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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
    Kinetic Melee.


    vvvPOWvvPOWvvvvPOWvvvvvv-oh, never mind, it's dead already. Moving on.
    This... Oh, so very THIS.
    'Happens to my Shade (KM Stalker) and Solace (KM Scrap) all the time.

    It happens to my Peacebringer a fair bit, too.

    *target dies via team-mate*
    ... Dammit. >_<

    (And, for the record, Mist tries not to be THAT Peacebringer. I only use the big stomp solo. XD)
  2. I'm a pretty avid Stalker player, myself, but I'd probably still take the Scrap under most circumstances... particularly if it was a PUG. There are just too many ways a "bad" Stalker player can end up putting a wrench in the gears, and, as has already been mentioned, all else being equal, the Scrap is apt to be tougher and harder-hitting. Those are both good things when the strength of the team as a whole is sort-of an unknown quanity.

    Now, that said, there *are* exceptions. If I know the Stalker's player is reasonably smart and good at playing that toon, and the Scrap is a stranger or run by someone I know is more of a wild-card... I'd take the Stalker every time. In spite of the differences in the base ATs, a GOOD Stalker is better than a bad or mediocre Scrap.

    On the other side of things, as a player I try very hard to be that Good Stalker. I know the way I play Kestrel and Shade isn't likely to change the larger game population's opinions on their AT, but I think it says at least a little something that as time goes on, I'm getting less and less of the "Can you bring Ash/Silver/Keiran instead?"-thing than I used to with them.
  3. I have the Alpha common or uncommons on all three of my lvl 50 Defenders, as well as my Nightwidow. Eventually, I'll have them on my Trick Arrow defender and Peacebringer, as well, and I might even go for it with my Sonic. (They're all three 47 currently, so it'll be awhile.)

    That said, due to the grind involved, I'm only purposefully going after the VRare for my two favorite toons... My blue-side and red-side mains. They're a tank (Palrah) and a very scrappery Stalker (Grey Kestrel). Suzume, the FF/Rad Defender that I tend to take on big multi-team raids, may well end up with the Rare or VRare at some point just because of the situations I play her in, but she's not a priority for it.

    That's completely a result of the way the system is designed and my own play-style preferences. I hate PUGing and speed-run TFs. I prefer to duo or trio.... If I could get those R and VR boosts without having to endlessly PUG and shard-grind, I'd probably go for it with the majority of my toons... but as it is? Those things just aren't much fun for me, so I'm not willing to go through it with more than once or twice.

    I think a lot of us are in that situation. We're only doing it (or doing it first-) on our special favorites, and not a lot of those are support types.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
    I got invited onto a STF team with my WP/SS tanker

    After the leader accepted the TF, they told me that there was no way my tank could survive the TF, but they'd allow the team to vote on whether I'd be kicked or not. Quit as fast as I could

    After quitting the TF, I sent the leader a tell to let them know the tank already had the Saved the World badge. Had obviously survived the TF. And that it was their damned loss

    Elitism is an ugly thing
    For what it's worth, with a half-way decent team behind you a WP tank is absolutely capable of handling the STF. Your leader was being a goof.

    I took my first run at main-tanking it last weekend with Palrah (my own WP/DB, who's off-tanked it a few times and has his Master Of-), and while facing off with Recluse was nerve-wracking for me, as a player, because I hadn't done it before, we didn't have any real trouble beating it as a team. 1:30 non-speed run, with very few deaths. It wasn't bad.

    The real thing about that, though, is having to have a solid team to begin with. A relatively-squishy WP tank running with a less experienced or balanced group would definitely feel any short-comings more than his tougher Stone cousin would.

    That's where the real difficulty is, I think. o_0
  5. Out on the 23rd, eh?

    Hee... I guess I get to build a lion for my birthday. ^_^
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Balanced View Post
    Worst of all, in my opinion, are panicky giant monsters. Deathsurge and Scrapyard are notorious in this regard; I've chased Scrapyard over half the island with a single lowbie corruptor. Even if running away is WAI for most mobs, giant monsters really ought to stand their ground more.
    Code Monkey and I had Jack-in-Irons do that to us the last time we duoed him. 'Big guy took about half his health then turned and ran for it... He somehow ended up climbing a tree and we had to chase him across half the forest via tree-tops to finish the fight. It was bizarre.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
    Fayte? What a strange name!
    Isn't it, though. XD
    That mission makes me grin every time I see it.

    "That's a really big door" makes me laugh, too. I just wish I could remember now which mission it was we were running when we came across that line... It was, IIRC, minion-chatter.
  8. My personal "problem child" is an Illusion/Kin Controller... It's not so much that the set combination is bad (in theory, it works just fine-), it's that playing him absolutely bores me to tears.

    I actually enjoy playing my "shield-bot" FF and Sonic defenders quite a lot, mostly because I DON'T find it mindlessly easy to keep everyone on a team shielded properly when they're bouncing off in seven different directions like a herd of hyperactive jack-rabbits. That controller, though? SB and Phantom Army might as well be the only powers the poor thing has. >_>
  9. Willpower works just fine on a PvE Stalker (says the player with three /WP stalkers at 50 and a fourth who just hit 45- )... although if you're used to the Scrap version you'll probably notice the absence of Rise when you're thick in the middle of things.

    I can't say much about the virtues of Electric vs. KinMelee, I'm afraid. One of my 50s is a KM, and she hits like a sack of bricks... I've been very pleased with the way Shade turned out... but I really don't have a good basis for comparison between her set and the other. Summer, my own Electric, is still a lowbie. He's only 25, and pretty limited in what he can handle at this point.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post
    What got his knickers in a twist?
    At a guess? Not enough people fell all over themselves to agree with him.
  11. My own PB (whose backstory has him doing the PPD-thing before taking up "free-lance Heroics") still really, really wants that sash the Awakened all wear as a costume piece, too.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Why is a video game so different?
    I won't even begin to try to answer for "players" in general, or even anyone other than myself, but I do still play for fun. I wouldn't spend so much time just flying around the Shadow Shard, looking at things if I was only interested in farming for rewards or leveling my alts...

    At the same time, I do have an interest in things like the abyssmal Incarnate Shard drop rate for solos. Why? Because I spend a fair bit of time soloing with toons that I *ALSO* enjoy taking on occasional Task Forces. A couple of which (With more to come, we've apparently been told-) are really only viable for characters with their Incarnate powers already slotted. Which requires shards. Which are notoriously hard to come by when you spend the bulk of your time soloing, even if you're having a great time.

    In other words, I care about rewards only to the extent that lacking them may get in my way. If I spend 90% of my time playing Kestrel or Quicksilver solo, for instance... and I do, since I really enjoy running both of those toons alone... I'd prefer that play-style preference not hamper my ability to join a Tin Mage or Apex or Whatever-Comes-Next TF the other 10% of the time.

    I pay attention to shard drop rates because I have to, not because I particularly want to.

    The same goes for XP, to a lesser extent... I can't really take a level 20 toon out to the Storm Palace to play with the elementals, so collecting XP and leveling them becomes a requirement. I have to keep track of what level the character is. I may still enjoy the heck out of the process, XP gain or not, but the reward is still a part of getting to the point of being able to do what I WANT to do.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Maybe it's just a virtue thing then. But I know I've seen fantasy styled Elves, Trolls, Ogres, Hobbits...ect...characters.
    I've seen a few on Liberty... along with what seemed to be faeries, knights, and other such. But (as someone who plays characters that could themselves, if judged on appearances only, be easily mistaken for Fantasy MMO refugees-), I do feel like I have to point out that not every City toon with cute pointy ears, a bow in its hands and a costume that's out-of-fashion by a couple of centuries is intended to represent an elf. Not everything with big, fluffy white wings and a sword is an angel.

    My own are Rularuu.

    But even if they are supposed to be elves and orcs... Why would it be a problem? It's not like those things haven't shown up time and again in the source material.

    Then again, I'm a life-long Doc Strange fan-girl, so my idea of what fits in a comic book world is probably a little off-the-wall.
  14. My main really isn't all that awesome when you get right down to it. Palrah gets the job done, but he's just a WP tank with a middle-of the-road IO set build, and a non-twitchy, non-gamer "old chick" at the controls... He's not the least bit scary.

    I still adore him, though. He's my favorite because he's such a cute, good-natured goofball... a total boy-scout. It has very little to do with how tough he is in a fight or what his numbers look like. ^_^
  15. Mine all buy and sell to some degree... Only one (my main/badge-monkey/crafter) is really dedicated to it.
  16. None of mine really have proper bios, per se... They tend to end up with long quotes or one-sided snippets of conversation that are more about the "voice" and the personality of the character than their history.

    Ke'khali (17 year-old DB/WP scrapper), for instance, talks about "texting her peeps" and busting invaiding Rikti heads because they made her drop her phone... Zhen'kei (TA/Archery defender, and something of a steampunk-esque gadgeteer) has her side of an argument with a Nemesis captain, on the subject of a doomsday weapon she built, but won't hand over, because she's convinced the Prussian Prince simply doesn't appreciate fine craftsmanship.

    Grey Kestrel (A rogue DB/WP stalker who works more or less exclusively for Scirocco, with an Adept companion she's both very fond of and highly protective about-) has my favorite of the lot. She's pretty much reading the riot act to some generic dim-wit of a hero who's mistaken her for one of Recluse's villains, and so made the monumental Bad Move of taking a shot at Cardinal (her afore-mentioned Adept partner). Something about an angry assassin lecturing some clueless cape, telling him to back off and "Stop trying so hard to make me kill you!" just makes me chuckle. It's... very Kestrel. XD
  17. Willpower here. All but one of my melee toons (the Peacebringer-) are Willpower of one sort or another...

    Part of it is simple familiarity. Like Dual Blade, it's simply the one set of its type that I know best. I know how it handles at various levels, the limits it can take and exactly what to expect. I'm also pretty good at assigning slots and picking enhancement sets for WP at this point. There's rarely any question of what to put where.

    The rest is just preference. I've tried a couple of other mixes, but there's always something about them I don't like... The way they play, the way they have to be enhanced, the way they're toggled, the gaps in defense... *Something* that gets in the way and makes me say, "You know, I really miss Rise and Heightened."
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Poisonfist1 View Post
    ROFL. Both of you got me thinking about not making a DB stalker. I don't think I'd like a DB stalker. I prefer those combos to do the same things the scrap I had did (I only got up to Attack Vitals). I think I'll try a brute and a scrap. I've been trying to find a brute that I'd like. Maybe DB can show me the way
    For what it's worth, slotting a Gambler IO in Hide and a bit of Recharge in your BU helps a lot if you're really into the all-combos-all-the-time style of dual blade play. You're still not going to be the monster a DB scrap can be, but it's not as dire a difference as all that. A decently equipped DB stalker can still make a mess of the place... You just start the dance a little differently.

    Two DB scraps and three DB stalkers later (Not to mention the two DB tanks... I'm sort-of a fan of the set. ), I'll agree absolutely that they aren't 100% identical in the way they handle... and if you aren't comfortable with the typically slower, more deliberate way stalkers play to begin with there's likely to be an additional learning curve involved for you (You'll find youself wishing for Typhoon. Often.)... But I'd still say there are a lot more similarities between the two ATs than differences.

    Once you're out of Hide, it's still all about being a digital Tazmanian Devil, after all. ^_^
  19. Pretty much everything Vernon Von Grun says in his arc dialogue makes me chuckle.
  20. I like it a lot on Scraps and Stalkers, as well as Tanks. FCM has been having a lot of fun lately with a DB Brute, too.
  21. Good choice. XD

    I have a KinMelee Stalker, Scrap and Tank and the Stalker is (by far-) my favorite of the three. PS is an interesting mechanic once you get the timing of it down, but I find I prefer the Stalker's more straight-foreward BU.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    Pff. The tank can get aggro and the alpha if he can beat me there. Dude has to earn it.
    That, right there, pretty much sums up why I stopped playing my tanks with large groups... PUGs in particular.

    There's just no point in bringing a tank along when other members of the team go into steam-roller mode and refuse to let them do what they were designed for. 'Might as well just bring a blaster or a scrap along instead with a group like that. You might actually get the chance to kill something that way.
  23. The "boob issue", as a friend of mine puts it, is just a comic book thing. It's as much a common feature of the visual style as spandex and capes, so I doubt it'll be going anywhere. (And yeah, as a chick I've always looked at female comics characters and pitied their backs. That's *got* to be painful. )

    I'm with you 100% on the hair, though. Most of the hair-styles in this game are absolutely atrocious... They're the weakest part of the costume system by far, in my opinion. (That spot used to be held by Tails, but those got a pretty good reworking when animated versions were released-) 'Thing is, though, male toons have it just as bad as female toons do.

    I've ended up reusing hair styles between some of my guys, just because there are so few tolerable options. I haven't quite hit that point yet with the gals. (And my toons are evenly divided between male and female as far as numbers go-)
  24. I don't have many "extras"... the Random Number Fairy seems to hate most of my toons, so even on TFs shards have been pretty hard to come by for them... but the few I do have left over are being saved for the next two slots.

    No way I'll ever end up with enough to make the bits right off when the Rare and VRare actually go live, but not having to start from absolute zero is still nice.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperFerret View Post
    So... I'm the only one who's planning on only having some of my characters become Incarnates?
    Nope. I'm only doing Incarnate stuff with a few of mine... and not all of those may advance beyond their Alpha commons. It'll just depend on what the other slots look like and rather I feel like the things they offer really suit any of my crew.

    I'm only looking at doing the entire process... all tens slots with all the bells and whistles... with one. Palrah, because he's my badge-collector and my favorite.

    Otherwise, I'm loving I19. Stamina at lowbie levels is a Very Good Thing, the transit system changes are love and in spite of Director Jerkface and his prox-bombs of doom (Which will probably forever stand between Pally and his Dodger badge-), Tin Mage is a heck of a lot of fun to play through.