Bronze Knight

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Signpost View Post
    Doesn't help as much as you think, especially in these 4 map types, and especially if you're stealthing mishes (meaning you don't get those "nearly cleared map" hints):

    1) 3 level cave of doom
    2) City map (the one with the multi story car park) of doom
    3) Multi-level building maps with all those tiny rooms (of doom)
    4) Council/5th Column hideouts with all the tiny rooms, and several 3-level areas... of doom.

    1) Yes your right but 9 times out of 10 the boss spawns in that room any way always a /em head + desk moment.
    2) Not quite true I've done the drop off outbreak mission for the Radio(oooooo! Free Opportunity!) so many times I know where to look more or less.
    3) I know most of those by heart and there are a few rooms that (almost) never have glowy's in them.
    4) I'll give you the pool room's they are a pain. Other than that the beginning, middle, and end spawn points are rather static/out in the open.

    All I'm saying is that experience is the best teacher. And that the spawn points CAN be predicted. I would also recommend the OP play some of the new arks in Sharkhead, some fun missions there.
  2. Bronze Knight


    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Except on Freedom??

    *rim shot*

    We still outnumber you!
  3. To the OP.

    There are a few set patterns that maps are made up of. Over the course of time I've simply memorized them all. Theirs only so many ways the map parts fit together.

    If you want you can also go to MA and look up all the maps and take a look if you want. Keep in mind all the cool ones are in story arks.

    Even if you don't want to do that there only so many places that spawn glowey's on maps. Agin go to MA and play around with the mission objectives you'll get a feel for where things spawn in no time.
  4. I want both the holsters and the hair.

    I20 could turn out to be very interesting.

    The Pred Hami thing was talked about for a bit but even that may be nothing more than a red herring (and is IMO).
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    I wonder if Serge makes them kill 20 heroes in order to open a new costume slot.
    Post of the day!

  6. I only have 4 IOed 50's and two more that I plan on getting there but I'll speak for what I have so far

    I like a toon that can solo 0/x8. It's not a requirement but I do tend to let that guide my AT/Power selection. Unless its an MM, no matter what you pick you can solo just fine.

    My Crab kicks but while soft caped with 40% resists but then that's not hard to do. My MM isen't any where near the soft cap but hes mercs/traps so thats not a major issue for him. For a long time he was my priamry farmer on 0/x8

    That said my Powerblast/Thermal coruptor cant solo worth a darn. I built her with the intention of teaming, and she is quite good on teams. But my DP/Traps Corr I'm working on is going to be soft capped to melee Ranged and AOE.

    /em shrug
  7. Bronze Knight

    Bots/Traps input

    Originally Posted by Master_Templar View Post
    Not trying to thread jack, but should Acid Mortar be maxed for Defense Debuff in addition to recharge? Does the Debuff matter? (assuming you have the -RES proc already)


    From a Bots/traps standpoint yes because its the only -def you have.

    For a AR/Traps Cor or a Merk/Traps its not nearly so important because you have other sources of -def to stack. Remember -defense is like +tohit for everyone.
  8. For zone travel its fine. A jetpack is good of you have a slow conection, or hover. In missions it's up and down depending on the map and how far you can see on the map.
  9. That build is oversloted for defense although it is capable of reaching the ranged defense soft cap on its own its not taking into account the 11% def from the protector bots and makes sacrifices for that.

    This is the build I plan on using right now even it lacks provoke, which I would like to have.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flafatron View Post
    ok yes very cool, but um... I'd like the Vanguard guard back detail... you know that small think that makes them different from us

    And the Vanguard pants with pads.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post

    Especially after the Rikti war, I wouldn't be surprised if every country in the world had their own 'insurance policy' against an otherworldly invasion force.
    Keep in mind that the Rikti WIPED OUT EVERY military on the ENTIRE earth during the invasion.

    There are precious few references in the lore to the worlds military might in at the level 50 time period. (2009-2011) It could be that many of them are still recovering.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Just as Cassandra was cursed to fortell the future, but never be believed, so too was the primal MMO Developer cursed to always announce things that the players wanted, and get yelled at for ignoring the players. It is not the players who are powerful, but whatever dire forces the first MMO developers displeased. They say this has been true since the days of the First Nerf.

    Man, that means there are some SOE Dev's burring in a SPECIAL level of hell.

    The level they reserve for child molesters and people that talk at the theater.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
    I got a 1280x1024 capture from the video if your interested.

    Why yes, yes I am.

    You rock!
  14. I think the question every one wants answered is...

    What happens to this Vanguard pack after the promotional period?

    Is it going to end up in the NC Soft store for $3-5?

    Or will it be given to the player base for free at some point down the line regardless of account activity?

    And the MVAS well... ROCK ON!
  15. Can we get this as a wallpaper but with out the CoH logo and the Vanguard pack at the bottom?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Vivian View Post
    I sense an origin story!

    -- Vivian

    You never went to bed last night did you.....
  17. You don't need to keep everything buffed. Most of the time the Brute/Tank can be skipped, MOST of the time keep an eye on there health If you think they need it do it. Allways prioritize AT's that have no defense to begin with. Cors, Doms, MMs, Defenders, Controllers, Blasters. After that move on to the Scrapers and Stalkers.

    As for your own bots you'll just have to play it by ear. If your team has an AOE healer stick to them like glue and spam GOTO. Then you shouldn't need to buff any of your bots. If not then I would suggest either buffing the Battle bots only OR buffing just the Assault and Protector bots and just let the Battle bots die.
  18. Quote:
    And here is your Steampunk Squirrel Girl. Enjoy!
    Blast foiled again!

    Well that just goes to show that the two genres can work together. Who woulda thunk it.

    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    Now I won't both packs.

    Sense. Make you. None?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Vivian View Post
    Gosh, you sure know how to ask nicely.

    Well, let's begin with a Steampunk Cat Girl.


    The internet.... Its an amazing thing.

    Thank you Doc... but your only 1/2 way there!
  20. Both are good sets it all depends on how you want to play and if you solo or team.

    From a teaming standpoint a /ff is more likely to get invited due to the 2 FF's and dispersion bubble. With the expectation that you will keep the team buffed up.

    From a Solo stand point /ff can soft cap bots/ and there are several powers in /ff that can be skipped to make room for APP/PPP or fighting, Presence pools. You can then use these to "spice up" your /FF toon because they can get boring. I recommend the attacks from Field Mastery and hasten.

    From a teaming stand point /traps brings some good thing in the form of FFG, poison trap, web grenade, and acid mortar. Poison Trap has -regen good for fighting AV's. Its not any more or less likely to get invited over any other power set tho.

    From a solo standpoint Traps brings a lot of stratagy to solo farming. You can tow bomb with a ton of trip mines or send in your seeker drones to take alpha and then rush in and drop Poison trap.

    There rather even in the end.
  21. You do know that if they don't get there fury pack I'll never get my Steampunk Pack, because they will keep yelling (or yelping, growling, barking, mewing) for there fething horse heads and scorpion tails.

    I say let them have it and get it over with. We allready have ainmal parts in the CCreator allready. Think about it if you HAVE to stare at 50,000 cat girls in a bikini and thigh highs, don't you at least want them to look good?

    And Doc Vivan.. I challenge you to find me Steampunk Cat/squirrel girls!
  22. Bronze Knight

    Jet Packs FTW!

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Another problem I can foresee is the need for jet pack engines to actually face in the direction of movement, which current jet packs don't do, and it's very annoying and distracting. Currently, jet pack jets face "down" on the pack itself, where the direction of "down" is determined by the position of the back, and the way characters hunch over in combat mode, their jets usually fire backwards at an angle, looking like the character should be constantly sliding forward. A perfect jet pack would be one with vectored thrust that would account at least for basic combat mode and vector its thrust down when hovering even when the actual pack is at an angle. I'm not sure if anyone but me cares about this, however.
    Asking for thrust vectoring is a bit too much Sam. At this rate we'll be lucky to see them as static costume parts.

    What I don't undersand is why they cant have a scrip read the toon's costume info, and then automatically place the jet-pack at a point that looks good based on where the physique slider is. In short the current attachment point is in the middle of the body right? So place it at the point where its Attachment point + distance to back +/- Physique slider, so that it rests right on the back. But it may be that they can't control that.
  23. Yep Upsilon Beta 9-6 is the name for Praetoria.

    As detailed here.
  24. There is no reason not to use the same system Portal Corp uses. Color/name X/Y/Z corordents along the dimensional axis. So Paragon/RI would be Prime 000. I think Praetoria all ready has an official number.