456 -
Quote:Another "the real question" would be, why did they suddenly allow TF AVs to be affected by the downgrade-able when solo effect? They've never been subject to it before...You would still need the minimum number of people to start the TF, but then have all but one quit (so there are two left). The other person would need to log out but not quit. You have to have the minimum 2 people so the TF does not disband. You would then be able to solo the TF. However, one of the recent patches made TFs ignore the difficulty settings as people were getting Mo badges on -1 with no AVs and it was felt this was cheating the system a bit.
Do they become -2 levels when set to -1?
Glad to see some folks are hip to the -1 level.
Current ss/inv brute can do up to +4/x8 but when running with SKs and wife/gf's etc. I love -1/x8. -
I'll take the -KB enhancer if it is offered but I'm not gonna cry one way or another.
Would be interesting if it was possible to offer the power twice in the power tree, one with and one without, each locking you out of the other when picked. Or if the power customization and coloring thing let you pick kb/no-kb at the tailor somehow. -
Even knowing the mission ambush is coming isn't always even enough.
Fully knowing the 40 EB was coming and ready to solo 'em he popped in right on top of Ghost Widow, not even out of line of sight like most ambushes, the immediately detention field my toon... proceeding to then pwn the crap out of poor Ghost Widow in about 10 seconds. LMAO -
Quote:Yeah probably a root cause to all of this being seen. I want to say that this bug was around before the STF bug but could just be that I didn't see the STF bug till long after I noticed this bug, which is super obvious to classes with faster defeat capabilities like Blasters or Stalkers. Best way to see the bug is to one shot something and watch it go through all it's rigamarole of firing back.It just occured to me today, is this the bug that's letting the repairmen in the STF get their repairs off immediately? Sounds like death is no longer interrupting powers that are queued up, which would lead to the behavior described here, and to the unstoppable repairs on the STF towers.
Quote:Yeah, I gotta say, the ticket cap is awfully low for what can be done in a mission full of bosses. It is interesting how LTs seem to match up so well with it though, in my experience with a ~100 ticket variance or so. Then again, a mission laid out similar to a newspaper mission only yields a couple hundred tickets so maybe they think it's "awfully high?"The team is 22. I need to bump up the difficulty somehow - even without having taken Frag Grenade (yet - haven't actually visited a trainer in a while) I can't actually get the last part of the attack chain off against +1 lieutenants anymore. The target dies too fast.
I'll see how +2s do but I might want to switch to bosses (even though that'll cap me on tickets every map - right now +1 lieuts just about get me there). I wonder if there's a boss I can fight with natural kb resistance to keep frag grenade from scattering... -
I think he's point out that if you go out and farm one of these up now, your reward is even greater than ever for your farming effort. Not that I think anyone has found any very effective PvP farming methods beyond pure time intensive manual farming, nor do I have anything against farming either. I don't equate RMT people and any kind of exploiting with legitimate farming though.
Not that I'm saying you do either but there was a tendency on the old boards to jump on "farmers" in general. I feel the devs obviously aren't 100 percent farming of "any kind" or they would have done a lot more to wipe it out long ago, IMO, but I also don't want to start a huge farming debate so I'll stop there. -
Quote:The easiest way I have found to add someone is to right click their name and open it in a new tab or window then click the "user's list" pull down and do it there as "add to ignore list."It's in your User CP. You can't easily add to it like you could before, but it's still there and it still works. I'm curious to see if it will block quoted text now.
I've tested it out and it's more complicated than before with regards to the blocking of quoted text. Basically the old "you are ignoring this user" text is gone as a meme for new users as the board simply "rolls up" the posts of ignored users and adds two small options to the posts. One to "view post" and one to "remove user from ignore list." Basically makes it harder to see when there is a person posting that you are ignoring which will probably have you scratching your head from time to time when they suddenly pop up in quoted text since they are a lot more hidden with this style. -
Lol, exactly. Between the black on blue/green text and a sig picture probably 10 times the size of his text had he not played "special school for special children creative time" with I think I am going to have to kill myself with a 17.3 percent likely hood.
Quote:What if you wish to QR to the thread as a whole and not make one person feel like you are singling them out without going through the whole generic ***, time tested, "I didn't mean you specifically..." blah blah blah that always happens?First off, you don't really need to add "QR" to non-user-specific replies anymore, because this board's quote system automatically adds the name of the person you're quoting to the quote box, as well as a link to the specif post you're quoting. It'll be a hard habit for some folks to break, but it can be done.
As for the avatar fuzziness: Is you're avatar pic still 80X80? There may be some automatic upscaling going on. If it's 100x100 ... well, I dunno. -
Quote:This!Honestly, there's WAY too much blank space in this new setup.
Forum topics = about 90% wasted space, which given the way they set up the thread author means that 10 topics take up about the half the damn screen.
The old forums were compact, elegant, and nice IMO. Image sigs? I hate those damn things.
Is it not in the section with Show Signatures, Show Avatars and Show Images? The options there disable ALL images including smilies and the like and we're just looking for sig images to be disabled specifically. -
Yeah, mine neither. Not that I think it's fair to block EmperorSteele... LOL I kid, I kid.
I only ended up using the Ignore function for obvious gimmick posters and such though so I'll just rebuild it from scratch.
They might as well have merged this forum with the RP forums! -
Quote:Formatting the new forum to at least match the color scheme of the game like the old forums would have at least been a nod to the quality presentation and thought that went into the old forums layout and look. There are tons of forums out there with MANY various skins made from SCRATCH. In this case they already had a layout, various pieces of art and access to all in info they would need to make a simple copycat skin. So take your "*huge* undertaking" BS overstatement and stick it.It's an entirely different system. Creating a new skin just to look like the old one would have been a *huge* undertaking...and quite frankly, a waste of time.
Somehow "more options" are only a waste of time when it's convenient for making confrontational statements and belittling other peoples opinions. A copycat skin would have helped ease this transition greatly by keeping it from being such a stark difference when folks logged in. It doesn't seem to me that they put ANY time into this current format, it looks generic as all get out. White text on a paint tool fade of a background, oooh, aaahhh. -
Quote:Gah, what is more important in this post, your sig picture or the post text? The pic is bigger than the post... is it more important that folks not have remorse? What does that have to do with AE vs. Non-AE XP!?!?I guess they couldn't differentiate AE gained XP from Non AE gained XP
I kid, I kid!
For the record, I called AE XP would work and don't care that it does.
Hmm, no smilies to calm the ******** out there, I'll try... -
One vote for "this is bad" here.
If the new forums are about having more options then this move smacks of ********.
You can sell IO's on the market, sure, but how does random sales of Powerleveling pacts and self congratulatory #9's have to to with IO's?* What does picking the best frankenslotting and set bonuses for your powers have to do with the Market?**
Pre-smarm answers!
*It affects the amount of IO's available out there as there are more higher level toons with more slots needing more IO's!
**You can try to say that "best" is relative, maybe cheap IO's are better? -
All this effort to crossover and no token effort into a "classic skin?"
Quote:Even with all the bonus carriage returns you chucked in, your sig picture is bigger than your contribution to the thread, makes me LOL. When you throw in a one liner it's literally 10+ times larger than the post! :grin:Throw my vote in to retain my signature image.
You can pry it out of my signature when I'm deadUntil then, here it is in glorious 400x120 beauty
In fact, I'll be making a new version at the max size (600x120) shortly
Edit: Oh and hey look at that, the :grin: smiley doesn't work anymore and there is no quick smiles! -
(LOL went for a quick reply and now you have to QR directly to a person? Why not just a quick reply to the thread in general. This was one of those annoying *** traits with the "QR" tag in the old forums...)
Thought of a decent option for some folks out there with the annoying global pics vs. signature pics thing. If you are a Firefox user go for an addon called Adblock Plus and you can right click and remove specific pictures. No more glowing Halo dudes or demons and such if you don't like them. You may find this handy for animated avatars and silly -
Quote:What if we thought it was better that it was GLOBALLY off and not allowed at all?Don't mean for it to sound like having a go at particular people, but it would be nice if people actually had a look at the options before complaining or whining about something.
But.. just for those coming in late try this link: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/profi...do=editoptions and if you don't want images turn the image options off.
Pic sigs are obviously, beyond all obviousness, worse than text sigs. Even an ascii art text sig would be... "less bad" than pic sigs. "Picture is worth a thousand words..." and all that. In a forum that is text focused, pictures in signatures is always a ridiculous siren with lights blaring away in peoples back pockets. They somehow claim to get used to it sitting there screaming away as they walk from person to person never considering how they affect others. -
Quote:This was the first thing I noticed so yay for clicking "English" to get the format as pointed out, thanks!Is there a way to show specific forums automatically instead of clicking every category?
Don't want my first post to be negative so, good job migrating old stuff to the new stuff and getting it online.