.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
I'm reasonably sure my Devastation in Seeker isn't working. Which is a bit of a pain. It does work in Acid and the Lockdown works in PGT.

With regards to Trip Mine I've no idea I'm afraid.
Did it work at one time and stop working? Or did it never work for you?



Thanks for the advice all! The tips on caltrops were especially useful. :3 In the little bit I played last night, I can tell I'm going to be drooling for every time its cooldown comes up.



Originally Posted by SimonSayz View Post
Did it work at one time and stop working? Or did it never work for you?
Dunno, I only slotted my Seekers (against the advice of people on the forum. Doh!) two weeks ago



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
I'm reasonably sure my Devastation in Seeker isn't working. Which is a bit of a pain. It does work in Acid and the Lockdown works in PGT.

With regards to Trip Mine I've no idea I'm afraid.
Any update on Seeker & Devastation proc? And how are you slotting that same proc in Acid Mortar (on an MM).. I thought only the Corr/Def versions of traps Acid Mortar takes that set (unless Paragon Wiki/MIDS is wrong)? We as MMs get Targ AoE set instead.


Global: @Master Templar on Freedom.
"This here's my demon face. You see I'm Satan's onion...s-scallion.. 'Minion?' no, not that."