Bronze Knight

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Anything that helps you keep cool or hot, depending on the weather.

    Dammit. I knew I should have asked for a picture reference.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    My point. This is the internet. And people on the internet are dumb
    1. Fixed
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    See, I would have figured it was because the current mid 30's crowd was also the group that included the young kids with the old NES.

    Pifft real kids played TG16.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    So to the knuckle-draggers comfortable clothing = promiscuous?

    GG I may be assuming your froum avatar to be a too literal defaniton of your self but please descibe what you consider "comfortable clothing".
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    You see...with us...time is can always set aside the TF to complete later

    There is a LONG line of game developers that thought that your ... kind ... was the most common one. Not just ones that worked on this game either.

    The reality is that the "I want every thing now/I want to accomplish something tonight." Crowd are FAR more common. People find death FUN in this game. It is quite possibly one of our best features.

    There are two kinds of relaxed people. The ones that would rather take things slow and steady and for a reward later. <this is you

    And the ones that would rather push the envalope and exceed their limits for a glorious team wipe, and then spend 5min dead while chating about how absoulty bad *** they looked when doing it.
  6. MMORPG mate.

    Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls.

    Also don't tell them that you are female. Problem solved.
  7. SOA's?


    TBH tho I would rather have more Targeted AOE sets, and Purple sets for the categorys that don't have them.
  8. Doc Buzzsaw: Ok I'm here now who do you want dead... Whats that? You have a brain tumor? That's not really my sepc... I mean yes of course I can remove it, just stand still for a moment...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    How does she put on her pants with feet that big?
    Temporary outline for Martialnetics

    CIVILIAN NAME was just starting to get back on her feet after the Rikti war. Literally in this case after her legs were crushed by falling debris she had to wait a long time for the reparations to come through so that she could get prosthetics.

    Life Insurance Company was being problematic giving the funds for prosthetics

    Out for a night of fun with a group of friends and got drunk

    Wondered into the wrong neighborhood and discovered a group of Freakshow ambushing a Crey transport with military cybernetics on-board.

    Her new prosthetic legs were crushed her friends were being tortured.

    Thrown violently against a box which broke open revealing a set of brand-new military grade cybernetic reverse joint legs

    Attached the feet but was painful (I.E. FMA Automail)

    Managed to the defeat the Freakshow and save her friends

    Was told she would have to return the legs unless she registered as a hero, not wanting to go through the hoops with the insurance company again and needing to pay off collage loans she became Martialnetics!

    Also Zippers.
  10. Bronze Knight

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The key word there is "leaked"

    Hate you so much.
  11. Bronze Knight

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    There was a leaked video of the hover board in action a few days ago - it looked good.
    Link plz.
  12. Bronze Knight

    Rocket Boards?

    By about 2 weeks I'm afraid.

    However I don't think I've seen any picks of it. Are there any?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    There is a lot of people that are going to grab Tough now.

    Expect a freespec with Issue 21 - there are soooo many changes that they have announced already that I can't imagine them not granting one.
    Or two.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    (removed unnecessary text resizing)

    You weren't, incidentally, wearing any back items? Wings, steampack, etc.?




    How the hell did they break the tailor with a bloody stability patch?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
    That new patch broke the Tailor. Now not only can you not zoom in on the lower half of your character (it just zooms to your top half), you can no longer zoom in to your face or torso when browsing through the options!

    Ok this is making it VERY difficult to make costumes.
  17. I got one yesterday.

    I used my backup email to create a fake FB account useing a fake name. (Did you know they won't let you use the name "John Doe"? What about all those people whose name really IS "John Doe"?) to get a code.

    Then I deactivated the accout and filled the comment box with profainty about how much I hate social networking and the human race in general.

    I feel so dirty.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starrball View Post
    My first reaction is...


    My second reaction is..

    OhdeargodIhopethatisbiggerthantheMatchCompensatora ndcompletelycolorcustomizable.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Of course, there's no possible way the participation system could be weighted for Thursdays.
    O maybe that just what they want us to think!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
    Not when trying to find a specific scan of an article.
    Ironic then that the Mass Effect scans were up within minuets.

    Also indicative of just how few people really play this game in comparison.
  21. FYI posting magazine scans on most other game forums is against the rules. I have not read the forum rules in the entierity but even if its not in their I would PM a mod and ask for permission before posting any scans.

    Think about it, the magazine got an exclusive they want that to entice people to buy it. If its made freely available to the very audience that wants that info then they don't get their money.

    Penetrating the bureaucracy indeed.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    So it's identical to the booster pack system then

    I can see how you got their but.... dammit your right?


    I'll finish this post and then go commit seppuku.

    Basicallywhat I was going to say was that the boosters only contained items that were posalbe with the current engine and not things we had been told were "imposable".

    However the Steampunk pack had backpacks in it and blows that theory out of the water. It is just... disappointing that the only way this game can support it self is by locking all the "good" stuff behind some kind of barrier. Be that Going Rouge, Money, or a Loyalty Program.

    But its mostly the money that bothers me the most when they set a precedent for giving us free stuff. and then used the faith that they bulit up with the free stuff to get us to buy the new "good" stuff.

    AlrightI'm done talking to myself now where did I put my katana...
  23. Curses why must my Google fu fail me now of all times! Maybe their not up yet.

    In any case this is very interesting news and indicative of what their willing to lock behind the paragon points.

    Want new tec/diffcult to ainamate costume parts? Give us teh moneys!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
    Amazingly enough, in spite of all the digging and blasting to reach stable soil needed for the foundations of all these tall buildings (possibly all the way down to bedrock!) no one ever noticed there was a trap laid underneath..."

    Say... maybe the Hami trap was in the form of a giant subterranean mushroom with psychedelic properties that caused everyone to hallucinate once the city builders uncovered it and they only *thought* they built a big city that was subsequently attacked by DE and the reality of the situation is that everyone is being slowly ingested by Hami and all of Praetoria is just a dream!

    I think every one here is seriously underestimatingPraetoria Hami.