7 Purple Sets?




I am trying to build a high dame Will/SS/Mu tank. I looked through the tank forums for the last year, no Will/SS Damage build. It is a very unpopular build to solo Pylons with I guess lol. But I have a desire to do it (not solo pylons, but get a big damage build), so I will.

I was thinking of throwing 6-7 Purple sets into it, then just cramming w/e else I can to finish it out. The thinking is 5 sets @ 5 for the Rech bonuses (Grav Anchor, Hecatomb, Armageddon, Absolute Amazement, Ragnarok), then 2 sets w/ diff bonuses @ 4 (Apocalypse, Soulbound Allegiance), for the global damage bonus. I am not worried about the cost, but am not sure that is the most efficient way to get to my goal.

Any thoughts?



The rule of 5's for set bonuses is important to remember. You can't have more than 5 of the same bonus.

I think you have made many threads about this and you are trying too hard to find something that doesn't exist. If you want to do damage, aim for 32.5% defenses and put the rest of your set bonuses into recharge. If you can reach perma-Hasten (or close to it), you will have enough recharge to run a decent attack chain, but you will NEVER out-DPS Scrappers or Brutes. The base values on Tankers' attacks are lower because Tankers have higher base survivability values.

Edit: I just read your post in your other thread.

Chasing damage bonuses from sets is futile effort. You can gain 3-4% here and there, but it will not make a noticeable difference because of the attack mechanics. Damage bonuses add to each other, and your enhancement values.

Let's say you have an attack enhanced to 95% damage bonus and have Rage double-stacked for 160% more damage bonus. Your 100 damage attack now does 355 damage.

Now let's say you add 30% damage bonus from sets. That is a lot to get and would severely impact your survivability. Your 100 damage attack would then do 385 damage, or 7.8% more damage.

If you really want to do damage with a Tanker just get a Kinetics person to keep you buffed. You can try for your build but I think you would get more satisfaction from making a Scrapper survivable than making a Tanker do DPS.



Theres no reason a solo tank cannot be high damage. That said you need to let the design goal dictate the set choices. Something like Willpower or Invuln puts you at a severe disadvantage from the outset.
If you want damage first last and always one of the other ATs might indeed be a better choice.

Taking It On the Chin I-16 Tanker Guide
Repeat Offenders



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Any thoughts?

Make it a fire/fire/soul tank.

Maybe a elec/fire/soul if you want to be a tad more durable and less dependent on insane recharge for survival.



For a Tanker?


Might be another good... raw damage tanker.

But really if your looking for big damage output and tankish, look at brutes.

SS/FA/Pyre Brutes I have heard donig some very Mean and nasty things to people O_o

Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu



Nothing wrong with a high purpled out tanker build for solo purposes..that's why they gave us 3 builds for...infact my fire tanks first build is a purpled out tank and I run him solo in that build and love every mi ute f it!..I say go for it!



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
Nothing wrong with a high purpled out tanker build for solo purposes..that's why they gave us 3 builds for...infact my fire tanks first build is a purpled out tank and I run him solo in that build and love every mi ute f it!..I say go for it!
Yeah. I have set up a lot of chains on this topic. Keep trying to focus into the point. Keep getting off target slightly. Like this thread. Has gone into the "do not try that on a Will/SS tank." Which is good advice. Except. The thing is I have been running this guy on a softcapped build for the last month. Exclusively. He is the only character I plan to run in 2011. Building a nice hoard of shards for i20 too. So this build is for 2 main purposes. 1)Ouroboros and other solo work 2) Being the eighth tank on a team (Tanker Tuesdays) Basically anytime survivability really isnt a question. Depending if I can find the right farm, I might also run the build in AE to make a tidy profit. I will throw together my purple'd build for critique. I am really horrible at I/O sets, which is why I am asking for the help. I wish there were more Purp and PvP type stuff so that doing a good I/O build did not take days of research. Putting together a good build is as tough as prepping for a calculus exam, at least for me.



my 2nd build is a team build where my fire tank is soft cappped so i know how your feeling. but nothing beats a purpled out build just for the pure solo wreckage!



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Yeah. I have set up a lot of chains on this topic. Keep trying to focus into the point. Keep getting off target slightly. Like this thread. Has gone into the "do not try that on a Will/SS tank." Which is good advice. Except. The thing is I have been running this guy on a softcapped build for the last month. Exclusively. He is the only character I plan to run in 2011. Building a nice hoard of shards for i20 too. So this build is for 2 main purposes. 1)Ouroboros and other solo work 2) Being the eighth tank on a team (Tanker Tuesdays) Basically anytime survivability really isnt a question. Depending if I can find the right farm, I might also run the build in AE to make a tidy profit. I will throw together my purple'd build for critique. I am really horrible at I/O sets, which is why I am asking for the help. I wish there were more Purp and PvP type stuff so that doing a good I/O build did not take days of research. Putting together a good build is as tough as prepping for a calculus exam, at least for me.
I think Syntax pretty much hit it on the head. Building for set damage bonuses is pretty futile, and your not going to out DPS Scrappers or Brutes. You can still do good DPS though. I don't have a WP/SS, but I do have a INV/SS which I have solo'd about 10 AV's with. I don't have any purple sets in that build either. I've slotted them on other toons before that I have, and other than recharge, I didn't really notice any other difference. If there worth it to you though, then go for them.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Yeah. I have set up a lot of chains on this topic. Keep trying to focus into the point. Keep getting off target slightly. Like this thread. Has gone into the "do not try that on a Will/SS tank." Which is good advice. Except. The thing is I have been running this guy on a softcapped build for the last month. Exclusively. He is the only character I plan to run in 2011.

Aha! So this is a concept build that you really like. Good for you!

I have also decided to trim my stable down to only two main characters, and run all the way through the Incarnate stuff with them first.

Building a nice hoard of shards for i20 too. So this build is for 2 main purposes. 1)Ouroboros and other solo work 2) Being the eighth tank on a team (Tanker Tuesdays) Basically anytime survivability really isnt a question. Depending if I can find the right farm, I might also run the build in AE to make a tidy profit.

If you are of a mind, it is not terribly difficult to make a decent S/L based map in AE for yourself. The worst thing is the debuff baked into just about every smash/lethal powerset.

I will throw together my purple'd build for critique. I am really horrible at I/O sets, which is why I am asking for the help. I wish there were more Purp and PvP type stuff so that doing a good I/O build did not take days of research. Putting together a good build is as tough as prepping for a calculus exam, at least for me.
But....but math is hard!

So, I suspect your goals are gonna be as much footstomp and KoB as you can squeeze in. With enough recharge, footstomp IS your armor, as things can't hurt you from the ground. KoB as fast as it is possible to cycle takes care of bosses jiffy-quick, and the hold is reeeaaallly nice as well.

Open up Mids. At the top, click on the 'Window' tab. Go down to the 'Set Bonus Finder' option. In the Set Bonus window, choose 'Enhancement(Recharge Time)'.

In pretty much EVERY power, there is a set that will add in global recharge time. If you pick your sets such that you get some recharge bonus, no matter how small, you will wind up where you want to be. (Don't get tunnel vision though, you can't neglect the inherent boosts as well.)

The only exceptions are footstomp and knock out blow: Those get recharge/acc/dam/end reduction. (Purple sets and a couple of procs.) On a fast enough build, even a willpower can have trouble keeping those two monsters fed so don't skimp too much on end in those two powers at least.

Have fun! I have seen max-recharge footstomp tanks with double rage doing some pretty amazing things.



Thanks for the encouragement guys. Currently I am using a tier 4 Cardiac Core Paragon, so hopefully that will keep the beast fed. Was thinking about going to a +dam, or +rech Alpha on the damage build, but having realized what a shard black hole i20 is going to be I will probably just stay with Cardiac on both builds for a few months.

Just tried to plot this guy in Mids, sigh. 1/2 hour, hardly got anything done. In my mind I can see it, but I know I have to plan it out careful or I will be off a slot. I will try to work on it more this week. Really wanted it done before i20. I have a free respec I want to use up on the build I leveled him up on,l still S/O'd.



Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
but you will NEVER out-DPS Scrappers or Brutes.
Actually, yes you can. Looking at the Rikti Pylon thread, there were 50 some scrappers who posted with DPS lower than my Fire/SS tank. (Who isn't built for ST DPS) So its very possible to out DPS certain sets.

As for the OP, if you are looking for max DPS, its not so much about how many purples you have, its how about how your build comes together, how many procs it has and how it manages to blend survivability, sustainability (end) and a fluid high damage attack chain out.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
Actually, yes you can. Looking at the Rikti Pylon thread, there were 50 some scrappers who posted with DPS lower than my Fire/SS tank. (Who isn't built for ST DPS) So its very possible to out DPS certain sets.

As for the OP, if you are looking for max DPS, its not so much about how many purples you have, its how about how your build comes together, how many procs it has and how it manages to blend survivability, sustainability (end) and a fluid high damage attack chain out.
The thread is specifically talking about WP/SS, not Fire/SS or other specific combos that can out DPS Scrappers/Brutes.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
Actually, yes you can. Looking at the Rikti Pylon thread, there were 50 some scrappers who posted with DPS lower than my Fire/SS tank. (Who isn't built for ST DPS) So its very possible to out DPS certain sets.
Those Scrappers probably had low-end builds or didn't optimize for damage. Given equal budgets, a Scrapper build will out-DPS a Tanker build with minimal effort if it is focused on DPS. The differences lie in how much effort a Scrapper has to spend to achieve the same level of survivability as the Tanker. Some Scrapper power sets require giving up a lot of DPS to come close to Tanker survivability.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
Actually, yes you can. Looking at the Rikti Pylon thread, there were 50 some scrappers who posted with DPS lower than my Fire/SS tank. (Who isn't built for ST DPS) So its very possible to out DPS certain sets.
But a SS/FA Brute or ?/FA/fire Scrapper will majorly out dps your FA/SS Tanker. Granted SS helps a ton with damage as you have 160% damage bonus, but what this guy is looking for is like saying how do I make a High Dps Defender.

You want a High Damage tank roll a Brute.

While I'm not trying to tell you how to play but I can make a Squisy Toon like a corrupter almost as tanky as a tanker(except for some situations of course) but you really cant make a low dps toon into a dps machine.
Well maybe if you have a personal Kinetics Defender following you around.



Okay, before we go too far off topic. I know this guy will never compete with a similarly budgeted and well put together Scrapper, or Brute, or Blapper. Very good points have been made by everyone that has posted so far. But again, this is an optional build (the main soft cap def tanky build is already in place) that I will be using on a limited basis, when survivability is not a problem, and I want to go from low 4WD into high 4WD. I understand I will never make this particular build 2WD, and definitely not a street racer. It's just once in a while I want to go above 30 mph. Addendum: I am limiting myself to doing that on this toon instead of alting to a better archtype/powerset choice because I have decided to only run this toon for 2011.

I tried with Mids. I am really horrible with it. For some reason my last power pick Summon Mu would only allow me to slot 2 Enh, when I know there is 3 at 50. And therefore that set is 3/6, should be 4/6.

Begin the destruction and rebuilding lol, and thx.

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.92

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 50 Magic Tanker
Primary Power Set: Willpower
Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Leaping
Ancillary Pool: Mu Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: High Pain Tolerance -- RgnTis-Regen+(A), Mrcl-Rcvry+(15)
Level 1: Jab -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(3), Mako-Dmg/Rchg(3), Mako-Dam%(5), Zinger-Dam%(5), T'Death-Dam%(7)
Level 2: Mind Over Body -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(15)
Level 4: Fast Healing -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(A), Numna-Heal(7), Panac-Heal/+End(27), Panac-Heal(27)
Level 6: Indomitable Will -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(13)
Level 8: Haymaker -- ExStrk-Dmg/KB(A), ExStrk-Dam%(9), Mako-Dam%(9), Mako-Acc/Dmg(11), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(11), Mako-Dmg/Rchg(36)
Level 10: Rise to the Challenge -- DefEgo-ToHitDeb/Rchg(A), DefEgo-RecDeb%(17), DefEgo-ToHitDeb(33)
Level 12: Quick Recovery -- P'Shift-End%(A), P'Shift-EndMod(13), EndMod-I(43), EndMod-I(43)
Level 14: Kick -- ExStrk-Dam%(A), FrcFbk-Dmg/KB(36)
Level 16: Tough -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/EndRdx(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(17), S'fstPrt-ResKB(36), EndRdx-I(37)
Level 18: Heightened Senses -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 20: Knockout Blow -- Hectmb-Dmg(A), Hectmb-Dmg/Rchg(21), Hectmb-Acc/Rchg(21), Hectmb-Dmg/EndRdx(23), Hectmb-Dam%(23), NrncSD-Dam%(25)
Level 22: Weave -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-EndRdx(25), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(29), RedFtn-Def(33)
Level 24: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 26: Resurgence -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 28: Rage -- GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(A), GSFC-Build%(29), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(34), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(34), GSFC-ToHit(34)
Level 30: Hand Clap -- Amaze-Stun(A), Amaze-Acc/Stun/Rchg(31), Amaze-Acc/Rchg(31), Amaze-EndRdx/Stun(31), Amaze-ToHitDeb%(33)
Level 32: Strength of Will -- GA-3defTpProc(A)
Level 35: Hurl -- Dev'n-Hold%(A), ExStrk-Dam%(37), ExStrk-Dmg/KB(37), Dev'n-Dmg/EndRdx(42), Dev'n-Acc/Dmg(43), Dev'n-Dmg/Rchg(46)
Level 38: Foot Stomp -- Armgdn-Dmg(A), Armgdn-Dmg/Rchg(39), Armgdn-Acc/Rchg(39), Armgdn-Dmg/EndRdx(39), Armgdn-Dam%(40), Zinger-Dam%(40)
Level 41: Mu Lightning -- Apoc-Dmg/Rchg(A), Apoc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(42), Apoc-Dmg/EndRdx(42), Apoc-Dam%(46)
Level 44: Electrifying Fences -- GravAnch-Immob(A), GravAnch-Immob/Rchg(45), GravAnch-Acc/Rchg(45), GravAnch-Immob/EndRdx(45), GravAnch-Hold%(46)
Level 47: Ball Lightning -- Ragnrk-Dmg(A), Ragnrk-Dmg/Rchg(48), Ragnrk-Acc/Rchg(48), Ragnrk-Dmg/EndRdx(48), Ragnrk-Knock%(50)
Level 49: Summon Striker -- S'bndAl-Dmg/Rchg(A), S'bndAl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(50), S'bndAl-Dmg/EndRdx(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(19), Heal-I(40)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(19)



The biggest problem I see right away is that you don't have Hasten. Without it, you won't be able to use your high DPA (damage per activation time) attacks. The key to doing high damage on any character is NOT damage bonuses. Instead, it is recharge bonuses so you can use your best attacks more often. The other advantage of high global recharge would be the ability to double-stack Rage all the time. At a whopping 80% damage bonus per application of Rage, it makes your 22% bonus from sets pathetic. Read my post above again to see why set damage bonuses have minimal impact on a build.

KO Blow is your best attack in terms of DPA. Gloom from Soul Mastery is equal DPA to KO Blow. Those are the two essential attacks you should have if you want to make a DPS chain.

I'm pretty sure the best attack chain for a SS/WP Tanker would be Jab -> Gloom -> Haymaker -> KO Blow -> Gloom -> Haymaker (can replace Haymaker with AoEs if desired). Your 22% damage bonus and low global recharge would pale in comparison to someone running that attack chain with double-stacked Rage, even with minimal or no damage bonus from sets. If you can't understand why attack chains are much better than obtaining damage bonus from sets, try asking in the Scrapper forums. Maybe someone there can show you some math.

Doing that attack chain would require a lot of recharge bonus in both Gloom and KO Blow. You can calculate the required recharge times for each power by dividing the base recharge by the total shortest Arcanatime animation times between uses of a power. For example, Gloom gets used twice, but the shortest recharge time required is while Haymaker and Jab are animating. Remember that a power does not start recharging until it is finished animating. The Arcanatime (Mids' can be set to display this in the options) for Haymaker is 1.716 seconds and Jab's is 1.32 seconds. So, Gloom's base recharge (12s) divided by the shortest total Arcanatime animation time between uses (3.036s) is 395.3% required recharge. Every power has a base of 100% recharge and can be enhanced by 95% or so with enhancements. That leaves 195% global recharge to obtain through set bonuses and Hasten.

Your "missing" level 50 slot is in Ball Lightning. Turn on slot levels to see it.



Thanks Syntax. That actually makes complete sense without seeing the formulas. I will drop in hasten, and reconfigure the build without going for global damage bonuses unless they fall into my lap. Putting all my efforts into Recharge, ensuring that the attacks that are my bread and butter are all at or very very near ED, and then taking the rest of the build and making it as tanky as I can with what I have left. I really enjoy all the Procs I am planning for him, especially all the ones in jab. Between that and brusing it will be a fun little power to watch.

The one reason I went with Mu instead of Soul is I figure I will be doing far more AoE work with this build than ST. The two times I really want to show it off are when I am with 7 other tanks (so huge spawns) or when I am grinding AE for cash. When I am running arcs with EBs in them it would be better to have Soul Mastery and Gloom (Use it on a brute I have), but it still will be no problem on this build. I currently take them on with the softcap build, which is not a very heavy hitter, without any effort really. I normally do not like pets, but even though I am reconsidering that choice it seems like it could increase damage output significantly.



Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
The thread is specifically talking about WP/SS, not Fire/SS or other specific combos that can out DPS Scrappers/Brutes.
Right, I was just correcting a blanket statement about tanks and always being outclassed in damage. Luckily, I also mentioned that rather than throwing purples at a build (7 Sets) in this case a WP/SS he'd be better off mixing survivability with a fluid high DPS attack chain. More recharge is not always better when you sacrifice other things to get it. Once you find your best attack chain, you figure out how much recharge you need and build around it.

Those Scrappers probably had low-end builds or didn't optimize for damage. Given equal budgets, a Scrapper build will out-DPS a Tanker build with minimal effort if it is focused on DPS. The differences lie in how much effort a Scrapper has to spend to achieve the same level of survivability as the Tanker. Some Scrapper power sets require giving up a lot of DPS to come close to Tanker survivability.
You said "NEVER out DPS" that's simply not true. I was correcting that statement. I didn't build my tank for ST DPS at all (no gloom, only proc is in KoB, messy chain of Jab/haymaker/KoB and burn) , yet 50 other scrappers who were trying to solo a pylon ended up with slower times. It isn't about what "my tank" can do, its just stating that tanks don't automatically fall behind everyone else. I don't really care about the magical world where everyone has every IO they need and build for the sole purpose of maxing out their ST DPS. Dismissing tanks as low damage that will always fall behind other AT's is just blatantly false, as proven by the people who took the time to level the builds, IO them out, and post times of what they did.

But a SS/FA Brute or ?/FA/fire Scrapper will majorly out dps your FA/SS Tanker.
That's great and all, really. Again in the land where everyone has every IO they need and build for ST DPS at the sacrifice of everything else, I'm sure they can. In City of Heroes, on whatever server. You might find a tank who out DPS's a scrapper or brute, you might find find a scrapper or brute who out DPS's that tank. As evidenced by the results where a Fire/Fire came in at 200 DPS, a Kat/Fire at 175, and another Fire/Fire 244. So I log in and find one who does more, one who does the same and one who does less. Hurrah?

To Blue Centurion - Looking at your build its chasing damage bonuses when you'd get more benefit from slotting Recharge + Procs and establishing a fluid attack chain.

I think something like this would give you exponentially better survivability with better ST DPS. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6593C97252411486FB0E4820644092401213124864CC0 D3766631CE210AD8A1|
|5AA88445D52146906430105A4D49D1B5FC0852ED41750DFC9 8D7339BD019E7BFE0E|
|C6BA14F075FFF7749FBF4FDF937FBC1310E2E9B6D002379BE 55EAF74506E1DC9AE2|
|75FAE352AC22B84884029EDC8AA6CF5A4F5A0D16C76DA8F64 775E3DC8CBA69456F1|
|B843E362BF2B5BB57E3DB8DBAA4B1AF6AD9381BFD06E37AD6 247CAC3311EDE6ED4E|
|AFD46AB16E0D99E2C77683271323994DD5EBDD109DFEA342A D68DEE715F968AEDE3|
|66295FEEF565F749848CADD2EFA38FFE34FA898147ECD3C01 6CBF780229063C4371|
|92B3623EB17EA43AB8E8423E93D9D51A259428C240D67365E E567E30F199F289786|
|5CA6B6A839718B3120CA585A66AC85090BC2A224864A62140 83161EE037719678A0|
|0328FC0C7174AE24112E19966B79F49F242D2BDF7710E9C71 0527FE4A013E7636D0|
|7D90FC08F01F3062748FA3B0A28F66384FE03FC429600C016 26C8DA56FB4E984CA3|
|AF19C2D4EBE005E32BE5340100146104ECF4E02538C488861 531D42AA0EA1042F9D|
|4A0229C64C1AC83022BB0C8D1C4D2B47D303FA088394B02A7 F18E5CFA2FC59943F8|
|5B249A8658549CA1AD16D49D2C60AB204951B57B14D212765 FC2EE3F7CCEDD22208|
|6B72EBE71FA55DCF4E30D76CAB27A91CF7C7E0BB8045C6624 AE00CF18153A5B52AD|
|4AAEB194B2807520C748DB40966BF1815A3CA3CC64DEF219E D77C07B4695C22C156|
|06DF3D2F56BC0754688CE9B43809643B1EC37289639EC25FA 3A179532873D3948BB|
|9EE65C8AED522EB8944D97B2E7520AA64A4B8AC68A6F72D88 2839FFE61F7AAA7BFF|
|F29BA7607ADBB0B5CE50EFEE55AF2E7F4123445024D914653 FC059C0ED9E6|