Bronze Knight

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  1. Very nice stuff Dink!

    I also want Chainsaw claws as I already mentioned. I agree some other peoples suggestions, remove the handle and stick the whole thing on the wrist like the flat blades. I would be happy with that.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    Level shifting the people who don't use IOs isn't the best solution because not all IO builds are equal. There's possibly someone out there whose only IO is the knock-back to knock-down unique.
    That's not an IO.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Of course if they did make Tough a T1 power pool pick, it would probably be nerfed alongside that change.
    So the question is. Do we want a nerfed version of Tough that we can take with out Boxing/Kick or do we like it the way it is?

    Personally, I see tough as nothing more than a mule for the two +3% Def IO's. So I would like to see this change. But people with a Resist based melee characters may object to this.
  4. I would love to see this change. It would free up a power pick on all of my 50s and make build planing easier.

    Which is why don't think we are going to. If the current "Cost of Entrance" to Tough/Weave is a wasted power pick and people, lots of people, are still willing to pay that to get those powers I don't think their going to remove that "cost".
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Isn't the point that we *might* be able to get this mythical combination with these IO changes?
    All I know is that my soft caped Crab Spider with 40% resists to all but psi and 1852 health is oh so very happy right now.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
    He probably just spent his time since Lambda running tip missions to switch to blueside, that forgives everything.
    Meh, works for me.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    And to this day, I don't get one thing - why the sugar do Spec Ops get Stealth? Let's ignore for a minute that Stealth is a terrible power and admit that it offers good utility as a means of avoiding unexpected aggro or stealthing past most of a mission. How does that help henchmen for whom "stealth" is pointless? Even if this were complete invisibility - and it's not - you still have four other Henchmen (and yourself) who are plainly visible and will get attacked, and when those get attacked, the Spec Ops will retaliate. It's not like they get a Stealth Strike capability out of it. The only effect Stealth has AT ALL is... To slow the Spec Ops down so they fall behind over long distance.

    I think SpecOps got stealth because it was thematic for them... Remember that the set launched with COV its possible that was the reason; same with Serum it was the kind of 90's/80's U.S. military thing that fit into the set.

    Problem is, as you say, the pets aren't smart enough to use stealth effectively.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Right here:

    Right there in the first paragraph
    Yea, man oh man is that going to torque some people off. This is going to be GLORIOUS!

    Quick every one that hates Pretoria flee to redside!


    /e tinfoil hat
    /e sarcasm

    Oh and Synapse what did you do to sets like Sovereign Right? Do they just have a ton of damage resist? Seems like an odd thing to give MM's a lot of... Oh well all my other characters are going to benefit so I can't complain too much.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bounder View Post
    Uh.. did I see customized pets in the article pics??

    Have not been active in Coh for a while, so maybe it is old news.

    But if they can do that and are doing that, can we have for Masterminds too??

    /em trying to not get too excited..

    I think those are unique pets for Shadow Hunter.
  10. Quote:
    • Improved Enhancement Set Bonuses: Invention Origin Enhancement set bonuses, such as XP debt reduction and specific mesmerization/mental control resistances, have been replaced with more useful set bonuses. These new set bonuses provide more powerful resistance against a broader variety of damage.
    • New Invention Origin Sets: Four new Invention Origin Enhancement sets debut with Issue 24. Annihilation (targeted AoE), Unbreakable Guard (damage resistance), Reactive Defenses (defense), and Preventive Medicine (healing). These new sets all offer different and specific bonuses, such as decreasing an opponent's resistance, increasing a character's maximum hit points, improve resistances, and even granting an absorption shield.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    With the crystal-looking thing between Giant Guy's feet and his feet not touching the ground, I'm thinking that maybe it's supposed to be a holographic projection.
    I'm thinking its a mental projection look at the "small" character thats got the same costume, he's in the same pose/flypose the Seers use.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post

    Now the meme is "There are no girls in MMOs"

    MMORPG: Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Schrödinger's lesbian catgirl.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Defenders for sure.
    Don't get why everyone keeps saying this. Will do some research on it tho.

    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Repel. Repulsion Bomb. Repulsion Field. Energy Torrent.
    This just sounds like you don't like KB rather than a problem with the powers...

    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Focused Accuracy. Force of Nature (the one without any mez protection). I could go on.
    I still say Serum is worse when you compare it to stuff like Gang War.

    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with Robotics, and if you feel there is, I can assure you you're doing it wrong. You can't compare Demons and Beast Mastery to Thugs, Bots or Necro; Demons are incredibly stupid and fail to synergize well, usually due to the 'tank' tier 2 demon dying like a total wuss and the tier 3 demons CONSTANTLY running in to melee range for cone attacks. Beast isn't much better, what with the terrible pet AI and their increased run speed that leaves the MM hammering the "Follow/Return" macro and screaming "WHAT THE PANCAKE ARE YOU DOING" while Fido and his five friends run clear across the map before realizing their master is calling them back, aggroing everything (and I mean EVERYTHING).
    Yes the AI needs fixing frankly I don't think its going to happen which is why I didn't bring it up.

    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Anyone can slot recharge/buffs. You just need to know what IO's give it and where you can put them.

    I haven't seen any such requirement anywhere.
    Not what I'm talking about.

    I was talking about the recharge intensive pet sets that have +5% def and +10% resistance IO's Thugs, Demons, and Necro can slot them regardless of their secondary. This means that those sets can start at 20% resistance and 10% defense when stacked with the other ones.

    Mercs, Bots, Beast all have to either take a secondary that has a pet or forfeit those IO's; that in my opinion, is not fair. Life isn't fair but this is a game, I think that this is a case where it should be fair. And pets in iTrials don't tend to last long with out them.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ogi View Post
    since they are both dead current story protocol is to wipe them from existence. Just like in that wonderful wing commander movie.

    Imperious task force? I don't know what you are talking about. There never was an imperious.
    Leave Wing Commander alone! The Tiger Moth will rise again!
  16. Will try to be there. Collage may interfere but I'll try.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
    Speaking of, I did a Magi about half an hour ago. Had the misfortune of having my three small pets get killed at one point, could not for the life of me get them back up and fighting until the rush of destiny buffs right before the engagement with Tyrant.

    They'd get killed with a sneeze.
    Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
    Cept it wasn't him hitting them, it was everything else. After the destiny buffs before everyone jumped in, all of my pets did fine.
    Yes, without team buffs minion class pets often get stuck in a death loop. Makes me mad when they die while the summon animation is still playing, which happens often in the iTrials.

    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Well... there is this thing called Bodyguard Mode. Use it, take Provoke, and tank for your pets. It makes everything much easier.

    Also, while in bodyguard, you effectively have over 5000 health. They don't need more.
    But if the pets aren't with you when you take all that damage you die.

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    ... I think that's mostly the core of it.

    It's not really an AT issue as in "The AT needs buffing." I *really* don't. It's an AT as in "playstyle and specific kryptonite" (AOEs, basically) issue - and I don't mean that as an attack on the OP, I mean it as if you move too fast, you can find good chunks of your HP and offense trailing behind you, ineffective, or making friends with things you'd rather not meet.

    Other ATs don't really have anything similar to worry about - yes, most controllers/doms get a pet lagging behind, but that's not the majority of their powerset.

    I don't, frankly, agree with the OP's reply to me about "speeding through content" being any sort of a yardstick. Some people like "speeding through content," sure. Others don't. If he's going to do any sort of comparisons, strip away your level shifts and IOs for an even playing field and see what happens.
    I'll get to the issue of pets laging behind in a min. As to comparing ATs by striping the IO's and Incarnate ability's is it not also fair to compare them when they have IO builds that are more or less the same? Why should investing a lot of IOs in one AT make it more effective than one you invested the same amount of IOs in?

    Also when was the last time you did a non speed LAM? On the TFs yes I agree those are not run at speed as often. But why should my MM be locked out of X or Y content due to his inability to contribute because of the way the content is constantly run? That is as mutch a content problem as it is a AT problem because the other AT can keep up with it.

    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    What, were you trying to solo the spawns? All of my squishy characters have this problem unless they follow someone tougher who can take the aggro. Why should masterminds be any different?

    And yet, despite this low survivability that you claim makes them useless, I have six squishies (controllers, defenders) up to level 50+3 incarnate status.
    Not seeing a problem.
    Yes, I would like to solo spawns. My DP/Traps Corr can with the help of one small purple. My Mercs/Traps can't live long enough for the pets to get there. That is the problem I am seeing with MM's. Bodyguard works great when the pets are there; all too often pets are not there.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    In the vein of making pets spawn at the Mastermind's level, would it be too much to give Masterminds a decent ranged damage mod? I ask because for every Mastermind out there aside, three out of his primary attacks are next to useless, and those are the personal attacks. Granted, for Beasts that's slightly less the case as personal attacks give Pack Mentality, but when the going gets tough, those are still the first three powers I stop using.

    Masterminds have the game's lowest damage mod by quite a bit at 0.55, followed by Defenders at 0.65, but Defenders, at least, get a Vigilance damage buff when they're alone. A Mastermind, by contrast, has a pitiful damage mod making all of his attacks basically pointless... And those attacks cost an arm and a leg, especially the AoE one. It just makes the powers a bad choice to take, is what I'm saying.

    Yes the personal attacks need a reduction in end cost and more damage.

    Now then last night I ran 1 LAM 2 BAF 1 KEYS 1 TPN 1 DD. Got Alpha to T3 and got 3 VR's.

    LAM sucked due to warehouse as always. BAF went fine. Keys sucked due to pets not following me up the reactors fast enough, tho the AM pluse has been nerfed to hell so that wasn't a problem. TPN was a royal pain. every time I went outside all my pets would die, every single time I was ported outside. DD on the other hand went great pets kept up with the group and I felt like I was really helping.

    Now then my suggestion for the MM AT is this. Give MM's a new inherant power that teleports all pets to the MM. A no end cost, no recharge, no activation time, click power that moves your pets to you. Or give MM pets more +runspeed, a lot more. If I have my pets with me and I'm dieing its my fault. If I'm dieing and my pets are taking a smoke break on the other side of the map that is the games fault.
  18. Well off the top of my head...

    Pistol and Sword combo
    Single pistol (conventional)
    Dule pistols (laser)
    Single Pistol (laser)
    Gatling gun assault/Grenade launcher control
    Bolt action rifle.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
    Which Scrapper(s)? Which VEAT(s)? Which Corruptor(s)? Compared with which Mastermind(s)?

    Ever sense Incarnate content came out my BS/SR has been severely under preforming compared to all of my other mains. I know it's not the AT because I can watch others tear it up.
    Scraper is a BS/SD/WM, VEAT is a petless Crab/Crab/Leviathan, Corr is a DP/Traps. MM's are Merc/Traps and Bot/FF/FM.

    Anything /SR should trash Incanate content with all that Defense....

    I think 1/2 of set bonuses affecting MM pets is fair but beta testing would need to be through.

    On inspirations 1/2 to 1/4 affecting pets when used by the MM sounds good. But no AT should be relying on inspirations to fix its problems.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    Okay, gonna remind the kind and gentle folk of Locker C18 that I know nothing about MMs. Still, from hearsay in the game (it is easiest to get a SOd MM to solo AVs and GMS) and the statement of the OP above (I'm great on some incarnate content but not ALL) I am unsure the archetype is in need of a buff. Would be me similar to complaining about my Invulnerability Brutes (Oh, on 97% content I get great performance, but I can struggle with End and Psi, so BUFF NE NOAHZ)
    But that's just it. My Scraper, VEAT and Cor are good on all the other content. their is always a approach or strategy I can use to do well with those characters. Its just the MMs that constantly under-perform. (in incarnate content)