Bronze Knight

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  1. I'd just like to welcome every one to our THIRD thread on this subject this week.
  2. Congratualtions on the compleation of another successful solar revolution!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    So far it comes across as people asking questions, the player base answering those questions, and then the official CoH person pokes there head in once in a while offering nothing new in terms of info.
    This is why I do not participate in these events. In order to get a straight answer out of the developers on anything in a social event like this, would require several hundred people asking the exact same question. Even then some random person comes in and asks about the next booster pack and that will be the one question they answer. Even if It is surrounded on each side by 50 questions about PVP.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
    (Plus I like hearing players views on whether they consider naming to be an issue and their thoughts on solving it.)

    Very well if you really want to know I have never had an issue naming a character. Well that's a little misleading I have issues coming up with a name to use however once I find a name it has never been taken.

    I'm a firm believer that the only solution to the naming "problem" should be creativity.
  5. Energy Blast and Dual pistols. Nice sets to play and watch.
  6. I am (unfortunately) human, we get hypocrisy as an inherent.
  7. Please take notes and post em here either way.

    Some of us can't use UStream's site and hate social networking on principle.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
    I am not sure what you are getting at. What is this solution you are speaking of?

    Doing nothing.
  9. You can have my knockback when you take it from my cold dead hands.

    Only you won't be able to.. You'll be on the other side of the map stuck in the wall geometry from my Nova/Force Bubble/M30 Grenade/Explosive Blast/Frag Grenade/Energy Torrent/Repulsion Field.

    Knockback is one of the coolest effects in the game not to mention great mitigation from incoming damage.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I am thinking the guy in the video has never chopped wood, used a claymore, a German Zweihänder, a great axe, or a maul. That is just to name a few weapons of that size. Sorry, but real history is full of weapons that size. Now, I can accept they were not used by people who are build like a 12 yo.
    To be fair we don't know how he forged it if it really is a solid metal sword it probably had some heft to it. However that is not how I would build a sword like that. Ideally with any large and long weapon you want the tip to be light and your handle heavy, so that when you swing it your handle and cross guard act as a fulcrum point and your tip accelerates faster than your handle providing greater striking power.

    Not to mention how kraptackular their "target" was.

    Suffice to say large weapons can be feasible. However where you are and what you're fighting plays a large part of how effective those weapons are.

    Also we are now done talking about "reality". At least until the US military comes out with a workable Ironman. We are talking about superheroes, in a videogame, it's just data being shifted around.

    The only thing we need to be concerned about is straying too far and turning it into a joke. The weapons themselves and the animations will play a large role in whether or not we cross over that boundary. A boundary which is heavily influenced by our personal opinions.

    I think it will be very interesting to see how this weapon set interacts with knock back, down, and up. As it well as mez effects.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    * Mender Lazarus - Time Manipulation as a super power? Been there... done that... bought the tee-shirt.

    * Back Alley Brawler - Wait a second here... I think I see a typo in your copy... yes, I'm sure it's a typo... this whole paragraph right here about Galaxy City... No, I am SURE it's a TYPO... just c'mere within reach of my hands and look a Little CLOSER...

    * Coyote - Downsized? Reorganization? WHAT reorganization?!

    These are really good Claw.

    Can I call you Claw?

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    To be fair, Shield is a far sillier set due to all Stalker secondary sets requiring Hide as the first power.

    Stalker primaries on the other hand can pretty much be anything you want.

    All they need to do is add the cardboard box and shrubbery shield's. Problem solved.
  13. Where is Sam?


  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dougnukem View Post

    .....Had to be done

    O man this is heavy.

    ....Had to be done.
  15. Can't remember off the top of my head but I know that info is in Master Z's guide.
  16. I would say daemons. The resists will stack nicely and it will mesh well thematically with /therm.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    Dmg proc is only worthwhile in assault bot and only after your dmg slotted enough to be held back by ED I'd share my build but it's purpled out in places, assumes Musc Alpha and has 2 of the most expensive HOs in it

    By all means share it.
  18. Bronze Knight


    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    I'm a little surprised they didn't just skip putting it on Test and kick it straight to live, honestly. As far as I know, it's basically "done".

    I think this coming Tuesday is extremely likely.


    My Bot/FF would like to have END every now and then...
  19. Meh its smashing damage the only other damage more resisted is lethal. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

    On top of that it would only have a chance to go off on the attacks with KB.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    You launch the updater and you have problems with it installing updates?


    I have problems with it not telling me what its downloading, or how big the file is.

    Once again not everyone has unlimited broadband.
  21. Quote:
    “Our hope is that a new player for the very first time that wants to try out City of Heroes is in the game within five minutes.” *
    *Provided they possess a fiber-optic T-1 cable and unlimited broadband.

    Once again games, or anything for that matter, downloading stuff without my consent on my computer is something I have an issue with.
  22. Well here is what I did. Ignore the other purple sets I was just messing around

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FlipS0ckeT View Post
    How about making the Medic's Stimulant power an AoE? I'm lucky if he can remember to cast it on 2 pets before the effects wear off the first. Even if they just kept the Stimulant AoE to the caster and only the pets he/she summons, it would be a great boost for Merc Masterminds.


    This is a CAPITAL IDEA! Simply CAPITAL! Make it so Devs!
  24. Mercs/Traps

    My attacks have NO redeemable quality's but I always take them. Even the END sucking M30. I just don't see the point in having no attacks its like turning yourself into another minion class pet. Your DPS can only go up.

    I think this is what I have slotted on live. Need to rebuild this toon. Just haven't felt like playing him lately.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Surgepoint View Post
    I was expecting it to be chock full of SPACE references.