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  1. Breog

    7 Purple Sets?

    For a Tanker?


    Might be another good... raw damage tanker.

    But really if your looking for big damage output and tankish, look at brutes.

    SS/FA/Pyre Brutes I have heard donig some very Mean and nasty things to people O_o
  2. My Main Tanker is a Elec/SS/Mu

    For Pure Tanking.. Mu vs Soul. Soul wins, due to its debuffing. However AoE capacity Mu will win. Not to mention Mu is more Themey with a Elec tanker then Soul.

    So I went Mu for theme.

    As to power Pools.. I am currently running.

    Combat Jumping




    The first 3 give you Def (CJ, Man, Weave) which Elec desperatly needs to become a beast. Along with Tough for Capping S/L with Cardiac t4.

    Hover is more of a utility power, along with being a mule power for another Luck of the Gambler Recharge.

    I suppose you could take medince.. but with proper recharge I dont see why you would want Medince heal vs what else you could have taken.
  3. As someone with a 10+ Billion Elec Tanker biuld, I'll throw my numbers out here.

    S/L 88.65%
    En 90% (128% something)
    Neg 57%
    Fire 68%
    Cold 68%
    Psi 71%
    Toxic 3% (bleh)

    * Had capped S/L res but I swapped out a power for one I liked the function on. Could very easyly swap back to the other power and cap S/L at no impact to the biuld.

    S/L 45.56%
    M 38%
    En/Neg 24.58%
    R 22.58%
    F/C 19.58%
    AoE 19.58%
    Psi 19.58%
    * Little foggy on the melee final number *

    As to whos the better tanker... Inv vs Elec. First of all, Elec doesn't compete with Inv until its packing some Influence investment. A 50 Inv vs 50 Elec with SOs, Inv wins hands down for raw tanking due to the Def. Elec becomes a beast once you soft cap the S/L Def. If your Looking for Top of the Line Tanker and not willing to put the cash into the biuld, you might as well play Inv. (*Style and Theme sidelined... Play what ever you want for fun/theme). Inv. will preform overall at higher levels then Elec will until you hit a certain level of IOing.

    From personal experiences in game.... I am going to have to say Elec wins out vs Inv. This is in general content vs basicly anything you throw at them. Inv will beat out Elec on certain types of encounters. Just like Elec will beat out Inv on others (LGTF Elec feels like Granite without the limitations).

    Over all my vote... Elec

    They both tank differently, and thats important to keep in mind when compareing them.
    So its not a difinitive answer in the slightest.

    A final note on tanking... I think its VERY important to remember that Mobs engageing a High end Elec tanker will not have End for very long. This is pretty huge when it comes to tanking. When enemies end up standing around due to no end, and taking basic brawl style swings at the tanker what you can "tank" sky rockets.
    This is something Inv Cannot replicate no matter how much you spend on the biuld, and its a big factor in tanking capacity vs groups. Not to mentioned drained enemies poss much less threat to the rest of the team.
    Granted.. Sapping is of limited us vs AVs and Monsters without help.

    On a Side Note:
    To Date in Tin Mage. 8 Runs and have not fallen
  4. Ok, More in game experince with this toon, plus useing some ideas from above etc.

    A new Refined biuld

    *I still kept my Range Def, dispite being primaryly in melee range on this biuld. That doesn't stop other things from trying to shoot me. Also Ambushes are a classic spot were Range Defense helps. Switching some things around I was also able to Soft-Cap my Energy Def. So this Dominator biuld soft caps the 3 most common damage types in the game (Sm, Le, En). With Range Def at 32.48%... Close enough to the sweet 32.5% for me. Neg Def also came out at a nice 31.85%.

    Global Recharge improved, 98.75%. Only slightly less then the above mod (102.75%) but without giving up the Range Def, and even improveing Range/other Defs.

    Mental Blast vs Subdue... the only place I have found Mental blast better then Subdue is while leveling up. Since Subdue isn't able to be selected until 26. But yes after that point Subdue is overall better to have in the biuld for a Imm power. (which works nicely with Telekinetic Thrust). Swapped out the slotting on Psionic Dart to Posinous Ray, since later down the road I do see what everone was saying about Dart being a pull power basicly.

    While leveling up Dart is valuable as a attack power however. So This is definitely a Respec into down the road biuld. My Current biuld is useing both mental blast and Psionic Dart sloted for attacks in the low levels. Exemplaring I won't be concearned with as when/if I need more attacks for what ever reason I will have a pocket of Temps at that point.

    Side note... It may seem like thiers a lack of Acc in some powers but this biuld (unintentionally) is packing 81% Global Accuracy... in order to get the other bonuses I wanted.

    50 Science Dominator
    Primary Power Set: Electric Control
    Secondary Power Set: Psionic Assault
    Power Pools: Leaping
    Power Pools: Fighting
    Power Pools: Speed
    Power Pools: Leadership
    Patron Power: Mace Mastery
    Alpha: Spiritual

    1 - Tesla Cage OOOOOO
    * Basilisk's Gaze (Acc/Hold, End/Rech/Hold, Acc/End/Rech/Hold, Rech/Hold)
    * IO Damage* x2

    1 - Psionic Dart O
    * IO Range

    2 - Mind Probe OOOOO
    * Crushing Impact (Not Acc/dam)
    4 - Telekinetic Thrust OOOO
    * Kinetic Combat (Not Proc)

    6 - Jolting Chains O
    * Devastation (chance for Hold)

    8 - Conductive Aura OOO
    * Preformancer Shifter (EndMod/Acc, EndMod, EndMod/Rech)

    10 - Combat Jumping O
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global)

    12 - Static Field OOOOO
    * Fortunata Hypnosis (Not Proc)

    14 - Boxing O
    * IO Accuracy

    16 - Tough O
    * Steadfast Protection (Res/Def)

    18 - Manuver OOOO
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global, Def/End, Def, Def/End/Rech)

    20 - Drain Psyche OOOOO
    * Touch of Nictus (Heal, Heal/Rech, Heal/Acc)
    * Efficency Adaptor (EndMod/Rech)
    * Preformancer Shifter (EndMod/Rech)

    22 - Weave OOOO
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global, Def/End, Def, Def/End/Rech)

    24 - Paralyzing Blast OOOO
    *Basilisk's Gaze (Acc/Hold, End/Rech/Hold, Acc/End/Rech/Hold, Acc/Rech)

    26 - Subdue OOOO
    * Thunderstrike (Dam/Rech/End, Acc/Dam/End, Dam/Rech, Dam/End)

    28 - Synaptic Overload OOOOOO
    * Coercive Persuasion*

    30 - Hasten OOO
    * IO Recharge x3

    32 - Gremlins OOOOOO
    * Expedient Reinforcement

    35 - Chain Fenses OOOOOO
    * Enfeebled Operation

    38 - Psychic Shockwave OOOOOO
    * Obliteration

    41 - Scorpion Shield OOOO
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global, Def/End, Def, Def/End/Rech)

    44 - Poisonous Ray OOOO
    * Thunderstrike (Dam/Rech/End, Acc/Dam/End, Dam/Rech, Dam/End)

    47 - Summon Tarantula OOOOOO
    * Expedient Reinforcement

    49 - Personal Force Field O
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global)

    Health O
    * IO Heal

    Stamina O
    * IO EndMod
  5. Seems reasonable asumption based on how the recharge works. I can hope it doesn't work that but for now I pplan on that it does... if I feel like wasting an enchacment Might toss one in to see how it works. (unless someone else comes along and can confirm how it works)
  6. Know if the Heal Proc will work? Or will it try to heal the pseudo pet?

    I definitley see the value of adding damage procs since they work. (and Hold).
  7. Having finaly got a chance to mess around with Jolting Chains, I see that its damage isn't anything to right home about, but its knockdown is very nice.

    This got me thinking about slotting options... procs seem like a good canidate here. But I have read/heared that Jolting Chains has some quarks with certain procs.

    Can Jolting Chains proc off each hit? or is it only the first hit that can proc? And if it can/can;'t does it matter what type of Proc you use.
  8. Quote:
    you can spend a billion on a build
    Not to sound like a dink here but... 1 Billion on a Biuld really isn't all that much. Even simple sets like Obliterations or Positrons blast can cost you a good 200 mil + for 1 power sloted with them.

    Fire Tanker alone could slot 3 full sets of Obliteration without touching thier secondary. ( 600 mil ish already thier).

    My Fire/Ice/En Tanker had 4 Sets of Obliteration. Back when I used to play him I ran a ITF, packing only 35% S/L Def and dont recall having any issues. This was well before Incarnate.

    I would add that I feel Fire above any other tanker set is biuld around the use of healing flames. Make sure its sloted well for heals and up often and use it.
  9. Breog

    Ice/Fire tank

    Unless Im off, with just FA, GA, and Weaves Def slotted and tossing CJ + Man with basic Gambler mule... your already at 40% Def... Throw in a steadfast and your 2% away from soft cap.

    So really... biulding for Defense on a Ice Tanker is EASY.

    So as far as IO slotting goes... its VERY open to what ever you want. As opposed to many biulds that need certain slotting.

    I'll see what I can come up with quickly for a cheap biuld.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    I'm not sure that's disagreeing. When I said WP was usually ranked 3rd/4th, I didn't go into detail; but usually the ranking I recall is Granite, then Inv, then WP or Elec or Dark or perhaps Shield, depending on the poster. If your post could be interpreted to mean you rank Dark and Elec third, there's room for you to put WP in 4th place and be in rough agreement with me.
    Ok semi-disagree then I put SD and WP fighting over 5th.

    I'll mention that Inv has some utility tools as well, albeit ones we are so familiar with we may no longer think of them that way. There's the to-hot bonus in Invincibility; there's several debiff resistances, including the third-best defense debuff resist in the game, giving the set's defense solid protection, and significant end drain protection. Then there's Dull Pain...a huge heal (admittedly on a long recharge) and monster hit point buff.
    Argee, I didn't mean to make ti sound like INV was completely lacking tools. But when compared to Dark/Elec they clearly have more oddity tools at thier disposal.

    Also, I hardly ever notice the "psi hole" affecting the outcome, unless I'm taking the alpha of the Clock King or multiple Carnie bosses.
    Carnies, Archnos, are both really really annoying with a Psi hole (sounds like Pie hole lol)


    No question the sets you mention are strong; in fact, any Tanker set can be made quite hardly with a skillful build.
    Very true a 10 million biuld on a INV tanker has no chance to compete with a 12 billion biuld on a Fire Tanker for surviablity.

    I'll suggest trying out a defense-oriented IO build (if you're into numbers you can make it in Mid's and review it without spending a penny) on your existing Willpower Tanker; you might be pleasantly surprised.
    Thats a good idea, I'm sure to if you post up what you currently have for a biuld people could make suggestions on it as well.
  11. INV/DM/Soul

    They will never kill you LOL.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post

    Off the top of my head, I'd rank only Invulnerability and Stone (in Granite) as tougher than Willpower, and Inv only by a nose. Are you using Invention sets? Do you want to use them?
    Im going to have to disagree with this statment.

    The 4 Toughest Tanker sets (in my view) are Stone, Inv, Dark, and Elec.

    Flat out Granite is no contest for the most part.

    Inv, Dark, and Elec each excell in different ways of tanking. Dark and Elec while not packing the massive biuld in Def of Inv each have much more utility and tools to work with then Inv and in most cases have superior Res (save for S/L... but Elec is VERY VERY close behind Inv even on that and I mighyt add that Nether Elec or Dark have the huge Psi hole that Inv has).

    This is not to say the other sets are crap, just if we are speaking strickly "tough" these 4 sets are above the other sets.

    Thiers my 2 Influence Promotion of Elec Tankers
  13. It has to due with Rage being Doubled or even Triple Stacked. Footstomp ends up hitting.. hard... VERY HARD.
  14. A Def set thats got some sturdyness to it.

    SD/DM sounds like it might fit your bill
  15. Tells us exzactly what your looking for...

    If your just looking for a team friendly tank, thats a bit tougher thiers literaly 1001 combos out thier that will give you that. We need a few moore details to help with this one
  16. Breog

    Is it just me...

    Originally Posted by Chuckles07 View Post
    Tankers as babysitters are obsolete, that doesnt mean the archtype is obsolete, just a playstyle.


    The Old Babysitter style of I0 etc is definitely gone. Just like the holy Trinity is gone (was it ever really here in CoX?? other then in players minds).

    Tankers definitely still have a role that other ATs dont fill as well as tankers do.
  17. Standard Tanker Pools of Choice I find... (these will very with other players)

    Fighting -
    Boxing (Mule slot normaly)
    Tough (slot it... love it... use it)
    Weave (The biggest source of DEF outside a DEF based Tanker set)

    Leaping -
    Combat Jumping (cheap place for some extra DEF, better manuverability thanks to jumping, and of course a mule slot for Luck of the Gambler Global Recharge).

    Leadership -
    Manuver (again.. more DEF... did I mention you need DEF? Again yet another mule slot for Luck of Gambler Global Recharge and more added DEF, plus this one helps your teammates)

    Flight -
    Hover ( I take this generaly for a couple of reason... 1 its yet another mule slot for Luck of Gambler. Notice with the above powers you now can slot 4 Luck of the Gambler Rechargers. Its also VERY handy to have a permeant flight power to use here and thier. The extra DEF it has can be handy here and thier for soft capping. I generaly dont use it for DEF but thier have been a time or 2 were I have clicked it on just for that purpose).

    Of course Speed is another loved Pool for hasten, and Stone tankers love thier Teleport.
  18. Its not a gimiky mission full of Toxic damage or some other odd thing like that is it?

    I'll give it a shot when I get a chance

    Have already done a few AE missions at full 54/x8 for fun so this could be interesting
  19. Wonder how other MM blasters slot this power, seems like it got potential for a lot of different styles of slotting.
  20. I thought Grant Cover didn't do anything for your character? If it does add DDR thats certainly a power I need to pick up. Vengence probley would be the most likly thing to drop in that case.

    As to accuracy.... I hate Missing. Unless Im really confused about whats going on game side (Acc does help trumph DEF correct?). Also I noticed Global Accuarcy/Tohit buff seems to work on Sands of Mu.

    Some of the slotting was a.. accident on the Acc in them. Due to some franken slotting.

    On the Mids note...

    Seems every time I get around one of the errors mids gives me, I get a new one. But I'll give the suggestions here a try again. Mids would be nice to work on biulds, long hand works but its infinitly more time consuming
  21. Breog

    Elec/DM Viable?


    Thats a frightening combo O_o

    I might have to give that a try... not that I need another tanker LOL.

    But surviablity wise, that should be one rather mean and sturdy tank.

    I like it
  22. Looking for some general feedback on this. Its not an end biuld, or expensive. I was trying to go for light budget biuld. HOs in Active Defense are definitely on the upgrade list.

    I lack Mids (it hates my computer) so this is done long hand. If my math was correct I'm a smiget over soft cap to all 3 positional DEFs. Global Recharge is not as high as I was hoping, but really pushing up recharge gets rather exspensive As you all know. again if Math is correct Hasten is Not Perma (with Alpha) but close.

    50 Natural Scrapper
    Primary Power Set: Dark Melee
    Secondary Power Set: Shield Defense
    Power Pools: Leaping
    Power Pools: Fighting
    Power Pools: Leadership
    Power Pools: Speed
    Patron Power: Body Mastery
    Alpha: Spiritual

    1 - Smite OOOOOO
    * Mako's Bite (All)

    1 - Deflection OOOOOO
    * IO Defense
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def, Def/End)
    * Aegis (Res, Res/End, Res/Rech)

    2 - Battle Agility OOOO
    * Gift of the Ancients (Def/End/Rech, Def/End)
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def/Recharge, Def)

    4 - True Grit OOOOOO
    * Numina's (Heal, Heal/Rech, Heal/End)
    * Aegis (Res, Res/End, Res/Rech)

    6 - Boxing O
    * IO Accuracy

    8 - Siphon Life OOOOOO
    * Touch of Nictus (Acc/End/Heal, Rech/Heal, Heal)
    * Crushing Impact (Dam/Acc/Rech)
    * Mako's Bite (Dam/Acc/Rech/End)
    * Focus Smite (Dam/Acc/Rech)

    10 - Active Defense OOO
    * IO Recharge x3

    12 - Combat Jumping O
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def/Recharge)
    - Recharge 7.5%

    14 - Tough OOOOO
    * Aegis ( Res/End, Res/Rech, Res/End/Rech, Res, End/Rech)

    16 - Against All Odds O
    * IO End Reduction

    18 - Dark Consumption OOOO
    * Preformancer Shifter (EndMod/Rech, Rech/Acc/EndMod, Acc/Rech)
    * Efficency Adaptor (Rech/Acc/EndMod)

    20 - Phalanx Fighting O
    * Kismet (ToHitBuff)

    22 - Weave OOOO
    * Gift of the Ancients (Def/End/Rech, Def/End)
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def/Recharge, Def)

    24 - Manuver OOOO
    * Gift of the Ancients (Def/End/Rech, Def/End)
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def/Recharge, Def)

    26 - Soul Drain OOOOOO
    * Obliteration (All)

    28 - Tactics OOOOOO
    * Gaussian's (All)

    30 - Hasten OOO
    * IO Recharge x3

    32 - Midnight Grasp OOOOOO
    * Mako's Bite (All)

    35 - Shield Charge OOOOOO
    * Obliteration (All)

    38 - One with the Shield O
    * Steadfast Protection (Res/Def)

    41 - Conserve Power O
    * IO Recharge

    44 - Physical Prefection OOOO
    * Efficency Adaptor (EndMod, EndMod/Rech)
    * Numina's Con (Reg/Rec, Heal)

    47 - Vengence O
    * Luck of the Gambler (Def/Recharge)

    49 - Super Leap O
    * Winters Gift (Slow Res)

    2 - Stamina OOOO
    * Preformancer Shifter (Chance for End, EndMod, EndMod/End, EndMod/Acc)

    2 - Health OO
    * Miracle (Rec, Heal)